No, SV, You Are the Forest! (Riot Quest)

[X][Action] Convince the Predators to aggressively aid the Forest
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x2
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x3
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x4
I need some help from a few more people to get the Predators in gear. They're going to be awesome. Lend a branch, please?

Beyond that, we've paid a ridiculous amount of actions for these collector trees and the beam. Might as well try it out.

[X][Action] Convince the Predators to aggressively aid the Forest
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x2
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x3
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x4
[X][Action] Erect the Shield! (Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Ready a Shard Volley (Crystal)
[X][Focus] Ready a Shard Volley (Crystal) x2
[X][Focus] Work with the Research Base to crash-examine captured Missiles (General)
[X][Focus] Work with the Research Base to penetrate hostile ECM (Light, Magnetic, Gravitic)
But now, Oragles had doubts that the Galactic Council knew everything there was to know about wormholes. They were useful, yes, and sometimes resulted in cross-galactic invasions, but they weren't essential... unless there was no other method of travel.

And then it would be very important indeed to research everything you could about them. Perhaps even to the point of making new ones, to find new, more easily accessible resources... only to discover a species, or more than one species, with access to other means of FTL.
Ah, the 'stuck in a pocket' origin. Potentially problematic.

No, they would not. The Forest was quite strange in that respect, perhaps due to its seeming youth, but it could not be discounted that maybe it could work in other situations. But that is not this situation.
I note that this individual has never seen the Forest's shield breached. Or seen the full extend of its capabilities.

A most interesting people. With a very worrying backstory.

"I am Fleet Admiral Wahanna Tokebu, and I am here as emissary of the Katown Imperium. The Imperium claims this star system, associated wormhole, and all connecting Hyperlanes as sovereign territory. All challenges shall be met with violence. All within will submit immediately."
Not a friendly greeting.

combat Growth Actions
Hello there regeneration.

[ ][Action] Reach out to the strange new ships
-[ ][Action] Write-in what to speak about / ask / complain about
Kinda hope this gets funded just so we can see what their response to complaints is.

[ ][Action] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
Now Witness the Firepower of this fully Armed and Operational Battle Forest.

-The Ingaba are your Friends!
-For now.
They do seem a bit… tyrannical. And paranoid.

[X][Action] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x2
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x3
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x4
[ ][Action] Utilize the Twist power to alter the apparent size of the Forest (Gravity)
-This action will change the appearance of the Forest for all incoming weapons fire, potentially generating a miss from what would otherwise be a hit. Should this action succeed, it alters the success tables for all incoming weapons fire, changing from a success on a 4, 5, or 6 to a 5 or a 6.
-This action will only last for the round it is erected during. 0/20.

so, this takes 20 suceses, but reduces inbound fire by 30%, I think that is for sure worth it. are there any trees with more than 1 survival dice who would want to work together to try and get this done?
Also Heart Trees erect the shield! If there was ever a time to do so at full strength now is that time.
A call was made, a call will be answered.

[x] Heart Tree

[X][Action] Erect the Shield! (Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x2
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x3
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x4
Now Witness the Firepower of this fully Armed and Operational Battle Forest.
Fire at will, commander!

[X][Action] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)

Note that I'd be willing to change my vote to one of the other Offense actions, if one of them has enough traction to plausibly beat the Opposed Roll.
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But.. But... But... I want to Grow!
[x][Action] Work with the Research Base to penetrate hostile ECM (Light, Magnetic, Gravitic)
[X][Action] Erect the Shield! (Magnetic)

I'm defense focused, so I'll focus on defense. There's more than enough put into the offensive, considering how we're basically going to go full on "IMMA FIRIN' MA LAZOR!!!!!" on them.

I would have considered building up for the shard volley, if we had responded with a less... extreme opening. However, we've shown that we're a huge threat, which is going to mean that the enemy is going to focus on us immediately with whatever long ranged weapons it has.

They're going to miss a lot, considering how far away they are, but we don't have that many trees on the shields yet.

On the positive side, I'd bet that we're going to be able to completely knock out at least their main ship with our opening volley, which should remove a lot of their fire power. More importantly, it'll seriously mess with their cohesion and reduce morale greatly.
[X][Action] Magnetize hostile forces or incoming kinetic or explosive weaponry (Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x2
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x3
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x4
[x][Action] Soothe the Hostile Fleet to mess with their coordination (Psychic)

We have no idea how psychic they are, so we may as well probe them to see if this is a soft spot. I figure 2-3 trees should be enough to see if they have defense against this. there are enough folks frying them with lasers, so I'll help see if we can fry them with our mind.
[X][Action] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x2
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x3
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x4
Actually let's do this since apparently it's not got enough people on it.

[X][Action] Utilize the Twist power to alter the apparent size of the Forest (Gravity)
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[X][Action] Magnetize hostile forces or incoming kinetic or explosive weaponry (Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x2
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x3
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x4
I hope this is a mind tree action.
Its not, it's an Offense action.
Mind trees are Research and Communication
[X][Action] Utilize the Twist power to alter the apparent size of the Forest (Gravity)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x2
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x3
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x4
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