Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would die.

[X] [Story] Go with the Girl

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two
[X] [Civilian] Scholar
[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

Social Pick Two
[X] [Social] Call Aylaa
[X] [Social] Hangout with Dooku
Personally I find other characters more interesting than Carly and I'm not interested in getting anymore chaos points from wandering about thoughtlessly.

I'm interested in how our relationship with Padme will progress (could end badly but at least it'll be interesting). I want to improve our relationship with Dooku because he's an awesome character and the bonuses he gives us are awesome. As for hanging out with new characters there's Areth-- not only is he a badass assassin butler that could probably teach you a few things, but having an assassin resentful of you can only lead to Bad Things. There's also Gordon the Hutt engineer that seems mysteriously familiar, are we not going to investigate that?

So yeah... don't really care about the friend ambition.

Also we're training our abilities and we'll be leveling up automatically anyway so I think we can manage exploring sith ruins if we study the sith holocron beforehand and we're careful about things.

Anyway next vote we should use the bunny to melt Areth's cold, cold heart. Also we must utilize the bunny's cuteness to make Padme forgive us (or to help us screw things up even further). In fact maybe we can use said bunny to give us a +1 boost in social interactions? :p
I think the Padme one is done for now and our best best, if we want to, is give it another try at least a year later to reset with a blank slate. Trying again will just sink that bridge permanently (maybe Arthellion is willing to share a bit about how repairable it is atm? :p)

I'd certainly like to progress with Areth and Dooku. But are we -really- going to fail this make a friend ambition? When Arthellion has put Carly forward as the only person Anakin knows his age atm?

I'm still sad we didn't go straight Noble, but at least with this the paranoia is hopefully less. We would have had a Noble friend option in that case, and all these fears about noble intrigues would only have been amplified.

As for Gordon my best theory atm is that it is some background NPC Hutt we somehow first met back when Anakin was a slave, but that's just a stab in the dark. The shift in the Force was certainly quite telling that something is going on, regardless.

EDIT: Also re: Areth, we don't know the real reason why Areth resents us. We know he was expecting some noble rather than a kid, but is it because he has to play babysitter? Is it because he was expecting someone like Dooku? For all we know, the best means of impressing him will be Anakin proving himself and gaining his respect, which is the impression I got from the interaction scene. We just don't know yet.
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I think the Padme one is done for now and our best best, if we want to, is give it another try at least a year later to reset with a blank slate. Trying again will just sink that bridge permanently (maybe Arthellion is willing to share a bit about how repairable it is atm? :p)

I'd certainly like to progress with Areth and Dooku. But are we -really- going to fail this make a friend ambition? When Arthellion has put Carly forward as the only person Anakin knows his age atm?

I'm still sad we didn't go straight Noble, but at least with this the paranoia is hopefully less. We would have had a Noble friend option in that case, and all these fears about noble intrigues would only have been amplified.

As for Gordon my best theory atm is that it is some background NPC Hutt we somehow first met back when Anakin was a slave, but that's just a stab in the dark. The shift in the Force was certainly quite telling that something is going on, regardless.

You do have level 3 in shatterpoint and see people's personalities.

Basically, if you don't call Padme now, she'll assume you don't care. It just gets worse the more time passes. Eventually, as time passes, she'll be a bit bitter. In 5 to 6 years she simply won't care and you're no longer considered a friend. In 10 years if the two of you met she'd have the maturity to view it as the inability of an eleven year old to properly handle such things and treat you as a someone new she had justmet for the most part...because lets be honest if you don't talk for ten years you basically are.

Edit: if you do call you have the potential to save the friendship and invite her to serenno
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You do have level 3 in shatterpoint and see people's personalities.

Basically, if you don't call Padme now, she'll assume you don't care. It just gets worse the more time passes. Eventually, as time passes, she'll be a bit bitter. In 5 to 6 years she simply won't care and you're no longer considered a friend. In 10 years if the two of you met she'd have the maturity to view it as the inability of an eleven year old to properly handle such things and treat you as a someone new she had justmet for the most part...because lets be honest if you don't talk for ten years you basically are.

Edit: if you do call you have the potential to save the friendship and invite her to serenno

OK that changes things. If we call her in the next turn will that still be salvagable?
You do have level 3 in shatterpoint and see people's personalities.

Basically, if you don't call Padme now, she'll assume you don't care. It just gets worse the more time passes. Eventually, as time passes, she'll be a bit bitter. In 5 to 6 years she simply won't care and you're no longer considered a friend. In 10 years if the two of you met she'd have the maturity to view it as the inability of an eleven year old to properly handle such things and treat you as a someone new she had justmet for the most part...because lets be honest if you don't talk for ten years you basically are.

Edit: if you do call you have the potential to save the friendship and invite her to serenno
I stand corrected and admit defeat :)

Call nao!

Also, what insights do we have about Areth, Carly, and Gordon beyond what's in the updates? (ex. insincerity and suspicion from Carly, resentment from Areth)

I don't suppose people will now vote to call Padme? Come on, guys! Let's not make this worse :cry:
Pray to the Force for a good roll /\
I stand corrected and admit defeat :)

Call nao!

Also, what insights do we have about Areth, Carly, and Gordon beyond what's in the updates? (ex. insincerity and suspicion from Carly, resentment from Areth)
Carly means you no harm and generally wants someone her age to hang with though she would never admit it

Areth would continue to view you as annoyance

Gordon recognizes you too
Turns are a six month period so DC would increase longer you wait

Changing my vote then.

[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would die.

[X] [Story] Stay in the Hangar

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Sense Neutral

[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi
[X] [Civilian] Scholar

[X] [Social] Call Padme
[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
Carly means you no harm and generally wants someone her age to hang with though she would never admit it

Areth would continue to view you as annoyance

Gordon recognizes you too
Gordon is DEFINITELY an engineer from Anakin's day as a slave, I'm pretty sure of it now. The only part that makes me uncertain is the Force shifting... would it do that for such a limited connection?

Can we do call Padme + hang with Carly / T'da + leave hangar, please? :)

EDIT: As for Areth I think Teras Kasi training would indirectly keep us interacting with him.
Basically, if you don't call Padme now, she'll assume you don't care. It just gets worse the more time passes. Eventually, as time passes, she'll be a bit bitter. In 5 to 6 years she simply won't care and you're no longer considered a friend. In 10 years if the two of you met she'd have the maturity to view it as the inability of an eleven year old to properly handle such things and treat you as a someone new she had justmet for the most part...because lets be honest if you don't talk for ten years you basically are.

Edit: if you do call you have the potential to save the friendship and invite her to serenno

Damn it, I want call Ayla but I realy don't want to loose the friendship of Padme.
[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would die.

[X] [Story] Go with the Girl

[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Dun Moch

[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi
[X] [Civilian] Scholar

[X] [Social] Call Padme
[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly

I'm willing to change the T'da/Carly option to Gordon if "leave the hangar" becomes the prominent option.
Two people voted [] [Story] Go with the Girl (Requires a motivation check to overcome lawful alignment) which wasn't counted with the rest go with the girl votes, if they were then leaving would be in the lead. At this point the only thing I have against this option is that it goes against our lawful alignment.
[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would die.

[X] [Story] Stay in the Hangar

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Sense Neutral

[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi
[X] [Civilian] Scholar

[X] [Social] Call Padme
[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
[X] [Language] Twilek'i

[X] [Squirrel] Do Nothing

[X] [Story] Go with the Girl

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two
[X] [Civilian] Scholar
[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

Social Pick Two
[X] [Social] Call Ayala
[X] [Social] Call Padme

I prefer hangout with Dooku for this turn but I don't want to lost Padme frienship. And I want that Anakin learn what happend to Aylaa.
[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would die.

[] [Story] Go with the Girl (Requires a motivation check to overcome lawful alignment)

Basically this vote is either make Carly happy or annoy Areth. Still considering.

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Sense Neutral
[] [Force] Alter Neutral

I'm a little unsure of the last Force Skill to work on. I'm leaning towards Sense Neutral though, because it is an important skill. Right now we are a little too combat focused. Some force abilities that will supplement us should do some good.

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two

[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

Undecided on the other one. But at least one Teras Kasi. We are pretty close to reaching level 4. The other ones I am considering are Scholar, Computers and doubling up on Teras Kasi.

Social Pick Two
[X] [Social] Hangout with Areth
[X] [Social] Call Padme

[] [Social] Hangout with Gordon
[] [Social] Hangout with Dooku
[] [Social] Visit the Beach (not a priority, can spend CP on the mystery box when we level up)
[] [Social] Visit the Forest (not a priority, can spend CP on the mystery box when we level up)

I don't want to spend 1 whole year on working on our relationship with Carly. We should patch things up with Padme b/c things will only get worse the longer we wait. The same with Areth. Also, I would rather we not have to worry about annoying Areth all the time and upsetting him so I think we should take care of this now. I think it would be okay to vote for going with Carly right now if we also sought to better our relationship with Areth this turn.

Basically i'm fine with choosing Padme two times in a row because we messed things up before. Carly, not so much.
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Why do you assume that leaving will annoy Areth? We have no indication of why Areth doesn't like us.

Areth is our minder. He basically schedules our lessons and our daily life. If we leave him when we aren't supposed to there is not way that he won't be annoyed. Like I said, if we go with Carly right now then we are likely to move to friend tier. There is no reason to spend another 6 months with Carly when we could be repairing our relationships with Areth and Padme.

Also, Areth doesn't like us because we are some street rat that somehow found his way to becoming the heir to a noble house. Having to spend the rest of his days serving a kid that doesn't have a drop of noble blood in him probably burns. It isn't surprising he resents us. Basically if we actually had noble blood and were related to Dooku, the family he has spent his entire life serving, then he would probably be okay with it. But to him, we are some common kid that convinced Dooku to train him, we only knew him for about a month, and then we became his heir.
Areth is our minder. He basically schedules our lessons and our daily life. If we leave him when we aren't supposed to there is not way that he won't be annoyed. Like I said, if we go with Carly right now then we are likely to move to friend tier. There is no reason to spend another 6 months with Carly when we could be repairing our relationships with Areth and Padme.

Also, Areth doesn't like us because we are some street rat that somehow found his way to becoming the heir to a noble house. Having to spend the rest of his days serving a kid that doesn't have a drop of noble blood in him probably burns. It isn't surprising he resents us. Basically if we actually had noble blood and were related to Dooku, the family he has spent his entire life serving, then he would probably be okay with it. But to him, we are some common kid that convinced Dooku to train him, we only knew him for about a month, and then we became his heir.
I would tend to agree with most of your analysis, but I'm not sure it's the entire picture. In particular I have this scene in mind:

You kicked and imaginary opponent and spun on your heel to lash out at one behind you...only it was Areth standing there. Your ankle was gripped tightly and the man's eyes narrowed at you.

"Enough, your anger is useless if you can't control it. Your forms are sloppy."

You glared at Areth and broke your leg free. Your other leg swung for the man's stomach but that was also blocked. You frowned. You had not expected Areth to know how to fight. You launched a flurry of blows, but your Butler was like water. The man flowed around your every attack with an annoyed look upon his face. You frowned. The Force gave no indication of the man's movements. You had no way to anticipate where he would be. The smirk on Areth's face mocked you. You felt anger rush over you and you, thrust your hand over to the bench. Your blades came flying towards you and you smiled darkly as you ignited them. The training setting was on, but you knew how much a strike would sting. Areth's bored expression enraged you and you unleashed a flurry of attacks.

Areth easily dodge the attacks. You were amazed at his skill. The man moved to strike you in the chest and you knew the strike would land...only it didn't. Areth suddenly rolled away from you coughing.​

" my throat."

Huh? The man sputtered and coughfor several seconds, but you decided not to let him take the advantage. You were angry. Furious and you would beat the bantha dung out of the man. Your blades landed upon his back with a fierce strike and the man let out a curse at the pain. Areth glared at you and moved. The next thing you saw was the sky filled with stars. But it was midday and no stars were out. Your ears rang and you heard the man say coldly,

"Get up, child. Put away your blades and I'll show you how to really fight."

You glared at the man for several seconds but finally nodded and stood. You used the force to place your blades back upon the bench. Master Zan would have been disappointed. You let your anger control you rather than the other way around. You felt shame grip you.

"Take the basic stance."

You did so and the man nodded slowly,

"Your stance is strong...when you're not being controlled by rage. Form I, begin!"

You began the movements as Arden had taught you. Areth nodded slowly,

"Your former teacher taught you the older variant I see. Who was it?"

"Master Zan, a follower of Palawa."

"I see. The Followers are Masters of the Art, you did well to study with one. Faster!"

Areth trained you and offered corrections to your form.
You still did not care much for the man, but you could respect his skill.
In the short term I think we'd appease Areth by acquiescing and staying within the hangar. But we do need to eventually branch out on our own, and I think it'd serve Anakin better in the long term with Areth to develop some degree of controlled independence without being a complete nuisance.

We'll need to earn his respect eventually to get his loyalty. In particular, staying put may make his job easier, but it won't address the roots of his annoyance with Anakin, i.e. that Anakin is someone undeserving of the Dooku name or nobility or something like that.

EDIT: If we really want to interact with everyone, Teras Kasi covers Areth, regular training covers Dooku, either hanging out or leaving covers Carly, and we can call Padme.
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[X] [Language] Twilek'i

[X] [Squirrel] Do Nothing

[X] [Story] Go with the Girl

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two
[X] [Civilian] Scholar
[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

Social Pick Two
[X] [Social] Call Ayala
[X] [Social] Call Padme