Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
Awww. No SL upgrade?
I'm still considering it. I hadn't made up my mind at the time of posting, but I'm leaning towards editing in an SL increase. I'll probably make the decision by the time I call the vote so that everyone will get a notice with the temporary threadmark as to yay or nay.
@Slayer Anderson this first half of the update reminded me of Kaguya Sama Love Is War so much it's ridiculous. If you haven't I suggest just watching the opening + soundtrack track of the first episode on YouTube. It is hilariously on point for this.
I watch anime by the seasonal charts with a friend, usually about ten to fifteen shows for each release period. I watched both seasons of Kaguya as they were released weekly. It was one of those shows that made me really glad I kept to the schedule. Definitely makes my top 10 list for recent shows. Fun, great music, entertaining characters, enjoyable plot, equally heartwarming and laugh-out-loud funny. Can't recommend it enough and I'm really happy this update made someone think of it.
@Slayer Anderson Did we mention to Milly what we are working on after she accepted her new position? Since the project will be ready in the year she is taking over.
Lelouch gave Milly a broad rundown of the less-sensitive projects and she'll receive a full classified briefing once she's on the island at the start of the next year.

Edit: Note that Milly's briefing will not include, by default, information about the ancient apocalypse or the alien invasion which precipitated it. She'll also be informed of some of your psionic breakthroughs, but not the full scope or the inspiration for them.

Vote's still open for a few more hours, I'm kind of busy right now.
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Edit: Note that Milly's briefing will not include, by default, information about the ancient apocalypse or the alien invasion which precipitated it. She'll also be informed of some of your psionic breakthroughs, but not the full scope or the inspiration for them.
She isn't that trustworthy yet? Sad
Milly is best girl in the whole CGuniverse.
You know I just realized, why do we need to have Kaguya monitor the Federation? We have Xingke, he probably has more insight than anyone regarding the Federation.

[] Kaguya will monitor relations between the governors of Area Eight and Nine when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.

Also I found out Tianzi is not the empress real name. According to the wiki her name is actually Jiang Lihua.
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She isn't that trustworthy yet? Sad
Milly is best girl in the whole CGuniverse.
That type of thing isn't something I QM fiat telling other characters. If/when that option opens up, there will be a vote on it.

Honestly, given the rate things are progressing I foresee a 'Who do you tell?' regarding the ancient apocalypse and super-tech sometime in the next few turns.
You know I just realized, why do we need to have Kaguya monitor the Federation? We have Xingke, he probably has more insight than anyone regarding the Federation.
Point of order, you do not actually 'have Xingke.' You don't have his social link, nor do you have any expectation of loyalty beyond him possibly repaying a favor or two to you at some later point. As far as Lelouch knows, he has very little chance of tempting away someone loyal enough to steal a fleet of ships, offend virtually every high level official in his country, and take the rap for trumped-up high treason charges.

Depending on how the situation in China plays out, you may have the opportunity to talk Xingke around to some sort of arrangement that would benefit the empress.

As of this moment? He's doing the political-exile equivalent of couch-surfing in New Caledonia, though.
Also I found out Tianzi is not the empress' real name. According to the wiki her name is actually Jiang Lihua.
Tianzi is a title, yes. It's technically a male title equivalent to Emperor, but Lihua uses it for... Code Geass reasons as best I can tell.
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Point of order, you do not actually 'have Xingke.' You don't have his social link, not do you have any expectation of loyalty beyond him possibly repaying a favor or two to you at some later point. As far as Lelouch knows, he has very little chance of tempting away someone loyal enough to steal a fleet of ships, offend virtually every high level official in his country, and take the rap for trumped-up high treason charges.

Depending on how the situation in China plays out, you may have the opportunity to talk Xingke around to some sort of arrangement that would benefit the empress.

I that case I'm switching my vote back

[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.
Is that an element that you'll change or keep? I guess you could keep it as an ill thought out effort for Legitimacy on the Empress' part?
It's already been addressed, merely the ancient titles not keeping up with the times.

The younger girl smiles. "I had the great honor to serve as an imperial playmate for the reigning Son of Heaven." You mentally frown, before remembering that a quirk of the Chinese inheritance system meant that despite the modern tradition allowing a woman to sit the throne, the ancient titles hadn't quite kept up with the times.
Is that an element that you'll change or keep? I guess you could keep it as an ill thought out effort for Legitimacy on the Empress' part?
Well, okay, I like to rag on Code Geass' lore and worldbuilding more than a little, but in the interest of complete honesty and accuracy this one isn't entirely their fault.

Not entirely anyway.

Because Chinese, the language, doesn't actually have a really good translation for the western term 'empress,' at least not one with the proper connotations of a female head of state who is the primary power-holder on the national level. Normally, the Chinese language treats women who happen to hold great power at the imperial/national level as 'consort-empresses' or 'empress-regent,' which comes close, but there's always the implication that they're just keeping the throne warm because their husband is dead/on campaign/etc... So it's not really the same as a female monarch ruling in her own right.

For more on this, read up on Wu Zetian here: Wu Zetian - Wikipedia

It's generally considered that only she and one other woman ever wore the imperial 'yellow robe' reserved for the Emperor himself: Empress Liu (Zhenzong) - Wikipedia

Moreover, the female rulers used the title Huangdi which translates more or less directly to 'Emperor of China': Emperor of China - Wikipedia

This is in contrast to Lihua's title which is 'Tizani' and even more explicitly a male-only title as it directly translates to 'Son of Heaven' as a reference to the inheritor of the Divine Mandate of Heaven which allowed monarchs to occupy the throne: Son of Heaven - Wikipedia

...nitpicking even further, though, Tianzi is actually a very antiquated term and doesn't seem to be officially used after about the seventh century AD. Which means that Lihua's father (AU Chiang Kai Shek), who begat a new dynasty after the CG-verse's Chinese civil war, likely revived the title as a form of legitimization and return to ancient roots. So it's theoretically understandable in-universe if the title wasn't modernized but the tradition was due to the untimely death of Lihua's father and mother with her as the sole inheritor of the throne, while still effectively a sole female ruler.
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By the way, now that we have both Kaguya and Milly, will we soon know at what point the Japan-Britannia Knightmare-program is?
By the way, now that we have both Kaguya and Milly, will we soon know at what point the Japan-Britannia Knightmare-program is?
I'm planning to release details on that either this coming year or next year. Probably this year since you'll be getting an insider cut on the information. Sufficed to say it's close to fruition.

Probably going to call the vote in about another hour or so. Just FYI, consider this your courtesy warning.
safe call
Adhoc vote count started by Rah13 on Dec 1, 2020 at 1:50 AM, finished with 73 posts and 49 votes.
Wasn't it already rationalized in canon via Geass? What is @Slayer Anderson's?
As far as I'm aware it's never been actually stated one way or another within the canon material. It's also never actually been brought up as a real theory either within the source material to a character who would know, so it's difficult to make a judgement.

As far as quest canon? It's OOC knowledge.

Winning Vote:

[X] Kaguya will monitor what intelligence you have coming in from the Chinese Federation when she is not writing up reports on what she knows of Japan's businesses.

In other news, as a further reward for both the overall performance at the Indonesia Conference with Kaguya as well as pure dumb luck in the last update, I've decided to award a bonus of +1 to her SL. Have fun with that.

Edit: Fine, rolls...

Round One: Lelouch: 92+23=115 vs. Kaguya: 25+21(-10)=36
-First Impression
Round Two: Lelouch: 78+23=101 vs Kaguya: 71+21(-10)=82
-"Would you smile if your father banished you?"
Round Three: Lelouch: 56+23=79 vs. Kaguya: 67+21(-10)=78
-Discussing Kaguya's roll working under Sayoko

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Dec 1, 2020 at 3:01 AM, finished with 76 posts and 49 votes.
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Round One: Lelouch: 92+23=115 vs. Kaguya: 25+21(-10)=36
-First Impression
Round Two: Lelouch: 78+23=101 vs Kaguya: 71+21(-10)=82
-"Would you smile if your father banished you?"
Round Three: Lelouch: 56+23=79 vs. Kaguya: 67+21(-10)=78
-Discussing Kaguya's roll working under Sayoko
Those rolls. I said it a couple of times but Lelouch is starting to work towards the Diplomancer title. Especially when dealing with the females of the species. The dice really want to make this Lelouch as far from canon as possible when it comes to social interactions. If he and Euphy ever decide to double team someone I will feel sorry for their opponent.
The SL6 perk from Kaguya "1 Personal Diplomacy Reroll." is only going to reinforce this.
Have we even failed any important personal diplomacy roll in the recent mini turn? The only thing I can remember was just the opening of the Indonesian Conference with the reporters. And that was just a lackluster performance and not really a failure. People comparing that and our opening speech at the Tunguska Conference are surely somewhat confused:).
Quite a few updates in addition to Kaguya's (Very useful) SL 6 bonus, world rep was updated, can't remember exactly the prior values but I think it was basically just the global +5 Slayer mentioned we got for the speech a while ago, plus EB's loathing of us listed in numerical form, -25. They are indeed none too pleased, can only imagine what it would've looked like if we'd pressed them for samples...

The Social links all also gained a boost in stats, Schneizel sitting at a massive 29 diplo right now, Clovis though pretty impressively has 27, equal to Cornelia's martial.

More immediately relevant to us Milly gained a couple points of stewardship and Kaguya diplomacy, maybe partially from their conferences focuses?Surprisingly Kaguya also gained some piety, can't remember what it was previously but it was below her intrigue and now it's tied, seems like that might have something to do with her wanting to work under Sayoko.