What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I'm more wondering how the fuck anyone survives some bad warp weather if we're getting hit this bad with all the prepwork, advanced warning, and individual self-sufficiency we had going.
I mean I would not be surprised if we are being targeted by chaos considering we have multiple things that makes them hate us. Plus this is also the result of rolling slaneesh's number.
I'm more wondering how the fuck anyone survives some bad warp weather if we're getting hit this bad with all the prepwork, advanced warning, and individual self-sufficiency we had going.
Typically? You run the fuck away. Any place in the middle of a Warp Storm is either getting shafted raw by an unsanded 4x4 without lube through the eye, or your planet gets straight up eaten.

Also, the intensity shown may have something to do with Thule 69 being outside a Gravity Well, and in direct proximity to, ya know, a F@#€%G Warp Titan In Realspace.
Unrelated question, do we know what the Yeeni homeworld is called?
Our name for it?
Theta-Sigma 44c
Theta-Sigma 44c is home to a Xeno species that may be hostile to humans. The reason for the possibility is that the Circinus encountered a beacon that transmitted with Imperial Codes that the decimation of the local Xeno population is 621 years overdue. The scouts did not make further inquiries as they soon were targeted by what they believed, at first, to be a weapon strike against them, but later revealed itself to be merely a satellite striking their shields. Nonetheless, they fled, and any contact with the Xenos there must be made by someone with the actual authority granted to negotiate with them.
That was before we made first contact. When we talked to them, we learned it's named Ground

Of course.

Edit : Don't mind me, rolling for some fun.
10ebbor10 threw 6 20-faced dice. Reason: BSG Total: 77
16 16 19 19 12 12 18 18 10 10 2 2
10ebbor10 threw 9 20-faced dice. Reason: BSG Total: 83
17 17 1 1 10 10 14 14 7 7 7 7 15 15 6 6 6 6
10ebbor10 threw 5 20-faced dice. Reason: LRAD's Total: 51
7 7 18 18 6 6 18 18 2 2
10ebbor10 threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Task Fleets Total: 37
19 19 2 2 16 16
10ebbor10 threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Temple, Chamleon, Scout, Evac Total: 31
16 16 2 2 4 4 9 9
10ebbor10 threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Lamenter Total: 13
13 13
10ebbor10 threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Psykana Total: 44
14 14 20 20 9 9 1 1
10ebbor10 threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: ISC's Total: 53
16 16 20 20 17 17
10ebbor10 threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: The Max Total: 27
8 8 9 9 10 10
10ebbor10 threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Knights Total: 6
3 3 3 3
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I'm more wondering how the fuck anyone survives some bad warp weather if we're getting hit this bad with all the prepwork, advanced warning, and individual self-sufficiency we had going.
I mean... alot don't?

The Age of Strife was ultimately a case of Bad Warp Weather that lasted a long time and we know what it did to Humanity

Slapping a Bad Warp storm on a planet/system/etc isn't easy but Chaos still does it because it's pretty good at fucking up an unprepared target and there isn't much that can be done to stop it
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The Dying of the Light - [Negaverse Quest] New
The Warp roils, and the Materium shudders in response. Storms of unborne ideas rage in a cataclysm of emotion, washed away by tides of sorrow and despair. A torrent of rage and bloodshed crashes into the veil, and disappears. The Warp roils, but the veil is not so easily broken. Though a barrier as thin as a soap bubble, it has endured for millennia, and here, beneath the Glimmering Federation , it is strengthened by a dozen works of faith, a sturdy framework keeping all in place. The Warp roils and rages, and a torrent of confusion and deceit tracks across the barrier. Not bluntly, easily deflected, but in a great torrent. A giant snake consumes it's own tail, and the torrents of the warp encircle the Federation.

The veil does not break.
But it bends.

On Ground, ancestral home of the Yeeni, a young kit looks towards the stars in wonder, as he has on every clear and moonless night. But tonight, the Kit can not find the Constellations that are so familiar to him. The Stars, as familiar as old friends are strangers. They skirt away, moving in directions in defiance of all orbital mechanics and reason. Impossibly, but steadily, the Great Rift rises from beneath the Horizon in East and West simultaneously, the stars folding upon onto itself as it covers the sky entirely. And then it disappears, as do more stars, first those distant, then those of neighboring systems. One by one, they pass behind an imperceptible horizon. Gone is the Van Zandt Dominion, Gone is the Shipwright's Grove, until only a dozen stars in the sky remain, the light of the Glimmering Federation all that stands in the darkness.

The Warp is crackling with lightning and glee, with contentment and ease. Like a soap bubble on the water's surface, the Glimmering Federation is encircled raised from the veil, the tides crashing every which way. Only a thing fraction of reality still holds it to the material plane, to the world as normal and untouched.

The veil does not break.
But it is severed.

A ship trashes within the warp, an ancient hauler trying to make it's way back to port after one last run. But no matter which way it's Navigator looks, no matter what stars they seek, their destination is not in sight. Other stars, many jumps away are present and closeby, as are those a few jumps back. But every path into the Federation is gone, the Storlar gulf snapped shut with everything and everyone within it sealed beyond reach.

The Warp flows in a great current, pulling debris and reality deeper and deeper within itself. To describe these depth would be unfathomable, to explain impossible. But as the Federations sinks deeper within the realm of possibility and impossibility, the pressures upon the bubble grow and grow. Tides of obsessions and perfection engulf the Federation, and in the skies one hears nothing but the laughter of a thirsting God.

The veil does not break.
But it seeps.

Time bends and shatters, possibility remade. Above Theta-Sigma 44c, an Imperial Captain executes her responsibility to perfection, laser and macro-cannon reducing a planet to cinder and a population to ashes, not a single survivor missed in her purge. She leaves a beacon, only because regulation requires. In Droma, an Noble falls to greed and agrees to extort a Xeno for all their worth. When the Inquisition comes knocking, he turns the weapons with that wealth against the one who provided, heedless of the fact that he will end up before those very guns himself. In a dark and dreary lab on an ancient spacestation, a Magos completes their masterpiece, the final culmination of human servant and warp creature. They order the servants gassed, in preparation for the procedure.

The Warp coils around Holy Irridanus, the final strongpoint of the Glimmering. Here, no taint can seep, demon and warp alike burning to ash in the Light of the star. But the warp is not to be denied, and day after day, month after month, the tide of the warp besieges the planets. Demons burn in exctasy, in anger, in fear, in confusion, and too late the plan is deduced. The plant are first to shrivel, the fields scorched and desert expanding. The ice caps, once carefully tended, break apart, the could vanish from the sky to be replaced only by cataclysmic storms. Slowly, but certainly, every world that remains to the Glimmering Federation will burn to a cinder, and disappear.

The Dying of the Light
One final fleet would make it out of a doomed dream, braving tides of warp, insanity and more besides.
One final fleet on an endless journey to a prophesized new world, from where to rebuild.
One final fleet, carrying the memories and souls of the lost.
One final fleet, harried by Orks, Man, Eldar and Machine.

Pseudo mechanics :
The remnant fleet is made up of ships and people. Every ship has one of more tags denoting the species and identies of those who serve on it. The more tags you gather, the stronger that presence will be within the fleet, the fewer, the weaker.
Absent any tags, an entity will be gone, destroyed entirely by the warp.
With but a single tag, it will be greivously injured, reliant on cloning to perserve, having lost most of it's knowledge and institutional contingencies to the warp.

You can pick as many ships as you like, but keep in mind that the blessing of the Starchild is spread thin. The more vessel are chosen, the more of the Warp's corruption is likely to seep in.

Military Remnants

-[] Battle Group Centaur And Minotaur Battered but not yet broken, Centaur and Mnotaur fought a fighting retreat to Holy Irridanus. They are low on ammunition, on fighters who stayed behind and on morale, but their sanity and sanctity are intact. [1 Psykana, 1 Yeeni, 1 Human]

-[] Battle Group Sphinx and Werewolf Sphinx and Werewolf were each beset by the Tempter, lured in endless passes and terrible ambushes. Their light elements have been torn asunder, their ancient Andromedas overwhelmed, but their carriers and battleships yet live. [1 Thule, 1 Human]

- [] Leviathan and Basilisk Of Basilisk, only the Andromeda's remain, the rest of the fleet sacrificing themselves so they could get others out. Of Leviathan, only the Leo's endured. [1 Human, 1 Psykana]

-[] Once Forgotten Joy and Dust Upon the Winds Two Kil'drabi Nomadic fleets where Holy Irridanus when the Storm commenced, and escaping with most of their compliment [2 Kil'drabi, locks every other faction at 0.25 minimum as long as the genetic databases endure]

- [] Battlecolony Eternal Bastion Every ship in a Kil'drabi nomadic fleet is willing to sacrifice itself for it's battlecolony, and eternal bastion is now the last remnant of it's fleet [1 Kil'drabi, locks every other faction at 0.25 minimum as long as the genetic databases endure]

[] The Lost and Sundered Most battlecolonies fell to the warp, their escorts now aimless, purposeless, united in penitence. [1 Kil'drabi]

- [] LRAD Beta and Delta The Sword and shield against the Duchy, never used or threatened, these fleets assigned to Holy Erridanus survived more or less intact. [2 Thule, 1 Choir, 1 Human]

- [] LRAD Alpha, Gamma, Epsilon What scattered remnants of fleets made their way back from the other borders of the Federation. Their crews are beset by their terrors, their ships haunted by nightmares. [2 Thule, 1 Choir, 1 Human]

-[] Peacekeeper : The feared Chaos invasion never materialized, or when it did, it was total. All armies of the Federation fought to the last, or retreated before the worst. Peacekeeper is filled to the brim with those who desire vengeance. [1 All]

-[] Taskfleet Gamma : Although it sister fleet was lost to a warp titan with all hands, Taskfleet gamma was able to disengage and withdraw in good order.

-[] Temple Ship The Starshild's will shine weakle, but it still shines within the halls of this mighty vessel. An enticing price, if Chaos can claim it.

[] Chamleon 3 Hiding in shadow does not preserve one from the warp, with only 1 of these important vessels know to have survived.

[] Pyixs 37 Last remaining ship of it's class, the Pyxis scouts did their duty to the last, tracking the warp storm even as it engulfed them.

[] The Evacuation Fleet Turned towards it's old purpose once more, these might vessels hold millions of souls, even as the battle against chaos rages within their holds.

- [] Eternal Promise Holding a hundred Lamenters and the Gene Seed to produce many more, this is, once again, the last remnant of the Lamenters

[] The Ancient Pack Of all the knights, only 2 lances remain. The Ancient pack and it's mechs are one.

[] The Dueling Trio Now many lances can say their ancestors won a planet. Now this group lives in penance, for they have won, fought, and lost.

Remnants of the Psykana

- [] Campus Grace of Light : Study center of songs and melodies, Grace of Light was home to thousands of inexperienced psykers, but hte danger their Madness could inflect was thankfully limited.

- [] Campus Grace of Hymn Protected by song upon song, Grace of Hymn survived remarkably intact

- [] Campus Grace of Faith Center of the great symphonies of the Glimmering Federation, Grace of Faith was silent in the face of chaos, and endures in silence even now.

- [] Campus Grace of Labors Center of manufactory for advanced psykana, Grace of Labor was lost early on. Only some of the equipment could be recovered.


- [] Green Horizon Terraforming Fleet : A massive collection of greenhouse ships, heavy freighters and biodome vessels, Green Horizon's fleet has laid mothballed for multiple centuries, rendered obsolent by the very Irridana than now inhabit it's vessels.
- [] New Dawn Science Cruiser : Flush with wealth, custom ordered from the Federation grandest Yard, rivalling even the largest vessels in size, New Dawn's science cruiser is what you can achieve in a century without competition for government contracts
- [] Postal fleet - Small courrier vessels, enduring cargo systems, and powerful relay cruisers are all that remains of a system that once connected a civilization. Like a nerve system without a body, it is now bereft of purpose.
[] The Planet Maw : It hungers, it feeds. It has grown teeth and fins, and fur, but yet it still recognizes it's masters. It trills happily when it sees our ships arrive, sings to us in wonderous song, and it oh so eagerly wants to help, to feed, to nurture, to grow. Without it, any fleet will be certain to face deprivation, but do we dare bring such a gift.

Not actually doing this as a quest, but it would be a fun spin-off, no?
More like utter disappointment that chaos always wins in the end and that the C'tan were right in the fact that we should separate the warp and the materium permanently so chaos starves to death and the warp utterly stills.

Because it goes to show that grim-darkness/Derp will never change. But I do admit that would be a quest to play out of spite if that happened.
Things are always darkest before the dawn. Let's see how the warp titan likes a spread of torpedoes up it's maw and a face full of the Star melody.

[X] Convoy 726

The nega-quest sounds... Grim. I'm glad things aren't turning out that way. (At least I hope they aren't.)
[X] Convoy 726

While the station could have more firepower, a more mobile force is probably going to do better against the Warp Titan. Regardless, I'm excited to see where this leads next!

-[] Warcasket Prototypes (0/2)
(Gain: Warcaskets, the primitive version of a Dreadnought.)

On a somewhat unrelated note, I just remembered we have yet to reverse engineer Dreadnoughts for the Astartes. While we do have multiple more pressing research priorities, I get the feeling we will very much need them post-Warp Storm in the coming campaigns (like the Stolar Relief or Reclamation Crusade depending on how bad the situation is over there) to blunt Lamenter mass- and ongoing-casualties with as little force degradation as possible.

Is the Dreadnought relic from Chryon currently occupied or has it ever been used since Chryon passed away, @HeroCooky?
"How did HRMHVR and the Lamenter both roll a 69 while fighting slaneeshi Chaos stuff? Its not even the horni kind of slaan. Aaaargh!"
-HeroCooky, presumably
I could see that happening and the QM just drinking and binge reading it and blackboxing what happens. being the QM is suffering being at the mercy of the dice.

"Alright, dirtsiders," Thule-6969 HRMHVR yelled into the hangar, the group of young cadets snapping to attention at her shouting at once, even as their faces morphed between a basically pre-flighted Thules anticipation and awe at the sight of her pilot-suit clearly denoting her as the N'Nomitron lent for this training exercise. "Shit's cooked, engines are fucked, and the Captain's cupcake fell onto the floor," she started the training scenario, a red wailing siren erupting behind her, the piercing sound enough to make a dozen of the arranged Thules flinch. "The enemy got the ship's belly split open, a dozen boarding teams are dancing with its intestines, and we will barely hold out against them until reinforcements come in T-43 Minutes. Our job is to shoot down any fuckers that try to board and shoot down any missiles that are fired into our good boy's belly," she spoke, stomping the floor twice, causing the pre-flight signals to come online on every training craft. "SO GET TO YOUR RIDES!" 69 yelled, causing the mass of rookies to turn about and run to their rides in controlled chaos.

This gave her enough time to, unhurriedly, unholster her las-pistol, re-check its already pre-set settings, and correct make before she shot three of her trainees in the back, moments of heat blooming against their suits that blared shrill and angry noises at their wearers in response. "ROSE! GREEN! TUBE! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOUR HELMETS?! BAY DE-PRESSURIZED DUE TO ENEMY FIRE, THREE-HOUR SIMULATOR TRAINING AS PENALTY FOR EACH!" The trio had barely enough time to snap on their helmets, the rest of the group only briefly stumbling in their continued rush to settle into their craft and run down their pre-flight checklist.
Ahhh we see more of 6969 and being a combat instructor for Thules now getting void training and no simulators. Unfortunately they are still green and forgetting basic things having your helmet on and checking your suit and everything in such a situation. Also 69 very much having the done with this shit attitude and taking fun in being able to use the las-pistol on green pilots like this. That kind of situation would be hell.

Notably, 69 could walk unhurriedly to her own strike fighter and older Raptor, settle into her seat, adjust it slightly, and complete her checklist with her Co-Pilot before any of the trainees had finished theirs. Thankfully, all completed the lists before the time was up, and the Hangar Bay now blared its silent alarm as it opened the inner doors to the exit tunnels and disengaged the grav plates throughout the bay, letting the ships float freely the moment they disengaged their mag clamps.

And with a silent *clunk* heard by none but the ship himself, the strike craft all did so on command of 69, her training cadre following like obedient cadets ought to, three formations stacked next to each other within the cramped bays, the interior walls slamming shut with silent alarms, moments before massive pumps drained all atmosphere from the sealed bubbles of existence, just in time for the exterior doors to reveal the splendor of the Void.

One would imagine that a Warp Storm would be far more intimidating to the military, especially in regards to training missions.

The Star Navy heavily disagreed. Running last-minute training drills to ensure its soldiers were in the best and most vigilant shape they could be made more than some sense for them, billions of its personnel running drills and exercises as D-Day was barely more than a week away.
Yahhh that bit comes with experience and knowing what is the most essential things to check and come or that kind of calm that occurs after doing it so many times.

And honestly you think it would but I guess so long as it isn't the day OF the warpstorm its long enough to squeeze more training, very much the military leadership thinking, though I do understand the reason why as these Thules seem to be getting void training and not just the planet side in a gravity well training and it really is THAT important to get them used to flying in the void under safe conditions before their first void fight. It doesn't sound like much but getting the first time is the most important.

"Alright, none of you died, so there is some potential yet," 69 broadcast across the flight's frequencies, not yet accelerating beyond clearing out from the Heavy Monitor playing host to her mission. "Now, can one of you tell me a difference in how your rides handle?" She leadingly asked, a mutter of confusion running through the channel in hushed tones before one of the cadets spoke up.

"They are more...sluggish?"

"Was that a question or a statement, Bottle?" 69 returned, a stuttered reply quickly affirming that it was a statement. "Good. You are right; your boys are sluggish because they are full of all kinds of goodness. Explosive, missile, and bolter-shaped goodness. That is right, Cadets! You are running on full craft, with sharp munitions loaded, none of this dummy or simulation shit." The chatter of excitement was more than a little endearing. Like a baby's first bombing run. "Can it. We didn't give you sharp munitions from the old stockpiles to get giddy over and kill each other. By the way, you all are going into the simulators for 24 hours of remedial training since None OF YOU CHECKED YOUR VOIDS-KARKED AUGURS AND GOT KARKING KILLED BY THE OPFOR!"
love the hard ass instructor vibe 6969 has done. and it seems its the SDF Thules considering its a Monitor.

Oh nice little detail with that considering they've used only dummy ammo or sims while training so the little tells of the strikecraft being loaded with munitions would handle diffently and they would need to get used to it now and after they unload it.

Andddd rookie mistake of thinking the training is until the instructor LETS you know and they weren't looking around for enemies and if they were on them after leaving the hangar. This scenario was the they were being boarded and the ship was damaged and couldn't run, those boarders have to be coming from somewhere.

"I was wondering when I got to introduce myself," a new voice said on the channel. 69 sat smugly as her co-pilot rolled her eyes as the newbies began to scan the void around them for hostile signals.

The fact that they found at least one dummy missile next to them spoke greatly about how deeply this training mission was needed. 69 would rather call it a "Hazing Mission" as its purpose was to shock and unbalance new pilots above all else.
Hah, so this was all a hazing mission for the first timers for void training? well something like that had to have been developed over the years. Ouch that missile getting that close to them is telling.

"Alright, Cadets? Meet Brother Fren of the Lamenters Space Marines Chapter, the leader of our OPFOR, alongside his gene-siblings Brother Lin, Herus, Marutuia, Erebus, and Freiar, each in control of their own strike craft loaded with dummy munitions. Their win condition is to kill all of us or get more than three boarding craft through our cordon. Our win condition is to kill all of them. And you'd better win, because Fren promised me a dinner date if we win!"

"No, I didn't," Fren immediately interjected before anyone could react to the news.

"My bad. It was a dinner date with me if he wins," 69 gleefully replied right back, hushed whispers echoing through the hidden channels between the cadets, each naturally accessible to 69 in full.

"We made a bet that the loser will buy the winner a bar of chocolate," Fren said, mildly exasperated.

"Same dif-"

Oh hey its brother Fren again and considering the Thules were noted being as good as Space Marines in terms of Strikecraft pilot so makes sense to have the Lamenters as OPFOR in this scenario.

.... hold up, I thought QM said it would be the slow-burn to end all slow-burns? they're already on the level of joking betting dates?

Ah it was a chocolate bar.... pffft 69 really reaching with what counts as a dinner date there.

Eyes stared from the vast cosmic background.

Shivers ran down 69's spine, the phantom feeling of fingers brushing against lips and chin, claws digging into skull and guts, the tingle of free-fall and crushing acceleration within her mind burning for attention.

Screams were heard through the vox.

Pink and purple haze began to seep into reality.

It had come early.

The Warp Storm.
Ohhhhh that's a good way to introduce the Warp Storm... but isn't this a week early? shit that's going to affect things. and good way of showing the affects of being caught out in space during a warp storm .

Or rather, an outrider had impatiently breached the veil, rifts, and sinews splitting like gore upon a painter's easel.

"Wha-" 69 gasped breathlessly, her mind fraying and her body seizing, heart not thundering and blood not flowing. "Whhhhh-" came the silent rasp of ice and fog.

The Void had turned into a cacophony of swirling pink and blue and green and red and brown and gold and ahtle aeheu i-saodl hjsaian aöwiab-

"-ide my breath, hold my mind, fuel my soul," 69 breathlessly uttered, her ears soon hearing that the others in her training cadre had joined...only to realize that the Heavy Monitor 'Herald of Endeavours' was nowhere to be found, vanished from her sensors.

Until she turned her strike-craft around.



Oh so this is just something breaching early and not the warpstorm itself arriving yet, that's still waiting but the barrier is weak enough for something with weight to break though? at least she defaulted to prayer and managed to get hold of herself.

Hold up, the Montior is gon- OH. OHHHHHH that's what was meant when warp Titan was mentioned. creature of that lives in the warp of titan size. oh dear and weren't the Lamenter strikecraft loaded with dummy ammo and only the newbie green Thules with live ammo. Oh dear.

Tendrils spilling from Maws settled in Eyes, impossible fractal biology dragging itself across her mind, slime and splattered offal leaving trails of maggot-magics wriggling behind.

Terror and Madness. Horror and Fright.




And an errant thought into her implants, the cogitation units skilfully hidden within her mind and body, interfaced with every craft and machine she could reach, one directive writ unto the Machine Spirits in full and beyond ability to disobey.

Slam the Shutters. Deny all sight beyond the Augurs.

Weeping cries and hysterical laughter echoed from her mind and soul, the tears and shouts of the young cadets that had come moments from being eaten by a Daemonic...thing coming over the vox.

Alongside the frantic communications from the Lamenters, and...
Okay THAT, that beginning part and the rest from the previous quote was great for the mind of being in the area of the veil being breached and presence of a warp titan and I... shit, green cadets and hearing their tears and screams before they are eaten by the Daemonic titan, shit would be horrible for moral. and again Lamenters are using dummy ammo right now. this entire training mission is sooooo screwed.

I'm more wondering how the fuck anyone survives some bad warp weather if we're getting hit this bad with all the prepwork, advanced warning, and individual self-sufficiency we had going.
Eh, I think we're fine, we gave the order for a month's stockpile because we weren't sure it would only be a week or more. not going crazy with years of stockpiled or even months. and I think you just don't. Remember its a bunch of rebellions or massive uptick of pyskers were fighting them or burning them and suddenly cut off, most of those in space probably just die if Thule 6969's training mission is any indication.

Typically? You run the fuck away. Any place in the middle of a Warp Storm is either getting shafted raw by an unsanded 4x4 without lube through the eye, or your planet gets straight up eaten.

Also, the intensity shown may have something to do with Thule 69 being outside a Gravity Well, and in direct proximity to, ya know, a F@#€%G Warp Titan In Realspace.
Oh, yah that's about the only case, you get down to planet and hope it doesn't get eaten... and if it does be quick enough to get out and try to get to another.

Oh its a combination of factors, being outside the gravity well and and so close to a Warp Titan in Realspace, which is normally something that doesn't happen but being so close to the warp storm appearing and the viel weak enough for it to break through makes it possible. No idea how they survive that.

Is the Dreadnought relic from Chryon currently occupied or has it ever been used since Chryon passed away, @HeroCooky?
Nope, reason why we couldn't save Chryon to begin with we couldn't repair the parts needed and keep him alive. We still can't make the parts and why Chryon's Dreadnought is relic. We really can't use it until we can make our own Dreadnaughts. the War Caskets as stated is the Proto-types to a proper Dreadnought and after we do the Dreadnaught research we can finally field the Chryon's Dreadnaught again.

We ah, also don't really know what's been done with all the wounded Lamenters. I'm guessing they just die from the wounds or get replacement limbs from metal from the Star Toaster Boys. as far as I understand if they are on death's door they'll rush them to get them into a dreadnaught due to the requirements of needing to pilot one.
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