Attempting to Survive the Apocalypse: Dimensional Dislocation

And we have a winner, be ready for hundreds of tsundere HK416's. :V

Well we did it the military is now in control, for now it was the right call I just hope it stays that way.

So what are people's thoughts about Russia and cooperating with them? They know about that place on the other side.

[X] Share

I think I'd want to make stronger ties with them.
Holy fuck those were overall some terrible rolls.
Well actually…
The average is 44.2 which isn't too bad. The problem is we have a fair number of slightly to moderately above average roils balancing several really below average rolls.

Could have been worse.
Could have been better too, but could have been a lot worse.

Military looks like they will be tolerable, at least for the moment.

Sorawo lives! And even got a cool new accessory to wear. Far more lenient than I had feared from a crit fail.

[X] Share
End of the world here. Unless we learn they are planning to hasten the annihilation of humanity anything we can do to help them without hurting ourselves should be done.
[X] Share

I'm leaning towards holding off for now, we have no real idea how much this information is worth and we paid for it with the lives of our soldiers so I'd at least want to make sure we're getting a good deal out of it.
There's a certain degree of urgency here, what with the rapidly impending end of the world. Fucking around with the information because we want to extract more value is unlikely to work.

So what form did this assassination attempt take exactly?

EDIT: I'm leaning towards sharing the information with the Russians it's not a gamble I'm happy about but I'm not sure how much damage this info could hurt us right now.
Even a marginal improvement in our chances against the Collapse is worth virtually any risk that could possibly come form aggrandizing the Russians.


Looking at the numbers, our savable-population is effectively permanently bottlenecked by sealed industry and water at the moment because those are the lowest indicators. Any chance of a project that does... something... to boop those particular indicators up a bit to bring them into line with the others?
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Looking at the numbers, our savable-population is effectively permanently bottlenecked by sealed industry and water at the moment because those are the lowest indicators. Any chance of a project that does... something... to boop those particular indicators up a bit to bring them into line with the others?
At a guess? Depends on if it would be a manpower or material shortage causing the bottleneck in those areas.

Skilled manpower should perhaps be its own section too.

Material we can't do much about, we've hammered automation over and over, and the voters pushed off the ability to create manpower until just this turn.

It won't be getting into the ranges of even squint-and-tilt-your-head-to-maybe-see-it levels of skilled labor until stage three as well. Would have been good for transporting goods still though probably?

Also that just moves up the bracket to the next bottleneck, whatever that might be.

Not speaking against you, just... we're kind of doing it already, the thread just didn't start it until this turn (and I wasn't here until like... the turn before last? So I wasn't pushing for it until just a bit ago).

Looking at the numbers, our savable-population is effectively permanently bottlenecked by sealed industry and water at the moment because those are the lowest indicators. Any chance of a project that does... something... to boop those particular indicators up a bit to bring them into line with the others?
No, maximum effort is already being made in all sectors to work as hard as possible, those areas just started later than the rest.

The only contribution you can make now is providing more, or better, hands to work with.
No, maximum effort is already being made in all sectors to work as hard as possible, those areas just started later than the rest.

The only contribution you can make now is providing more, or better, hands to work with.
So, no room for differential allocation to prioritize shoring up the weakest sectors? Like "first priority on new labor-bots is for building waterworks" or anything.

Um. Okay.
[X] Share
Seeing Russia pretty much the major front line too this problem I see no reason to not help them.

They might share some practical info in exchange for ours.
meme popped up when they noticed that one had the affectionate name Dog stencilled across it.

The doog slayer has arrived.

Also, just to ask, the weapon standardization for the HK416 means our primary ammo type is 5.56 right? And by extension, are weapons that also use 5.56 are in our arsenal, just not as the standard rifle?

I.E. marksman rifles like the mk11, CQB weapons like the G36C, alternative ARs if a soldier is from a nation that previously used them extensively & has more training with it, etc etc.
(84/50: 5 Resources per Die -10 Public Confidence -30 Political Support)
Noo....we shouldn't have taken this action...I know this'll smoehow come to bite us back. But on other matters,

I think sharing with the russians would be in our best interests. Not only would it increase our ties with them, but we know that there's something valuable in their stores. Well,considering the contact who died anyway. Poor Sorawo, becoming the target of assasination. There's got to be some way we can investigate it, because I refuse to believe it wasn't planned somehow.
[X] Share

Go go gadget child soldier :V
Well, aren't they technically adults? Robots done usually have an age that means something.
To master the dice, you must let it run free. To see success, you must be blind to failure. To bathe in the light, you must pass beneath the shadow.

Our rolls may be bad now, but don't let that deter us.
Q2 2026
Q2 2026

Humans Surviving: 3,891,561,752

When you sent off your half of the report, you half expected the Russians to snub you and hold back, but surprisingly enough they actually came through on their end of the deal and a fairly large package of data was delivered to the Foundation's facility by courier, of all things. Still, the data was real and the information contained within was more than a little surprising. The USSR had been sending expeditions across into the other dimension for decades, apparently one of the breaches they had was stable enough that it was open all the time, rather than requiring assistance to pass.

Records of creatures encountered, a detailed handbook of various mechanical "helpers" that weren't immediately hostile to travellers, the strange and slightly alien facility and what little space they had managed to map so far. You didn't understand why they would share such a wealth of data with you until you eventually found a file simply labelled Terminus Map - Earth. It took a few minutes to parse what you were looking at, the highly complex 3D map of the area transposed down into a 2D format, but when you did...

Ecumenopolis. A city so large and dense that the entire planet was one interconnected whole, layers upon layers of continent sized platforms built over the top of the previous city layers, over and over until they had extended well into the upper atmosphere and beyond. It suddenly made rather a lot of sense why they would share, you were going to find out anyway and this planet was so impossibly dense that the entirety of humanity could spend thousands of years searching it and not cover even a fraction of the place.

This felt like something of a peace offering from your Russian counterpart, in the face of the enormity of the challenge standing before the both of you. "Elisa, sort by most recent." Sure enough, a small text file written just a few days before sits at the top of the list, the message inside plain as day. In the interest of the enormity of the problem facing humanity, I felt it would be best to ensure that all parties understand the scale of the problem, and how it cannot be handled alone. Consider this a welcoming gift to the party, we've been keeping your seat warm for you. - Victor Zieliński

San Francisco Report - IDC Event

At 15:23 a breach opened several miles outside of San Francisco and began leaking liquid Collapse Fluid. US Military response was swift, but they were unable to prevent a large number [est >40] of IDC from entering the city proper. At 15:37 the quarantine force holding containment around the breach reported contact before falling silent, news footage then shows a colossal IDC unlike any other seen before [Quadrupedal, est height 70m, est length 25m.] making it's way towards the city proper.

The creature did not appear to intentionally damage anything as it passed through the city [noted avoiding trampling humans], but due to it's size and attacks from the US military substantial damage was caused by it's passage. After moving in a mostly straight line for 6400m [est] the creature somehow created a breach in the middle of the city and passed back into the other dimension without stopping.

News coverage was cut quickly, but it is believed that a notable portion of the country may have seen the creature. Despite this, the official government position is that this was an inciting attack by foreign nations and has been using it as a rallying cry. Fringe elements that had been suppressed by martial law appear to have taken this opportunity to perform some important task, but it is unknown what they achieved.

It is not known how long the created breaches will last, but as of this report, they have not closed after 13 hours.

Resources: 750 + 200
Political Support: 40
Public Confidence: 25/100
Free Dice: 2/2

Economic Factors
Sealed Housing: 56 [+26 (+9)]
Sealed Agriculture: 56 [+26 (+9)]
Decontaminated Water: 33 [+20 (+9)]
Sealed Power: 56 [+26 (+9)]
Sealed Industry: 33 [+20 (+9)]
Radiation Suits: 62 [+29 (+9)]

Future Foundation Economic Status
Housing: Sufficient (0)
Food: Sufficient (0)
Water: Sufficient (0)
Power: Immense Deficit (-72)
Labour: Sufficient (0)

Future Foundation Military Status
Operations Dice: 1/1
Logistics: Small Deficit (-5)
Fuel: Substantial Deficit (-30)
Ammunition: Substantial Deficit (-35)
Maintenance: Large Deficit (-15)
Repair Capacity: Small Deficit (-2)

All Future Foundation supply needs are currently covered by the EU

Infrastructure (4 Dice)

[] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 1)
Small extensions to the central facility can be made to expand capacity, used to supply the staff and soldiers of the Foundation.
(31/75: 15 Resources per Die +3 Housing +3 Food +3 Water -3 Power)

[] Expand Barracks (Stage 1)
Expand the facilities used to house your military force, giving you additional housing capability. The barracks are capable of supporting a sealed environment to live in, but it is a rather grim affair for everyone involved.
(0/50: 5 Resource per Die +1 Operations Dice -1 Housing, -1 Food, -1 Water -10 Ammunition -10 Logistics) (-5 Political Support for each turn not taken)

[] Military Warehouses (Stage 1)
The warehouse built into your facility was only ever intended to be minor storage for the prototyping work going on inside the main structure and various foodstuffs. It definitely was not meant to be crammed full of the incredible variety of equipment that modern soldiers need to perform their duties. Constructing a separate warehouse for military purposes would massively reduce the difficulty of storing and retrieving them.
(9/50: 10 Resources per Die +3 Logistics +2 Maintenance -1 Labour)

[] Supply Transport (Stage 1)
Getting the supplies from the warehouses to the soldiers in the field has been a problem plaguing logisticians for millennia. Thankfully, in the modern era it was as vastly simpler, as they could be transported by land, sea and air. Your needs are rather more limited though, a motor pool for a small fleet of trucks and lorries should greatly increase your ability to get supplies where you need them to.
(0/100: 15 Resources per Die +8 Logistics -2 Maintenance -5 Fuel -2 Labour)

[] Maintenance Facility (Stage 1)
At the moment, if you wanted something repaired or had to have work done, it would either need to be sent off for repair or have someone called in. The realities of the incoming collapse make that kind of outside reliance an enormous hindrance. Building a simple facility that contains the tools required to fix everything on base is just good sense. Mostly containing manual and power tools for work around the base, but it does have a large room for working on vehicles.
(40/50: 5 Resources per Die +5 Maintenance -2 Labour)

[] Robotics Repair Facility (Stage 2)
The nice thing about robots is that if they get riddled with bullets, you can haul them back into the shop and simply replace the damaged parts without needing an entire new unit. This new facility is capable of repairing combat damage and bringing destroyed units back into operation.
(41/100: 15 Resources per Die +5 Repair Capacity -3 Labour)

[] Foundation Electrification (Stage 1)
Fuel is expensive, time consuming and difficult to produce unless working on industrial scales. More importantly, after the collapse it will be very difficult to acquire said fuel for what you need it for. The simple answer is to electrify as many things currently using fuel as possible, power is much easier to come about.
(30/50: 15 Resources per Die +10 Fuel -10 Power)

[] Kipi Research Station
Establish a local research station that can directly study the site of the dimensional breach that allowed your forces to cross over. The site is a combination of research labs and a heavily fortified outer layer, with emplaced turrets to deal with potential IDC attacks and general defence.
(0/50: 10 Resources per Die -5 Labour -2 Power) (Lowers cost of projects involving crossing or studying dimensions)

Industry (4 Dice)

[] Low-Upkeep Power (Stage 1)
In the future, the availability of resources and materials for running large power plants will be heavily limited, so establishing a policy of using Low-Upkeep power wherever possible is a good idea. This mostly comes in the form of solar panels wherever they can fit, interspersed with wind turbines.
(7/25: 5 Resources per Die +10 Power)

[] High-Capacity Power
Using the nuclear reactor that your own team had designed would allow for a very dense power source that can supply very large quantities of power 24/7. Due to it's small size it can even be located within your walls, though some of the design team do seems a bit twitchy about that prospect. Bah, everyone was going to be wearing radiation suits anyway.
(177/200: 20 Resources per Die +100 Power -5 Labour)

[] Foundation Self-Sufficiency (Stage 1)
The Foundation was currently entirely reliant on the constantly diminishing ability of the Union to provide it with supplies. Either by taking control over or building our own, we need to ensure that the resources we need to continue running are ensured always.
(9/100: 15 Resources per Die +25 Resources per Turn)

[] ALR-50 Production (Stage 1)
Demand for the ALR platform is very high, construct the factories needed to bring the revolutionary product into the world. The factories will need to be localised around the Foundation Headquarters, both to maintain operational security and ensure that you can ensure a steady supply in the future.
(0/50: 15 Resources per Die -10 Power -10 Maintenance +5 Labour +2 Incremental Increase per Quarter +5 Political Support) (Military Covering Cost) (Important)

[] ALR-51 Development
For all that the ALR-50 was a masterwork of robotics, it was crude and limited in many ways. The ALR required 50% more man hours to produce than they could provide before requiring intensive maintenance, the battery life was far too short and it was incapable of changing the tools mounted itself, requiring critical human input. These issues must be fixed.
(0/300: 5 Resources per Die) (+3 Incremental Increase per Quarter)

[] Munition Foundries (Stage 1)
Now that a calibre had finally been decided upon, local factories can begin supplying the Foundation with their ammunition of choice, 5.56 NATO.
(0/50: 10 Resources per Die -10 Power +10 Ammunition +3 Logistics -5 Labour)

Services (5 Dice)

[] Automation Intensification
You have built the foundations of your tower, now it's time to climb to the heavens. Focus intensely on increasing efficiency per worker and cutting out the remaining jobs that can be performed by a machine.
-[] Infrastructure (Stage 2) (50/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Infrastructure Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Industry (Stage 2) (0/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Industry Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Services (Stage 3) (33/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Military (Stage 2) (3/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Services Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[] Dimensional (Stage 1) (0/50: 5 Resources per Die +1 Dimensional Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)

[] Integrate AI Planning
AI are very capable of solving problems within a closed environment, this makes it difficult to have an AI plan to do things in the real world, as the problem space is far too large. Instead, utilise AI to solve the many little steps of a problem, using human intelligence to bridge the gaps between and form them into a greater whole.
(0/50: 5 Resources per Die +1 Free Dice)

[] Personal Assistants
Now that you have a working example, providing assistants to each of your heads of staff should greatly ease the burden of the workload they are suffering under.
(0/100: 5 Resources per Die +1 Free Dice)

[] Public Propaganda
While it's not explicitly your role, you could certainly attempt to help public opinion along with a bit from the sidelines.
(Roll 1d100 per dice to attempt to regain Public Confidence. DC 25/50/75/90)

[] Investigate Assassination Attempt
You were more than capable of flexing the Foundations political muscle to get the Intelligence community to do their jobs right for once, pushing this matter to the very top of their list of priorities. Try to kill one of yours will they? They'll learn.
(0/25: 20 Resources per Die -10 Political Support)

Military (6 Dice)

[] Local ACR-10 Factory (Stage 2)
Establishing local production of the ACR-10 ensures a slow but steady trickle of the robots into your forces, preventing the possibility of being unable to replenish lost supplies when the current factories cease production.
(68/75: 10 Resources per Die +7 Maintenance +3 Logistics -5 Power -5 Labour)

[] Light Vehicle Acquisition
At the moment the Foundation is almost totally bereft of any light vehicles, much of the supply is currently being borrowed from various local military forces. Get in contact with the major suppliers and get a supply contract started.
(0/75: 10 Resources per Die -3 Logistics -2 Maintenance -5 Fuel -10 Ammunition)

[] Aircraft Acquisition
The Foundation is currently borrowing helicopters as transports from local military groups, establishing a small landing pad along with the maintenance facilities on-site would increase the reach of your forces significantly.
(62/100: 10 Resources per Die +5 Logistics +3 Maintenance)

[] ACR-10 Field Modification Kits
The Prowler has already proven it's worth dozens of times over during the Kipi Incident and while the soldiers have nothing but praise for it, they also have several observations about potential improvements that can be made to the machine.
(0/25: 5 Resources per Die -2 Logistics -1 Maintenance)

[] IDCS Network
Establish a loose network of facilities made for housing the new IDC sensors, allowing for notable concentrations of IDC to be detected from a large distance.
(0/100: 15 Resources per Die -5 Power -2 Labour)

[] Breach Fortifications
Now that you have identified the locations that IDC are most capable of breaking into our world through, a series of nearby bases and defensive emplacements can be built to provide passive protection against any IDC that may pass through. This would necessitate creating a local guard unit capable of rapid reaction to any breaches in the area, along with the facilities required to sustain them.
-[] German Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die -10 Ammunition -10 Logistics)
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die -10 Ammunition -10 Logistics)
-[] Slovakia Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die -10 Ammunition -10 Logistics)
-[] Kipi Breach (0/200: 15 Resources per Die -10 Ammunition -10 Logistics)

[] ACR-H-20 Development
As the recent incidents at Kipi and San Francisco show, IDC can come in variants much larger than anything a Prowler is currently equipped to deal with. Taking cues from the success of the ACR-10 this new model is much bigger, with significantly thicker legs to ensure it cannot be easily knocked over by physical impacts. A modular position is open for weapons up to 90mm in size placed atop the chassis, with mounting points for shock absorbent material to counter IDC melee attacks, while retaining the ability to mount traditional armour against the focused penetration of modern weaponry.
(0/100: 10 Resources per Die)

Operations (1 Dice)

[] Hunt Down IDC
Now that you have military forces, send them out to hunt down the IDC you know are roaming around Europe.
-[] German Breach (0/1) (Average Confidence)
-[] Swiss/Italian Breach (0/1) (Average Confidence)
-[] Slovakia Breach (0/1) (Average Confidence)
-[] Kipi Breach (0/1) (Average Confidence)

[] Take Deeper Readings
Using your new CFR detectors and radiation suits, you can send people deep inside the lethal zones to take significantly more detailed readings. Perhaps you could even try to devise some way to find concentrations of Collapse Fluid?
(0/1) (Average Confidence)

[] Assist ELID Purges
While the military is handling the bulk of maintaining containment of the immense number of ELID, now would be a good time to utilise your forces to gather combat data against this deadly consequence of Collapse Fluid Radiation.
(0/1 +5 Public Confidence) (High Confidence)

Dimensional (4 Dice)

[] Worldwalker
Your military advisor is a self professed, with extensive evidence proving, dimensional traveller. At the moment, you have no way to strike back at the IDC that cross into your dimension, you have plans to change that. Learn how it works from her and open up the gates to the multiverse, then invade them back.
(84/400: 5 Resources per Die)

Personal (2 Dice)

[] Found 90Wish
You were very intrigued at the possibilities of working with your colleagues, but knew full well that your new bosses would refuse outright at sharing what were essentially state secrets with outsiders. Frankly, you didn't give a damn what they wanted there, so you decided that you'd just have to make it a secret collaboration group, with the founding rule being all members keeping the secret of it's existence.
(0/1. +20 per Dice to Robotics Rolls. +20 per Dice to AI Rolls.)

[] Enemy of My Enemy
Your Russian counterpart certainly dropped one hell of a bomb on all of your preconceived notions, Mr Zieliński is evidently very open to establishing a working relationship between your two organisations. Get in contact with him and open negotiations under the table.

[] Neural Cloud Backup System
Seeing how easily even the heavily armoured memory cores of the ACR's could be destroyed had reminded you how vulnerable the Neural Cloud system was to damage and interruptions. Should, for whatever reason, Elisa lose power for even a second the collapse of her Neural Cloud would cause incredible damage to it. A Neural Cloud required constant power to operate, but if you could implement a backup system then at least the saved Neural Cloud could be loaded from memory rather than lost forever.

[] Social
Spend time with someone
-[] Sorawo
-[] Elisa

+5 Dice Bonus
[] Dice Type?
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[X] Plan LDj

Infrastructure (4 Dice)
-[x] Maintenance Facility (Stage 1) - 1 dice, 5 R
-[x] Robotics Repair Facility (Stage 2) - 2 dice, 30 R
-[x] Foundation Electrification (Stage 1) - 1 dice, 15 R

Industry (4 Dice)
-[x] Low-Upkeep Power (Stage 1) - 1 free dice, 5 R
-[x] High-Capacity Power - 2 Dice, 40 R
-[x] ALR-50 Production (Stage 1) - 2 dice, 30 R
-[x] ALR-51 Development - 1 free dice, 5 R

Services (5 Dice)
-[x] Automation Intensification
--[x] Infrastructure (Stage 2) - 1 dice, 5 R
--[x] Services (Stage 3) - 2 dice, 10 R
-[x] Integrate AI Planning 2 dice, 10 R

Military (6 Dice)
-[x] Local ACR-10 Factory (Stage 2) - 1 Dice, 10 R
-[x] Aircraft Acquisition - 1 dice, 10 R
-[x] ACR-10 Field Modification Kits - 1 dice, 5 R
-[x] ACR-H-20 Development - 3 dice, 30 R

Operations (1 Dice)
-[x] Assist ELID Purges - 1 dice

Dimensional (4 Dice)
-[x] Worldwalker - 4 dice, 20 R

Personal (2 Dice)
-[x] Found 90Wish - 1 dice
-[x] Enemy of My Enemy - 1 dice

-[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Industry (Free Dice)

Total R cost: 200

Am I possibly using more dice than strictly necessary? Yes. Am I tired of undershooting goals because we're spreading ourselves thin? Also yes.
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[x] Plan: Expanding Operations
-[x] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 1) (31/75) - 1 Die
-[x] Maintenance Facility (Stage 1) (40/50) - 1 Die
-[x] Foundation Electrification (Stage 1) (30/50) - 1 Die
-[x] Military Warehouses (Stage 1) (9/50) - 1 Die

-[x] High-Capacity Power (177/200) - 1 Die
-[x] Munition Foundries (Stage 1) (0/50) - 1 Dice
-[x] ALR-50 Production (Stage 1) (0/50) - 2 Die

-[x] Automation Intensification
--[x] Infrastructure (Stage 2) (50/75) - 1 Die (Free Dice)
--[x] Industry (Stage 2) (0/75) - 1 Die
-[x] Integrate AI Planning (0/50) - 1 Die
-[x] Personal Assistants (0/100) - 2 Die
-[x] Investigate Assassination Attempt - 1 Die

-[x] Local ACR-10 Factory (Stage 2) (68/75) - 1 Die
-[x] ACR-10 Field Modification Kits (0/25) - 1 Die
-[x] Light Vehicle Acquisition (0/75) - 1 Die
-[x] Aircraft Acquisition (35/100) - 1 Die
-[x] ACR-H-20 Development (0/100) - 2 Dice

-[x] Assist ELID Purges - 1 dice

-[x] Worldwalker (49/400) - 4 Die

-[x] Found 90Wish (0/1) - 1 Die
-[x] Enemy of My Enemy (0/1) - 1 Die

-[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Services (Free Dice)

Resources Spent: 200
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Neural clouds seem likely to be the next roadblock for Dolls.

Not to mention it helps get Elisa leveled up. She hopefully will be able to act as a hero unit.
[x] Integrate AI Planning 2 dice, 10 R
This has dropped down to 50 progress so two dice is a bit much don't you think?

-[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Services (Free Dice)
-[x] +5 Dice Bonus to Military (Free Dice)
We can only apply the bonus +5 to one section per turn.
- Scientific Connections: She personally knows and talks to many people who are leading their fields. (Once a turn, she can apply a +5 to any type of dice)

[X] Plan underhanded help
Infrastructure 4/4 Dice 40R
-[X] Expand Foundation Headquarters (Stage 1) 1 die 15R
(31/75: 15 Resources per Die +3 Housing +3 Food +3 Water -3 Power)
-[X] Expand Barracks (Stage 1) 1 die 5R
(0/50: 5 Resource per Die +1 Operations Dice -1 Housing, -1 Food, -1 Water -10 Ammunition -10 Logistics) (-5 Political Support for each turn not taken)
-[X] Maintenance Facility (Stage 1) 1 die 5R
(40/50: 5 Resources per Die +5 Maintenance -2 Labour)
-[X] Foundation Electrification (Stage 1) 1 die 15R
(30/50: 15 Resources per Die +10 Fuel -10 Power)
Industry 4/4 Dice 55R
-[X] Low-Upkeep Power (Stage 1) 1 die 5R
(7/25: 5 Resources per Die +10 Power)
-[X] High-Capacity Power 1 die 20R
(177/200: 20 Resources per Die +100 Power -5 Labour)
-[X] Foundation Self-Sufficiency (Stage 1) 2 dice 30R
(9/100: 15 Resources per Die +25 Resources per Turn)
-[X] ALR-50 Production (Stage 1) 1 free die
(0/50: 15 Resources per Die -10 Power -10 Maintenance +5 Labour +2 Incremental Increase per Quarter +5 Political Support) (Military Covering Cost) (Important)
Services 5/5 Dice 40R
-[X] Automation Intensification
--[X] Infrastructure (Stage 2) 1 die 5R
(50/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Infrastructure Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
--[X] Industry (Stage 2) 2 dice 10R
(0/75: 5 Resources per Die +1 Industry Dice +3 Labour -2 Power)
-[X] Integrate AI Planning 1 die 5R
(0/50: 5 Resources per Die +1 Free Dice)
-[X] Public Propaganda 1 die
(Roll 1d100 per dice to attempt to regain Public Confidence. DC 25/50/75/90)
-[X] Investigate Assassination Attempt 1 free die 20R
(0/25: 20 Resources per Die -10 Political Support)
Military 6/6 Dice 65R
-[X] Local ACR-10 Factory (Stage 2) 1 die 10R
(68/75: 10 Resources per Die +7 Maintenance +3 Logistics -5 Power -5 Labour)
-[X] Aircraft Acquisition 1 die 10R
(62/100: 10 Resources per Die +5 Logistics +3 Maintenance)
-[X] ACR-10 Field Modification Kits 1 die 5R
(0/25: 5 Resources per Die -2 Logistics -1 Maintenance)
-[X] IDCS Network 2 dice 30R
(0/100: 15 Resources per Die -5 Power -2 Labour)
-[X] ACR-H-20 Development 1 die 10R
(0/100: 10 Resources per Die)
Operations 1/1 Dice
-[X] Assist ELID Purges
(0/1 +5 Public Confidence) (High Confidence)
Dimensional 4/4 Dice 20R
-[X] Worldwalker 4 dice 20R
(89/400: 5 Resources per Die)
Personal 2/2 Dice
-[X]Found 90Wish
(0/1. +20 per Dice to Robotics Rolls. +20 per Dice to AI Rolls.)
-[X] Enemy of My Enemy
+5 Dice Bonus
-[X] Industry
Free Dice: 2/2
Resources 220/750
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