What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Hit Harem Anime of 690.42 - [Canon In-Universe Media]
Mecha Anime Ace Pilot levels.

Thule 7/521 "Alice" walked casually down the hall towards the main meeting room, keeping out the way of the countless other uniformed Thules that were rushing past her. Unlike the others, she wasn't running or jogging. Her last physical of her training was some months past and there wouldn't be another, so there was no point in wasting the energy. Secondly, she wasn't wearing the uniform, because it was not strictly required, she had no intention of staying for the ceremony, and she didn't like the way it fit and pinched. And lastly, she wasn't rushing, because she wasn't expecting any surprises. She was after all, not aiming for a fleet position, or any position. She'd balanced demerits and effort, to score as high as possible in simulation, yet too low to be picked up. She was never anyone's first pick for flight mate, but never so disliked as to be ultimately incompatible. It was all perfectly balanced, and so with utter confidence she ambled towards the big assignment board, where she fully expected to see herself assigned to a cushy position in the reserves, never having to worry about fighting or military discipline, but still receiving a small stipend that she was certain, with careful management, would allow her to live a life without work.

Instead, it read :
Thule 7/521
Assigned to the Essence of Exploration
Yeeni Exploration Fleet

Three weeks later, still malding, Alice arrived at her duty station. The small exploration frigate had been fitted with a cramped hangar bay, just big enough to hold her fighter. Not even a proper fighter. It was a single seat, academy training vehicle, with downgraded weaponry and other simplified technology. Simple technology, because the Yeeni were not yet kin. Only one Thule, because this was an experimental program, so there was no need to rush her. And for that program, they'd picked her, when she hadn't ever met a Yeeni before, having dismissed all the cross training programs as unnecessary wastes of energy. Apparently that made her an "unbiased observer".

"Well, if the academy was going to pull such stunts" , she thought "she was just going to resist." She'd shortlisted some journalists, bloggers, troublemakers of sorts. A few inside reports, bad reviews, and the opponents would have all the press they needed to scupper the program once and for OOMPH.
Thoughts of social sabotage and political shenanigans tumbled away from Alice's mind, as she ran straight into Nightglade's Blossom, the ship's captain. The silken fur was absurdly smooth upon her face, and as she looked up she felt her heart stutter, looking to those deep blue eyes. She cast her sight down, muttering a hasty apology, but before she could even start, she found herself engufled in a crushing embrace. A welcoming ceremony that was as fast as it was overwhelming, as she found herself passed between every crewmember and every department of the ship. By the end of such a ceremony, any Yeeni would have to absorb and know the scent of the ship's pack, a welcome, adoption and introduction all at once.
Alice, lacking nose and context, could only conclude that perhaps this ship wouldn't be such a punishment after all.

Look, sometimes you get Gundam, and sometimes you get "I can't believe my punishment detail is this cute", hit harem anime of 690.42, following a Thule aspiring to become a NEET as she instead gets thrown upon a Yeeni explorer and it's daring jumps into the unknown. To boldly go where nowhere has gone before, and probably bring back some more Necron ships while they're at it.
My dear girl, didn't you know?" He removed part of the covering of the throne, revealing a shattered hull panel beneath, and half a handprint. "You've already piloted an engine."
"This here is all that remains of Shimmer of the Exalted Sword, after her fall against the Orks 90 years ago. They haven't made new engines, let alone new parts in centuries. The factory line has been lost to the years, we don't even know where to get the machines to make the parts. All we do, all anyone in this order does, is to connect to the machines, let them dream of the battles past, and how they could have saved the pilots they lost. "

This is a pretty good story, but there are a few discrepancies.

1. I'm almost positive that we never deployed Kharnivores against Orks, they were wiped out before we established the Order of the Blazing Sun, so this wreck they use for testing would almost certainly have come from the fighting on Quelach's Forge against Dark Mechanicum forces-that's the only place we've deployed Knights where the resistance was strong enough that they would have taken casualties of this level. Maybe it could have come from the fighting in 621, but I don't remember where the Order was deployed during that campaign.

2. I highly doubt The Order would have let the infrastructure that was established to maintain and replace that initial run of Knights get 'lost' or fall into ruin, especially since it would have been spread out across Federation space and would still be needed to maintain their current stable of frames. It's one thing to say 'you aren't likely to ever see a proper Knight, girl, cause they haven't expanded the stables in centuries' but saying that they've lost the ability to repair or maintain their current stable it much to 'Imperial' for my preference.
This is a pretty good story, but there are a few discrepancies.

1. I'm almost positive that we never deployed Kharnivores against Orks, they were wiped out before we established the Order of the Blazing Sun, so this wreck they use for testing would almost certainly have come from the fighting on Quelach's Forge against Dark Mechanicum forces-that's the only place we've deployed Knights where the resistance was strong enough that they would have taken casualties of this level. Maybe it could have come from the fighting in 621, but I don't remember where the Order was deployed during that campaign.

2. I highly doubt The Order would have let the infrastructure that was established to maintain and replace that initial run of Knights get 'lost' or fall into ruin, especially since it would have been spread out across Federation space and would still be needed to maintain their current stable of frames. It's one thing to say 'you aren't likely to ever see a proper Knight, girl, cause they haven't expanded the stables in centuries' but saying that they've lost the ability to repair or maintain their current stable it much to 'Imperial' for my preference.
1. Yeah, I'm going to be honest and didn't bother to check.
2. This was originally going to be expanded upon, but the idea is that they didn't want to let it fall into ruin ,they just didn't have a choice. With more planets mean they need to operate more fortresses on more planets, meanwhile the infrastructure to built the knights is dependent on player actions choosing to build them, so if it never gets chosen, it decays. And as you say, without infrastructure, the knight house falls apart.

The implication of this Omake is not that there's one broken knight. It's that they're all broken, and that the order is a shade of it's former self, existing not to maintain combat machines but to keep the ghosts of the old machines in comfort.
It's not really intended to be canonical.
Slightly annoying that our new psytech scouting tool isn't part of research so we can't get the bonus research actions from doing it but oh well.

Also if we really want to step up our Hive Gang I feel like if we can make a song that can help unite all of the Underhives or at least convince the majority to work with us than things will get a lot easier. Basically Chaos Ritual Bullshit but instead of corruption and false promises of power we instead sing about how there is a better way, a kind god who cares, and how they don't need to live like this.

Something like Humanity, Compassion, Hope, Unity, and Song done by like 20 Choirs at once would probably make a huge difference in taking the world.
2. The Knights will gain an Auto-Ticker Action next Turn.
3. Just to make sure you are aware; taking Voxx, without a massive insurection helping you out, will churn through 50 SAGs per Turn. With said insurrection, you will be looking at around ~20 SAGs per Turn. With an unknown amount of time to take the Hive World.
4. Upped the SAG and Knight production rate. The Knights will only be there this Turn.

Trying to parse this. It seems like we'll be automatically generating more SAGs soon, as well as starting to auto-produce knights! Ironically it seems that the best way to increase the number of SAGs we have is through colonization. Glad we're doing more of that!

Edit: This was based on an incorrect reading of the quote above!
That being said, it seems like ~60 might be the necessary number of SAGs to reasonably take Voxx Primus with our giant revolt. Even that might be lowballing it a little bit. Unfortunately spending actions on SAGs seems extremely inefficient, since we only get 4 per action, and we need 31 more to make up the difference. The only way that reasonably happens is if every planet generates a second SAG, which is just something we need to wait on.

That being said, I'm still in favor of the blitzkrieg approach, where we aim to spend 1 action a turn on Voxx while building up at least three battlefleets, then rampage through their space to defeat their fleets in detail, destroy their primary shipyards and potentially decapitate their leadership. To That end, I wonder if we can task our scouts to discover their capital system & primary shipyards.

Another question is how the Lamenters play into this. There isn't a Chaos front to helpfully point them at this time. The only thing I can think of is asking them to prevent atrocities on Voxx Primus during the actual invasion. There will be atrocities, and hopefully it won't be us perpetrating them. I see things playing out like:
a) We commence liberation of Voxx.
b) The Imperials nuke the underhives/massacre protesters/whatever.
c) The Lamenters step in to politely tell them to stop.
d) A bunch of Imperials switch sides to follow the Emperor's Angels.
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Honestly at this point I'm gonna say just FUCK IT and alpha strike the planet behind Voxx Primus on the unstable warp Route out to the rest of the Dutchy, take it, and fortify it. Smash a route through Voxx Primus's orbital and bypass it to set up our own Orbital defenses on that planet while siege and digest Voxx Primus.

Templars will be your Sisters of Battle equivalent. Imgine a Squad (~12) of Templars (Sisters) assigned to every company of 250 Soldiers (Guardsmen) in your army.
Ohhhh, okay. so the Templars are under the Paladins action. Fair enough and should be good to take next turn when all this shit settles down I think. Those would be fun, how would our Sisters of Battle Equivalent be equipped? and while I'm thinking on it, what ideas are locked behind the advanced infantry weapons research? just a hint to help swing it when we are free for a turn and start on that damnit.

Alright updated the maps. Still reading all the posts, have patience. Also, please note that Van Zandt has just gone down from over a century of war to peace-time in a no-holds-barred xenocidal war as a 5/5 Dogmatic Nation against a peer power just now. And you haven't.

Also, the two Voxx [Stronger than an SBG] boxes are their static defenses. Just to reiterate that.
Oh, those Xenos were a Peer power? didn't expect that and did it just hit the century mark? it said decades long war in the propaganda broadcast. Yup, know that but its worth repeating to remind everyone. And the Dutchy is now tired from that century long war, hmmm. Is there a way we can mobilize the population to up production and research? like starting a crusade or something against the Dutchy and boost things for a time? you state one of our strengths was we can high end and push things hard when we mobilize ourselves, the whole 'vacation and weekends off are cancelled, back to back shifts and the like.

3. Just to make sure you are aware; taking Voxx, without a massive insurection helping you out, will churn through 50 SAGs per Turn. With said insurrection, you will be looking at around ~20 SAGs per Turn. With an unknown amount of time to take the Hive World.
Ohhhhh, Alright then. Makes sense when you factor in the population size and how the Imperium does things. Yah, doing the Paladins and sending in Templars along with more aggressive expansion and support is needed. Fucking hell, 50 SAG's per turn? and we aren't even at a One Billion yet. We need to expand more support.

I will say with the Knights now having an auto-ticker option next turn we won't need to worry about that anymore so that's good. After this, we will need to research more shit for our infantry to stack more bonuses and effectiveness because holy shit that will drown us in SAG's, fucking 50 per turn....

4. Upped the SAG and Knight production rate. The Knights will only be there this Turn.
5. Added more BSGs to build.
just checked and sweet. up to 8 Warpacks or 6 SAG's per AP. that should be good. I think we should look into organziations or actions like the WUSSIE's in order to help with us in terms of production, filling out the fleets, or just the like.

since we only get 4 per action
Six SAG's per action now.
Trying to parse this. It seems like we'll be automatically generating more SAGs soon, as well as starting to auto-produce knights! Ironically it seems that the best way to increase the number of SAGs we have is through colonization. Glad we're doing more of that!

That being said, it seems like ~60 might be the necessary number of SAGs to reasonably take Voxx Primus with our giant revolt. Even that might be lowballing it a little bit. Unfortunately spending actions on SAGs seems extremely inefficient, since we only get 4 per action, and we need 31 more to make up the difference. The only way that reasonably happens is if every planet generates a second SAG, which is just something we need to wait on.

That being said, I'm still in favor of the blitzkrieg approach, where we aim to spend 1 action a turn on Voxx while building up at least three battlefleets, then rampage through their space to defeat their fleets in detail, destroy their primary shipyards and potentially decapitate their leadership. To That end, I wonder if we can task our scouts to discover their capital system & primary shipyards.

Another question is how the Lamenters play into this. There isn't a Chaos front to helpfully point them at this time. The only thing I can think of is asking them to prevent atrocities on Voxx Primus during the actual invasion. There will be atrocities, and hopefully it won't be us perpetrating them. I see things playing out like:
a) We commence liberation of Voxx.
b) The Imperials nuke the underhives/massacre protesters/whatever.
c) The Lamenters step in to politely tell them to stop.
d) A bunch of Imperials switch sides to follow the Emperor's Angels.

Um, what? Where did you get the bit about the number of SAGs needed.

SAGs replenish each turn, and we have 29 of them. Now, we should not be sending 2/3rds of our entire army (20/29) into the meatgrinder to die every single turn and be replenished, that sounds bad, but... we don't need 60 SAGs?
Slightly annoying that our new psytech scouting tool isn't part of research so we can't get the bonus research actions from doing it but oh well.
Yeah, I feel that. I suppose it's closer to a ship design action? Still, in the past those have been research actions.

Um, what? Where did you get the bit about the number of SAGs needed.

SAGs replenish each turn, and we have 29 of them. Now, we should not be sending 2/3rds of our entire army (20/29) into the meatgrinder to die every single turn and be replenished, that sounds bad, but... we don't need 60 SAGs?

Oh, my reading was that we'd need to rotate SAGs off the front to take Voxx, and it was reasonable to expect it to chew up 20 SAGs per turn that would then need a few turns off. Do that for 3 turns, 60 SAGs. I like your interpretation better!

I do think that only makes the rest of the proposal more appealing. Blow past Voxx Primus, leave 20 SAGs behind and do a deep strike. If I was van Zandt I'd basically consider the front entirely secure with Voxx blocking the way to any sustained offensive. If they expect an attack from that direction it'd be a risky raid with nonessential ships through the unstable warp line.
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... Wait, they're 5/5 Dogmatic?

Neon wasn't 5/5 Dogmatic, they were 4 Dogmatic/1 Heretical (And falling)
... Wait, they're 5/5 Dogmatic?

Neon wasn't 5/5 Dogmatic, they were 4 Dogmatic/1 Heretical (And falling)
Oh shoot, that means they're going to have the stupid roll 4 take highest 3 mechanic again. Isn't it. Would be nice to have some fleet doctrines of our own, but we haven't invested in fleet command much. Only way to fix that I see is include some of that 3-cost equipments on flagships and do a write-in for a professional officer academy.
Oh shoot, that means they're going to have the stupid roll 4 take highest 3 mechanic again. Isn't it. Would be nice to have some fleet doctrines of our own, but we haven't invested in fleet command much. Only way to fix that I see is include some of that 3-cost equipments on flagships and do a write-in for a professional officer academy.

I mean "Imperial Warriors are just Built Different" is just baked into their culture. The "Roll X take best Y" is just for being Dogmatic shitheads, which lets them get away with a lot less than other people do. We can compensate for that by stacking modifiers but there's ultimately just no way to match their Dice Shenanigans without being Dogmatic either.

Their rando ganger conscripts are better than our professional soldiers in skill, but the best skill in the universe doesn't create victory where it's Actually Impossible, if the mismatch in quality gets high enough.
Ohhhhh, Alright then. Makes sense when you factor in the population size and how the Imperium does things. Yah, doing the Paladins and sending in Templars along with more aggressive expansion and support is needed. Fucking hell, 50 SAG's per turn? and we aren't even at a One Billion yet. We need to expand more support.
Or, hear me out, we use the "Second Pillar of our Civilization" and make a Somg that will encourage people to stand down (Humanity, Mercy, Compassion, Song, Slumber, Compassion)
or in the case of one hopeless romantic, trying to become a fighter jock
I wish that poor man luck, even more so if he succeeds and then has to deal with the entire flight group is all Thules.

"This here is all that remains of Shimmer of the Exalted Sword, after her fall against the Orks 90 years ago. They haven't made new engines, let alone new parts in centuries. The factory line has been lost to the years, we don't even know where to get the machines to make the parts. All we do, all anyone in this order does, is to connect to the machines, let them dream of the battles past, and how they could have saved the pilots they lost. "
Hah, while I doubt it got that bad it does poke at our actions from an in-verse perspective and shows how not supporting it can lead to it. As well as making us seem like the Administratum for forgetting all about that and we do have the machines and parts to make more and repair them.

Their rando ganger conscripts are better than our professional soldiers in skill, but the best skill in the universe doesn't create victory where it's Actually Impossible, if the mismatch in quality gets high enough.
On the other hand we need to make situations where they can't bring numbers to bear because as we've heard, 50 SAG's per turn from Voxx Primus alone is insane. And yah, the mechanics clashing against the lore. Rando Gangers in the Underhive with all the harsh conditions making you learn from a young age fast. Is there any ship in the fleet that NEEDS a refit? Not like the newest version but one that hasn't gotten an refit option yet?

Or, hear me out, we use the "Second Pillar of our Civilization" and make a Song that will encourage people to stand down (Humanity, Mercy, Compassion, Song, Slumber, Compassion)
ehhh, not sure about that but how about instead a Song of Slumber in general meant to knock people out to sleep and good dreams. Would make a great tactical use and to quickly move in and take an everyone with minimal resistance that doesn't destroy the infrastructure
Oh @HeroCooky I'm fairly sure there's a mistake here, it should be 10 FP per refit like it was before this update. Otherwise we might as well never refit and always build.
That's the cost of refitting all ships, which now includes the Leo-Primus.
how would our Sisters of Battle Equivalent be equipped?
Proper, capitalized, Power Armor, Plasma Rifles, Plasma Pistols, Jump Packs, Various Grenades, and some other stuff.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
and while I'm thinking on it, what ideas are locked behind the advanced infantry weapons research?
Better guns and armor. Like a beam weapon or a T'au railgun equivalent.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
Is there a way we can mobilize the population to up production and research? like starting a crusade or something against the Dutchy and boost things for a time?
Yes. You also have it as a baked-in emergency button in your constitution you can hit for fifty years/five Turns to activate it...as long as you have a convincing argument for doing so to your people.
Their rando ganger conscripts are better than our professional soldiers in skill
Lmao no? You have actual soldier soldiers as your soldiers, gangers are not anywhere close to that? It's just that they can yeet a Penal Regiment made up of those gangers at you that gives exactly 0 shits if it gets wiped, because It's either through you or through the fuckers in their backs, and those assholes have the detonators to their bomb-collars.

But with that, goodnight!
[x] Plan: The Hammer and the Anvil, Part 1
-[x] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[x] Centaur (1/2)
---[x] When completed, Battle Group Centaur is to be assigned to Ultima Sigritta.
-[x] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[x]Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah), Itani - Grubbub (Low Shrubs and Fog), Gnatiila - Smug (Outback and Canyons)
---[x] Ultima Sigritta/Sira is to be colonized as a primarily military colony, with focus to be given as a priority on building defenses, shipyards, and SDF.

-[x] [Voxx Primus] Send infiltrators, social manipulators, and further elite troops in small numbers (enough to hide their involvement) to get involved in the gang wars to come. Focus on finding gangs that can be either recruited or bribed off... and utterly destroying those Underhive gangs that cannot, using those Gangs willing to bend the knee as a cover for expansion, transforming them from within and without through the power of being the ones with the guns, industry, and food. Infiltrators are to work on undermining those gangs that cannot be made to bend the knee from within, setting them up against each other and against themselves from within, with the Voxx Primus rebels always ready to sweep up the pieces of a gang civil war, rescue the survivors, and expand that way if needed. Additionally, while sending in these other covert experts and so on, also send in five Choirs covertly to strengthen communication and aid in this push, operating carefully and secretively--better not to be noticed than to be noticed when it comes to Psykana... a good choice would be the use of the Perception Melody in order to gather intel about the opposing gangs, but generally the Choir's instincts within these bounds are to be trusted.
-[x] [Free] Place 1st Barbarun SAG, 1st Ikatun SAG, 1st Diablan SAG, 1st Brigach SAG, 1st Semumrum SAG, 1st Valhidem SAG, 1st Lights SAG & 1st Labors SAG on Ultima Sigritta for defense against incursion.
-[x] Switch to [New Dawn R&D]
[X] Plan Fortress Doctrine
-[X] [General] Colonize Planets
--[X] Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah), Itani - Grubbub (Low Shrubs and Fog), Gnatiila - Smug (Outback and Canyons)
--[X] Sira is to be designated as a Fortress World for the time being, and colonization efforts are to be focused on establishing defenses and military logistics infrastructure as opposed to civilian development
-[X] [Military] Create 8 Blazing Sun War Packs
-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
-[X] Centaur (1/2)

-[X] [Free] Designate the Ultima Sigritta system as SBG Centaur's Fleet Base until further notice
-[X] [Free] Place 1st Barbarun SAG, 1st Ikatun SAG, 1st Diablan SAG, 1st Brigach SAG, 1st Semumrum SAG, 1st Valhidem SAG, 1st Lights SAG & 1st Labors SAG on Ultima Sigritta for defense against incursion.
-[X] [Free] Switch active ISC to New Dawn R&D

I have decided to make my own plan, pushing back supporting the efforts on Vox Prime a turn because I feel it is the best action to sacrifice in exchange for taking advantage of the doubled production bonus of Kharnivore War Packs that Cooky has offered for this turn only.

I also feel that slow-rolling Vox Prime a bit more than we already are will be beneficial to us, as it will give us more time to build up and refit our fleets and other military aperati for the likely fairly long campaign against the Free Duchy.
Damn, I don't want to fight the Dutchy. I want to plant 5 SBGs worth of dakka next to Voxx and let them slowly grind away their fleets at it, while we grill Voxx to a golden crisp so that it goes down easy when we take it on our plate.

Dogmatics are great at war, and we are great at peace. I want to continue the peace, even if it's just a simmering conflict.

We have so many things to do on our home turf. Heresies to root out, servitors to upgrade (we need to get around that btw- arguably more useful than psy-tech, considering the immediate payoff), tech to research, Melodies and Songs to make, Wolololo Propaganda Office to master the delicate alchemy of converting neighbors clay to ours...
[X] Plan Fortress Doctrine

[X] Plan: Setting the Stage.
-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[X] Centaur (0/1)
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies — Slumber, Mercy
-[X] [Voxx Primus] Send infiltrators, social manipulators, and further elite troops in small numbers (enough to hide their involvement) to get involved in the gang wars to come. Focus on finding gangs that can be either recruited or bribed off... and utterly destroying those Underhive gangs that cannot, using those Gangs willing to bend the knee as a cover for expansion, transforming them from within and without through the power of being the ones with the guns, industry, and food. Infiltrators are to work on undermining those gangs that cannot be made to bend the knee from within, setting them up against each other and against themselves from within, with the Voxx Primus rebels always ready to sweep up the pieces of a gang civil war, rescue the survivors, and expand that way if needed. Additionally, while sending in these other covert experts and so on, also send in five Choirs covertly to strengthen communication and aid in this push, operating carefully and secretively--better not to be noticed than to be noticed when it comes to Psykana… a good choice would be the use of the Perception Melody in order to gather intel about the opposing gangs and any latent Psykers they may find, but generally the Choir's instincts within these bounds are to be trusted
-[X] [Free] Switch active ISC to New Dawn R&D

[X] Plan: Fleet Expansion
-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[X] Centaur (0/1)
--[X] Sphinx (0/0.5) (Overflow to Werewolf)

-[X] [Military] Create 8 Blazing Sun War Packs
-[X] [Free] Switch active ISC to New Dawn R&D
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