It doesn't necessarily follow that a good orator has to be a populare to use his skills. Cicero, Scaevola, Hortensius, Crassus Orator and Antonius Orator were all famed orators, and all optimates, too. Oratory is a useful tool regardless of your politics.
[X] Plan Populus Romanus
-[X] Proserpina
-[X] Negotiation
-[X] Sertorius
-[X] Staff Tribune
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Feb 7, 2018 at 7:04 PM, finished with 87 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Populus Romanus
    -[X] Proserpina
    -[X] Negotiation
    -[X] Sertorius
    -[X] Staff Tribune
    [X] Plan Education
    -[X] Proserpina
    -[X] Negotiation
    -[X] Scaevola
    -[X] No Position
    [X] Plan Scaevola
    -[X] Proserpina
    -[X] Negotiation
    -[X] Scaevola
    -[X] Military Tribune
    [X] Plan Populus Romanus with Cinna
    -[X] Proserpina
    -[X] Negotiation
    -[X] Cinna
    -[X] Staff Tribune
    [X] Plan Headless chicken
    -[X] Proserpina
    -[X] Negotiation
    [X] No one
    -[X] Military Tribune

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Feb 8, 2018 at 12:10 PM, finished with 98 posts and 16 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Feb 9, 2018 at 10:29 PM, finished with 113 posts and 22 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Feb 10, 2018 at 10:02 PM, finished with 127 posts and 24 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Feb 10, 2018 at 10:03 PM, finished with 65 posts and 25 votes.
[X] Plan Scaevola
-[X] Proserpina
-[X] Negotiation
-[X] Scaevola
-[X] Military Tribune

Proserpina will likely our rather unimpressive subterfuge score. It is probably best to solve the marriage situation witout causing a scandal. We currently have an opportunity to get in with Sulla faction since they are the historical victors and they will likely look favourably on us if we support Sulla while he is abroad and Marians control the city. Military Tribune as we are well suited to be a candidate and Marians are likely to push against us at senate.
[X] Plan Populus Romanus with Cinna
-[X] Proserpina
-[X] Negotiation
-[X] Cinna
-[X] Staff Tribune
It's a tough situation, on one hand with Sulla heading back to Rome with an army at his back. On the other we have the Marians in charge of Rome at the moment, who will not hesitate to kill their enemies, real or imagined. Unfortunately our low stewardship makes supporting ourselves difficult as well.

To be honest, out of five only two are real options if you consider our stats. Proserpina and Tercerus. While we have low stewardship Mancina doesn't seem to be one to inspire loyalty in our household. Or efficiently ferret spies out of their ranks. Glaber and Theo only further reinforce our strengths. Meanwhile:

- Prosperina (Intrigue): She seems the most ideal, high intrigue to bolster our average proficiency in that area (6). As well as someone who can vet any new servants we hire in Rome. Downside is that with such a reliance on her in such matters, if she turns against us we're screwed.

- Tercerus: The most well-rounded and competent out of all our staff. Yet forcing him to come would severely damage our relationship with him, despite his assured loyalty. He's also old, which means even if he comes with our protagonist he'll need to train a successor. If he's left behind we'll be leaving our home in trusted hands. But if he passes away while we're away, we may be forced to return to deal with matters at an inopportune time.

Negotiation seems to the only viable option here.

- Marriage: If we go through with this we earn a solid connection in Rome. One we could levy to earn a good position, such as Staff Tribune. But we earn our sisters ire, the groom seems to be rash which speaks ill about that family's future. Not to mention we tie ourselves with another family, which could cause danger to us via association.

-Negotiation: With our stats this is the most viable. We'll have to give something though, be it land, a favour or coin That's to say if the negotiations go well, and we don't offend the other party.

- Trickery: Potentially the messiest. Would annul the marriage, whilst dealing with a future nuisance. But even if it goes well, we're most likely to make an enemy out of Curtilinus the Elder, a man with lot of friends. That's if it goes well, our intrigue is poor (6) it's more likely than not to backfire.

- Annulment: Arguably the worst option, we'll be guaranteed to make enemies out of the Curtilinus. There's also the matter of going against tradition, many won't look kindly upon such action. Creating a negative reputation and issues arising for the options in Cursus Honorum. But would free up our sister for other marriage candidates.

-(Write in)Negotiation: Offer ourselves as a marriage candidate, if there is a candidate available. Possibly a sister? It would tie up our own marraige prospects, but it's a neat solution to the issue. It would also give us a connection in Rome we could use to help gain a position.

The decision is whether want a sword through our front, or a knife in our backs. Regardless we're going to make enemies and it's still up in the air who will win the war.

-Scaevola: He's Sulla's friend. That's important, even more than his skills. Sulla's faction contains some of Romes most prominent individuals in the future. Crassus and Pompey both served under Sulla.

-Sertorius: A man of great character, with desirable traits. He's also allied with Marius, tentatively at least. If Sulla wins though, it would create more than a few issues.

- No one: This would allow us the most freedom to act without alining with one faction or another. But we would be required to spend a lot of our funds. Which considering our stewardship is possibly courting disaster..

Cursus Honorum
-Military Tribune: Most viable without a patron.

-Broad-Striped Tribune: Relies on our patron. Higher chance of being a target considering the power we would wield.

-Staff Tribune: Would allow us to develop a personal relationship and skills under who we serve under. Regardless of political affiliation would could try making some inroads with Sertorius through this.

-No Position: This option lets us wait out the Civil War. But we could face the scenario of the winner wanting to put their cronies in those positions rather than opportunist like ourselves. We would be fighting over scraps.

[X] Plan Headless chicken
[X] Proserpina
[X] Negotiation
- Additional write in: Offer ourselves as a marriage candidate, if there is a candidate available
[X] No one
[X] Military Tribune

Edit: My reasoning is that although it would be difficult we have can choose who we would align ourselves with at a latter date. Military Tribune seems to be the most likely one we'll attain if we're on our own. With the possibly of marriage into the family ourselves, via negotiation to secure an ally in the senate. While Proserpina makes sure we don't get stabbed in the back for all our troubles.
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[X] Plan Education
-[X] Proserpina
-[X] Negotiation
-[X] Scaevola
-[X] No Position

Boosting our intrigue is probably the most immediate necessity, however much that stewardship score vexes me. (And it vexes me sorely.) Negotiation isn't ideal, but it's the best way to keep our sister from creating problems. I've explained why I want Scaevola, and why I think that requires us keeping our head down for a year, which is really no big deal at this point.

Now, can we please fix the holes in our education and avoid borrowing the long-term trouble that is following Sertorius to Spain? (And that is almost certainly what is going to happen. There is practically nothing that we, as a new staff tribune of above-average competence, can do to butterfly the course of the civil war.)


Ok, on reflection I don't want to blithely dismiss Sertorius like that. Quintus Sertorius (aka The Best Roman General You've Never Heard OfTM​) was awesome, and he ran rings around Pompey for a time. In different circumstances, I'd jump at the chance. But he's not the best fit for our patron. Scaevola's better for rounding out our education and, while theoretically dangerous, in practice we're beneath notice at this point. Sertorius isn't really a Marian, which lessens his influence, but he is an enemy of Sulla (they did not get on, though I don't think I've ever heard why) and thus burns our bridges on that side for relatively little return.

If we were in a similar position to Pompey or even Crassus, and had the clients and the cash to raise troops and thus directly affect the course of the war, Sertorius would be an excellent choice. But we aren't, don't and can't, and so he isn't.
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[X] Proserpina

In the times ahead we are going to need a plotter. Someone who we can use to fight strong men even while we are weak. Right now we do not have the strength to go toe to toe with anyone but Proserpina offers us another choice. We should utilize that and play our cards wisely. We can always hire bodyguards or scribes but a good plotter is rare. That's why we should bring her.

[X] Negotiation

We should negotiate, plots are unreliable and by negotiating we can control the situation and keep things from getting too crazy while helping our sister's situation.

[X] Sertorius

Our father knew him, he's the obvious choice.

[X] Staff Tribune

Experience on the battlefield is good it will help us learn about what it takes to lead the legions and also give us an in with one of the generals out on the frontier.
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I would much rather align ourselves with the optimates and Sulla. I also prefer forcing the sister to be married.
I'm going to shill Scaevola a little more.

- He's the only choice not to be an active magistrate, which means he has more time for us than the others.

- He's far and away the best possible option for finishing up our education and preparing us for the law courts. He has literally written books on the subject. I feel the need to stress, again, that the law is our primary way of building up clients, contacts, prestige and wealth in peacetime. Scaevola isn't just the best option for this among the potential patrons. He's the best possible teacher alive.

- Apart from the law, Scaevola was also an excellent and principled administrator, which means he can possibly help our abysmal stewardship.

- It's honestly not as much of a gamble as betting on being able to butterfly the course of the civil war.
[X] Proserpina

In the times ahead we are going to need a plotter. Someone who we can use to fight strong men even while we are weak. Right now we do not have the strength to go toe to toe with anyone but Proserpina offers us another choice. We should utilize that and play our cards wisely. We can always hire bodyguards or scribes but a good plotter is rare. That's why we should bring her.

[X] Negotiation

We should negotiate, plots are unreliable and by negotiating we can control the situation and keep things from getting too crazy while helping our sister's situation.

[X] Sertorius

Our father knew him, he's the obvious choice.

[X] Staff Tribune

Experience on the battlefield is good it will help us learn about what it takes to lead the legions and also give us an in with one of the generals out on the frontier.

Just an FYI but your vote won't count unless it's in pan format.

Use this time to discuss the choices available and create different Plans. As previously discussed, any votes not in plan form, or submitted before the moratorium is up, will not be counted.
As always, discussion is rewarded

Luckily for you there already is a plan which essentially takes all of your votes into account:

[] Plan Populus Romanus
-[] Proserpina
-[] Negotiation
-[] Sertorius
-[] Staff Tribune

So yeah if you revote with the plan above then your vote should count.
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Feb 8, 2018 at 6:42 AM, finished with 97 posts and 16 votes.
So, just looking ahead, there are a couple of things we're going to want to do/keep in mind.

- Marius has just entered his seventh consulship, and is a shambling wreck of the man he once was. OTl, he was dead within seventeen days, prompting a bloody rampage from his slave bodyguard the Bardyaei, who had to be put down by Sertorius and Cinna. (They were killing people while he was alive too, of course, but they were considerably more indiscriminate afterwards.) Rome is going to be dangerous when we arrive, regardless of which plan wins.

- We're going to want to start making connections in our tribe. (Incidentally, @Telamon, what is our tribe?) Again, this is important regardless of our decision now. The Tribal Assembly elects military tribunes, quaestors and aediles (i.e. the first few offices we're going to be running for) and our tribe is a good place to start looking for our first clients.

- Social Activity. Massively important. Our choice of patron will inform who we socialise with, of course, but we'll also need to think about what sort of image we're going to have and how we're going to market ourselves to our peers and the electorate.

- If we go with Scaevola we're probably going to want to take on a case or two. Acting for the defence is generally seen as more honourable, but a successful prosecution of the right case can turn you into an overnight sensation.

- If we don't take a post this year, we're going to want to train and exercise heavily on the Campus Martius. It shows discipline and vigour, two of the most important and cherished virtues of the Roman man, it publicly shows us preparing for the responsibility of becoming a military tribune, and it's a good way to socialise with the men who're going to be our peers, competitors and allies all the way up the Cursus Honorum.