Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

What exactly are we doing in Japan again? I can't recall.

If it's just keeping an eye on things I don't think Kaguya would be exactly shocked. We've got significant interests in things originating there (Sayako, Kaguya, Sakuradite competition), and even "allied" nations usually keep an eye on each other.

If it's something more serious I'm forgetting it might be more of an issue.
You are forgetting the fact that when we recruited our shinobi we tricked the Japanese to pay us for managing the "former" shinobi lands and we broke a ton of international laws and treaties with how we went about it. Kaguya will either be extremely impressed or absolutely horrified.
Not to mention not all shinobi left and that we have OSI level infiltration focused on Japan due to their contacts. That is why we know Kururugi was planning to become prime minister for life.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.

Is Euphie going to continue seeing Gino? Not that I'd mind either way, for the record, since it'd be hypocritical of Lelouch to mind, but I'd like to know.
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[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.

I mean, who are we going to have running Japan while we're busy in Australia and China? She'd better start preparing.

[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.

Don't think it matters much here, so just for the sake of not having her feel left out.

[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.

This is a given, imo. Not only I don't particularly care for having Sakyoko muscled away from both both her work and us, but also the potential psionic heredity of such a child makes my CK3 senses tingle.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.

Yeah i dont know about the kaguya situation, not only i dont recall what we are doing in japan but geopolitics are not my thing, and niether are people really, but if we didn t we kinda started the whole ninja thing because the attack on kaguya? I think remembering that the two were connected, if im right or we can spin it like that it would probably appeal to her.
Incidentally, is someone here minding out military situation? I've lost track of it, but it kinda feels like we'll want to have a foothold in Australia sometime soon.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
You know what, let's just leave all our relationship stuff to euphie from now on. She seems to know what's going on.
On a real note I am against the harem getting bigger we have enough things to spend our time now that adding more would be tough. I consider kaguya in a courting process now so that's fine.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.

I know it goes against different plans and geopolitical realities, but part of me still wants a Lulu-Corny thing, just for the dynamic. Might be flying too close to the sun though.
I am starting to wonder if there wasn't a violation of the bro code somewhere here. I just can't decide who is guilty of the violation.
Bullshit. No one is above the Bro Code.

Also makes me wonder who else hooked up while we weren't looking lol.
Okay, to put this to rest... Euphie thought Gino was cute and wanted to sleep with him. That's more or less the sum total of their 'relationship' so far. Lelouch was busy and Euphie was stuck on the island all year after previously spending years at college with other college students, doing things that college students do.

What I'm saying is that she probably wasn't a virgin even before Gino, because Britannia has more equal gender norms at the highest levels of society.

No one got pregnant, undeniable proof of the relationship didn't end up on the front page of a newspaper, so Lelouch doesn't see a problem with Euphie having some fun with Gino. Because it would be hypocritical of him to throw stones when he's maintaining a relationship with Kallen and Jeanne in addition to Euphie.

Lelouch didn't know about Gino and Euphie until this action was taken. He noticed because, in tying to schedule the 'dates' he went on with Euphie, seeing Gino come and go from her quarters wasn't all that difficult. The fact that Gino was being discreet enough that someone had to look for the affair to find it is a good thing. Because it means he's not being sloppy or lazy.

...on the note of Gino and Lelouch becoming romantically or sexually involved, it could happen.
We wouldn't be planning to marry her if she didn't keep a well sharpened brain under that pink mop.

Euphemia & Gino Relationship
…ok but she has to share.
Also I want to inform Gino that we will be shooting him into space. Ominously. Then later inform him we are building a spaceship. Ominously.

[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
She will find out at some point. Best it happen on our terms.

[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
We have vastly more to lose by excluding her than by informing her.

[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
It is the path we have chosen. Best not pursue it half-heartedly.
Actually, does us finding out early negate any negative consequences that might arise later (since we're there to defuse) or will Cornelia still get upset if she finds out?

[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
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[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time
[X][IKS] Inform her of both.
[X][TELL] Tell Kallen about spying on Japan.
[X][CHILD] Have a child with Sayoko, you will make the time.

Gotta raise our Gino points to include Gino in the Harem. A tag team partner might end up useful in the current setting.
Also, Charles Zi Brittania is going to have psychic ninja grandchildren.
If that doesn't catapult us into the position of top contender for the throne, I don't know what will.
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