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Quests Archive

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The Department of Heavenly Adjudication, on paper, exists for one reason: to adjudicate battles between mortals, to keep them orderly, and to ensure that winner and loser alike follows through on their commitments. The Department of Heavenly Adjudication, in reality, exists for one reason: to broadcast the conflicts of mortals to the heavens for their entertainment. You, like so many others, seek the glory and prosperity earned from the favor of the gods. Rather unlike most of your peers...
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You are the last hope for all of the world falling to darkness and ruin.
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Long long time ago, at the tail end of the Beginning. A being of great power stirs. It's fate is yet decided, but it surely would be a great one equaling it's might considering the time it lived in. As long as it manages to survive that is.
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Five parts of a divine code that formed the universe. What shall these five do in a place where they try find out what their purpose is now? Or play as the Meta Nanites from Generator Rex playing god, making life and a universe.
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What if an angry God was thrown into Worm. Seriously what would happen I don't know
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase Oh young heirs of the universe, children of the Divine-Idiot Grand tales will be left in thy path, wonders countless will be placed by the steps on your journey, and many a memory, horrid and beautiful, shall be made So go forth little godlings, show creation what you're made of!
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The Allmaker has finished their newest creation: the universe. With the universe comes planets filled with life. With new species inhabiting the new worlds, the Gods have come to forge wonders that (hopefully) last for eons. Can you guide your people to greatness, or will they become the footnotes in the legend of another civilization?
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There exists a world where humans, monsters, and deities alike exist. You are a minor deity and you don’t have a clue about your origins or why you exist. Protect your people and rise up in the world! Encounter creatures, ruins, people, and more. Construct your civilization as you make choices. Each choice will affect the story greatly.
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The God Lyakor demands Kavouri, the hate crab must break things. Join him on his journey to wreak havoc and let loose the crabs of war.
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You are one of two teams, you're either one of the Gods or Goddesses of Denerith, trying your best to bless your warrior clan to victory, or you're council members, trying to empower your favorite god, and complete missions with squads of Shinobi. The game is set in the world of Acclaesia, a hemisphere with only 3 countries, all in a fragile alliance with each other, on the precipice of war. Will you be a kind god and see your warrior clan to success? Or do you have other plans? How will...
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An original superpowered battle royale quest. The ancient pantheons of old have returned and are conducting a proxy war with elevated champions to decide who will inherit Earth. A pyroflare77 & Megacookie production.
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Come one, come all, and have a gander at the lad with voices in his head, and an origin yet unread.
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You stumbled into a war between gods. If you're lucky, you could be given a chance to become one.
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In ancient times, great heroes of a superhuman race set the stage for all that Mankind holds dear.
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Hey this is my first time on this site, so be gentle. This Quest is based on the book He Who...
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well. i'm going to beat myself if i don't manage to get out at least a 200-300 word bit out...
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Gun shots. Screaming voices. You just want to get them out of there safely. More gunshots. You...
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Creation. It starts with a bang, literal, two beings coalescing and becoming and living. It's...
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The rain hadn't stopped. Another of the constant reminders that it never would. But that's not...
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The world has been formed and has entered into a new age. With this species have evolved and...
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I'm God of Darkness Now It wasn't a holy war- not for you. A grand crusade of Light against...
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EPIC A Quest of Modern Mythology Whenever anyone asks you what your first memory is, you...
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“Good morning, my lord.” The voice of a young elegant man resonants throughout the room...
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Chapter 1: His Holiness' Glory Will Bless Us All [Disclaimer: This will be an attempt at a...
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Yep, after nearly three months running, the crossover is finally revealed in 4.0 Weclome to...
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The Flag of Sundering (No SV, you are now the Flag) This is the tale of a flag. Not a hero. Not...
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