Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

I am out of good ideas that wouldn't impinge on the story. It is hard to think how Yoda and a young Dooku would have interacted. I always imagined Dooku being some kind of saber prodigy and Yoda picking him up as an apprentice for that. Unfortunately Dooku was never the smartest tool in the shed as a kid so Yoda tried to whack some sense into him.

Guard this idea for the next update ;)
We'd be making a lot more IC decisions if the options didn't explicitly state it would give us DS or LS points. People are making Anakin act bipolar so they can balance him out. He's not like a grey Jedi at all, he's swinging from DS to LS on the whims of the voters.​

That is half the fun ;p

They don't. They're unlocked by lght or dark. There are dark decisons which give light points. and vice versa, but I am removing those colors and such.

I liked the color coding personally. That way we know what we are losing out on. Unfortunately I don't think it will be that hard to figure out which vote options correspond to which vote choices except Chaos, since that could be anything. I mean Lawful/Dark isn't that hard to work out.

So I was looking through the skills. Dun Moch level 9 is Reduce Damage Taken by 1/2 of your Charisma Modifier and the 9th level of the Force Bond with Dooku is Multiply effects of Dunmoch by 2. Path to UNLIMITED DEFENSE! Just get Charisma high enough and we can literally talk our way out of anything ;p
Neutral --->Light---->Neutral---->Dark

So far.

??? What is this referring to? Is it what progression we should take? Because I was looking thinking something like


That way we get through our Dark years while we are young. It probably will cause less damage to go to the Dark Side while we are young (we aren't as powerful). Then turn to the Light. After we reach the peak there we can make our way to Neutral.

Edit: Besides it is probably best to fall to the Dark Side while there aren't many Jedi around. I get the feeling that later on in the quest more Jedi would pop up and I wouldn't want them to get ideas if we were pinnacle Dark Side at that time.
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I personally think that talking during fights is incredibly stupid and sigh whenever I see it happen. Star Wars goes and makes it an actual combat style. I mean it is the only setting I know of to actually have a trash talking fighting style. Sure people trash talk, but it isn't taught or have a specific name. It makes you wonder about Dun Moch masters before Dooku's time.......fade out.........


General Hoth looked at Darth Bane. "Your momma was so ugly the Hutts think she is beautiful." The army of Sith and Jedi go 'oooooooohhhh'.
Darth Bane glares at General Hoth. "Your momma was so stupid she thought the Force was the power of her farts." The army of Sith and Jedi go 'oooooooohhhh'. General Hoth staggered back from the force of the Dun Moch attack.
The General recovered and responded. "Your momma was so fat she shifted the Maw out of orbit." The army of Sith and Jedi go 'oooooooohhhh'. Darth Bane winced at the sheer pain that attack caused.
"Your momma was so dumb she thought the Supreme Chancellor was the largest burger size they offered." The army of Sith and Jedi go 'oooooooohhhh'.
"Your momma was so stupid she thought the Dark Side was the shadow she cast on the ground." Darth Bane was forced to flee from the overwhelming power that the Jedi General used against him. Thereby ushering in 1,000 years of Jedi rule.

That is how Dun Moch is done old school.
Is it strange that I want Owen to take the Matukai route after we find him to strengthen his proverbially small connection to the force and have him become Anakin's General Like a CK 2 style?
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level up] Plan Destiny
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.

Mastering Dun moch makes me think of Anakin being like Spider-Man

Always talking during a fight
Anakin takes pages out of Samuel L Jackson's book when fighting Mace.

He becomes French when defending Holy Grails ancient Force artifacts.
[x] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)

This is the only thing that's not going to remain even if we take it. R2D2 will become Padme's as per GM word, and the Lightsaber will go back to the Jedi temple. The ship, however, will be scrapped if we don't go for it now. I want it, it is an incredibly useful thing to have, if only to reverse engineer all of the useful and interesting stuff it has. And we may be able to find more information we didn't previously have on the ship's logs.

And honestly I wanna read about R2's adventures with Padme. Sounds like it'd have potential. Moreover, it gives her a bit more survivability with the swiss-army droid around.

[X] [Level up] Plan Destiny
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.

I'd actually like to investigate maul right now, especially if we could get shatterpoint, but I've made my peace with the fact that it isn't likely to happen right now.
Light is about selflessness and removing your emotions/ideals to make a decision.

You can open fire as a light if it serves the greater good because your own emotions aren't involved

There was a sith lord who fell to the dark side by such line of thinking.

I mean, your quest, your rules, but that's... a very interesting interpretation of things.
There is not much of a reason to pick plan Plan Destiny over Plan Mind and Body now that we have that extra CP point from the omake. The only difference is that Mind and Body levels his Constitution.

If you were willing to do Plan Destiny before that... just switch to Plan Mind and Body and give Anakin some extra survivability.
[x] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)

This is the only thing that's not going to remain even if we take it. R2D2 will become Padme's as per GM word, and the Lightsaber will go back to the Jedi temple. The ship, however, will be scrapped if we don't go for it now. I want it, it is an incredibly useful thing to have, if only to reverse engineer all of the useful and interesting stuff it has. And we may be able to find more information we didn't previously have on the ship's logs.

And honestly I wanna read about R2's adventures with Padme. Sounds like it'd have potential. Moreover, it gives her a bit more survivability with the swiss-army droid around.

[X] [Level up] Plan Destiny
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.

I'd actually like to investigate maul right now, especially if we could get shatterpoint, but I've made my peace with the fact that it isn't likely to happen right now.
My issue with taking the ship is that it's Maul's ship. It's the ship of the guy who killed our parents and Obi Won....I don't get how we could ever feel comfortable in the thing. It's haunted by so much death and destruction. Plus we don't know all of its nooks and cranies Maul might have secrets in there we don't know about.
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level up] Plan Mind and Body
-[X] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[X] Adept Warrior: +5 Constitution
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[X] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[X] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
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[x] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)

[X] [Level up] Plan Destiny
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
My issue with taking the ship is that it's Maul's ship. It's the ship of the guy who killed our parents and Obi Won....I don't get how we could ever feel comfortable in the thing. It's haunted by so much death and destruction. Plus we don't know all of its nooks and cranies Maul might have secrets in there we don't know about.

I mean, past a certain point, a ship is a ship and I'd assume that if Anakin takes it that's not entirely in his mind, or he's considering it some form of retribution for what the bastard took from him.

And maul might have some stuff there, but I'd highly doubt there were booby traps because it would make no sense to put those on his own ship, that has stealth devices. That should be correct.

If anything he's hidden things he either finds valuable or was told to hide. Which means they're likely to be valuable/pertinent to our current objective of find whomever did this (because that's gotta be in our Mind right now, even if it's not a full fledged ambition yet).

@Arthellion is this interpretation correct?
I mean, past a certain point, a ship is a ship and I'd assume that if Anakin takes it that's not entirely in his mind, or he's considering it some form of retribution for what the bastard took from him.

And maul might have some stuff there, but I'd highly doubt there were booby traps because it would make no sense to put those on his own ship, that has stealth devices. That should be correct.

If anything he's hidden things he either finds valuable or was told to hide. Which means they're likely to be valuable/pertinent to our current objective of find whomever did this (because that's gotta be in our Mind right now, even if it's not a full fledged ambition yet).

@Arthellion is this interpretation correct?
Well with Dooku I figure in time he'll be able to get us a ship that's all our own....I guess you can justify taking the ship but I'm also a bit worried OOCly. Thinking about the lore with what Palpatine did to Vader I would not be surprised if he has some bugs onboard the ship. Yet, that argument is ooc so don't let it cloud your judgments about Anakin IC'ly it's just something to be aware of.
I mean, I assume we're gonna go over the ship with a fine-tooth comb just in case, regardless.

Neither Anakin nor Dooku would put it past the sith who just choked his apprentice from range and prepped bombing him before it was confirmed he'd testify to be a little more paranoid than most.
[x] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)

[X] [Level up] Plan Destiny
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
I mean, I assume we're gonna go over the ship with a fine-tooth comb just in case, regardless.

Neither Anakin nor Dooku would put it past the sith who just choked his apprentice from range and prepped bombing him before it was confirmed he'd testify to be a little more paranoid than most.
Perhaps, but you're assuming we will even know what to look for. I figure it's easier just to wait since Dooku will supply us with a nice ship in time I'm sure. Ship shopping will be pretty fun would be kinda cool to build one with a few technicians. Now I want to add that as an ambition.
Can you guys explain why you are voting for Plan Destiny and not Plan Mind and Body? It is only one extra point and gives Anakin more HP in case he gets into another fight.