Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)


I've been saying this the whole time, but I guess my translation device is not working right and people kept hearing/reading "Let's go MURDER-FACE civilians and laugh as we kill entire planets because Dark Side!"
Sounds like good craic tbf. Wouldn't be averse to Anakin having a really REALLY angsty teen phase where he goes all murdery.
Sounds like good craic tbf. Wouldn't be averse to Anakin having a really REALLY angsty teen phase where he goes all murdery.

Haha as I said in a post quite a few pages ago

Also we will do/be able to do much less damage to others/our surroundings if we master the Dark Side first while we are still young and weak. Imagine a powerful Master of the Light Side falling to darkness and unable to go against his desires/interests in anything.

Especially if we are a *shudder* hormonal teenager at the time. (-25 to all roles involving women, drugs, anger, envy, fast cars, and fighting)

Master the Dark and in the process begin to master ourself as we then move back to the Light.

Experience both extremes to find the balance between.

That would make for a fun ride, but we would be face-palming all the time and the Light Side fanatics would never let it happen sooooo...maybe we can co-author an Omake about Teenage Edge Lord Anakin?
That would make for a fun ride, but we would be face-palming all the time and the Light Side fanatics would never let it happen sooooo...maybe we can co-author an Omake about Teenage Edge Lord Anakin?

Eh, there's enough Dark side fans that it's not a total impossibility. You might just swing some people into a trip on the Dark Side.

We've been having close votes for most of the major DS/LS votes. Just saying.
I wouldn't be averse to going evil. Just, y'know, we're the chosen one. We should abuse our lone ability to do whatever the fuck we want. Light or Dark . . . okay now I kinda wanna go chaotic with this.
I wouldn't be averse to going evil. Just, y'know, we're the chosen one. We should abuse our lone ability to do whatever the fuck we want. Light or Dark . . . okay now I kinda wanna go chaotic with this.
Just don't bathe in the Font of Power and the Pool of Knowledge. ;p

Abeloth was a regular human until she bathed in the Pool of Knowledge and the Font of Power which are Force nexuses. Thereby getting ALL the power and going Chaos crazy. So yeah....
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The thought of turning Anakin into a huge troll makes me giggle. I like to imagine the sudden killing of his family broke him in an insane Deadpool way, rather than the mopey Prequel Anakin way.
The thought of turning Anakin into a huge troll makes me giggle. I like to imagine the sudden killing of his family broke him in an insane Deadpool way, rather than the mopey Prequel Anakin way.

I think that is Chaotic Dark if I had take my guess. Literally the worst possible combination for the health and sanity of literally everyone.

Also, we're technically safe frim Abeloth so long as we don't go slaughtering the Son and Daughter. We do that, and she's much less of an issue.

Only the Blade of Mortis can kill the Ones and most likely Abeloth. Personally I think that whole family dynamic is worth than a Sith plot. I know right? The issue is that each of them are most likely a type of Force Nexus of some kind. They originally wanted Anakin to take the place of the Father, who represent Balance. The Balance quest line, cough cough.

Find a way to cut off their Force Nexus joo-joo with Force Break and then kill them. Set the Force free. Or just kill them all in an attempt to kill the Force itself. /shrugs

Also Abeloth is always watching from the space between space with her unlimited powers. :o

Since she can shapeshift both are valid pictures. ;p
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We can farm some DS points through dialogue when we return to the Jedi temple as well. I can see Anakin becoming extremely arrogant and proud of having done so many more useful things such as finding Maul than the padawans training at the temple, at having been taken as Dooku's sole apprentice at a very young age while they were all still taking group kindergarten lessons, and at also being stronger in the force than the others.

While I do want to do dark side stuff in the immediate future and master it first, I'm not going to support being a chaotic murderer and will vote against options like that even if they will bring us closer to dark side mastery. I just want to play Anakin as a sort of traditional fantasy guy like Conan, who would shirk the strict, inhuman monastic code of conduct of the Jedi. I want Anakin to feel free to take vengeance on those deserving and trust in his own ability to judge others as deserving or not, but I also want him to be altruistic in a sort of overflowing expression of his own self-love and power, taking on the burdens of others almost just to test his own strength.

So I would not vote against an option to free a slave or something if I thought it would give us light side points.
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We can farm some DS points through dialogue when we return to the Jedi temple as well. I can see Anakin becoming extremely arrogant and proud of having done so many more useful things such as finding Maul than the padawans training at the temple, at having been taken as Dooku's sole apprentice at a very young age while they were all still taking group kindergarten lessons, and at also being stronger in the force than the others.

While I do want to do dark side stuff in the immediate future and master it first, I'm not going to support being a chaotic murderer and will vote against options like that even if they will bring us closer to dark side mastery. I just want to play Anakin as a sort of traditional fantasy guy like Conan, who would shirk the strict, inhuman monastic code of conduct of the Jedi. I want Anakin to feel free to take vengeance on those deserving and trust in his own ability to judge others as deserving or not, but I also want him to be altruistic in a sort of overflowing expression of his own self-love and power, taking on the burdens of others almost just to test his own strength.

So I would not vote against an option to free a slave or something if I thought it would give us light side points.
Ummm, I don't think we are going back to the Temple any time soon. We signed up with Dooku which means Sereno is our end destination.

I feel any long term plan we have should include hugging the bunny. :) We brought it along for a reason, it is our support animal.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Arthellion on Feb 8, 2018 at 5:25 PM, finished with 513 posts and 40 votes.

  • [X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)
    [x] [Level up] Plan I SEE THE PATH
    -[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
    -[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
    -[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
    -[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
    [x] Plan I SEE THE PATH
    -[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
    -[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
    -[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
    -[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
    [X] Plan Stability 2.0
    -[X] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
    -[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
    -[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
    -[X] Play with T'da.
    -[X] Skilled Speaker: +6 Charisma
    -[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
    -[x] Adept Warrior: +5 Constitution
    [X] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)
    [X] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)
    [x] [Level Up] Plan I SEE THE PATH

    -[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint

    -[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.

    -[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.

    -[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
    [X] [Level up] Plan Destiny
    -[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
    -[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
    -[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
    -[X] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
    -[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
    [X] [Level up] Plan Mind and Body
    -[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
    -[x] Adept Warrior: +5 Constitution
    -[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
    -[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
    -[X] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
    -[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
    [X] [Level up] Plan: Choices
    -[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
    -[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
    -[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
    -[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
    [X] [Level up] Plan: Choices
    -[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
    -[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
    -[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
    -[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
    [X] [Level Up] Plan Bonding, Calling and Prodigy
    -[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
    -[X] Admit to Master Dooku that you have 2 Holocrons, one of the Sith and one of the Jedi
    -[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
    -[X] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
    -[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
While I do want to do dark side stuff in the immediate future and master it first, I'm not going to support being a chaotic murderer and will vote against options like that even if they will bring us closer to dark side mastery. I just want to play Anakin as a sort of traditional fantasy guy like Conan, who would shirk the strict, inhuman monastic code of conduct of the Jedi. I want Anakin to feel free to take vengeance on those deserving and trust in his own ability to judge others as deserving or not, but I also want him to be altruistic in a sort of overflowing expression of his own self-love and power, taking on the burdens of others almost just to test his own strength.

So I would not vote against an option to free a slave or something if I thought it would give us light side points.
"86/-90=Severe dark. Lose self to emotions. Unable to choose any altruistic ambition or do anything that does not benefit yourself."

I'm not sure if that last part is viable until mastery...
Huh, wait, my plan is winning but under a different name? Oh well, for conformity's sake:

[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[x] [Level up] Plan I SEE THE PATH
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
"86/-90=Severe dark. Lose self to emotions. Unable to choose any altruistic ambition or do anything that does not benefit yourself."

I'm not sure if that last part is viable until mastery...
We could master Lawful AKA self control first so that we always have those options available before we master Dark (Assuming that how it works).
"86/-90=Severe dark. Lose self to emotions. Unable to choose any altruistic ambition or do anything that does not benefit yourself."

I'm not sure if that last part is viable until mastery...

I'm not entirely sure we CAN'T be altruistic at all at the severe Dark stage, I think being altruistic just has to match up with our emotions/desires.

Like freeing a slave, Anakin would obviously be for this because he has been a slave. Therefore we are potentially more likely to free the slave when we are Dark then we might be when we are Light because the Light would favor the whole as opposed to the individual where the Dark favors the individual and our desires over the collective good.
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[x] [Level up] Plan I SEE THE PATH
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
[x] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with specialperks)

I was convinced to take Maul's Ship as it was pointed out that Padme would rebuild R2D2 and that she would likely need his protection/plot armor more than we would. Padme with R2D2 sounds like it would be a pretty solid combo. As for us, I believe we plan on building our own combat droid pretty soon and I think that might be better in a way. R2D2 by Padme's side helping her out and us with our own personal combat droid helping us out.

Edit: Also, if we wanted to pickup a Class 5 Starship then there are very few options that are better than this one.

[X] [Level up] Plan Mind and Body
-[X] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[X] Adept Warrior: +5 Constitution
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[X] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[X] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, youimmediately gain level one.

Voting for this for now because we have more CP to cushion us if we roll badly and die. But if the Shatter Point vote, I SEE THE PATH, wins then I'll be okay with it because it also has most of the things I want and because if we were going to pick up Shatterpoint now would be a good time. We are mostly safe and a good argument can be made about us using Shatterpoint to help sever our bond with Maul. That said I'll still stick with this plan for now. But I'm fine either way.

Which is why we let the creature that murdered ours while laughing live and why we want to try to redeem/learn from it/him! :lol #sorrystillabitsaltybutgettingbetter

Yeah, I'm fine with just getting the info from him and then killing him. Letting him alive after that, if he is not in a jail, if really out there.

Like freeing a slave, Anakin would obviously be for this because he has been a slave. Therefore we are potentially more likely to free the slave when we are Dark then we might be when we are Light because the Light would favor the whole as opposed to the individual where the Dark favors the individual and our desires over the collective good.

Another example for freeing slaves while Dark would be if we had Freeing all the Slaves as a long term ambition. Then freeing a slave while Dark Aligned would be able to happen I think because it aligns with our ambition. Also, because we hate slavers and if we can hurt this slaver by freeing his slave, hence him loosing money/his property, then I think it could happen.
"86/-90=Severe dark. Lose self to emotions. Unable to choose any altruistic ambition or do anything that does not benefit yourself."

I'm not sure if that last part is viable until mastery...
We will have to get over the severe dark hump, it is true.

I do not think a severe dark Anakin would just free a slave. Upon helping the slave escape its master he would wonder, why not become its new master? Perhaps the real problem Anakin has with slavery is that the masters are unworthy, that he has always been better than them, that he should have been the master.
Why let him go on to live an aimless life serving no glorious purpose? Anakin will give him a purpose that can not be found elsewhere in the galaxy. Free from slavery... the question is not free from what, but free for what. No slave could be free for something greater than what Anakin has plans for. To be subordinate to him is a gift.

That is how I would hope a Dark Side Anakin would think and be like, so tremendously arrogant and confident in himself.
I'm actually too drunk to remember if I voted but here's a plan I think looked not terrible.
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[x] [Level up] Plan I SEE THE PATH
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
[X] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)
[X] Plan Stability 2.0
-[X] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[X] Play with T'da.
-[X] Skilled Speaker: +6 Charisma
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Adept Warrior: +5 Constitution

I am switching to getting the starship. I think it is a risky choice and we will have to take it apart and reassemble it. It is a Sith ship with trackers and who knows what else. If we do use it we need to go over it carefully. I do want some more insight into the Sith plots since we are stuck dealing with them. /sigh Also Plan Stability 2.0, now with more bunnys. :)
Making some assumptions there aren't we?

There's nothing wrong with making assumptions. You just have to keep in mind that you're making them, and that they could be completely wrong. What if it wasn't an agent of Sidious but someone else, what if the motive was to kill Padme, maybe even Dooku? Then the whole analysis goes in another direction.

The problem with Padme or Dooku being the target is that neither one is particularly wounded, so they must've been farther out from the center of the blast. Now its possible that there's a handmaiden who was imitating Padme somewhere, either dead or in an icu, so Padme is still possibility. But what prompts suspicion is that Maul is pretty durable, and this bomb took him to near death's door, so he must've been pretty close to where the bomb was when he went off. Combined with what seemed to be pretty damning testimony by Maul right before the bomb went off, and that throws heavy suspicion on Maul being the target.
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