Clearly we needly to drag the Apollophone industry into the 21st century by dropping landlines and producing our own mobiles ;)
Hm, I thought that some of the heroes could do divination for a living. I mean, normally we would dismiss all these 'clairvoyants' and 'psychics' as frauds, but since magic is apparently real, there may be true prodigy in there somewhere. So if we check occult forums and the like, maybe we get in contact with someone relevant.

Anyway, let's see what kind of guy we got for a roommate.

[X] Go talk to Anton.
Hm, I thought that some of the heroes could do divination for a living. I mean, normally we would dismiss all these 'clairvoyants' and 'psychics' as frauds, but since magic is apparently real, there may be true prodigy in there somewhere. So if we check occult forums and the like, maybe we get in contact with someone relevant.

Anyway, let's see what kind of guy we got for a roommate.

[X] Go talk to Anton.

I think the main problem is keeping the 1 real diviner apart from the thousand frauds. Sure, a child of Apollo or something similar may be able to see the future and may even do it for a living (though that is risky as it will likely lead to an ever growing legend.) but how do you keep them apart from the rest?
Hm, I thought that some of the heroes could do divination for a living.
Divination is a common enough power for those born to oracular deities (Alex almost had it), but they can see the future for a living like she can loan out her dragon for a living. There's a cost to using their abilities, so they don't employ them casually.

The Oracle of Delphi was traditionally a Chosen of Apollo (or a daughter, depending on how frisky he was feeling), but the vast majority of her prophecies were not divinely inspired. This is a real response given by the Oracle to the question of whether a man should participate in a military campaign: "You will go you will return never in war will you perish". Depending on how you punctuate that, it either means the man will certainly die in war if he goes, or he never will. These 'weasel prophecies' obviously aren't the real deal, but they let the Oracle collect money and avoid offending people when she doesn't want to waste the juice on an actual prophecy.

The real-life Oracle almost always gave out nonsense prophecies like that one (because guessing wrong could get you killed), and the Oracle herself was high as balls when she gave her 'prophecies'. She would sit on a chair that had vents in the bottom for natural gas to leak into the room, sending her into manic fits where she would spout nonsense that would be 'interpreted' by her priests into whatever riddle they had already decided to give the petitioner.
I think the main problem is keeping the 1 real diviner apart from the thousand frauds.
It is possible. But don't these guys have conventions or something? Anyone who would be able to see our Dragon will be our guy, because frauds can't penetrate the Mist.

Otherwise you can just drop casual references to heroic affairs and check if anyone catches on what you are talking about. I dunno, place a well-paying contract on this stuff or something. If they do it for a living, they will bite.

Divination is a common enough power for those born to oracular deities (Alex almost had it), but they can see the future for a living like she can loan out her dragon for a living. There's a cost to using their abilities, so they don't employ them casually.
I would assume most mortals don't require much in terms of divine power to see into their immediate futures. It would be like us casually building a quantum computer in half an hour. Now, if they tried stuff that could affect the world at large - spouting prophecies about wars, leaders of the countries and the like, things that will get you famous should you get them right - now then there would be a significant cost to their use, if only in the form of raising their own Legend.
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It is possible. But don't these guys have conventions or something? Anyone who would be able to see our Dragon will be our guy, because frauds can't penetrate the Mist.

Otherwise you can just drop casual references to heroic affairs and check if anyone catches on what you are talking about. I dunno, place a well-paying contract on this stuff or something. If they do it for a living, they will bite.
Finding a Hero who can use Divination isn't so hard if you ask in the right circles. You won't find them using Google or the library, but the supernatural side keeps track of them because EVERYONE wants to know the future. You likely wouldn't need to check a convention: if one is using his or her abilities for profit they will make sure other Heroes know how to find them.

Of course, this is where supply and demand kicks in. Since everyone and their duck wants questions answered and there are a limited number of Oracles available, Heroes with Divination can and do charge through the freaking nose for every prediction they make. The more you want to know, the more it will cost you.
After all this reasearch we know the when and where. We could still build a time machine ...
Due to the approaching Thanksgiving holiday, I regret to inform everyone that there will be no update this week.

Chalchiuhtotolin the Jade Turkey, Aztec god of Disease and Plague
Hmm. It would seem the vote is currently tied at 2 each. Tie-breaking...
Kaelor threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Sleep or Anton Total: 2
2 2
Welcome Back!
[X] Go talk to Anton.

Carefully closing and tucking away your research materials (explaining your sudden interest in mythology and mysiticism would be awkward as hell), you open your door to go greet your roommate.

"Alex!" Anton bellows the moment you walk into the hall, sweeping you up into a huge hug. An illogical part of you was a bit surprised to see that he appeared exactly the same as when he left: a broad young man, a bit too stocky to be conventionally attractive, but with a face that positively radiates good cheer. "It's good to see you!"

"I believe we talked about the hugging," you remind him, though you had to admit he appeared to be learning. Much of Anton's bulk was actually muscle, and when he got carried away his embraces were energetic enough to border on painful. This time, you barely even noticed any pressure.

"Sorry, sorry, I was just glad to be home. I suppose I got carried away." He releases you and hangs his head in mild apology, before beaming again. "But look at you! Not nearly as squashy as I remember. Have you been working out, my friend?"

"That's your thing, not mine."

"Ah yes, clever Alex! I forgot: the only muscle you care about is your brain! That is why you are the brilliant student and I am just a laborer." Anton laughs and glances around the room. "God in heaven, I expected the place to be trashed! Alex, did you...clean?"

"No, I got the house spirits to do it for me," you say in utter deadpan, causing the man to laugh again.

"You, bargaining with a domovoi? Now this, this is something I would like to see!"

" do you know about domovoi?" Your hair begins to prickle as you run through the possibilities. Was Anton not all that he had seemed? Did he have secrets of his own?

"My grandfather would tell stories to my cousins and I, legends of the Old Country. I loved to listen to them when I was little: they always seems so silly. Men who hid their hearts inside eggs inside ducks, witches who lived in huts on chicken legs and flew on a mortar and pestle..." His smile of nostalgia fades, and now it is his turn to regard you with some suspicion. "But how is it that you know of the domovoi? I thought you were too serious for those kind of silly stories."

"I read about the domovoi in a book they made us read back in high school," you explain dismissively, and to your surprise Anton seems to believe your fiction. Another perk of being a Hero, you supposed: you never used to be any good at lying.

"That explains it," he agrees happily. "But enough of old tales! How was your wedding, hmm?"

Drat. This would get tricky. On the one hand, you could just leave it there and not mention the attack at all. That would be safest. On the other, while Lucy had assured you the guests likely wouldn't remember any details (at least, nothing that would incriminate either of you) they would still remember something. The police had been called, so the attack was a matter of public record. If Anton found out about the disaster on his own, he'd know you had lied and become suspicious. Better to tell at least some of the truth.

"It started well, then went downhill. Some bikers decided they were going to get their kicks by crashing the party. They roughed up a few people, but i guess they bit off more than they could chew. Some of the guests put up a fight, and things got ugly. I'm not sure about all the details, I kindof left in a hurry."

"God, Alex! Are you alright?" His face fills with concern for you, but you roll your eyes.

"I'm fine, or obviously I wouldn't be here." You shrug. "I was more surprised by anything else."

"I should have come with you. I'm so sorry." Anton's expression is truly sorrowful now. He has apparently decided his choice not to insist on escorting you to an event you never invited him to in the first place is some sort of personal failure. You aren't sure whether to be touched or annoyed by that.

"Don't be stupid," you tell him bluntly. "It wasn't your fault, and I can take care of myself."

"I know, I know. You are a strong, independent woman, but it is a big city and I worry for you." He stares down at you with huge soulful eyes that remind you of a gigantic puppy dog. "Please try to be careful? For my sake if nothing else. You can be...blunt, sometimes, and there are people who would not react well to that."

"Sounds like that's their problem." Your roommate pouts more, and finally you cave. "Fine, fine, I won't go picking fights. Happy?"

"Very. Now, I have just one more question." Anton gives you a serious look. "Why is there a large dead fish in our kitchen?"

"I need it for a project I'm working on. Don't eat it."

"What sort of school project requires you to go buy a fish?"

"Didn't say it was for school." You turn and start making your way back toward your room. "It's late. You should probably unpack."

"You aren't going to tell me anything more, are you?"

"Goodnight, Anton."

You close your door, but the thin wood does nothing to hide his booming laughter. You look around, but decide that after last night it might not be wise to try staying up late again. The last thing you needed was to accidental invent something you couldn't hide, after all. You carefully lay out the night's offerings, including a pack of cigarettes this time, make sure there are no obvious messes, take off your clothes, and finally tuck yourself into bed. Sleep comes instantly.

When you open your eyes again, the first light of morning is already creeping through the window. Your offerings are gone without a trace, and your room now looks immaculate. The walls and windows shine as though they've just been washed, the floor is spotless, and your clothes are as fresh as if they had just come from being professionally laundered. Your new friends even somehow managed to freshen up your blankets and sheets while you were still laying on them. Spirits! Who knew, right?

You still had over an hour before your alarm would normally go off, but you felt perfectly well-rested. Might as well get the day started...


What to do first?

[ ] Go to school.

[ ] Build something!

-[ ] Build what?
-[ ] When would you like it finished?

[ ] Call Lucy.

[ ] Call Lucy's mysterious friend.

[ ] Do some research.

-[ ] On what?
-[ ] What resources will you use (library, internet, spirits, etc)?

[ ] Write in.

Alex is currently smart enough to pass all of her classes without effort. Save for days with tests and other special events, going to school is entirely optional for her at this point. You will always be notified when these 'mandatory' events are to occur and if any prep-work will be required beforehand. That said, Alex no longer actually needs her degree for anything, so even these can be skipped if you have better things for her to do that day.
[x] Go to school.

This quest does not seem to have the level of activity it used to.
[X] Go to school and call Lucy's mysterious friend on the way.

This quest does not seem to have the level of activity it used to.
Sandbox-play. Currently there's no direction in the quest. Still find the premise really interesting (I love these whole urban-mythology shticks).

What did we want to do again? 1.) Find Nemesis, 2.) Fix the Sea-Path, and 3.) Fix our mom.

To get a start on this we need to have an in on the supernatural community. Lucy and her friend offer the easiest way in. At the same time, I'm curious how we'll see our university now with our newfound everything.

Columbia University grad school? Ivy-leaguers? Pshht. Idiots.
If you get in a tight spot and firepower in a hurry, call the second number. It belongs to a guy who owes me a favor. Common sense of a chicken, but he's a good man and handy in a fight. Tell him where you are and he'll come running.
I thought her friend's number was for emergencies.

Where do we start if we want to learn about heroic community in our neighbourhood? Spirits? Newspapers? Hero forums? I won't believe that heroes don't have forums in this day and age.
I thought her friend's number was for emergencies.

Where do we start if we want to learn about heroic community in our neighbourhood? Spirits? Newspapers? Hero forums? I won't believe that heroes don't have forums in this day and age.
Well Lucy's free on Mondays. We could go call her in lieu of her friend.

[X] Go to school and call Lucy on the way.
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I suppose. Why are we going to school, though?

That said, Alex no longer actually needs her degree for anything, so even these can be skipped if you have better things for her to do that day.
A degree would be nice to have when everything's over when we had forgotten most of what we know. But I take it we only need to pass exams or some mandatory events to get it? Do we know what happens with our understanding of advanced disciplines when we are relieved from the duties of a Hero? Is everything we didn't study just vanish?