Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

As of now, I'm leaning for something like this:

Option that gets the +73 (+88 if a +15 omake bonus is needed and used): Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty
Option that gets the +48 (+63 if a +15 omake bonus is needed and used): Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia
Option that gets the +23 (+38 if a +15 omake bonus is needed and used): Formal Position as Military Advisor to the Indonesian Confederation

I think we should get the noble patent as the third boon. It's nice to have not really necessary but it would allow intrigue options on them and basically do what Kaguya did and coordinate with them. Basically it would cut out the middle man plus a little extra income is good.
i would drop the advisor position in favor of A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports work on economic rather than military.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy. While the vote itself is important, I was still pretty hyped about the update even if we knew the rolls and the ultimate result beforehand. Speaking of which, psionic infantry just keeps getting more scary, but also kind of hilarious out-of-context-problem:
"You have your orders, be about them! Lashing are still in the regs!" The Princess spat, gratified by the way the men and women under her command hopped to. Turning back, she found the general staring up at the KMFs arrayed in the streets between two tall buildings, hidden from enemy sight, but still standing proud in the fading light of the day despite the numerous signs of battle damage readily apparent. She made a mental note to see if someone could get the spears and swords lodged in her unit's armor out before she had to sortie again.
Secondary stream of income, a plot of land probably in some minor section of the interior of China, and a right to present yourself at the Empress' Court if you were to have pressing business. Those are the big ones, but there are a few other advantages, too, depending on if you ever have business or economic interests which extend into the mainland Federation. Also, it would open up some intrigue options as well.
Intrigue options, eh? That could be actually pretty damn useful considering our focus... Anyway, my top picks would be, in this order:

[ ] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
[ ] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[ ] Arrange permission to conduct 'joint exercises' with CF units in the future, with yourself in charge (DC 70)

Basically, we almost guarantee that our claim for Australia will go through and get the CF help us in claiming it with their "training excercise", and help our own and Britannian navy by getting them those sweet Docking And Passage Rights.

By the way, Slayer Anderson, how large amount of forces and for how long would we get with the "joint excercises"?
@Slayer Anderson wouldn't being a Chinese noble technically also come with certain rights as a military advisor in Indonesia built in given they are technically subordinate to China? It might be a way to game the system so to speak
[ ] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)
[ ] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)

These would pair well I think. The ports are tempting, but as others have said they would likely require a significant investment of time and resources.

Edit: Ninja'd
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Will the IC military advisor option take up martial or other actions to pursue?
There would be background rolls to determine Lelouch's performance in the roll, but...

Lelouch would essentially be the Madison Hashima to General Mehmet's Kenshin Jaeger in terms of the hierarchy. While Lelouch's skill set and social ranking makes him more important, he wouldn't be able to be around all the time to contribute like Mehmet will.

So to answer your question, there will be martial actions that you can pursue, but they'll be largely optional. Almost entirely optional. You might have to take a single Martial or Personal action every five years, if even that.
@Slayer Anderson wouldn't being a Chinese noble technically also come with certain rights as a military advisor in Indonesia built in given they are technically subordinate to China? It might be a way to game the system so to speak
Less expansive rights than you'd think. The IC isn't like a Britannian Area. They have a domestic government that doesn't answer to anyone higher, in theory at least. In practice, the treaties they have with the CF mean that they've sold a lot of their authority over the years for military and political security. So while the IC does acknowledge noble titles of the CF, it doesn't actually entitle the bearer to much outside of domestic tax breaks.

You wouldn't have any real authority militarily except perhaps to raise a force to defend your personal holdings. Certainly not any legitimate say in how the IC military as a whole is run.

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[X] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[X] Formal Position as Military Advisor to the Indonesian Confederation (DC 50)
[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)

When we conquered Australia we can take their ports instead.
I wonder what will happen if first and second place have the same number of votes? Would both get the highest bonus? Or the lower one? Or something in the middle?
Oh, almost forgot: what kind of reactions and potential rewards we can expect from Britannia afterwards, especially if we choose things like the rights for passage and docking? Because I would bet that at least the opinion about Lelouch in the court (and with the common people) probably improved with what happened here.

And on something we might be missing... What kind of benefits we could see by pushing for CF to acknowledge SIC as a legimate? Could we use it to push for co-existence, and maybe even assistance when we move to claim the rest of Australia?
[X] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)
[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
[X] A Chinese Federation Title and Noble Patent (DC 90)
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[X] A Chinese Federation Title and Noble Patent (DC 90)
[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
[X] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)
[X] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)
[X] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
[X] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)
[X] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
I would prefer that our third option (the one that gets the +23 (+38 if a +15 omake bonus is needed and used)) doesn't have too high of a DC, as while we do get a consolation prize (+10k BRN) for failed rolls, it isn't as significant of a bonus as the other offered options, so we might as well try and ensure that all three of our chosen options are accomplished.

[X] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[X] Formal Position as Military Advisor to the Indonesian Confederation (DC 50)
[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
My opinion is that we pick up one port, no matter what. Although it'll require some investment, history has shown how tradeports like Hong Kong can build into powerhouses. It'll be a constant income source and having at least one long-term choice in the pick is a good idea. Plus if we let Jeanne manage it, it'll raise her standing in society while not eating up our actions.

Preferential trade is good with or without a port. That's a quick way to dominate an aspect of trade, even better with the port.

Australia's a given.

EDIT: No one is going for port, and Australia is confirmed. Changing my votes.

[X] An Indonesian Port, Leased for 100 Years for services rendered (DC 100)
[X] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)
[X] A Chinese Federation Title and Noble Patent (DC 90)
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I wonder what will happen if first and second place have the same number of votes? Would both get the highest bonus? Or the lower one? Or something in the middle?
I'll burn that bridge when I come to it, but I'll try to ensure it's to the better outcome for the players.
Oh, almost forgot: what kind of reactions and potential rewards we can expect from Britannia afterwards, especially if we choose things like the rights for passage and docking? Because I would bet that at least the opinion about Lelouch in the court (and with the common people) probably improved with what happened here.

And on something we might be missing... What kind of benefits we could see by pushing for CF to acknowledge SIC as a legimate? Could we use it to push for co-existence, and maybe even assistance when we move to claim the rest of Australia?
Lelouch doesn't really know what he could expect in the event he chooses some of these, but he'll likely receive a boost in reputation at court and possibly some sort of material gains. If nothing else, it will be substantial credit to cash in on later.
[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
[X] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[X] Arrange permission to conduct 'joint exercises' with CF units in the future, with yourself in charge (DC 70)

While I would love the intrigue options presented by being a Chinese noble, Australia is our main goal. A shit ton of Chinese Gun Ru chaff to throw at our pirate opponents would be quite useful.
[X] A Chinese Federation Title and Noble Patent (DC 90)
[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
[X] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
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[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
[X] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[X] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)

The trading license is likely to expand in value as we get mining operations up and running in Australia, and even now could provide sizable income and favors through a nominal licensing scheme:

One of the advantages in having that kind of license would be shenanigans where other groups 'lease' ships to you for a nominal fee, thereby allowing them to fly under your flag and receive the cut. As long as your net gain is less than the charge on taxes and customs, it represents a steady stream of income and favor-trading for mercantile powers.
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Sweet, sweet approval voting, and not having to split my vote between the two equally good (in my mind at least) third-place options.

[X] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)
[X] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[X] Arrange permission to conduct 'joint exercises' with CF units in the future, with yourself in charge (DC 70)
[X] Formal Position as Military Advisor to the Indonesian Confederation (DC 50)
[x] A Preferential Trading License to ignore duties and customs in Indonesian Ports (DC 80)
[x] Docking & Passage Rights for Britannian Naval Vessels in Indonesia (DC 75)
[x] Written Acknowledgement of your claims in Australia within the treaty (DC 75)