Improve your ability to sense and understand Magic and magical energy of the world. If possible attempt to make it into congenital trait. +26 to roll DC 60/100-41=19/59

Edit: I spent my two +10 on this earlier, so 15+26+20=61 > 59
I will spend both of my +10s (omake (was the omake +10 or +20?) and vote count) on:
-[] Improve your ability to sense and understand Magic and magical energy of the world. If possible attempt to make it into congenital trait.

whew, that was close
Darth Bayes threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: sense and understand Magic Total: 15
15 15
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Everybody get up it's time to roll now
We got a real roll goin' down
Welcome to the Space Roll
Here's your chance, do your rolls at the Space Roll
And it looks like we're done! I'd like to thank everyone for rolling, and I'd like to welcome all the new readers to the quest! I'll get started on the update, which should be up in a day or two.

1. Perform a magical working create a magical map of the empire to track sedition and enemy action. +26 to roll DC 100-41=59 @Darth Bayes 50+26=76
2. Elsa is quite talented at Architecture, often whiling away the hours during her self imposed exile in her room making miniature buildings and castles with her ice powers to practice her control. And as a Duchess and Minister of Magic, you could use a new manor.(Chance to gain manor plans, chance to gain the Architect Lifestyle trait) +23 to roll DC: 40/80-31=9/49 @Arkatekt 49+23=72
3. Elsa would like your help in using your phasing and shadow stealth to find the sources of discontent in the Empire (Chance to gain Intrigue trait) +16 to roll DC: 100-31=69 @Arkatekt 2+16=18
4. You have several invitations to balls, and if you took the Duchy option, too many invitations to list. Now's the time to introduce yourself to the people of Arendelle, and hopefully get over your near crippling shyness (Chance to loseHiding, chance to make connections in Noble/High Society) +19 to roll DC: 60/80-31=9/49 @Zaratustra 85+19=104 @Zaratustra 94+104=198

5. Improve your ability to sense and understand Magic and magical energy of the world. If possible attempt to make it into congenital trait. +26 to roll DC 60/100-41=19/59 @Darth Bayes 15+26+10+10=61
6. Make an Enchanting spell based off of your Life Infusion to let you put any of your spells into an object. +26 to roll DC 80-41=39 @BlackTitanOdin 64+26=90

7. Go look for people/creatures with beneficial traits to copy/consume +16 to roll DC 150/350-31=119/319 @Arkatekt 58+16=74
8. Go find some ambition for youself. DC ? @Arkatekt 54
9. Goes to catch some giant boars to play with and see of they can be tamed. +23 to roll DC 100-31=69 @Zaratustra 78+23=101 @Arkatekt 99(natural crit, turned into 100)+101=201 @Zaratustra 69+201=270

Elsa's Magic Actions:
10. Enhance Second Battalion of the 1st Arendelle Mage Infantry +35 to roll DC 60-41=19 @Arkatekt 80+35=115 @Arkatekt 22+115=137
11. Develop Armor Enchantments for Military Gear +35 to roll DC 60-41=19 @Zaratustra 66+35=101 @Zaratustra 17+101=118
12. Cold Weather Enchantments for Military Gear +35 to roll DC 60-41=19 @Zaratustra 18+35=53

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...and now I missed rolls too.

@Gear, given that I'm unlikely to ever be able to participate in rolls (they tends to happen on some ungodly hour in my local time, something like 4AM), is it possible for me to use +10 tokens to ask You a questions in regards of system?

More precisely - You've never really given Your opinion in regard of what can and can't be done with Infusion / Enchanting / granting on congenital traits in regard to division I proposed quite a few posts ago. Yes, there was part of answer, but no clear ruling. To be honest formalizing it in this (or simillar) way is something I personaly would appreciate much more than bonus on rolls.

At very least, I would ask that You consider what IC opinion Elsa, Anna and Astrid may have on perspective of surgical magical operation performed on them. IC, as in there are not numbers to be improved, and character lives their own life.

Anyway, I have next part of "Summer Day" halfway written. Elsa's side of things this time. :) ...though I'll probably won't manage to finish it today.
I was going to save this to post with my next plan after the next story update, but in light of this discussion I guess I'll post it now.

First, Anna and Elsa are Cynical.
Second, Anna and Elsa are under a lot of pressure. If the Empire loses a war, and the winning side cares at all about the opinion of the Church, they'll probably be executed. Even if the other side doesn't care, they're personally powerful enough that they would probably need to be executed anyway, because they would be impossible to imprison. And the outcome of the war basically rests on the actions of Anna and Elsa- one mistake could get them, millions of soldiers under their command, and millions more civilians killed. Under that much pressure, I would consider it unrealistic for them not to be happy with the idea of magical brain surgery to make them smarter, and more capable of dealing with the demands of their positions.
Based on what @DiceOfStupidity you've said, I very much doubt you're cynical. You are also not under anywhere near as much pressure to succeed as they are. I would expect their opinions to differ greatly from yours.
Anna is also Ambitious, which I would also expect to contribute to her willingness to go through with things like this.

Also, on Astrid:

I suspect Astrid has some significant issues right now:
1. Astrid's diplomacy score is less than half of human average (I think). She also is part snake, and grew up with us away from people, and grew up more with an incomplete human form spell that prevented her from spending time with other people outside of school, which I suspect make it even harder for her to make friends. She is also the child of a noble, which would make it hard for her to make friends with commoner children, but she is also the child of a weird and unpopular noble, which would make it hard for her to make friends with noble children, except those looking to make connections or spy on Aase. She is also Greedy, Envious, and Ravenous, as well as Cynical and Honest (not the best combination for making people like you), and I doubt those things would make it any easier to make friends. She is also Gregarious, which has as the first definition when I google it "Fond of company," which I think would make her particularly unhappy with this situation. I suspect her only real friends are Aase, Astrid, and Elsa.
2. I suspect Astrid has an inferiority complex:
A. Astrid is Attractive, but among our little group of four, Aase is Divinely Attractive, Anna is Adorable and Beautiful, and Elsa is Beautiful and probably spends a lot of time or money on clothes and other things to boost that (she's and Empress, she has to look the part). The discrepancy between her attractiveness and her mother's also cannot be good for her self-esteem.
B. Among our group of four, Astrid is the only one that has no intelligence trait. Elsa and Aase are Genius (+5), and Anna is Quick (+3). Feeling like (and legitimately being) the stupidest person in every single conversation she has (if she has no other friends) is incredibly terrible for self-esteem.
C. Astrid's Magic stat is less than half of ours, and her Learning stat is similarly worse. We spend a lot of our time working on magic, and magic is kind of the Empire's thing. Astrid manages to make a spell on average every three turns, while we average around three spells per turn- an order of magnitude better. I suspect she feels like she is so much worse than her mother at the thing she should be best at that she is a disappointment.
D. If she has no friends at school (for the reasons in 1.), then she is an outcast, which is also bad for self-esteem.
E. She had Slothful up until it upgraded to Ravenous. I believe this is a classic sign of an inferiority complex: if you don't try, you can't fail.
This seems like very very strong evidence towards her having an inferiority complex.

I don't think we could do anything about Astrid's inferiority complex without treating the underlying causes- spending time with her and telling her Aase loves her might help some, but I think that the inferiority complex will twist that to look like pity.
The only way I can see to remove the causes is:
[X] Develop a new magic ability/spell (Must be related to an existing ability/spell in some way and thematically appropriate, some may take multiple turns to develop) DC: Depends
-[X] Develop a spell to grant a congenital trait to others DC: 100

Using a trait granting spell, we can 1. Increase her diplomacy score almost fivefold, and make her (A) Divinely Beautiful, which by itself would immediately get her (D) tons of friends (because people are shallow). We could (B) boost up her intelligence to Genius levels (Gear said this would have no direct impact on her personality as long as we did it slowly over several turns). We could (C) boost up her magic stat to be equal to ours, more than doubling it.
With the causes gone, I would expect her inferiority complex to be deal-with-able in a few turns of working with her on magic or similar, if it doesn't go away on its own.

A trait granting spell would also have benefits for Anna and Elsa, including making Elsa Supernaturally Beautiful, which would increase her Diplomacy score by more than half, indicating a dramatic improvement in her ability to convince other countries to be friendly towards us, and reduce internal dissent.

We can't give Divine Beauty to Anna/Elsa, but we can probably give it to Astrid, and we can probably give Anna/Elsa the downgraded version Supernatural Beauty, which I would estimate at around +7 Diplomacy and +5 Magic. We could give Elsa Strong and Lithe, Anna Genius and Lithe, and Astrid Adorable, Genius and Lithe. If my math is correct, this would give:
Anna: +5.3 Martial, +5 Intrigue, +2 Administration, +2 Learning, +7 Magic, +7 Diplomacy
Elsa: +7.7 Martial, +3 Intrigue, +0 Administration, +0 Learning, +5 Magic, +6 Diplomacy, +2 Wounds
Astrid: +6 Martial, +6 Intrigue, +5 Administration, +5 Learning, +13 Magic, +15 Diplomacy

This is stupidly huge. We get this from taking one action to develop the trait transfer spell. We need to do this.
It increases Anna's stat total by 20%, Elsa's by 20%, and Astrid's by 70%.
@Gear, given that I'm unlikely to ever be able to participate in rolls (they tends to happen on some ungodly hour in my local time, something like 4AM), is it possible for me to use +10 tokens to ask You a questions in regards of system?
You don't need to spend tokens to ask about the system, thought there isn't as much to it as you seem to think there is. It's being refined, and made, as the game progress'. And you could specify using your tokens in your vote. If it wins, it get's used, and may help convince others to support your chosen action.
More precisely - You've never really given Your opinion in regard of what can and can't be done with Infusion / Enchanting / granting on congenital traits in regard to division I proposed quite a few posts ago. Yes, there was part of answer, but no clear ruling. To be honest formalizing it in this (or simillar) way is something I personaly would appreciate much more than bonus on rolls.
More complicated than it's worth. This quest is already rather complicated, and I'd like to keep it down. I'll make a decision when it's time to make one.
At very least, I would ask that You consider what IC opinion Elsa, Anna and Astrid may have on perspective of surgical magical operation performed on them. IC, as in there are not numbers to be improved, and character lives their own life.
I've already answered about congenital traits and their influence on personality, and I'll say that even Character Traits are not the be all and end all of a character's personality either. And I will be giving and taking away traits occasionally even without actions spent or dice rolled just because it makes sense to do so.

You need to remember, Astrid is an 8 year old child. A lot of these problems you've mentioned, aren't really problems for her. But since you've brought it up, Astrid is adorable, as clearly seen in her picture, and will be getting that trait next time I update the front page.

As for Elsa and Anna and their willingness or opposition to trait 'enhancement', well, it depends on what it is, how useful it would be, and what the consequences would be. For example, upgrading Anna's Quick to Genius would change practically nothing, while jumping to Supernatural Beauty would have real effects on them and how they interact with the world. They'll talk it over with each other and Aase, and make a decision after weighing the pros and cons of doing such.
OK, next part of "Summer Day" is done. Few things of note:
  1. Elsa is rather bitter toward England. I believe it to be understandable, given how countries actively works against good of other countries and how many problems England causes her.
  2. Being a ruler and keeping aristocratic wolves from the throat of the Crown is hard work. It's to the best interest to the nobles to keep Crown week, dependent and controllable. Exceedingly few of them truly wish well for their rulers. It's realistic/cynic view.
  3. Pirate situations like described did happen in history, though perhaps on lesser scale.
  4. I'm describing Divine Beauty based on description of the trait rather than on traits (which I honestly care little for).
  5. Aase is shorter than Anna and Elsa – I'm basing it on period Estrid lived in, accessibility of food in said time period coupled with climate and technology level. It can be expected that Estrid was noticeably shorter than people in middle of 19'th century.
  6. Nest shows a case of unreliable narrator. Nest did not feel like much of anything to Aase, right? It was only one point of view.

Summer Day. Part III. Arrendale, Royal Quarters

Elsa Magnusson Queen of Northern Empire, Supreme Ruler over United Teritories looked up from the pointless petition she was reading, and threw baleful look at the gold-tipped towers of cathedral of Saint Martin visible visible over roofs of houses.

Bells were ringing, calling faithful at the noon mass. Deep and resounding sound seemed to resonate behind her ears, only increasing mounting headache.

"Damn it. Damn it all."

Those petitions. Pointless work. Work that took time, changed nothing nothing in the grand scheme of things, but work that had to be done to keep nobles content, and power of the Crown intact.

It could not really be delegated. She needed to know. She needed to make correct decisions in the mire of interlocking and contradictory interests of trade houses, nobles, guilds and church. She needed to know the players, guess their real intentions and their goals. And then react in a way that would keep them pointed at each another rather than on Crown.

Part of a pointless game of impressions, half-truths and mindless politicking needed to keep everything going. Daily court life in other words.

As if there were no bigger problems.

Damn it.

In last two weeks only, ten trade ships was declared missing.

Pirates, it was said. And pirates they were. But which pirates remained open question.

Ten ships in two weeks. In reality perhaps twice or trice that given how slowly news traveled. It was such interesting timing, that pirates grew so bold and strong just as tension between British and the Northern Empire was at all time high. Even more curious was that it was almost exclusively northern trade ships that were targeted.

Admiral Bjorn Ferguson whom she asked for opinion, had no doubt who was behind it. She suspected he was right, but did not want to discount other possibilities just yet.

Pirates. Or paid pirates. Or British "pirates" under black flag.

Elsa supposed it was very much in style of British bastards to pay others to do their dirty work, and turn blind eyes when it was happening.

"Damn it". She whispered again, deep in thoughts, unseeing eyes looking at the cathedral and it's towers where bells still sang their bass song. Hopefully one to be ended soon.

All that remained was to fix the problem. Somehow. And none of the moves she had available was good. All she could do was to try to decide which one is lesser evil.

She could do nothing and pray for miracle. Looking idly as her people were murdered and trade suffered, to the fake condolences and hidden joy of British scum.

She could send her warships. Which may well be sunk by british navy, and start the war before they were ready. As well as drain the treasury and weaken navy on other fronts.

Or she could unleash her own northern 'pirates'.

Elsa restrained urge to throw stack of petitions to the four winds, and took few deep, measured breaths to regain composure.

Last solution was probably the best one. It was distasteful. It was evil. It was preying on innocent blood. But it was solution Admiral suggested. They will be on war soon anyway, and things like that were reality of war. And at very least this way they could weaken Britain a bit. Perhaps even get tacticum agreement with brits to stop such actions on the both sides and ultimately stop bloodshed.

If only it did not turn her stomach to make such decisions!

Elsa threw one last disdainful look at the distant House of God, glittering in the noonday sun.

"Turn the other cheek". Ha!

* * *

It was twenty minutes later, that much more cheerful and upbeat Elsa exited kitchens with portion of freshly baked cookies.

Ingrid, the old royal chef seemed to had a sixth sense as to when her craft was needed. And sometime, it seems to be outright gift of prophecy, Elsa thought with small smile of her face.

Technically, she could, perhaps even should, simply call servant to bring her what she wanted from the kitchen. But old Ingrid was a friend, and talking to her always seemed to improve Elsa's mood. Not to mention that Ingrid was there far longer than Elsa was alive, and knew royal family well.

Eating a cookie, and balancing a trail of them on another hand, Elsa decided to check if Aase or Astrid are back, before returning to work.

She hoped so.

They were nice to be around.

And Aase... Aase was one of the few genuine people in her life.

Her and Astrid. It was stroke of unbridled luck that let them meet and become close. An irreplaceable minister or magic, yes, but more than that, a friend. A source of support in type that was very hard to find for the queen.

Aase did not make plays for a favour. Period. All nobles, all servants, everyone wanted something. A favour, a better standing in eyes of the crown. Decisions that would benefit their interests. Donations to this or that project, that will certainly be greatly beneficial in the future... Always something.

And everyone walked over others to get it. It was endless competition, full of fake smiles and hidden venom.

Aase was different. She simply did not do it. She seen no reason to. Simple as that, and at the same time more rare than hen's teeth.

And it was precious for her, the queen. People though that a ruler cannot possibly be lonely. Not with all the people eager to keep him or her company. Not with all those balls and meetings. With all the servants and nobles in court. People did not know what they were talking about. It was lonely on top, as her father used to say. A lesson that she had to earn sooner than expected.

...and she supposed that it did said something about her, that out of all well clothed and well mannered peoples wanting to be her friend, she become a friend with a half-snake "monster".

Still, half-snake or not, inhuman or not, she could trust Aase's words and opinions, without wondering where the hidden sting is.

Only other person that was the same way was Anna. And Astrid, now. Well, them and old deposed bishop of Arendale, currently living his days in remote monastery by decision by church hierarchy. They sill exchanged letters sometimes.

He was a good man. Man of faith she could respect.

Quite unlike his slimy replacement.

* * *

"Your majesty." Pair of servants bowed as Elsa passed them. She absently nodded back.

Still smiling she walked through the corridor full of paintings of her ancestors and various heroic scenes from the past, she never really cared to find more about.

That corridor was part of the royal wing. Part of the private living space for royal family. Few ministers or dignitaries was ever allowed there. Usually as a political gesture of royal favour at that.

Elsa valued her privacy.

Aase rooms were not technically part of this wing, but... almost. One corridor and one door outside of it. If it was feasible, Elsa would give her friend place to live inside of the wing. But that would make life much harder for Aase and her child.

High favour is one thing. Being allowed to live where only Queen and her sister did, was another one entirely. It was bad enough that they often had meals together. Servants talked, as always, and the fact access Aase family had to Elsa was so unrestrained unavoidable leaked out.

Elsa already had to squash and redirect enough rumors and speculations. Even with Belmar, her Chef of Staff running interference, it was still problematic. Bless the man. He was doing his best to portrait Aase as a friend, with position in government given out of friendship rather than competence.

Maybe not exactly fair for her friend, but it certainly make their life safer. Still, in last months Belmar task went dramatically harder.

Elsa stopped for a moment looking at her reflection in the wall mirror. She did not have any complaint about her own look. Exceptionally healthy hairs, a thin, shapely frame. Face. She was beautiful, and that was a fact rather than the empty boast or ego.

But Aase... Elsa imagined Aase standing beside her in the mirror's reflection, and felt the a bit of heat on raising her cheeks.

Aase was something else now. She was always comely, in rather short, but strong pretty-neighbour-girl way. Good looking, but nothing special. Now the same short frame held beauty on an entirely new level. Magnetic, catching attention and not letting to tear your eyes away. The way Aase looked when she smiled, with happy sparks almost literally visible in her eyes. The way her hairs moved when unbound. How clothes effortlessly fit her, unobtrusively, almost accidentally empathising every curve.

And the way she moved. God, the way she moved...

Elsa shaken her head to clear it off, firmly stopping that line of thought, all while feeling even more heat on her face.

Strange point of all that was, that Aase seemed mostly oblivious. Elsa seen effect Aase had when simply walking through the room, how men looked after her, and continued looking in direction she disappeared long after she was gone. How women were looking at her with both admiration and deep envy in their eyes.

Not even hardened, cynical nobles were immune. In the realm of politics, where pretty face means nothing, and soulless calculation rules supreme, that face still managed to make impression. Proof that politicians are still human, she supposed.

Outside of politics?

Aase left behind the string of broken hearts, and unfulfilled longing. None could remain unaffected. It was already talk in the town, and according to Belmar, moniker of 'Northern Beauty' was growing more and more popular. Unfortunately the fame would only spread further – since it was exactly as rumor claimed. In all probability Aase by far the most beautiful woman in the world.

It was strange how the object of so much longing and rumors herself seemed not to notice. Both what she did to other people, and value of what she had. Did not seemed proud of it... Elsa had to admit, that in the deep, hidden corner of her hearth she hated Aase just a little for that.

Still, Aase was her friend. Her stupid, oblivious, wise, wonderful friend. Everyone had flaws. It did not preclude people caring for each other.

With that thought, Elsa walked from the mirror.

As she neared Aase's rooms, Elsa heard sound of fast steps, which soon resolved into sight of Astrid running with wide smile on her face.

"Elsa, Elsa look what I have!" younger girl run to her and proudly presented her small detailed figurine of oriental dragon, sculpted out of white stone. "A snake dragon!" exclaimed proudly.

Elsa smiled and playfully messed Astrid's hairs. She should not be too familiar with her, as it only added to circulating rumors, but child was adorable and Elsa did have heart to keep the distance. Astrid gave her rebellious look and moved aside, one hand patting hairs and trying to bring the back in order.

"Looks like alive." Elsa said, and then looked at it more closely "It is very well done. Where did you get it?"

"Mom made it!" Astrid cradled figurine to her chest possesively.

"I should have known" Elsa sighed fondly, shaking her head. "Speaking of which, is your mom here already?"

"Ummm... no, she told me she have something boring and serious and no fun to do." Astrid threw Elsa conspiratorial look "But I just went there, we could check, and do some interesting and fun thing, right? Come on!"

"No so fast you little imp." Elsa didn't allow Astrid to drag her towards Aase rooms, despite Astrid best attempts. "Don't you have a reading lesson scheduled sometimes soon?"


"Yyyyyyeeeees?" Elsa made a face, making a girl laugh. "And no, you can't use me as a excuse for missing the lesson." - Elsa added with a knowing look. It would not be first time. And she had to admit, that "audience with the queen" was rather potent argument to explain missing lesson when pointed at tutor who was merely merely an university student without noble connections.

Part of her wished she had anything halfway this good when she was at Astrid's age.

"Awwwww..." Astrid made sour face – which only made queen smile, as on Astrid it looked more cute that anything else.

"Off with you" she patted girl on her back.

"Meanie." was a muffled reply as Astrid was reluctantly walking toward her literary doom.

* * *

The door to the Nest opened, and Elsa looked through, with a bit of relief in her heart. It took a quite exertion of will to open that door correctly. Door to the Nest was a simple door leading to storage closet in Aase rooms. Aase, in the way known only to herself, somehow linked to her Nest... at the same time not linking it at all.

It was seemingly mundane doors, and had she could not feel a tingle of magic running through it. But as innocent as it looked like, mundane it was not.

It was astonishing first time Elsa have seen it. A normal door with nothing unusual about it, but when Aase grabbed a handle and opened it again, it was a sunny forest inside, with gentle, warm wind blowing through opening, carrying smell of a pine and wood warmed by the sun.

It did not help, that Aase rooms were on the second stair of the palace. Even worse, two meters to the right was a window, through which Elsa have seen a heavy clouds and torrential downpour. It was stormy day, then. Sheer contrast between two scenes was vertigo inducing.

It was awesome. It was terrifying. It was something akin to stories of old gods, of Thor mighty deeds. Of Odin power and wisdom. Of giants of old. And it made her wonder about Aase, as she seemed to think it normal, presented it as an nice convenience, not seeing it as notable in the slightest. It was at the moments like that, that made it so very clear that Aase was not human.

Friend, yes. But not human. Very much not human. Aase, was being on another scale, for all her unimpressive stature. Someone who did not have limitations everyone labored under. Someone who in time could reach the stars, and rule the heavens. And in moments like that, it shined through.

Elsa stepped through the door trying her hardest to avoid thinking about rolling clouds of shapeless, terrifying, hungry chaos, that awaited unwanted guests. Aase has shown it to her once. And it was once too many.

Still, she was invited, and passed though divide without problems.

With first step on the Nest, Elsa's breath hitched a little. It always did. The Nest was beautiful, but so very alien place.

Absolutely normal at first glance, it still managed to radiate overwhelming feeling of otherness. Colors were a bit off, shifted and different. Leaves more intensively green than they should, seemingly radiating light from within. Sky that was deeper, almost an abyss to fall into, set somehow higher.

Light refracted oddly in droplets of water, and wind seemed to whisper. If someone told her, that it was fill of ghosts, she would believe.

Young queen walked slowly through whispering, emerald grass. Barely visible points of light were rising from where her steps disturbed grass. Door behind her closed slowly, fading from real to something only half-existing.

Trees were moving in the wind, that did not touch her.

She was slowly making her way to the center, the first point where everything began, walking through shifting labyrinth of sunspots and shadows of the trees. Both more mobile, more lively, than they should be.

Aase's home was simple, rustic. Merely small home, unusual in that it was mostly made of stone, seemingly grow out of the ground. There was so few things there. Table, with two chairs – none of which were used by the pair of half-snakes. A room with literal nest of bedding but no bed.

Outside, a swing made for Astrid in human form. Oddly shaped rock, with plenty of holes that younger snake could slither through. ...and of course, few figurines or 'snake dragons' in various size.

Aase was nowhere to be seen.

Elsa looked around, and put hand on the wall. It was still, as stone should be. But it was also pulsing, it was charged with something unidentifiable. Everything there was. Air, ground, water...

She rarely tried to feel around. Small Wold of the Nest was odd with normal senses. But with it was so much worse when she tried to feel what lied under surface.

It was alive. Alive and filled with spark that seemed to want to come into existence. Potential for something. She could feel a magic shifting, slow waves that passed through everything with nary effect, but still noticeable, still there. And scale of it it dwarfed her best efforts with ice magic like ocean dwarfs sand castles built on the beach.

It made everything here alive. It made everything exists if she understood Aase correctly.

Elsa shuddered involuntarily.

It was all connected to her friend on the level she doubted Aase was even conscious of. Her friend probably never noticed how her mood affected the nest. How the weather could change. How sun would shine in a bit different way.

It was subtle, but it was there.

Speaking of which... Young queen looked at the sun suddenly darkened by dark clouds, leaves torn from the trees by sudden wind and slight tremor of earthquake.

It was usually subtle. It was usually gradual. This was opposite to subtlety.

Looking at world in turmoil Elsa whispered, words stolen by the wind as soon as they were uttered.

"Please be safe. Please be all right."


Next time - Aase again... and perhaps boars. :p

BTW - @Gear, it would be nice to have choice in situations like Elsa's choice. Politics as described is nice, but it does not affect characters directly, nor characters can really affect it. Giving players dilemmas like what to do with pirates would be a nice. And it would make political situation much more interesting.
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Summer Day. Part III. Arrendale, Royal Quarters
Very nice. I'll make it Semi-Canon, and bits and pieces will be appearing in canon. Have a +20 token for it.
BTW - @Gear, it would be nice to have choice in situations like Elsa's choice. Politics as described is nice, but it does not affect characters directly, nor characters can really affect it. Giving players dilemmas like what to do with pirates would be a nice. And it would make political situation much more interesting.
I suppose I can do something like that with Aase and the MoM, and I might try to integrate Elsa, Anna, and Empire Management more into the quest after the war.

Which will not be this turn, or next turn, but the tensions are ratcheting up notch by notch.

Good news, the Northern Rebels have taken a massive lead in the Austrian Civil War thanks to a bunch of supplies that mysteriously found their way to them (Elsa got a nat 100 on this), The British have run into more delays rebuilding their maintenance facility due to termites causing several of the buildings rebuilt from the second fire to collapse, and the French are dealing with a generation of peace time officers mucking about.

Kind of bad news, the United States may be kicking off their Civil War Early if they don't roll well next turn.

Bad news, that 2 you guys rolled on Intrigue means that Aase got caught spying on a hate group meeting, and she had to defend herself. The Empire is now awash in propaganda about the Evil Queen Elsa using treacherous mages to spy and assassinate upstanding citizens, and so on. Efforts of the Imperial Administration have prevented new riots from starting, but their recent gains in advancing the acceptance of mages by the general public have essentially been neutralized, and even pushed back a little. A debacle only matched by the explosions and loss of life from experiments trying to use mages and alchemy to improve the efficiency and quality of the North's Military Industries (Elsa rolled a 2 here, so instead of finishing this year, it's been pushed back another year).
Bad news, that 2 you guys rolled on Intrigue means that Aase got caught spying on a hate group meeting, and she had to defend herself. The Empire is now awash in propaganda about the Evil Queen Elsa using treacherous mages to spy and assassinate upstanding citizens, and so on.

Very nice. I'll make it Semi-Canon, and bits and pieces will be appearing in canon. Have a +20 token for it.
Thanks :)
I suppose I can do something like that with Aase and the MoM, and I might try to integrate Elsa, Anna, and Empire Management more into the quest after the war.

Which will not be this turn, or next turn, but the tensions are ratcheting up notch by notch.
It would be nice - a choice of what to do in given situation would allow to shape what empire is. Do we go into totalitarian regime, or more relaxed almost-democracy. Noble houses can be destroyed, of kept strong. Sacrifice innocents for good of all, or not. Freedom of speach, or censure - less unrest with more freedom for the crown. Things like that.
Good news, the Northern Rebels have taken a massive lead in the Austrian Civil War thanks to a bunch of supplies that mysteriously found their way to them (Elsa got a nat 100 on this), The British have run into more delays rebuilding their maintenance facility due to termites causing several of the buildings rebuilt from the second fire to collapse, and the French are dealing with a generation of peace time officers mucking about.

Kind of bad news, the United States may be kicking off their Civil War Early if they don't roll well next turn.

Bad news, that 2 you guys rolled on Intrigue means that Aase got caught spying on a hate group meeting, and she had to defend herself. The Empire is now awash in propaganda about the Evil Queen Elsa using treacherous mages to spy and assassinate upstanding citizens, and so on. Efforts of the Imperial Administration have prevented new riots from starting, but their recent gains in advancing the acceptance of mages by the general public have essentially been neutralized, and even pushed back a little. A debacle only matched by the explosions and loss of life from experiments trying to use mages and alchemy to improve the efficiency and quality of the North's Military Industries (Elsa rolled a 2 here, so instead of finishing this year, it's been pushed back another year).
Not arguing with rolls or results... but can't Aase escape without fight? I mean by simply phasing down through the ground? It should not take more than a two or three seconds, and would obviate need to defend herself or hurt anyone. Someone crying "Someone is there, spying on us! Get her!" only for it ceasing to be true three heartbeats later. It should reduce backlash a bit, as there would be no tangible proof it happened, noone gets hurt, and it can be disregarded as a hoax.

I get that she may be startled and simply forget about it (kind of planned to use it in next part), but she is intelligent woman, and given a chance she would think of it.

Heh, maybe we could spend a token for it to end this way? :p
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Not arguing with rolls or results... but can't Aase escape without fight? I mean by simply phasing down through the ground? It should not take more than a two or three seconds, and would obviate need to defend herself or hurt anyone. Someone crying "Someone is there, spying on us! Get her!" only for it ceasing to be true three heartbeats later. It should reduce backlash a bit, as there would be no tangible proof it happened, noone gets hurt, and it can be disregarded as a hoax.

I get that she may be startled and simply forget about it (kind of planned to use it in next part), but she is intelligent woman, and given a chance she would think of it.

Heh, maybe we could spend a token for it to end this way? :p
Aase froze for a moment and panicked. This is her first fight involving humans after all. And she was surprised.
Well, time to admit defeat here. My muse has left me for this quest, so we're going on Hiatus for a while till I can get some inspiration to finish the update again.

In totally related news, I've started a new, and rather freeform, quest to help get my muse back. Lost Without a Map (Multicross)

I'm hoping that you'll all join me over there as I struggle to regain my muse for writing in what will no doubt be a massive trainwreck of a quest.