I think for the narrative, we might as well just take what we have now. I can't imagine us having the free slot to redo it next turn with what is coming to be, there is a bunch of other diplomatic actions that would need to be done I'd imagine, from calming down the Brittanian allies, to rallying banner to support Tianzi. We can try to throw out propaganda to spin our narrative, but given how we're jumping into a conflict that's gonna be covered globally, I don't know how effective is the curated coverage we can give people when the rest of world is gonna have their own spin. Frankly this is committing one future action for a decision point that was mediocre to begin with. I get that questers really hate not getting perfect success, but seriously just let this one go so we can actually choose diplomatic option that will fucking matter next turn instead of just giving tabloid coverage to the brittanian.
In regard to what to use for the Psionic, I think the Psionic medic is the best option since it's gonna have immediate impact on our troops fighting ability, which will be relevant if we're actually gonna jump in and invade a port and actually have boot in the ground for our entanglement instead of just limiting it to naval engagement. We're entering a turn that may result in paradigm changing if not outright game ending on bad rolls, so picking options with more short term impact is probably preferable to longer term, even if the long term effect may have the best result.
[x][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[x][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
[x][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)