TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

@Robinton a few questions:

-Did we get death magic successes from creature deaths just because they died, or because we were studying death magic AND they died?

-Would the Bees be effective at specifically handling any Vine seedlings landing in the Forest?

-Can we spend our Village favor to get them to spend more time killing Vines? I wonder if they would be particularly helpful at removing Vines from our trees?
[X][Action] Research Laser Rifle (Ancient-Tech Research)
-[X] Destructive Testing (Vines)

[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack x2
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack x3

[X][Squirrel] Coordinate Anti-Evil Vine War
[X][Deer] Assist fight against Evil Vines
[X][Moles] Undermine Evil Vine roots
[X][Bees] Provide arial intelligence to assist coordination against Evil Vines
[X][Ants] Clean Evil Vines off Trees
[X][Wolves] Assist fight against Evil Vines

[X][Burn Favor] Ask the villagers to remove vines and seedlings within the forest, under the protection of our Shields.
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Everyone, please keep in mind that we have very little room to afford actions that aren't dedicated to fighting the vines in some way, shape or form.

[X][Action] Coordinate fight against Evil Vines (Communication)
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack x2
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack x3
[X][Squirrel] Attack the Evil Vines with fire swords
[X][Deer] Assist fight against Evil Vines
[X][Moles] Undermine Evil Vine roots
[X][Bees] Remove any additional seedlings the Evil Vines attempt to send
[X][Ants] Clean Evil Vines off Trees
[X][Wolves] Assist fight against Evil Vines
[X][Burn Favor] Ask the villagers to remove vines and seedlings within the forest, under the protection of our Shields.

Rip and Tear, till the war is won.

The Communication specialist Trees have a breakthrough with a local pack of Wolves early in the turn. You see, one of their cubs got ensnared and devoured by the Vines, and the Wolves do not like that. And then the Vines suddenly begin to grow at a ferocious rate, and the Wolves' slightly-boosted intelligence recognizes a deadly threat to everyone. The Wolves promptly join in with nearly-all of your other Creatures in attacking the Vines, and do significant damage - even working to keep your other Creatures safe, as they understand well the value of 'pack.' (12.5 of 12.5 successes towards Wolves.)

An action commonly known in scientific circles as "Ya dun goofed"

May the pup be remembered and avenged.

But the main staple of the Forest's damage output was simple:

Set the bloody Vines on fire.

Definitely the best line of the update, maybe even one of the best lines of the quest.
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Hmmm...not entirely sure what to do here. But at least from the top of my head:

1. We need some trees focuses on stockpiling resources. We need to make sure we don't starve ourselves in the processes of killing the Vines.

2. Some of us need to take the Tear Off The Vines Action this Turn to ensure they don't start draining us.

3. Need to keep up the fire and maybe start putting research into other stuff.

4. At least a few Trees should Raise the Shields to ensure the Vines don't get anymore of their spawn on us.

[X][Action] Tear Off the Vines
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
[X][Focus] Blot Out The Sun
[X][Focus] Raise the Shields
[X][Squirrel] Coordinate Anti-Evil Vine War
[X][Deer] Assist fight against Evil Vines
[X][Moles] Undermine Evil Vine roots
[X][Bees] Provide arial intelligence to assist coordination against Evil Vines
[X][Ants] Clean Evil Vines off Trees

I'm gonna go with this for now. Focuses are for these reasons:

1. We need to keep up the fire.

2. Blot Out The Sun will ensure the Vines don't grow anymore.

3. The Shields are the only reason we didn't take too much damage this turn. Keep them up.

As for the Action, it's to help ensure the Vines GET THE FUCK OFF!
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Hmmm...not entirely sure what to do here. But at least from the top of my head:

1. We need some trees focuses on stockpiling resources. We need to make sure we don't starve ourselves in the processes of killing the Vines.

2. Some of us need to take the Tear Off The Vines Action this Turn to ensure they don't start draining us.

3. Need to keep up the fire and maybe start putting research into other stuff.
We also need shields for protection against vines.
[X][Action] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
FYI, you should add "x2" and "x3" if you want to vote to perform the same Focus action more than once. Anyway...

[X][Action] Try to freeze the Vines
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack
[X][Focus] Tear Off the Vines
[X][Focus] Blot Out The Sun
[X][Squirrel] Coordinate Anti-Evil Vine War
[X][Deer] Assist fight against Evil Vines
[X][Moles] Undermine Evil Vine roots
[X][Bees] Remove any additional seedlings the Evil Vines attempt to send
[X][Beavers] Chew Hostile Plants (Vines)
[X][Ants] Clean Evil Vines off Trees
[X][Burn Favor] Ask the villagers to remove vines and seedlings within the forest, under the protection of our Shields.

Not voting on the Wolves because... well, they're understandably pissed off at losing a cub, so they'll fight on their own, which means we don't need to vote to send them.

edit: Bees vs. Vine Seeds confirmed better than Bees vs. Vines; switching from recon.
edit2: Oh yeah, Favors.
edit3: Beavers were AWOL.
edit4: Change Action because others shielding, change one Focus because WoG light focus stronger than fire focus right now.
edit5: Just remembered my comment about directly weaponizing Ice and decided to try it to see how well it works here. Should still be an Offense action, since I'm attacking the Vines with it.
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-Did we get death magic successes from creature deaths just because they died, or because we were studying death magic AND they died?
Because they died.

That said... If you had no concept of Death Magic, it would take significantly longer, and you might not notice until you started studying it. If they weren't Connected to you, it would have far less effect. If they were in some distant land and you couldn't reach them, it would have little to no effect.

-Would the Bees be effective at specifically handling any Vine seedlings landing in the Forest?
Moderately. Better than the main mass of Vines. Might be able to be used with a write-in, if a Tree grants them a bit of bonus magic or something?

-Can we spend our Village favor to get them to spend more time killing Vines? I wonder if they would be particularly helpful at removing Vines from our trees?
Sure! And "Would you please remove the Vines that are relatively-small and inside our Shield" is a much easier request than "Please charge into the writhing mass of death."

2. Some of us need to take the Tear Off The Vines Action this Turn to ensure they don't start draining us.
Someone does, yes.
Unless you want to pause Growth for a turn or something similarly crazy.

May I also note that overflow will be saved for future turns. Overflow past the Vines' demise will be rolled into another Survival action; likely Resources.
Not voting on the Wolves because... well, they're understandably pissed off at losing a cub, so they'll fight on their own, which means we don't need to vote to send them.

Oh yeah, I would like to point that out:

Thanks to the Trees that have been focusing on Communication, Wolves and Deer now see each other as brothers in arms.

Man we are a weird forest.
[X][Action] Store Resources Against Future Need

1. We need some trees focuses on stockpiling resources. We need to make sure we don't starve ourselves in the processes of killing the Vines.

With our current rate of loss, I can say with confidence that my specialization will keep us close to the Black, so focus elsewhere should be fine.

2. Some of us need to take the Tear Off The Vines Action this Turn to ensure they don't start draining us.

Having the Ants Clean the Vines Off Of Trees might actually work out really well based on the action's description?

I'd love for @Robinton to weigh in on that though.

3. Need to keep up the fire and maybe start putting research into other stuff.

On this topic as well @Robinton fire received a multiplier on Damage because it's a Plant target, does Light get a multiplier because it's a Malice target?
(The Vines climbing your Trees will reduce your Growth by 30% next turn, multiplicative to any other effects. Any lost Growth will be gained by the Vines. This will be resisted by the Pull Off the Vines action.)
Growing a Lens Tree is now an even worse idea for this turn. :(
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!!
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!!!
Focusing on Focused Light Attack gives us 9 more automatic successes because it's boosted by Collector Trees.

[X][Action] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn! (Vines)
[X][Action] Blot Out The Sun (Vines)
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack x2
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack x3
[X][Squirrel] Coordinate Anti-Evil Vine War
[X][Squirrel] Attack the Vines with fire swords
[X][Deer] Assist fight against Evil Vines
[X][Moles] Undermine Evil Vine roots
[X][Beavers] Chew Hostile Plants (Vines)
[X][Bees] Provide arial intelligence to assist coordination against Evil Vines
[X][Ants] Clean Evil Vines off Trees
[X][Wolves] Assist fight against Evil Vines
[X][Burn Favor] Ask the villagers to remove vines and seedlings within the forest, under the protection of our Shields.

I might change my Action vote to blotting out the sun or one of the other necessary tasks, depending on how the vote goes.
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[X] [Action] Tear off the Vines-- specifically by patrolling.
[X] [Focus] Focused Light Attack (Vines)
[X] [Focus] Focused Light Attack (Vines) *2
[X] [Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! BURN! (vines)
[X] [Deer] Attack Vines
[X] [Moles] Undermine Hostile Roots (Vines)
[X] [Beavers] Chew Hostile Plants (Vines)
[X] [Bees] Grow More Bees

One Tree discovers they have a taste for adventure and protecting others.
Having the Ants Clean the Vines Off Of Trees might actually work out really well based on the action's description?

I'd love for @Robinton to weigh in on that though.
Not the action's original intent, but if directed at the inner Vines they would do... 2 auto-successes and 4 dice.

I think burning the Newton Village favor plus 2 player dice would give you an effective auto-success.

On this topic as well @Robinton fire received a multiplier on Damage because it's a Plant target, does Light get a multiplier because it's a Malice target?
Maybe a slight one? Mostly, you get all Growth Focus and percentage bonuses - and don't need to care about the damp.

Growing a Lens Tree is now an even worse idea for this turn. :(
Only if you think your comrades won't be able to tear off all the Vines. Given that it only requires 6 successes, I'm hopeful.
Only if you think your comrades won't be able to tear off all the Vines. Given that it only requires 6 successes, I'm hopeful.
Even if we manage to get all of the Vines in the Forest, we should probably put our Action votes towards fighting the Vines instead of Growing a Lens Tree. Hopefully, we'll be able to defeat the Vines this turn and then Focus on the Lens Tree next turn.
[X][Action] Feed the Swarm

It doesn't seem to fit my tree category, but it should. I picked it to work on bees.
[X][Action] Grow the Forest

I am relying on others to remove that pesky growth malus, I am a Growth tree, so I have almost no dice for anything else. These vines have a lot of nerve applying a growth malus during spring though, so I wholeheartedly support everyione else's attempts to destroy them.
[X][Action] Research Intermediate Movement (Magic Research) (Movement Research)
-[X] Destructive Testing on the invader vines.
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack x2
[X][Focus] Focused Light Attack x3
[X][Beavers] Chew Hostile Plants (Vines)
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[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
[X][Action] Light Magic Study (Magic Research)

I request to be upgraded into a Creator Tree. I have... some ideas that might necessitate Growth to come into fruition.
[X][Action] Research Intermediate Movement (Magic Research) (Movement Research)
[X][Focus] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
[X][Focus] Blot Out The Sun
[X][Focus] Raise the Shields

Nope, still Movement research.