Voting is open
[X] Plan: Small Steps
-[X] Martial: Repurposing Production
-[X] Stewardship: Taking Stock
-[X] Intrigue: Domestic Affairs
-[X] Learning: Clinic Repurposing
-[X] Personal: Personal Attention - Stewardship

Guess I get to vote after all... XD
[X] Plan Wasteful Mouse
-[X] Martial: Repurposing Production
-[X] Stewardship: Taking Stock
-[X] Intrigue: Domestic Affairs
-[X] Learning: Up To Code
-[X] Personal: Personal Attention - Learning
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[X] Plan Military Escalation
-[X] Expanding Production
-[X] Ministry Reorganization
-[X] Surplus Sale
-[X] Spy Probes
-[X] Up To Code
-[X] Get To Know San
[X] Plan: Small Steps
-[X] Martial: Repurposing Production
-[X] Stewardship: Taking Stock
-[X] Intrigue: Domestic Affairs
-[X] Learning: Clinic Repurposing
-[X] Personal: Personal Attention - Stewardship
Here are some plans designed to avoid going into debt and having to do the Surplus Sale.

[] Plan War for Profit
-[] Military Response
-[] Ministry Reorganization
-[] Taking Stock
-[] Domestic Affairs
-[] To Boldly Go
-[] Personal Attention - Martial

As mentioned before, this plan is designed to save money to buy us time. Chances of success are 93% (Martial), 100% (Diplomacy), 80% (Stewardship), 82% (Intrigue) and 90% (Learning).

Economy: 81,000 (Initial) - 10,000 (Stewardship) - 10,000 (Intrigue) + 11,000 (Income) = 72,000

[X] Plan Save Money
-[X] Emergency Refits
-[X] Ministry Reorganization
-[X] Taking Stock
-[X] Domestic Affairs
-[X] Digging for Clues
-[X] Personal Attention - Learning

This plan is safer and sets us up to learn more about the mystery ships without going in guns blazing, but it does have its own risks because the rolls are less reliable. Chances of success are 81% (Martial), 100% (Diplomacy), 80% (Stewardship), 82% (Intrigue) and 77% (Learning).

Economy: 81,000 (Initial) - 5,000 (Martial) - 10,000 (Stewardship) - 10,000 (Intrigue) + 11,000 (Income) = 67,000
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[X] Plan: Small Steps
-[X] Martial: Repurposing Production
-[X] Stewardship: Taking Stock
-[X] Intrigue: Domestic Affairs
-[X] Learning: Clinic Repurposing
-[X] Personal: Personal Attention - Stewardship
[X] Plan: Small Steps
-[X] Martial: Repurposing Production
-[X] Stewardship: Taking Stock
-[X] Intrigue: Domestic Affairs
-[X] Learning: Clinic Repurposing
-[X] Personal: Personal Attention - Stewardship

Was going to argue for this, but Taking Stock/Domestic Affairs is a better way of handling the corruption than Militarizing Freighters (assuming the Intrigue roll doesn't crit fail).
[ ] Plan Needs A Name
-[ ] Repurposing Production
-[ ] Militarize Freighters
-[ ] Spy Probes
-[ ] Clinic Repurposing
-[ ] Personal Attention
-- Stewardship
[X] Plan: Small Steps

Since there's a lot of support for rooting out corruption now, I'd rather this route, which lets us stack the deck. I don't think jury-rigging freighters is a good idea, and using a temporary re-purposing of civilian industry now to "surge" our ship count makes a good deal of sense. Hopefully within a couple of years we can be building infrastructure and other more money-producing actions....
Also, I prefer getting the clinics set up now, because the idea of another plague ripping through our population frightens me. I'd love to do Up To Code but I'd rather a healthier population first.
Current Tally:
Adhoc vote count started by gutza1 on Jul 26, 2017 at 1:30 PM, finished with 51 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Small Steps
    -[X] Martial: Repurposing Production
    -[X] Stewardship: Taking Stock
    -[X] Intrigue: Domestic Affairs
    -[X] Learning: Clinic Repurposing
    -[X] Personal: Personal Attention - Stewardship
    [X] Plan Military Escalation
    -[X] Expanding Production
    -[X] Ministry Reorganization
    -[X] Surplus Sale
    -[X] Spy Probes
    -[X] Up To Code
    -[X] Get To Know San
    [X] Ministry Reorganization: Virmire was, until the Rachni came, a colony of the Council, and since then it has been entirely devoted to military pursuits. You've never needed a truly professional Ministry of Relations. Thus, most of your people are charming amateurs. Marae, Matron that she is, has worked in this craft before, as a consul on Sur'Kesh. If you give her the word, she can get to work getting you a proper Ministry. Time: 1 year. Chance of Success: 55%. Cost: 15,000 credits. Effect: Restructure your Ministry of Relations, replace inexperienced and unprofessional staff with merely inexperienced staff, lose debuffs to Chances of Success from everybody being slightly shit.
    [X] Plan Wasteful Mouse
    -[X] Martial: Repurposing Production
    -[X] Stewardship: Taking Stock
    -[X] Intrigue: Domestic Affairs
    -[X] Learning: Up To Code
    -[X] Personal: Personal Attention - Learning
    [X] Plan Save Money
    -[X] Emergency Refits
    -[X] Ministry Reorganization
    -[X] Taking Stock
    -[X] Domestic Affairs
    -[X] Digging for Clues
    -[X] Personal Attention - Learning
Good plan @SkyLing , but I would recommend that you swap Get To Know San with a Personal Attention to Taking Stock. It is a critical action that could really use the help and San can wait, not to mention that low succes chance on it.
[x] Plan Needs A Name
-[x] Repurposing Production
-[x] Militarize Freighters
-[x] Spy Probes
-[x] Clinic Repurposing
-[x] Personal Attention
--[x] Stewardship (Militarize Freighters)

I made this hill and I'm going to die on it.
[X] Plan: Reasonable Minister
-[X] Martial: Repurposing Production
-[X] Stewardship: Taking Stock
-[X] Intrigue: Domestic Affairs
-[X] Learning: Clinic Repurposing
-[X] Personal: Get To Know San:

We need to take the corruption options for Stewardship and Intrigue otherwise we are dead. Repurposing Production is the only option out of the two good ones that we can afford; the higher casualties are unacceptable.

the only two options that are flexable are learning and personal, and given the update I feel that getting to know San is more important then boosting the success change of the Stewardship action. Especially given that the Intrigue action would probably push it over by itself and be far worse if it fails. our low Intrigue score means that we can't really help with that but if nothing else talking to the Intrigue advisor couldn't hurt.
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I can get behind this one.

[x] Plan Needs A Name
-[x] Repurposing Production
-[x] Militarize Freighters
-[x] Spy Probes
-[x] Clinic Repurposing
-[x] Personal Attention
--[x] Stewardship (Militarize Freighters)
[X] Plan: Small Steps

If we can get all these to succeed, then next turn hopefully chances of success are good enough we can spare our personal action to get to know San better...
Voting is open