Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Crustle on Feb 28, 2018 at 11:00 AM, finished with 93 posts and 14 votes.
[X] [Language] Twilek'i

[X] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would die.

[X] [Story] Stay in the Hangar

[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Dun Moch

[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi
[X] [Civilian] Computers

[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
[X] [Social] Hangout with Dooku
Adhoc vote count started by Boardgamer88 on Feb 28, 2018 at 11:25 AM, finished with 95 posts and 15 votes.
[X] [Language] Twilek'i

[X] [Squirrel] Do Nothing

[X] [Story] Go with the Girl

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two
[X] [Civilian] Scholar
[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

Social Pick Two
[X] [Social] Call Ayala
[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would become your emissary to squirrel-kind, and you become King of the Squirrels

[X] [Story] Stay in the Hangar

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi
[X] [Civilian] Computers

[X] [Social] Visit the Beach
[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly

Changed my squirrel vote, because reasons.
@Arthellion Does the "play with T'da and Carly option" supersede the hangout with Carly option, or are they distinct?

My reasoning is this. We're 11(?), a noble, our master is elsewhere, and a very tempting target for kidnapping, if for nothing else, than ransom money. If this is a trap, I'd rather the kidnappers come to us, rather than we go to them. This way, we're not playing into their hands, and the option to jump into the Twilight is still there if we need it. Either way, I think we'll have a good chance to find out if Carly is legit or not.
I'd think it's more probable that this would end up some tussle between Anakin and Carly than her leading him into some kind of serious trap. Maul was Maul, let's not let paranoia take us too far.

If nobles are about to attack us, they're going to do so anyway. I might just be misjudging things terribly but I really doubt this is some masterplot option where Arthellion is going to have us kidnapped if we decide to go. In any case, as I've mentioned before, I think a confrontation would actually be cool and interesting. And Areth might be too much of a super-badass-assassin to truly let us get away from his watch in the first place.

I think the general sentiment is that Carly could be our "first Serenno friend," and if we treat her in a manner like "I will only interact with you in controlled situations," I guarantee her suspicion (and, by the same token, our suspicion of her) will take a lot longer to subside, if at all. Remember, these are just two pre-teens.
[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Did nothing.

[X] [Story] Stay in the Hangar

[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Dun Moch

[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi
[X] [Civilian] Go flying

[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
[X] [Social] Visit the Forest
Why is the option to transform the Squirrel like unto a horrible Tyrant of all Squirrel-Kind not getting any traction? Way better than just killing it.
@Arthellion Does the "play with T'da and Carly option" supersede the hangout with Carly option, or are they distinct?

I'd think it's more probable that this would end up some tussle between Anakin and Carly than her leading him into some kind of serious trap. Maul was Maul, let's not let paranoia take us too far.

If nobles are about to attack us, they're going to do so anyway. I might just be misjudging things terribly but I really doubt this is some masterplot option where Arthellion is going to have us kidnapped if we decide to go. In any case, as I've mentioned before, I think a confrontation would actually be cool and interesting. And Areth might be too much of a super-badass-assassin to truly let us get away from his watch in the first place.

I think the general sentiment is that Carly could be our "first Serenno friend," and if we treat her in a manner like "I will only interact with you in controlled situations," I guarantee her suspicion (and, by the same token, our suspicion of her) will take a lot longer to subside, if at all. Remember, these are just two pre-teens.

Keep in mind, its not baseless paranoia and we giving a lot of trust to someone we barely know. You're also right, in that if the someone was going to attack us, it'll probably take place whether we stay in the hanger or go with her. However, here's the problem I have with going. We want Anakin to be smart about this. Going with Carly is probably going to have us cede tactical advantage to whoever is attacking us. It cuts us off from our butler, the one person who can help us if a fight breaks out, and our ship the Twilight, which we can't jump into if there happens to be danger. I don't mind putting us in danger, but not into needless danger.
[X] [Language] Twilek'i

IC reasoning: Anakin wants to save slaves! He knows from his own childhood, that Twi'leks are notoriously kept and and sold as slaves. This is one step to understand the people he wants to help.
My reasoning (with Call Aayla): If we call Aayla I'm certain we are going to find out eventually, that something is wrong. It might be very useful to know the language of the planet and the people where something could go down.

[X] [Squirrel] Did nothing.

Yeah, let's take a small step back from that other mindset.

[X] [Story] Go with the Girl (Requires a motivation check to overcome lawful alignment)

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Soresu: Jar'kai

Pretty undecided, but I kinda want to have a basic defensive idea.

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Battle Meditation
[X] [Force] Control Neutral
[X] [Force] Sense Neutral

Master Zan would have been disappointed. You let your anger control you rather than the other way around. You felt shame grip you.
You kicked and imaginary opponent and spun on your heel to lash out at one behind you...only it was Areth standing there. Your ankle was gripped tightly and the man's eyes narrowed at you.

"Enough, your anger is useless if you can't control it. Your forms are sloppy."

We kinda need to get our shit together and calm the fuck down. It looks like Anakin is starting to fray around the edges.

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two
[X] [Civilian] Go Flying
[X] [Civilian] Computers

Social Pick Two
[X] [Social] Call Aayla
[X] [Social] Write Padme ("Didn't want to disobey the very first order of our new master...called, because we felt guilty and wanted to apologize...not many friends...everything is new...from slave to noble...Sith...hope she can forgive...yadda yadda)

I want Anakin to get a hint regarding Aayla and I want to salvage the friendship with Padme. Let Anakin write something and have the ball in her court. Everything else is up to her.

You had screwed up and damaged a friendship almost irreparably. Anger fueled your movements. You would not stop.

Regarding Shatterpoint, I don't think it's a grand idea for Anakin to get very good at breaking stuff in the most spectacular manner when his head isn't at the right place.
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[X] [Story] Stay in the Hangar

the rest isn´t really important to me.
We have an Butler that also acts as an bodyguard for a reason i think.

Don´t forget that someone stands to gain from our death, because doku no longer has an heir. I also don´t trust the girl.
Keep in mind, its not baseless paranoia and we giving a lot of trust to someone we barely know.
Does "Take me with you, Master Dooku" ring a bell?

1) Do you think Areth is that distracted that he wouldn't shadow us secretly?
2) Is paranoia really going to be the name of the game now? Anyway, making friends is about trust... as Anakin learned from Padme.

I want to salvage the friendship with Padme. Let Anakin write something and have the ball in her court. Everything else is up to her.
I don't think this is a sound basis for a healthy friendship going forward... Besides, Anakin shows he hadn't learned anything at all but just wants to be forgiven because... because.
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[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would become your emissary to squirrel-kind, and you become King of the Squirrels

[X] [Story] Stay in the Hangar

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two
[X] [Civilian] Scholar
[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

[X] [Social] Visit the Beach
[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly

King of the squirrels time...also get Jar'Kai up, as well as force shatterpoint to the litteral point of being able to blow shit up with the force if needed.

also get our damn ability to swim down to pat...were going to need this one day. Also no people...were not going to sith-alchemy on the bunny/possible-hidden-sith lord!!!! the force would completely mess with us at that point and decide to troll us into either having a lot of women after anakin...or ends up with a reputation as a ladies-man or worse because of jealous assholes.
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[X] [Language] Twilek'i

[X] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would die.

[X] [Story] Stay in the Hangar

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two
[X] [Civilian] Scholar
[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

Social Pick Two
[X] [Social] Call Padme
[X] [Social] Hangout with Dooku

We kinda need to get our shit together and calm the fuck down. It looks like Anakin is starting to fray around the edges.
I think those were failed wisdom rolls so a focus on wis stat during level ups would be a good idea while we keep going darkside.
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I think those were failed wisdom rolls so a focus on wis stat during level ups would be a good idea while we keep going darkside.

yeah, might have to learn from the sith Holocron to keep our emotions in check, also were just about to hit puberty here...this is going to be awkward soon enough as we start noticing young women. That and were probably going to have to get a Waifu one day...just remember guys, I think Padme is out of the window now that cannons over with. A good friend perhaps...though were not really good at making those.

I think its time we looked for a different potential wife guys, because with all the failures...its not gonna happen.
I think those were failed wisdom rolls so a focus on wis stat during level ups would be a good idea while we keep going darkside.

You felt anger rush over you and you,
thrust your hand over to the bench. Your blades came flying towards you and you smiled darkly as you ignited them.

Letting your hatred flow through you, you opened your eyes and saw the shatterpoints in the world around you.

but how placing such an acorn in the wrong place could lead to it dying

Sorry, but one instance is fine, failed wisdom roll for all I care, but the whole chapter after the Padme fiasco was pretty close to the slippery slope.
Does "Take me with you, Master Dooku" ring a bell?

I voted against that option, FYI

1) Do you think Areth is that distracted that he wouldn't shadow us secretly?
2) Is paranoia really going to be the name of the game now? Anyway, making friends is about trust... as Anakin learned from Padme.

1)No, but we don't know that. Also, it makes it more difficult him to do his job.
2)Yes. Paranoia is going to be the name of the game now. We're a -noble- now. Carly isn't someone we really know anything about. She's not our friend, she's at best a friendly acquaintence, and that could mean anything.

I don't think this is a sound basis for a healthy friendship going forward... Besides, Anakin shows he hadn't learned anything at all but just wants to be forgiven because... because.

As I said, we're a noble now. We need to be a whole lot more careful about who our friends are. It just comes with the territory.
[X] [Language] Sith

[X] [Squirrel] Did nothing.

[X] [Story] Stay in the Hangar

[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Dun Moch

[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi
[X] [Civilian] Go flying

[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
[X] [Social] Visit the Forest
[] [Language] Hapan

[] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would die.

[] [Story] Stay in the Hangar

Lightsaber: Choose two
[] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[] [Force] Shatterpoint
[] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[] [Force] Alter Neutral

[] [Civilian] Teras Kasi
[] [Civilian] Computers

[] [Social] Visit the Beach
[] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
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Areth Klarr, Butler, Resentful

Just saw this. Eventually, we are going to have to fix us our relationship with our butler. Maybe not now. But sometime in the next few updates we should see if we can spend some time with him.

[X] [Language] Hapan

Isolationist civilization that doesn't speak Basic. Also with a powerful military. This is probably one of the better options to pick.

[X] [Squirrel] Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would die.

I want to see what lesson we will get out of this. Playing it safe with doing nothing won't get us anywhere. Maybe Anakin will learn a lesson like "new life can come from death" (plants and insects feeding off the squirrel and growing stronger) or maybe the death of that squirrel will lead to another animal thriving in the vacuum (life finds a way).

[] [Story] Go with the Girl (Requires a motivation check to overcome lawful alignment)

By this point we have likely had her on for a few months. I doubt that she will suddenly try to kidnap or kill us. More likely she is bored. Maybe she built her own speeder and wants to show it to us? If we can't trust the people in our own household and those we employ then we won't get really far.

However, this may upset Areth because he is watching us right now. Areth is the only relationship we have that is as follows: Areth Klarr, Butler, Resentful. It may not be a good idea to test him too much right now. I'll have to think on it more, but am currently leaning towards not going with her.

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Two ticks to get level 3 in Jar'kai. Also, get Makashi closer to level 5, one of our ambitions. Before we go to Niman.

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Sense Neutral
[] [Force] Alter Neutral

Two ticks to Shatterpoint, to get it to level 3, which I think is a good place to stop at. Eventually we want to get to level 5, but it isn't a huge priority. We need to work on our basics some more.

I'm a little unsure of the last Force Skill to work on. I'm leaning towards Sense Neutral though, because it is an important skill. Right now we are a little too combat focused. Some force abilities that will supplement us should do some good.

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two

[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

Undecided on the other one. But at least one Teras Kasi. We are pretty close to reaching level 4. The other ones I am considering are Scholar, Computers and doubling up on Teras Kasi.

Social Pick Two
[X] [Social] Hangout with Areth

[] [Social] Call Padme
[] [Social] Hangout with Gordon
[] [Social] Hangout with Carly
[] [Social] Hangout with Dooku
[] [Social] Visit the Beach (not a priority, can spend CP on the mystery box when we level up)
[] [Social] Visit the Forest (not a priority, can spend CP on the mystery box when we level up)

This one I'm really sort of undecided about. I want to talk to Padme, to patch things up. Dooku to work on our force bond and because we haven't spent a lot of time with him. He has been away a lot the past few months. Areth is resentful of us right now and we had a fight with him this update. He is our butler, the guy who prepares our food and takes our calls. He definitely has priority and we should have him at least at friend tier. I don't think he would actively sabotage us right now, but I also don't think he would go out of his way to help us either so that needs to be fixed. Right now, I think Gordon is greater than Carly, b/c you don't often see Hutts working as Engineers. I also want to visit the Beach and Forest, but I also don't think that they are priorities and could maybe be something we spend CP on to see what the mystery box is.

After writing all this out, I much more convinced that our relationship with Areth is something we need to work one. You don't want to have you butler be resentful of you. The other option I am not sure of at this moment.
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I know that there has tended to be two distinct camps among voters on any given issue (the camps are not always composed of the same people), but it'd be really great if we could come to a stronger consensus on at least things Anakin should try to do.

We always vote for make a friend ambitions but don't follow through on those ambitions. We think we can just chuck occasional story options and story perks at them whenever we want and have them succeed. We think we can get away with not trusting our friends or always having them prove that they are 100% trustworthy to us first before we give them anything in the relationship. That's not how friendships work. You get to know them, they get to know you in a cycle as you display trust and so earn it, and vice versa. It's a gradual and evolving process. (See on a similar note: show holocrons to Dooku. Dooku already knew about the holocrons and was just waiting to see what we were going to do.)

The REAL reason, I'd guess, that many people trusted Dooku in particular is because he's a character we know to be honorable from canon, and this being before his fall to Sidious. NPC / OC Carly? No way, she could be evil! I know there are some holes in this argument because of the Qui-Gonn connection to Dooku, but I'd say that point is minor at best.

Commitment issues has been another recurring point of contention in the quest, though that one's probably on the backburner for now since we're locked into Serenno.

If we really want to make a friend, we should do more than just lip service to it, is my point. Not every character we meet is going to be canon, and I like it that way. Anakin is eleven years old, and someone just asked if he wanted to see something cool. If we're not willing to expose ourselves to this situation, what excuse (for instance) do we have to be roaming Sith tombs on our pilgrimage? Anakin will not be the most powerful Force user in the galaxy at eighteen, and he will inevitably be facing some very dangerous spirits and visions.

We have 30CP now, this is the time to take innocuous risks like that. And we don't even know if this is actually some risk-plot-lure option or just something nice Arth threw in for us.

EDIT: Given what we know about Anakin eventually gaining allies and companions to supplement him in a crew-like manner... seems Carly as an engineer might be a good place to start. The Exile certainly didn't get Atton's loyalty by holding a blaster to his back everywhere he went.

EDIT2: I think I've tried to make the general argument of this post several times now, and it seems people don't agree with me on it. If that's the case I'll just leave it alone and stop arguing it. I apologize if I keep beating the dead horse.
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I know that there has tended to be two distinct camps among voters on any given issue (the camps are not always composed of the same people), but it'd be really great if we could come to a stronger consensus on at least things Anakin should try to do.

We always vote for make a friend ambitions but don't follow through on those ambitions. We think we can just chuck occasional story options and story perks at them whenever we want and have them succeed. We think we can get away with not trusting our friends or always having them prove that they are 100% trustworthy to us first before we give them anything in the relationship. That's not how friendships work. You get to know them, they get to know you in a cycle as you display trust and so earn it, and vice versa. It's a gradual and evolving process. (See on a similar note: show holocrons to Dooku. Dooku already knew about the holocrons and was just waiting to see what we were going to do.)

The REAL reason, I'd guess, that many people trusted Dooku in particular is because he's a character we know to be honorable from canon, and this being before his fall to Sidious. NPC / OC Carly? No way, she could be evil! I know there are some holes in this argument because of the Qui-Gonn connection to Dooku, but I'd say that point is minor at best.

Commitment issues has been another recurring point of contention in the quest, though that one's probably on the backburner for now since we're locked into Serenno.

If we really want to make a friend, we should do more than just lip service to it, is my point. Not every character we meet is going to be canon, and I like it that way. Anakin is eleven years old, and someone just asked if he wanted to see something cool. If we're not willing to expose ourselves to this situation, what excuse (for instance) do we have to be roaming Sith tombs on our pilgrimage? Anakin will not be the most powerful Force user in the galaxy at eighteen, and he will inevitably be facing some very dangerous spirits and visions.

We have 30CP now, this is the time to take innocuous risks like that. And we don't even know if this is actually some risk-plot-lure option or just something nice Arth threw in for us.

EDIT: Given what we know about Anakin eventually gaining allies and companions to supplement him in a crew-like manner... seems Carly as an engineer might be a good place to start. The Exile certainly didn't get Atton's loyalty by holding a blaster to his back everywhere he went.

EDIT2: I think I've tried to make the general argument of this post several times now, and it seems people don't agree with me on it. If that's the case I'll just leave it alone and stop arguing it. I apologize if I keep beating the dead horse.

Not saying your wrong, but I'm really thinking this a bad idea. If we were playing a Dune game instead of Star Wars, we'd have died a dozen times over by now, and now that we're a noble, we can't just play the way we were playing before. We need to be a whole lot more cautious or we're going to end up dead.
I know that there has tended to be two distinct camps among voters on any given issue (the camps are not always composed of the same people), but it'd be really great if we could come to a stronger consensus on at least things Anakin should try to do.

We always vote for make a friend ambitions but don't follow through on those ambitions. We think we can just chuck occasional story options and story perks at them whenever we want and have them succeed. We think we can get away with not trusting our friends or always having them prove that they are 100% trustworthy to us first before we give them anything in the relationship. That's not how friendships work. You get to know them, they get to know you in a cycle as you display trust and so earn it, and vice versa. It's a gradual and evolving process. (See on a similar note: show holocrons to Dooku. Dooku already knew about the holocrons and was just waiting to see what we were going to do.)

The REAL reason, I'd guess, that many people trusted Dooku in particular is because he's a character we know to be honorable from canon, and this being before his fall to Sidious. NPC / OC Carly? No way, she could be evil! I know there are some holes in this argument because of the Qui-Gonn connection to Dooku, but I'd say that point is minor at best.

Commitment issues has been another recurring point of contention in the quest, though that one's probably on the backburner for now since we're locked into Serenno.

If we really want to make a friend, we should do more than just lip service to it, is my point. Not every character we meet is going to be canon, and I like it that way. Anakin is eleven years old, and someone just asked if he wanted to see something cool. If we're not willing to expose ourselves to this situation, what excuse (for instance) do we have to be roaming Sith tombs on our pilgrimage? Anakin will not be the most powerful Force user in the galaxy at eighteen, and he will inevitably be facing some very dangerous spirits and visions.

We have 30CP now, this is the time to take innocuous risks like that. And we don't even know if this is actually some risk-plot-lure option or just something nice Arth threw in for us.

EDIT: Given what we know about Anakin eventually gaining allies and companions to supplement him in a crew-like manner... seems Carly as an engineer might be a good place to start. The Exile certainly didn't get Atton's loyalty by holding a blaster to his back everywhere he went.

EDIT2: I think I've tried to make the general argument of this post several times now, and it seems people don't agree with me on it. If that's the case I'll just leave it alone and stop arguing it. I apologize if I keep beating the dead horse.
Personally I find other characters more interesting than Carly and I'm not interested in getting anymore chaos points from wandering about thoughtlessly.

I'm interested in how our relationship with Padme will progress (could end badly but at least it'll be interesting). I want to improve our relationship with Dooku because he's an awesome character and the bonuses he gives us are awesome. As for hanging out with new characters there's Areth-- not only is he a badass assassin butler that could probably teach you a few things, but having an assassin resentful of you can only lead to Bad Things. There's also Gordon the Hutt engineer that seems mysteriously familiar, are we not going to investigate that?

So yeah... don't really care about the friend ambition.

Also we're training our abilities and we'll be leveling up automatically anyway so I think we can manage exploring sith ruins if we study the sith holocron beforehand and we're careful about things.

Anyway next vote we should use the bunny to melt Areth's cold, cold heart. Also we must utilize the bunny's cuteness to make Padme forgive us (or to help us screw things up even further). In fact maybe we can use said bunny to give us a +1 boost in social interactions? :p