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Quests Archive

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Prisons in the DC universe tend to alternate between being torture pits and being made out of cardboard. Often times they are both at the same time. And you have the displeasure of having to build one from the ground up. .... Good luck!
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"I'm sorry," an older version of you said as he stabbed you with the Dagger of Time. "We need the paradox." You have triggered with control over time and become Paradox. Can you survive long enough to complete the loop, or will you break it? This is a Worm quest with the aesthetics of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.
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The tides of fate are switching. The wheel of destiny is slowly overturning, shatter the holds of fate and build a stainless world. The journey of the phantom thieves is over, its time for a new journey to begin.
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A Lovecraftian-Lite setting that takes place in a dystopian city. A crime infested slum where the protagonist, Randolph Carter gets wind of the rapidly rising supernatural activities in the city as he tries to find the "Silver Key" buried in mystery and horrors.
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A quest in the 29th millennium of Warhammer, the time before the Emperor has taken over the world. A time where grand nations via for control of humanity's birth world. In this ancient time where fate is yet to be marked, a new force enters the fray.
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You have (however unwillingly) plunged into nothing less than the maw of Hell itself, and lived to tell the tale. Perdition has come and gone, leaving much devastation onboard the Gehenna. Your ship, your prison, and the only refuge within several lightyears of dead space. Home sweet home.
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The legend of a true hero.
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Be the bad guy in a broken world, trying to make it better in all the wrong ways.
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A Death in the Family 9:38PM April 24th, 2018 Gotham Cancer Alliance/Gotham University...
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A single, lost skeleton wandering the world, wondering about his creation, about the morality of life all while slaying beasts of epic proportions.
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Life is a precious delicacy. Death is the main-course.
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chapter 1: acquisition Great bronze gongs sound the sixth and final prayer of the day, and...
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Content Warning: This work is rated M for Mature, as it contains copious amounts of swearing and...
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Trigger warning: TIME TO DIE is not going to be a nice quest. The main inspiration is serial...
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Chapter 1: Pride Comes Before The Fall You were no common man, nay. You were a paladin, a holy...
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You wake up, head pressed against a cold wood floor. Your surroundings are pitch black. Your...
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Today is the day I die. As I enter the parlor, I recognize the server girl's warm smile...
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You, the reader, are a shard. In fact, you are known as Counter. Every time your hosts get...
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(Originally posted somewhere else, but figured I'd try moving it here, having only just gotten...
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Welcome to Mystic Pizza Quest, where you will play as a Pizza Delivery person in what the...
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The blonde teen sat down on the opposite end of the table from me, and I resist sighing. She...
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You don't know how the bartender got a hold of it, but in his hand is a mug of beer. "Enjoy it,"...
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Rules This thread will perform in a few functions. Those functions will include the Codex, a...
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Faust One bite at a time. -------- Summary Faust follows Sierra Winters, a convict that...
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Edgewood University is built on the Unwavering Plateau, a large flat mass of land that is...
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The Flag of Sundering (No SV, you are now the Flag) This is the tale of a flag. Not a hero. Not...
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