Squirrel Sect [Stone age] [Riot Quest] [Squirrels Cultivating]

'Actively Sabotage' would imply they're cultivating for the express purpose of harming the quest rather than cultivating because they really want a kung fu squirrel ASAP.

There is, in fact, a very important difference between maliciousness and negligence.

Not when the action only has negative outcomes, both when they fail and when they succeed.
At some point negligence becomes malicious, and this is it.
before the end of the night an arrow of yours finds an owls eye. The one eyed owl screams and stares at you as it flies away. It will be coming back for you.
Rival acquired.

Toboe: In a moment of concentration and will you take that power inside of you and shatter it's containment. It flows through you like fire and lightning. You open your eyes feeling pure joy at the new strength in your limbs and the way your eyes are sharper and the world seems a little more colorful. Mostly red.

That's blood.
After the fight, the squirrel sat down to think.
Only 1 in 5 survived.
4 in 5 died.
As those two thoughts circled in the squirrels mind, a certainty grew to oppose the numbness.
The certainty of doing what it planned beforehand: Protect its friends.
For some it may be too late, but for many more it isn't.

And so it set out to prepare, with a mantra to steel its nerves.

What is it that the Owls took from the squirrels friends?
Its blood.

What is it the one-eyed Owl paid?
Its blood.

What price will the squirrel take from all that try to attack its friends?
Its blood!

[X]Guard from the owls (Very Dangerous)

Re-rolls used:
Toboe threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Guard from the owls Total: 23
5 5 9 9 7 7 2 2
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Not when the action only has negative outcomes, both when they fail and when they succeed.
At some point negligence becomes malicious, and this is it.

Negligence and maliciousness come from two very difference places.

Maliciousness requires intent. Negligence comes from ignorance or just not caring.

Both result in the same outcome, but the difference remains important all the same, especially in how you approach the problem.
For example, this is a case where originally the problem was negligence - and because the poster recognized the mistake but meant no harm, now seeks to fix said mistake.

Please his action didn't cause any harm, in the first place.

The problem with voting for cultivation is that the people that do so have to pretty much ignore the update itself and overall situation. That shows a level of negligence that implies intent.
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[X] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)

A young squirrel in the admidst the effort to make another spear can't help but feel affraid, knowing the owls are here and hunting his kin.
The thoughts of being hunted and taken by one of the owls was now a very real possibility.
So, with fear spurring him onwards he can only hope that there are enough guards to stop anyone else from dying next time.

At least, he would contribute to ensure the guards have the weapons and armor to defend themselves as long as he was still alive to see the next dawn.
Soulforce threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 7
7 7
A new squirrel come to it ơn sense, slowly it shaken out the fudge that decend upon it from the awakening ritual that had awakened it, for a moment it looked around in marvel with it new sense and perspective of the world, to see it brethren in a new light, to see the sect for what it is.

But then something deep primal inside it stirl, and suddenly the squirrel find itself sitting upon a spot slowly taking in and out breath as it naturally found itself cultivating.

[X] Cultivate
kosi threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 8
3 3 5 5
The problem with voting for cultivation is that the people that do so have to pretty much ignore the update itself and overall situation. That shows a level of negligence that implies intent.

Or it is a minimum contribution player who doesn't care about participating beyond the bare minimum - take an action, read result, take another action, repeat, etc.

That players can take food collection actions without realizing that we have more than enough food demonstrates it is also possible for people to take other actions - including cultivation actions - without any form of malicious intent involved.
This also kind of a 'yeah' thing, anyone gathering food right now is de facto wasting that inspiration that brought in a motherload of a surplus that should last us for multiple turns without anyone having to gather any food at all.

Food doesn't expire, no one is wasting anything by trying to stockpile food, or increase our food income in the long term.
[X] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)

There was a conflicting mix of emotion in Flintfur's head
She is dead
The bows he had helped make had drawn blood from the perfidious owls
Swallowed whole and screaming
But that had not stopped the owls
Her bones spat out after the beast had digested its meal
But there was nothing he could do
Of course there was
Nothing else he could do except carve a few new spears for the militia...
A snap of wood breaking woke Flintfur of his brooding. It seems he had accidentally broken the spear he was working on.
Grabbing another stave of wood, Flintfur began to gnaw it into shape.
fearsome hill threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: weapons of war Total: 7
7 7
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Food doesn't expire, no one is wasting anything by trying to stockpile food, or increase our food income in the long term.

They are "wasting" an action that could be used to help solve the presently occuring crisis, as opposed to something that will only matter 7~ turns from now.

Basically now is not the time to think in the long term. I suppose "waste" might be a bit strong, but it is heavily unneeded.
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EDIT: Note to voters, now is a bad time to cultivate, with no forms of shelter it leaves you wide open.
Additionally, we have over 300 food, so its better to harvest soemthing else for now.

He would love nothing more but to make some hats.

But there where matters far more pressing then his personal desires, what good are hats if there's nobody to wear them?

The owls had to be dealt with first, and while the bows where a great boon it's clear their utilization was lacking.

They needed to be better organized, and have a better plan of attack, there wasn't much time to come up with one yesterday, and that would have to be rectified.

Just simple things to start, lining up to not get in eachother's way, aiming where the owl will be instead of where they are. Any plan beats no plan.

Before he got started an errant thought entered his mind, a pleasant one. Of how great of hats owl feathers could make

[X] Militia organization

Reroll from: @bluefur87, @Bloms

[]GUARD LORD: Gain a Trait "Guard Lord"
[]HEROIC DEFENSE: All guard rolls get a free reroll this turn.
[]THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM: The owls will not attack this turn but next turn will be worse.

General Inspiration Bonus:
[] NAMED: Give one squirrel a "NAME": Named Squirrels get two actions per turn.
[] LEADERSHIP: Designate one Squirrel as a "LEADER" leaders can not use rerolls themselves but can gain up to 5 rerolls a turn for longer Omakes (Six total with art)
[] BLESSED FORTUNE: For 3 turns chance based rolls gain +2 (Scouting, Cultivation, weird write in's, etc)
They are "wasting" an action that could be used to help solve the presently occuring crisis, as opposed to something that will only matter 7~ turns from now.

Basically now is not the time to think in the long term.

They are still actually doing something that does some progress, instead of actively wasting resources and getting themselves killed and if they succeed still waste resources, make more work and still get themselves killed.
They saw the aftermath of the Owls actions.

They draw great amusement from the Owls gorging themselves on the fools that just sat there in the open, offering themselves.

While the smart one drew their bows to fire, They were less amused with the quality of the bow that was meant to protect the others.

They sat down with those that were working with wood, making spears and better bows.

[X] Wood Mastery 1 [71/100]
Sgt. Mook threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 11
5 5 6 6
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[]GUARD LORD: Gain a Trait "Guard Lord"
[]HEROIC DEFENSE: All guard rolls get a free reroll this turn.
[]THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM: The owls will not attack this turn but next turn will be worse.

Man all of them are pretty big oof.

First one trait on a squirrel that is very likely to die.
We have 1 guard roll so far.
Calm pretty much means we get fucked hard next turn and fuck the people from the expedition over (because they should be back by then), massive danger to goable hows squirrel is named.
They are "wasting" an action that could be used to help solve the presently occuring crisis, as opposed to something that will only matter 7~ turns from now.

Basically now is not the time to think in the long term. I suppose "waste" might be a bit strong, but it is heavily unneeded.
the best time to do long term actions was 10 turns ago. The second best time is now.

[]GUARD LORD: Gain a Trait "Guard Lord"
[]HEROIC DEFENSE: All guard rolls get a free reroll this turn.
[]THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM: The owls will not attack this turn but next turn will be worse.

General Inspiration Bonus:
[] NAMED: Give one squirrel a "NAME": Named Squirrels get two actions per turn.
[] LEADERSHIP: Designate one Squirrel as a "LEADER" leaders can not use rerolls themselves but can gain up to 5 rerolls a turn for longer Omakes (Six total with art)
[] BLESSED FORTUNE: For 3 turns chance based rolls gain +2 (Scouting, Cultivation, weird write in's, etc)

[X]GUARD LORD: Gain a Trait "Guard Lord"

I shall protect the sect with my now very shortened life!
[X] Gather Qi Acorns

This is the food, Qi Acorns and Squirrel accounting post. Since we are going to be good with food for several turns, I decided to increase the scope of my accounting.

This topic has been update up to post #1,702

Current situation:
460.8 +8.4 = 469.2 /58.6 Food. We are currently POSITIVE for this turn andt enough for the next 7.8 turns at current population and consumption (next turn: 402,2)
(+7*1.2 = 8.4 gathered by Daemon Hunter)
58.6 + (13+7+6+2+6+8+7)*0.2 =68.4 Squirrels. We have more squirrels than last turn (66.2)
28.9 Qi Acorns.
- (13+7+6+2+6+8+7)*0.2 + (9+19+3+2)*0.4 - 3 = 29.3. We have almost the same number of acorns compared to our consumption.
(Used by SomeDuce to awake more squirrels, roll of 13)
(Used by FroggoFantastic to cultivate)
(Used by Chimeraguard to awake more squirrels, roll of 7)
(Used by uri to awake more squirrels, roll of 6)
(Used by O N I O N to awake more squirrels, roll of 2)
(Used by davidknaus to cultivate)
(Used by Skjadir to awake more squirrels, roll of 6)
(Used by kosi to cultivate)
(9*0.4 gathered by me).
(19*0.4 gathered by Amilia)
(Used by Ghost in the Sun to awaken squirrels, roll of 8)
(Used by thamuzz to awaken squirrels, roll of 7)
(3*0.4 gathered by trekbook)
(2*0.4 gathered by Banelord)

We shouldn't gather food and focus more on Qi Acorns since we'll need them to resist attrition against Owl

Now, buildings:
- Mushroom Farm Burrow [23+6+6 = 35/50]: I honestly advise against keep building: we need the wood for the Spears. Better to use the progress to gather them than keeping building.
(6 progress made by wrecksalot, 6 by Slykk1)
- Bug Burrow [0/50]: Better than farm because it doesn't use food, but would require to gather bugs and wood, since we are in debt. I advise AGAINST it then. Synergy would improve this, but food is not an issue.

The Mushroom Farm is also 1d10-2 at the moment. I believe we need more research to make it worth.
Speaking of researches:

- Agricolture Mastery [26/200]: Very expensive to complete and we have more pressing concerns. Against.
- Farmland [7+6 = 13/25]: Medium progress. If you want to research tech, research this.
(6 progress by Gahuul)
- Deep Burrow [0/50]: Medium-high progress. Probably improves the Bug Burrow. Last priority.

Therefore, my priority list would be something like this:

Gather Qi Acorn
Awake Squirrels to AT LEAST the last turn numbers.

MEDIUM PRIORITY (in order of importance):
Awake more squirrels to provide a small buffer

LOW PRIORITY (in order of importance)
Deep Burrow
Agricolture Mastery 2

I'll use my reroll for low rolls on these actions. I will not use reroll for other things. Thank for your attention.
Abyssius threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Gathering time Total: 11
2 2 9 9
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[X]GUARD LORD: Gain a Trait "Guard Lord"

I shall protect the sect with my now very shortened life!
What is it we will deny to the owls?
Its blood (of our friends)!

(1 used by SomeDuce to awake more squirrels, roll of 13)
(1 used by FroggoFantastic to cultivate)
(1 used by Chimeraguard to awake more squirrels, roll of 7)
(1 used by uri to awake more squirrels, roll of 6)
(1 used by O N I O N to awake more squirrels, roll of 2)
(1 used by davidknaus to cultivate)
(1 used by Skjadir to awake more squirrels, roll of 6)
(1 used by kosi to cultivate)
I think awakening squirrels uses 1 Qicorn per squirrel awakened (1 squirrel every 5 progress), not per action.
What is it we will deny to the owls?
Its blood (of our friends)!

I think awakening squirrels uses 1 Qicorn per squirrel awakened (1 squirrel every 5 progress), not per action.
Yeah, I updated. But doing so, we have LESS Qi acorns, which is expected since on an average an action is 5.5 progress, meaning that it costs 1.1 Qi acorns on average.
Mimic looked at the flame, roaring all around them, devouring everything it touched. It was dangerous, it was... inspiring in a way. He was tempted for a moment to sink into the energy he felt, to study it and learn from it.


There were squirrels back home that were relying on them to bring back something that could be used to protect the sect. To take the fire would make him visible, would make him vulnerable. It did not matter. He would not falter in this task.

[X] Take up a Torch: (Dangerous but at least one flame must reach the sect or the expedition will fail)

Edit: +1 for being a cultivator makes this a total of 10
MightbeaMimic threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Fire Total: 12
3 3 9 9
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The Mushroom Farm is also 1d10-2 at the moment. I believe we need more research to make it worth.
(1) Mushroom Farm: Costs 1 food per turn rolls 1d10 for food gained.
1d10-1 actully.

Will unlocked better bows when wood mastery 1 is done.
[] Wood Mastery 1 [71/100]
And speaking of possible research, wood mastery would apparently unlock better bows and its like 3/4 done already.

EDIT:more actually as there is already 17 progress done on it this turn so it's on 88 progress.
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