My concern is (and Sun-Sin might frame it like this) that if the Monks are under attack, our crew would be in the firing line.

[X] – Ask reasonably (Respect)
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I meant that it might have attacked the monastery.

My concern is (and Sun-Sin might frame it like this) that if the Monks are under attack, our crew would be in the firing line.

To clarify, because this wasn't intentional and might end up swinging the vote: The machine is there for repair and it is the only one you can see. It's unlikely that it was part of any attack against the monks.
[X] – Ask reasonably (Respect)

Find out what it means to me
Vote closed
XXIII. A Moment's Respite

XXIII. A Moment's Respite

Ask reasonably (Respect)

"I'm not asking for much for me or my crew," you say, holding up placating hands, "but we're going to be here for the next week at least while my ship is repaired. So let's not start things off poorly."

Lotus frowns. "You are still a stranger to me, captain."

"I know," you say, "And I'm not asking you to tell me about your defenses, I'm asking you what they're for." You lean in. "If you're under attack, or if that Knight is piloted by someone who might be attacked, then my crew and I are in danger and we need to know."

Lotus hesitates a moment longer, then nods slowly. "Very well. Be assured, the temple is not going to be attacked. The Knight is under repair for one of other guests, who wishes that no one know he is here."

You raise an eyebrow. "You're in no danger but your guest asks no one knows he's here?"

Lotus hesitates. "… the nobles are at war, after all."

You glance at the Knight, eyes narrowing. You almost ask if the knight is the Staff of the Azure Sky, but you dismiss the thought. Daimyo class implies more than one, and you know the Staff is both unique and far too massive to be called a Knight anyway.

"If they're at war," you say slowly, "how do you know no one's going to come after him?"

"Our neutrality guarantees our safety. No one would seriously attack a temple of the Kuji-Nan." Lotus says, and to your complete shock he seems to believe it. "If they did, then the temples would refuse to help them repair or maintain their equipment."

"And those walls? You just maintain them for… aesthetic purposes?" Eun asks, her tone as baffled as you feel.

"We occasionally have to deal with bandits or pirates, of course, but no one substantial. If it's overkill, then that only means it's safer for us." Lotus smiles at her. "And those who rest within these walls, of course."

"And what did that?" Ping points at the Knight Daimyo.

The monk shakes his head. "Even the mightiest of machines can be brought low if put in a poor position."

"Other knights?" Ping presses.

The monk says nothing.

"Come on!"

"I have a responsibility to my guests, I cannot tell you, for it could potentially lead you to know their identity."

Ping growls but lets it go.

"About my ship," you say, "You're sure you can repair the damage?"

"I'll have to see the damage directly, but if it made it to drydock, I imagine so." Lotus nods. "We have the materials, at least."

"About that, you should know this man-" Whim begins.

Lotus holds up a hand. "Whatever he or anyone else does beyond these walls is no concern of ours. He saved you, Paradise in Labor, and a lay-sister of the cloister of circuitry. The least we can do is repair his ship, and I will personally oversee the modification of these weapons. Now go rest, you have been through a great ordeal."

Whim frowns and walks away. Despite his apparent lack of sight, he walks with purpose, and does not trip or slow.

You turn to Lotus and continue speaking about pleasantries, your ship and your guns. As you do, however, your mind is turning, practically unbidden, as other ideas and thoughts begin to take shape…


The group gathers together in an inn that is much higher class than you'd normally sleep in; it's closer to a place you'd rob. Lotus apparently called in a favor or two to pay for the place, saying that the spartan quarters of the monks would hardly be considered thanks, at least to the pirates. The rooms are beautiful, with luxurious carpets and drapes and even an armoire. Your room in particular has golden candlesticks and, of all things, a mosaic next to a pair of transparent windows!. There's also a large king size bed that you're only barely short enough to sleep in; being tall has its issues.

Fan is sleeping in her own room, a notion that seems to have caught her off guard. You're glad for it; your crew needs to discuss things that a child shouldn't need to worry about.

You look over the members of the crew you've brought with you. "The ship's repairs should take a couple of weeks. We'll have modified Aeldari guns we can look at in a couple of days."

Amaya's smile is forced as she nods, looking out the window to the busy streets below. Ping similarly doesn't seem as enthusiastic, but that's to be expected. They both were shot by the weapons in question.

Eun smiles as she examines the mosaic. "You said their guns can fire dozens of shots before they need to reload, right?"

"Dozens at the least. They'll have to be modified a bit so we can all use them, of course, but it should work out fine." You grin. "Do we have any other issues?"

"I'm a little concerned about the Knight," Eun says. "We have no way of knowing why it's down like that or if it could hit us too."

"That Daimyo was heavily damaged, but not badly enough to keep it from walking here." Ping muses aloud. "Wish they'd told us who piloted it, I'd love to meet them."

Amaya raises an eyebrow at Ping, question unspoken.

Ping shrugs. "I like Knights."

"I'm not worried," you say, folding your arms. "Lotus told us enough."

"Tha- what?" Ping blanches. "You know, then?!"

"I have a guess." You shrug. "What could take out a Knight Daimyo? Other Knight Daimyo. Or several other knights. Like he said himself, it was in a poor position."

Eun rubs her chin. "Which implies a battlefield."

Ping lets out a breath in awe. "The civil war."

You nod. "Too small to be the Staff. So not the Empress. Perhaps one of her generals, or a lord of Chan. Either way, their presence here would be a big deal and they wouldn't want that information spreading. Hence the secrecy." You pause, then add, "well, as much secrecy as you can get with a robot that size, I guess."

"And if whoever their enemy is finds out they're here…" Ping says slowly.

The room's silent for a few moments as everyone considers the implications of that, and its importance.

"It's not any of our business, of course," you say, waving a dismissive hand. "Whoever it is, they aren't our concern. For now, we're gonna be on shore leave for at least a week. Drink, party, do whatever you like."

Ping frowns. "What could we possibly do in a monk's temple that would be any fun?"

Amaya smirks. "Bang on the altar?"

Eun blushes. "Amaya!"

"As fun as that sounds," Ping laughs, "we should wait until the ship's fixed."

Amaya shakes her head, but she's smiling.

You shrug, ignoring their commentary. "This harbor isn't the temple proper. They probably have bars. Spread out a bit, try to relax. We're going to sail again once our ship's repairs are complete."

"We taking any of the monks with us?" Ping asks.

"Uh, why?"

"I just…" Ping sighs and shakes his head. "Nevermind, boss, it's not important."

You fold your arms and glare at him, waiting for him to voice his concern.

"… it's worth considering," Ping finally says. "The monks were able to keep the ship intact long enough for us to reach drydock, with very little in the way of resources. That's very useful."

"Can't say I like their attitudes," you say dryly.

"The lay-sister seemed to like you, at least." Ping presses.

"Enough." You sigh and stand up. "Just… let me think on it, Ping. We have time."

He hesitates a moment, biting his lip, but nods. You can tell he wants to argue louder about it, but he knows you'll make your choice and there's nothing else he can say.

"There's one other thing I'd like you guys to keep an eye out for," you say, and grin wide. The fun part of shore leave in any town.

"Oh?" Eun asks.

"Yeah." You rub your hands together. "I want you three to seek out anything worth stealing from this place before we set sail."

Ping raises an eyebrow, but grins wide.

Eun smirks. "Oh, captain…"

"Don't take anything yet, we're still guests here, and we may just leave without hurting anything," you add, "but if there's something really shiny to grab, and they decide to piss us off, well… we're still pirates and a little short of that bountiful treasure I promised mother."

Amaya checks the windows, then looks back at you and nods.

"What fun," Ping grins.

Eun licks her lips. "The harbor should be the easiest place to take from. I'll see if there's any jewelry places…"

Ping grins. "I'll see about their alcohol. All those fields, there's gotta be some kind of ale or sake or something."

"You're not gonna drink it all, are you?" you smirk at him.

"Just a sample of it all," Ping grins.

Amaya nods and heads for the door. She doesn't say anything, but you trust her to keep an eye peeled for something good.

As everyone files out, you sigh and lean back, taking your hat off of your head and running fingers through your short hair. You'll let Fan sleep in the other room for a while, then go explore the town a bit. The harbor isn't strictly part of the temple, but given how close it is, it's still heavily influenced. It won't be anything like Shang, and it'll be worth exploring for you both. That, and you can follow your own advice and keep an eye out for something worth taking.

You think that you have a week or two.

But it's only a few days before something goes wrong…



Though you believe that you have a few weeks, it's only a few days before you're interrupted. You go to handle the Aeldari guns (finally) as well as manage issues with your crew. What else do you handle during these first few days? And what problem interrupts you?

[] – [Focus] The ship

The monks are going to be doing a number on your ship for repairs. But while they have it in drydock, you begin to muse that perhaps they can do more than simply fix it. They could reinforce it, make it stronger so this never happens again. You fret a little over the wood and getting the Cutting Dagger ready to go…

[] – [Focus] Their defenses

You don't believe for an instant that such extensive defenses are just for starved peasant defenders. There's something here, clearly, but more to the point they're defending it from something substantial. So you spend some time looking around the walls and listening to those making repairs. Surely there's some hint as to what all these defenses are for…

[] – [Focus] The Knight Daimyo

Ping seems interested in the machine's damage. He isn't the most… reliable guy, but he's still your crew. If it worries him it worries you. You'll look into the knight's pilot and try to secure an audience with him. And by 'secure an audience' you mean sneak into his room and talk to him. Whether he wants to or not…

[] – [Focus] – Write-in


Ping has brought up the possibility of recruiting tech monks to join your ship on a permanent basis. It's not guaranteed to work, of course, but you can at least make the effort and ask around.

[] – [Recruit] Yes

The monks have some serious tech know-how. Yeah they're a little rough personality wise, but that can be sanded off with time. They'll obey once they learn to trust you, and like Ping says, they'd be useful.

[] – [Recruit] No

The Tech Monks have useful skills but they've been, at best, difficult with you. They would hardly acknowledge you as Captain, and that's necessary to command. Don't bother.

[] – [Recruit] Write In


[] – [Problem] The plague spreads

Maia's only getting worse, and whatever she has begins spreading into the harbor and among the monks. Whatever the monks are doing to fight and contain whatever she's caught isn't working. Your own crew are beginning to succumb as well, but that doesn't make sense… they should've succumbed first…

[] – [Problem] Knights attack

Lotus, it seems, was full of shit. A full lance of knights arrives outside of the temple, blaring their horns and demanding the surrender of the Knight Daimyo's pilot. Someone far more important than any ordinary man…

[] – [Problem] Pirate raid

Ironically, while you're here sitting and waiting, another group of pirates decides to launch their own attack on the temple at the same time. This doesn't look good for your position at all, but to make it worse, they're part of mother's fleet…

[] – [Problem] Write-in

Suggested by @Tabascoheath
[] – [Problem] Drukhari raid
"It seems that the cabal from the island didn't enjoy their thrashing, and are back with bigger guns to repay the favor in kind. What they find are some very interesting prizes among the Kuji-nan and the guests of the temple…"

Suggested by @SpacePaladin
[] – [Problem] Ork Raid
Sun-Sin might be content to sail around indulging himself and his friends, but Primarchs are creatures of destiny for good or for ill, and the first scouts of an Ork Waaagh, possibly following the Dark Eldar, have made planetfall and someone of incredible intelligence, charisma and strength will be needed to unite the world to fend them off. Even if it means crushing everyone who care more about their petty squabbles than the alien threat. But first you'll need to deal with the ones at the fortress.

Also suggested by @SpacePaladin
[] -[Problem] Rangdan Slave Scout Raid
"Sun Sin and his Legion would eventually be known as either the Purged or the Forgotten, so thorough would he and his sons be scoured from the history books and memories that there would be only fleeting mention of an existence of the 11th Legion. However, one of the few surviving documents that bear their deeds would mention their involvement in a conflict known as the Rangdan Xenocides. This is the first time Sun Sin would face, if not the vile xenos themselves, then their slaves on the battlefield."
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[X] – [Focus] The ship
[X] – [Recruit] Yes
[X] – [Problem] Drukhari raid
"It seems that the cabal from the island didn't enjoy their thrashing, and are back with bigger guns to repay the favor in kind. What they find are some very interesting prizes among the Kuji-nan and the guests of the temple…"

Is the write-in good?

And a joke option
[J] – [Problem] Overdue Child-support payments
"Something crashes through the sky one night, landing in the fields outside the temple. Upon closer inspection, it turns out to be a ship from the stars. From its depths come around 50 warriors all kneeling and calling you 'Father' and 'Primarch'… And Ping's yelling at you about child abandonment, reckless endangerment, and clear infidelity what with so many kids."
[X] – [Focus] The ship
[X] – [Recruit] Yes
[X] – [Problem] Knights attack

Don't want to do Deldar again so soon.
[X] – [Focus] The ship
[X] – [Recruit] Yes
[X] – [Problem] Knights attack
[X] – [Focus] The ship
[X] – [Recruit] No
[X] – [Problem] Pirate raid

- possible ally here plus good graces with mother
[X] – [Focus] The Knight Daimyo
[X] – [Recruit] Yes

EDIT: As a longtime petitioner for Ork Rival I'm obliged to vote for:
[X] – [Problem] Ork Raid
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