Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

This stuff isn't happening for like 10 years anyway, if it does happen. There is a lot to happen between then and now and I can easily see Dooku not trying to start a rebellion which could make it easier for a Sith in the senate to seize power via states of emergency.
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[X] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)
I'll jump on the bandwagon, but next level up we need to take two stats to make up for this time.

[X] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)

[x] [Level up] Plan I SEE THE PATH
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
Voting closes in 13 hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Arthellion on Feb 8, 2018 at 11:09 PM, finished with 555 posts and 46 votes.
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The Last Report- By Iandude0
The Last Report

As he sat alone in the cockpit of his ship, Count Dooku scrutinized the comm array he'd been staring at for the last hour. Thoughts of the many dramatic changes in his life laid heavily on his mind, and that was without getting into the galaxy shattering revelations he had been delivered. He knew what needed to be done, even if it was uncomfortable. Now, it was time to live in the moment. Time to set things in motion.

With a sigh, the Count entered a familiar code into the device, and his old master appeared in front of him, flickering in the blue form of a hologram.

"Ah, my apprentice. News, you have?" The Count nodded.

"News most dire that I must interrupt you between classes for your younglings. But, I believe it is news worth the telling. Our investigation has borne fruit." Master Yoda's head tilted, curiously.

"Be careful for the answer that comes too soon, Master Dooku. To many paths it may lead, but all or none may be incorrect." The Count shook his head.

"I am aware of the danger of simple pat answers, my master, and I would be leery of them myself, were the situation any different. I have the Sith Assassin in my custody now. He surrendered immediately upon sighting me. He has said… concerning things. About the Republic. The Jedi. The Senate." His old master shook his head.

"Grave indeed, this is. However, remember you must, that information given freely may simply be what you wish to hear." He sighed. It was true, to an extent. The monster's words had certainly been well matched to his growing dissatisfaction.

"You are correct to be cautious, my master. However, the Sith's testimony is of dire concern if it has any truth. He has said the Sith have seized control of the Senate, and through them the courts. I… have very good reason to believe he was not lying. My padawan and I brought him to the halls of Naboo to testify before a court… and an explosive was laid and detonated in the chamber as he was beginning to do so. Were that all, I would consider things too murky, the plots of the Sith too labyrinthine to comprehend, for the moment. That changed when his master used the force to personally put his apprentice in a coma," He paused, "Or at least, that is what Anakin reported."

"Your padawan, believe him you do?" Dooku nodded.

"I do. He has every reason to hate the Zabrak. In fact, I think he does. Nevertheless, he chose to save him rather than give in to vengeance. It was a most impressive display of clear thinking, in a new padawan who was but an initiate mere weeks ago. It might not have been a choice even I would have made, given the circumstances. I… am proud of him for that, and I think you would have been as well." His master nodded.

"It is always good to hear one of my line strives to follow the path of light. Perhaps I might aide you in his training, should you return to Corusca-"

"We cannot. If even a quarter of what the Zabrak said was true, then I do not think myself or my apprentice will be safe anywhere near the Core. Let alone Coruscant. No, the two of us shall go to Serenno, where I will hopefully be able to train him in peace. All I ask is that you keep your eyes open, and remain vigilant. The rot within the Republic may be even greater than I feared."

"Hm. Perhaps. However, we cannot act against the Senate without hard evidence," Dooku gritted his teeth, "We shall be watchful, but without the Assassin's testimony, nothing can be done."

"Not within the Republic," He could see his old master frowning, "I will act in the Outer Rim, and hopefully we shall be able to bring this foul corruption to light. However, should nothing change, I believe more… extreme measures might need to be taken." He could hear his master sigh.

"See, you do, but do not understand. Hear, you do, but do not listen. Learn from your apprentice's action, you must. No matter how much you may dislike the Republic, it is still needed. Act rashly, you must not." The Jedi Master shook his head.

"This is not acting rashly, my master. This is simply continuing the investigation, no matter where it may lead. I will oppose the Republic, if that is what it takes to see this through." Yoda shook his head.

"A dark path, you are treading." Dooku could only shrug at his former master.

"What I have seen recently has lead me to believe that may not be quite so final as we have been taught. Perhaps we have spent too long staring into the light, that it blinded us to the truth." Yoda's frown grew deeper.

"You know not what you say."

"I do, master. And I apologize for what may come. I only hope it does not lead where the path seems most likely to follow." For his friendship, for his apprentice, for the galaxy. He truly meant those words. "Goodbye, Master Yoda. I fear the next time we may meet, it will not be as allies."

But if the situation called for it, he would not turn a blind eye. Not again. Never again.
The Last Report

As he sat alone in the cockpit of his ship, Count Dooku scrutinized the comm array he'd been staring at for the last hour. Thoughts of the many dramatic changes in his life laid heavily on his mind, and that was without getting into the galaxy shattering revelations he had been delivered. He knew what needed to be done, even if it was uncomfortable. Now, it was time to live in the moment. Time to set things in motion.

With a sigh, the Count entered a familiar code into the device, and his old master appeared in front of him, flickering in the blue form of a hologram.

"Ah, my apprentice. News, you have?" The Count nodded.

"News most dire that I must interrupt you between classes for your younglings. But, I believe it is news worth the telling. Our investigation has borne fruit." Master Yoda's head tilted, curiously.

"Be careful for the answer that comes too soon, Master Dooku. To many paths it may lead, but all or none may be incorrect." The Count shook his head.

"I am aware of the danger of simple pat answers, my master, and I would be leery of them myself, were the situation any different. I have the Sith Assassin in my custody now. He surrendered immediately upon sighting me. He has said… concerning things. About the Republic. The Jedi. The Senate." His old master shook his head.

"Grave indeed, this is. However, remember you must, that information given freely may simply be what you wish to hear." He sighed. It was true, to an extent. The monster's words had certainly been well matched to his growing dissatisfaction.

"You are correct to be cautious, my master. However, the Sith's testimony is of dire concern if it has any truth. He has said the Sith have seized control of the Senate, and through them the courts. I… have very good reason to believe he was not lying. My padawan and I brought him to the halls of Naboo to testify before a court… and an explosive was laid and detonated in the chamber as he was beginning to do so. Were that all, I would consider things too murky, the plots of the Sith too labyrinthine to comprehend, for the moment. That changed when his master used the force to personally put his apprentice in a coma," He paused, "Or at least, that is what Anakin reported."

"Your padawan, believe him you do?" Dooku nodded.

"I do. He has every reason to hate the Zabrak. In fact, I think he does. Nevertheless, he chose to save him rather than give in to vengeance. It was a most impressive display of clear thinking, in a new padawan who was but an initiate mere weeks ago. It might not have been a choice even I would have made, given the circumstances. I… am proud of him for that, and I think you would have been as well." His master nodded.

"It is always good to hear one of my line strives to follow the path of light. Perhaps I might aide you in his training, should you return to Corusca-"

"We cannot. If even a quarter of what the Zabrak said was true, then I do not think myself or my apprentice will be safe anywhere near the Core. Let alone Coruscant. No, the two of us shall go to Serenno, where I will hopefully be able to train him in peace. All I ask is that you keep your eyes open, and remain vigilant. The rot within the Republic may be even greater than I feared."

"Hm. Perhaps. However, we cannot act against the Senate without hard evidence," Dooku gritted his teeth, "We shall be watchful, but without the Assassin's testimony, nothing can be done."

"Not within the Republic," He could see his old master frowning, "I will act in the Outer Rim, and hopefully we shall be able to bring this foul corruption to light. However, should nothing change, I believe more… extreme measures might need to be taken." He could hear his master sigh.

"See, you do, but do not understand. Hear, you do, but do not listen. Learn from your apprentice's action, you must. No matter how much you may dislike the Republic, it is still needed. Act rashly, you must not." The Jedi Master shook his head.

"This is not acting rashly, my master. This is simply continuing the investigation, no matter where it may lead. I will oppose the Republic, if that is what it takes to see this through." Yoda shook his head.

"A dark path, you are treading." Dooku could only shrug at his former master.

"What I have seen recently has lead me to believe that may not be quite so final as we have been taught. Perhaps we have spent too long staring into the light, that it blinded us to the truth." Yoda's frown grew deeper.

"You know not what you say."

"I do, master. And I apologize for what may come. I only hope it does not lead where the path seems most likely to follow." For his friendship, for his apprentice, for the galaxy. He truly meant those words. "Goodbye, Master Yoda. I fear the next time we may meet, it will not be as allies."

But if the situation called for it, he would not turn a blind eye. Not again. Never again.

That was really good. I mean really good. It captured everything perfectly and it is exactly how I would imagine Dooku talking with Yoda. He would give a warning, but he wouldn't let that bind him to a course of action. I do like the comment 'the plots of the Sith too labyrinthine to comprehend'.
Random question...

Do we know exactly how R2D2 was broken during the fighting? I can't find it anywhere.

The omake has him broken so I just went with it.

I'm assuming he got beat up during the siege of theed since he wasn't with you.

Can we all just agree that QuiGon is worst parental figure ever? Bringing a 9 year old into a battlefield? Really?
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The omake has him broken so I just went with it.

I'm assuming he got beat up during the siege of theed since he wasn't with you.

Can we all just agree that QuiGon is worst parental figure ever? Bringing a 9 year old into a battlefield? Really?
But he told Anakin to be safe and go into the cockpit of a star fighter. I mean really, what would he think would happen? It isn't like he knew Anakin had the Force or loved flying things.....oh wait.
[X] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)

[x] [Level up] Plan I SEE THE PATH
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
Adhoc vote count started by Iandude0 on Feb 9, 2018 at 12:43 PM, finished with 566 posts and 46 votes.
The Consequences of Loss and Growth Chapter 7
Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks) 27 Votes
Gained Class 5 Stealth Ship

[Level up] Plan I SEE THE PATH 22 Votes
+Gained Shatterpoint
+Gained Force Prodigy

+3CP From Omakes
+245XP from votes.
+100XP From Visit to Dathomir

The Consequences of Loss and Growth Chapter 7
You stared at the ceiling. Your bed was stiff, but you did not care. Numb. You felt nothing. Only the empty cold of space could be felt. You were nothing. Just a tiny blip in a galaxy of chaos. Cliegg was dead. Mom was dead. And their killer still lived. You could feel his presence on the other side of the ship. The darkness oozed off of him. You were...not afraid of the Dark. You had used it several times over the past few days. It offered power. The Jedi rejected the Dark, but Master Dooku said you could master it. That you could wield it for good and not evil. You decided,
DC: 30
Roll: 14+17=31
that you would proceed with caution. The Dark Side must be mastered, but you must be careful in using it. Your mind drifted to Maul. You had saved him. That was the right decision. Though the man had killed your mother, he needed to stand trial. He needed to answer for his crimes and reveal the truth of the Sith...Or did he? Anger filled your heart. The Sith had laughed! He had laughed as he killed your mother and stripped her of her skin. You felt sick to your stomach and you could almost smell the burning flesh. Your decision to save Maul left you broken. The voices in your head screamed at you that you were right for leaving him alive. And another set of voices screamed in anguish telling you to murder him at the first opportunity. You shook your head and decided that you felt,

[] [Reaction] Remorse. You should have killed the Zabrak when you had the chance.
[] [Reaction] Confident. You were confident in your decision. You had made the right choice to honor the law.​
[] [Reaction] Confused: You can't decide. What you did was right and wrong in the same time.
[] [Reaction] Vengeful: You are happy that he survived. Yes, It was foolish to keep him alive but now you can hope to deny him a painless death and make him suffer like your mother did.
[] [Reaction] Angry: You did a right thing that a Jedi should do! Why the end result is so horrible?
[] [Reaction] Adamant. Though it was your intention for Maul to live to pass on what information he had, he would die. Whether through the means of the court and the laws of the Jedi aimed at dealing with the Sith, or at your hands, the Zabrak would perish in the end. The memory of your parents' torturous deaths at his hands demanded it. You would have justice.
[] [Reaction] Satisfied. Killing him would have gained you nothing, and would not have brought your family back. Keeping him alive would allow him to truly pay for his crimes, in more ways than one.
[] [Reaction] Write in: ???

You sighed and stared once more at the ceiling. The grief was overpowering. The Jedi said to give your grief to the Force, but you felt like that would be a betrayal of your parents. You held onto them.

"Focus on what is, not what you wish there to be," you murmured, "That's bantha crap. Its easy not to wish for things when you don't love anyone."

You felt the anger build and you released a scream.

"You hear that Obi-wan! Your advice is bantha crap! You've never felt anything! Ever! How can I not wish for my parents to still be alive!"

You breathed heavy...exhausted. The sound of your door opening caused you to wince in shame.

"Anakin?" Master Dooku's normally cold voice carried warmth. He must have heard your scream. You sat up in your bed and felt the tears start to flow. Dooku stood there awkwardly for a few moments, but you did not notice, so lost were you in your grief. Suddenly, the warmth of the man's hand rested upon your shoulder. He sat next to you and your buried your head in his chest. Pain gripped your heart. The Jedi Master held you tight and whispered words of comfort,

"Its going to be okay, Child. You are going to be okay. Let it out."

How long you cried you did not know, but the man did not leave your side. When you finally pulled away you noticed in horror that his tunic was soaked with your tears and snot. You moved to apologize, but the man held up his hand,

"Easy child. Grief is a normal part of life."

"The Jedi don't think so," you whispered angrily. Dooku tilted his head at you, but nodded slowly.

"We are no longer Jedi."

His words rang true. You suddenly laughed. Your life had changed so drastically over the past few months. Last year you would have been helping with the harvest at this time. It was...chaotic. Dooku's voice broke your thoughts,

"Didn't you mentioned you had a brother?"

"Owen!" Your eyes went wide. What kind of brother were you? So lost in your grief you hadn't even thought about messaging your brother until now. You looked at Dooku,

"Can we use the comm?"

+Level 1 Dooku Force Bond Trained​

Static met you and you slammed your fist on the side of the table. You had tried calling your home, but apparently the comms were down. Dooku's hand rested upon your shoulder. Perhaps you could call Beru's parents, but what was her family's comm frequency again? You,
DC: 16
Roll: 3+12IN=15.
frowned. For the life of you, you could not remember Beru's number. You sighed and opened yourself up to the Force. You -had- to remember it. You,
DC: 21
Roll: 9+13=22
let the force guide your hand to the proper frequencies...and the comm rang. Several moments passed and suddenly the hologram of Ms. Bernice, your school teacher, flared to life,

"Anakin? Anakin! The Jedi finally let you call?"

"Huh?" You asked in confusion, "The Jedi?"

"We've been trying to call for weeks! But whenever we called the Temple, the response was the same. Initiates are not allowed to speak with their former families."

You felt anger flare at those words, but shook your head,

"Well I'm here now...Where is Owen?"

"Owen...oh Anakin...Your parents.."

You felt the grief hit you, but you pushed on,

"I know, Ms. Bernice. I know about them, but where is Owen?"

"Owen...he left the planet a week ago with a bounty hunter in blue armor. He sold the farm and hired him."

"Did he say where he was going?" You asked in confusion. Owen...with a bounty hunter?

"Just that he wanted to hunt down your parent's killer. He left a message for you though if you called. Shall I forward it to you?"


The woman nodded and began punching some numbers. Suddenly, her image was replaced with Owen's,

"Hey if you're getting this...I guess the stupid Jedi finally let you come home or you decided to call. and dad are dead. C3P0 recorded the whole thing. I won't show you, but attached to this message is an image of their murderer. A Zabrak who used lightning from his hands to kill them. If you ever come into contact with him...kill him long and slow. I'm selling the farm and hiring a bounty hunter. Don't worry about me. Once I kill that Zabrak, I'll come to Coruscant and find you myself. We will be together again one day..but until be the best Jedi you can be. I miss you..and...I love you brother."

The hologram flickered and Bernice's face appeared again,

"We tried to stop him, but he wouldn't be moved. I'm sorry, Anakin."

You shook you head.

"No..its okay. I just hope he stays safe."

An awkward silence passed and you offered a smile,

"Thank you, Ms. Bernice. If Owen returns home..please give him this comm frequency. Its how he can reach me."

"Will do, Anakin."

The two of you said your goodbyes and you ended the comm. For the first time in a long felt peace. Owen was going to be okay. The force confirmed it. You looked to your master who rubbed his beard in thought,

"Blue armor..."


"Ah, just athought. Now come..we should practice your meditations. We will arrive on Dathomir in a few hours."​

The forest was heavy in the Dark Side. You could almost taste it upon your tongue. You walked beside your master. The two of you had landed your ship near the forest and entered, leaving Maul unconscious on the ship. Dooku spoke quietly,

"I have dealt with this Mother Talzin before. She is not to be trusted. When we encounter the Nightsisters, we must remain on our guard."

"What are the Nightsisters, Master?"

"Dathomir is ruled by the Witches of Dathomir, force sensitive clans of women. Most of these clans are lightsiders; however, the Nightsisters are those Dathomirians who have fallen to the Dark Side of the Force. Mother Talzin is the leader of one such clan."

"I see, Master. Why would Maul mention her as an option to severe the bond?"

"I'm not sure, but I am certain we shall soon find out."

You nodded and looked around the forest. You sensed,
DC: 38
Roll: (6)+27 = 33
Nothing. There were some creatures roaming about but nothing to worry about. You were soon proven wrong as a spry woman suddenly knocked you over the head. You fell to the ground and before you lost consciousness you saw your master ignite his blade.​

You awoke on stone bed to the face of a pale skinned woman looking over you.

"Ah!" you screamed as you rolled onto the ground to get away from her. The Dark Side clung heavy to the woman and you began to back away in fear. least you tried to. You were lifted into the air and the woman shook her head,

"Now that is not a proper greeting at all, Child. Show more respect to your host."

You felt fear grip you. Such power emanated from her form. You swallowed and spoke,
DC: 25
Roll: (4)+18 = 22
"You're scary. Sorry."

"Pfft...still a rude child."

You were lowered to the ground and you glared at her,

"Where is my Master?"

"Ah, Yan? He is currently enjoying some dinner. I came to invite you until you so rudely screamed in my face."
DC: 25
Roll: (18)+18 = 36

You frowned. You had been rude.

"My apologies, Ma''am. May I ask your name?"

"Hmpf. That's better I suppose. I, am Mother Talzin."

"Ah.." your eyes widened in surprise, "You're who Maul told us to reach out to!"

"Yes, indeed. My son is currently in my room...still under the coma his Sith Master placed him into. Now is time for dinner."

The woman turned on her heel and you followed after. You walked down the halls of the stone temple and were amazed at the architecure. Nightsisters walked down the hall, but bowed as you both walked past. You could taste the Dark side in this place.

Soon, the two of you reached a dining room. Your Master sipped on a glass and appeared entirely unharmed. Food was placed upon the table. Dooku looked at you,

"Good evening, Anakin."

"Master did we get here?"

"I ordered my Nightsisters to bring you here...unfortunately they interpreted my orders as "capture" not invite," Mother Talzin answered and glared at one of the Nightsisters who guarded the door. Talzin motioned for you to sit and you did beside your Master. You felt your stomach growl and you quickly began to scarf down the food. Talzin sat and raised her brow at Dooku,

"You've not taught the boy proper manners."

"It shall be rectified in time," Dooku stated coldly. You felt your ears burn in shame and you tried to eat more politely...though you didn't really know how to. The meal was silent and you were too scared to say anything. The food was better than that on Tatooine, but not quite as good as your meals you had on Naboo. When the three of you had finished eating, Talzin spoke,

"Dooku told me that you have a force bond with my Son; is that correct, young Skywalker?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"And you wish it removed?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Good...nothing positve will come of such a bond. It make take a day or two to prepare the ritual so make yourself at home. Dooku and you will share quarters until the ritual is ready."

You glanced at your Master who had a look of distaste upon his face, but nodded. The woman glanced at him,

"I trust that this will complete the favor I owe you?"

"Yes, Mother Talzin."


The woman clapped her hands and two Nightsisters entered.

"Show Master Dooku and his Padawan to their rooms."

"Yes, Mother Talzin."​

You slept fitfully that night. Dooku had explained to you the dangers of the Nightsister's home. It would be dangerous to leave the temple, but exploring the grounds should be fine. Your Master had shrugged off your inquiry about the favor Talzin owed him and simply stated,

"That is best left in the past. Stay on your guard, Anakin. Nightsisters never say what they truly mean."

You awoke that morning and found a bowl of fruit in your room for breakfast. Master Dooku was meditating and you decided to join him.

As you felt something shift. You opened your eyes and world of lines met you. Hair line fractures could be seen in the the bookshelf in the corner of the the bowl which held the fruit. You instinctively knew where to apply pressure...and destroy every single physical object in the room. You struggled for several moments with this new sense and Dooku looked at you in concern.

"Master, I can see.." you struggled to explain, "I see how to break things. I don't know how else to describe it."

"Ah.." Dooku tilted his head at you, "You have awakened rare gift, Anakin. Shatterpoint is a force ability that not many have. In time you shall learn to control what you see and you will begin to see far more than simply how to break the objects around you. For now though...close your eyes...give the sight to the force."

You did so and suddenly the world returned to normal. You instinctively knew how you could call such insight back to you. This was interesting.

Master Dooku and yourself trained the ability for the next hour. managed to learn how to leave it on constantly without it affecting you. It was, if the Force is a sixth sense...a seventh sense. Your insight into the world had changed. Everything could be broken. You just had to apply the right amount of pressure.​

After training, you found yourself with free time. The ritual would not be ready until the next day. You decided to,
Story, Choose One
[] [Story] Visit Darth Maul
[] [Story] Speak with Mother Talzin
[] [Story] Keep to yourself
[] [Story] Seek out others your age? (Meet Asajj Ventress)

End Chapter 7.

+1845 x2.5 Dooku=4613XP
+3 CP from discusion
+Level 1 Shatterpoint
+Force Prodigy
+Relationship Gained: Mother Talzin, Nightmother, Acquaintance​

Name: Anakin Skywalker
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: 10
Occupation: Dooku's Apprentice
Level: 13
Hit Points: (Level+Con) x2.5= 58
Armor Class: (Dex+Con+Str)/3 = 11
Mental AC= (Wisdom+Intelligence+Charisma/3= 16
Initiative: +17
Weapons: Teras Kasi Fists, 2D8, Training Saber: 1d10
Unarmed to Hit= +6
Saber to Hit=+6
Blaster to Hit= +11
Force to Hit= +17
Experience Needed:28800
Lawful Dark

Chosen Points: 3CP
Strength: 30 (+10)
Constitution: 30 (+10)
Dexterity: 32 (+11)
Wisdom: 43 (+17)
Charisma: 39 (+15)
Intelligence: 40 (+15)

Handle Animal (CHR):+18
Computer Use (Int): +18
Security (IDex): +14
Mechanics(Int): +23
Persuasion (Chr): +18
Awareness (Wis):+27
Piloting (Dex): +23

History Skill(Int): +18
Math Skill(Int):+18
Medicine Skill(Int) +18
Research Skill(Int): +18
Science Skill(Int): +18
Legal Skill(Int):+18
Political Skill(Wis):+20
Music Skill(Chr): +18
Acting Skill(Chr): +18
Athletics Skill(Str): +13
Cooking Skill(Int): +18
Economics Skill(Int): +8
Strategy Skill(Int): +18
Artistic Skill(Char):+18

High Galactic
Long Term Ambitions:
1. Become a Jedi Knight
2. Avenge Qui-Gon and Obi-wan

Mid Term Ambitions
1. Master Teras Kasi

Short Term Ambitions
1. Learn More about the Sith

Money: 35 Gold Peggats
The Jedi Path
Training Saber
Maul's Ship
Varya Holocron
Sidreona Holocron
Seeking Excellence Trait:
When failing a training roll, may retry once.

Gain 100XP for each new planet you visit
Fast Learner:
Gain Double Chosen Points upon Level up
Young Philospher Trait (From Voter Discussion):
+1 Wisdom.
Force Precognition:
+1 Wisdom
+4 Awareness
Mechanic Background:
Results in Mechanic vote options unlocked.
Unlocked Repair Skill
Unlocked Piloting Skill
+2 to Strength.
+2 to Intelligence.
+2 to Dexterity.
+2 to Constitution.
+5 to Mechanics Skill.

Droid Background:
Droid Vote Options Unlocked
Unlocked Computer Use Skill
Unlocked Security Use Skill
+4 to Intelligence
+2 to Dexterity
+ 3 to Repair Skill
One Additional Language

Fairy Tale Background:

Gained Cliegg/Owen Relationship
+2 Charisma
+4 Wisdom

Adept Speaker:
+2 Charisma
+3 Charisma
+4 Charisma
+5 Charisma
Amateur Brute
+2 Strength
+3 Strength
+4 Strength
Amateur Farmer
+2 Constitution
+3 Constitution
+4 Consitution
Amateur Athlete
+ 2 Dexterity
+4 Dexterity
Amateur Philosopher
+2 Wisdom
+3 Wisdom
Amateur Student
+2 Intelligence
+3 Intelligence
+4 Intelligence
Apprentice Pilot :
+5 Piloting
+4 Piloting
Teacher's Pet:
History Skill Unlocked
Math Skill Unlocked
Medicine Skill Unlocked
Research Skill Unlocked
Science Skill Unlocked
Legal Skill Unlocked
Political Skill Unlocked
Music Skill Unlocked
Acting Skill Unlocked
Athletics Skill Unlocked
Cooking Skill Unlocked
Economics Skill Unlocked
Strategy Skill Unlocked
Artistic Skill Unlocked
+1 to Strength
+1 to Constitution
+1 to Dexterity
+1 to Wisdom
+1 to Intelligence
+1 to Charisma
+3 to All Currently Unlocked Skills
Teras Kasi Combat:
Level 1: +2 to All Physical Attributes, No Combat Penalty to fighting Unarmed
Level 2: +2 to All Physical Attributes, +4 to Hit when Fighting Unarmed, Hands Count as a 2D8 Weapon
Level 3: Increase Health Modifier to x2.5, Not Unlocked GM: Default Health is (Level +Con Mod) x 2. This would increase it to (Level+Con Mod) x 2.5.

Level 4: +4 to All Physical Attributes, +4 to hit when fighting Unarmed, Hands Count as a 2D10 Weapon, Not Unlocked
Level 5: + 4 to All Physical Attributes, Immunity to all Mental Force Abilities, Hands count as a 2D12 Weapon, Not Unlocked

(Base Penalty is -8)
Level 1: -6 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 2: -4 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 3: 2 of 3 Trained to unlock.
Control: Wisdom Modifier +perks

Tutaminis (Neutral Power):
Level 1: +2Constitution
Level 2: +2 Constitution
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Speed
Level 1: 2 Dexterity, +2 to Initiative Rolls
Level 2: 2 Dexterity, +4 to Initiative Rolls

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Sense:Wisdom Modifier +perks
Life Detection:
Level 1: Can sense life within 1/4 Mile.
Level 2: Can Sense Life within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Sense Force:
Level 1: Can sense status of the force within 1/4 Mile. Force Empathy tree Unlocked
Level 2: Can Sense status of the force within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Empathy:
Level 1: Gain Ability to Sense Others Emotions. Dialogue.
Level 2: +1 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Level 1: +1 Wisdom, Comprehend Speech. Dialogue Options.
Level 2: +1 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Alter: Wisdom Modifier +perks
Force Jump:
LeveL 1: +2 Strength, May Jump One Story Buildings
Level 2: + 2 Strength, May Jump Three Story Buildings

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Level 1: +2 Wisdom, can lift R2D2 level objects Unlock Force Push/Force Choke
Level 2: +2 Wisdom, Can lift small speeder objects

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Push
Level 1: +2 Wisdom, May do 1D4+Wisdom Damage to opponent upon first round.
Level 2: +2 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Animal Friendship:
Level 1: +2 Handle Animal; Sense Animal thoughts/instincts/urges.
Level 2: +4 Handle Animal; Calm creature

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained
Force Lightning:
Level 1: + 2 Wisdom, 1 opponent may takes 1d1/2 Wisdom Damage at beginning of the fight
Level 2: 0 of 2 Training. Locked.

Level 1: +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, Begin to see shatter points in the physical world around you. Decisions Unlocked.
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained
Count Yan Dooku: Count of Serenno, Your Master
Padme: Queen of Naboo, Close Friend.
R2D2: Acquaintance
Jar-Jar: King of Naboo, Acquaintance
Colonel "Greybeard" , Palace Guard, Acquaintance
Lt. "Scarface", Palace Guard, Acquaintance
Lt. Frela, Security Forces, Acquaintance
Private Derpa, Security Forces , Acquaintance
Siri Tachi: Jedi Knight,Bear Clan Master
Yoda: Master of the Order
Mace Windu: Master of the Order
Qui-Gon Jinn: Deceased
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Deceased, Friend
Sheev Palpatine: Vice Chancellor, Acquaintance
Bail Organa: Chancellor, Acquaintance
Mon Mothma, Senator, Acquaintance
Master Arden Zan: Teras Kasi Master, Teacher
Owen Lars: Your Step-brother, Brothers for Life, Status Unknown
C-3P0: Your Droid, You are His Maker, Status Unknown
Shmi Lars: Your Mother, Deceased
Cliegg Lars: Your Father, Deceased
Mother Talzin, Nightmother, Acquaintance

Name: Yan Dooku
Rank: Master, Consular
Abilities: Makashi, Force Jump
Perks of Master: Permanent +6 Intelligence and Charisma every Level up, Learn Makashi in 2 Less turns, Learn Force Jump in 2 Less turns, Learn Telekinesis in 2 Less Turns
Types of Missions: Diplomacy/Aristocracy

Master/Apprentice Force Bond Tree
Current Level: Level 1 Unlocked.

Level 1: Receive a +1 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku
Level 2: Receive a +2 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku
Level 3: Receive a +3 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Unlock Dun Moch Saber Style.,
Level 4: Receive a +4 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +7 per level up.
Level 5: Receive a +5 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Dun Moch Saber Style Learned in 2 Less Turns, XP Gain increased to 3.0.
Level 6: Receive a +6 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +8 per level up
Level 7: Receive a +7 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Multiply effects of Dun Moch by 1.5, XP Gain Increased to 3.5
Level 8: Receive a +8 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +9 per level up
Level 9: Receive a +9 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Multiply effects of Dunmoch by 2. XP Gain Increased to 4.0

Maul Force Bond
Force Bond Tree
Current Level: 0. Unlocked.
Summary: +1 DS Point every two updates. +2 Strength, +2 Constitution on level up. Learn Juyo in two less turns.

Level 1: Receive a +1 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Darth Maul;
Level 2: Receive a +2 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Darth Maul
Level 3: Receive a +3 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Darth Maul, Unlock Juyo Saber Style to Level 2.
Level 4: Receive a +4 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Darth Maul, Increase Stat gain to Strength and Constitution to +3 per level up.
Level 5: Receive a +5 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Darth Maul, Unlock Jar'kai Immediately to level three.
Level 6: Receive a +6 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Darth Maul, Increase Stat gain to Strength and Constitution to +4 per level up
Level 7: Receive a +7 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Darth Maull, Increase Stat gain to Strength and Constitution to +5 per level up
Level 8: Receive a +8 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Darth Maul, Increase Stat gain to Strength and Constitution to +6 per level up
Level 9: Receive a +9 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Darth Maul, Increase Stat gain to Strength and Constitution to +7 per level up

Ambitions are now in the correct format on CS.

You will have the opportunity to vote for all options after you get to Serenno.

Vote Format! Please Use! Votes not in this format will not be counted.

[] [Reaction] Choose one


[] [Story] Choose one

Seven Hour Moratorium on Votes

Discuss away!
Last edited:
[] [Reaction] Confident. You were confident in your decision. You had made the right choice to honor the law.

[] [Story] Speak with Mother Talzin

we really should not bond with the guy were plotting to have to die soon enough...we want him to die right!
also here's to hoping that Owen becomes a badass bounty hunter...especially if we tell him the damn truth about the Jedi, and our dreams...

we will help save the slaves!!! and bring balance to the force!! Je'daii style!
[] [Reaction] Satisfied. Killing him would have gained you nothing, and would not have brought your family back. Keeping him alive would allow him to truly pay for his crimes, in more ways than one.

is this writein good, @Arthellion? If not, could you suggest some tweaks?

[] [Story] Seek out others your age? (Meet Asajj Ventress)

I ships it.
[] [Story] Seek out others your age? (Meet Asajj Ventress)
The reaction vote I am undecided on, but this would be amazing. Ventress is always a fun character.
"Hey if you're getting this...I guess the stupid Jedi finally let you come home or you decided to call. and dad are dead. C3P0 recorded the whole thing. I won't show you, but attached to this message is an image of their murderer. A Zabrak who used lightning from his hands to kill them. If you ever come into contact with him...kill him long and slow. I'm selling the farm and hiring a bounty hunter. Don't worry about me. Once I kill that Zabrak, I'll come to Coruscant and find you myself. We will be together again one day..but until be the best Jedi you can be. I miss you..and...I love you brother."
Uhm... well, Owen...
[] [Reaction] Remorse. You should have killed the Zabrak when you had the chance.

it could be interesting to see this.

[] [Story] Speak with Mother Talzin

Well I like the character of Asajj but not so much.