[ ] An Indonesian Port, Leased for 100 Years for services rendered (DC 100)
While a port is nice to give as a reward to a subordinate or could give us a decent income in the future there are some points against. First of all a port city leased for a limited time is a political nightmare for the future and for dynastic and long term planning it is a detriment. If the turn timespan increases or there will be timeskips after a major portion of the quest there is even a possibility we would need to deal with the consequences.
Even in the short term we will need to play politics in the country we have an enclave in to get the most out of it. Not to mention deal with factions that don't like foreigners taking land and use our presence as a rallying symbol. To much trouble with us already working towards getting a continent. A small and deadly one but still a continent.
[ ] A Chinese Port, Least for 100 Years for services rendered (DC 150)
See above arguments and add a higher DC on top.
[ ] A Chinese Federation Title and Noble Patent (DC 90)
This is one I really want. Our shinobi have most contacts in Asian nations and with training can pass for locals easier than Caucasians. With us getting the third intrigue having more of an inside position in one of our potentials intrigue targets is only a bonus. There is also the fact that an inside position in one of the three major global powers will work for us greatly. By having an inside position in the Chinese court if we play it right we would have more power than the official Britannian ambassador. And we wouldn't be as limited as the ambassador in our actions. We could become a major diplomatic channel for Britannia-Chinese relations which unless war breaks out will also act to strengthen our power base at court. With Oddyseus being the crown prince and the choice for most nobles, Schneizel focusing on internal politics, Guinevere securing the industrialists and Cornelia going for martial achievements. We could go for foreign politics and close ties in the Asian region. While foreign politics with the EU would be a mixed bag due to long standing antagonism, Asia is mostly neutral in political terms. If we play this right it could be another step into the big league of politics.
[ ] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)
This is a must have in my opinion. First of all it will synergize very well with our position. New Caledonia is one of the few big ports. That means we could buy goods cheaply on ships under our flag, unload them in New Caledonia and then load them on long range shipping ships of others to transport to the homeland. This would work even better than just leasing ships under our flag to others. With Duke Stadtfeld having a shipping business such a partnership could strengthen our alliance. Especially if we offer him preferential rates. Similar agreements could be made with others for political gains. And it would work the other way also. We could get Britannian ships to sell their goods to us, transfer them to our ship in our port and then ship them to Indonesia ourself. The position of New Caledonia combined with our port expansion and such a deal is a better money maker than a port city in IC or CF.
There is also the matter of Sakuradite. If we can get it cheaper then the military and industry back home will like us. Not to mention that we can use the flow to insert our own sakuradite when we get the alchemist producing. Unless someone starts looking closely at both sides to compare amounts we can keep our production secret for longer. It would also help offset Weber political gains from reselling sakuradite to the EU. It is a limited resource after all and Euphy has a subordinate that helps with foreign investments.
[ ] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
This would be something that would give us points back home and with the governor of Area 9. But to be honest there are other options that will give us less immediate political advantages but offer us more economic gains while allowing to leverage them for political gains back home. And we manage to secure Australian waters for shipping then Britannian naval vessels can use those. If we grab some ports in Australia it will work even better.
There is also the small potential for tensions if we get an idiot naval commander going through the area. Small chance but always.
[ ] Formal Position as Military Advisor to the Indonesian Confederation (DC 50)
Could be interesting to influence the IC but they are a small player and there are other ways we can do it with Intrigue and Diplomacy actions.
[ ] Flat Payout for Services Rendered jointly from the IC & CF (DC 30)
We have a nice surplus right now and while more money is always good there are others that will generate a long term constant revenue stream.
[ ] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
We got involved in the fight to keep China out of Australia which would be the result if New Heaven plan succeeded and they managed to take control of IC land. If we get China to agree to leave dealing with the pirates to us then it will buy us time to get our forces ready for taking the fight to them. It will also help secure our claims at home as those who would contest them would also take into account causing friction with China. If we can get a good China-Britannia relationship in the coming years that would be a major point.
[ ] Arrange permission to conduct 'joint exercises' with CF units in the future, with yourself in charge (DC 70)
This could offset SIC influence in IC. Basically a counter to some of their gains. Not taking it could make taking SIC diplomatically harder in the future but I think we can take a hit here. Our relationship gains with the IC and CF are good enough so this isn't critical. And we might still get some joint training if we play our Intrigue/Diplomacy actions well.
[ ] Push the Federation to extend formal diplomatic recognition to the Southern Independent Colonies (DC 75)
This could hurt SIC piracy and help us get them under control and stop attacking Area 9 shipping. There is a difference between a recognized country doing commerce raiding and some rogue pirates from a lose policy that doesn't have international recognition. On the other side it would make it harder to get them under our control if they are an independent country with Chinese recognition. Unless they mess up majorly and our actions will be seen as justified retaliation.
[ ] Weigh in to modify the trade terms in favor of the IC, allowing them a stronger position (DC 80)
It would help the IC and give us future political favors we could use but I honestly don't want to focus on the IC in a major way. It would also most likely hurt our standing with the CF as an ally.
So my choices will be:
[X] A Chinese Federation Title and Noble Patent (DC 90)
[X] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)
[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
Those options will play the most to our strength. An inside position for playing foreign politics and intrigue in the one of the major three powers. We took a character for an Intrigue playstyle. We might as well go with it. Not to mention the one in our backyard. A really good synergy with our contacts (Duke Stadtfeld shipping business), our underused big port and potential future cover for sakuradite source. And lastly some extra help in our major goal for control of Australia.
As to the battle itself. We gained a lot of martial reputation. Both Nunnally and Kallen gained reputation as KMF pilots. Our navy concept did very good. And we didn't suffer major losses. This went so well that I'm really starting to become paranoid about the dinosaur killer sized other shoe that will drop. I know it will.
I can't wait for us to start creating some of Jeager psi boosting devices. If Nanoha's father is here we might just go for a "befriending" strategy when dealing with New Heaven.
Really looking forward to seeing some reactions to the events as they spread. The rumor mill will be interesting. And when we go to the Tunguska conference I wonder if everybody will be on edge waiting for a surprise alien attack
