Inheritance (DC Dick Grayson Quest)

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[X] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but he's the son of the Bat, and he's going to inherit that legacy one day."
[X] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but he's the son of the Bat, and he's going to inherit that legacy one day."
[X] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but we're going to do this my way. If you're asking for my help then it's me that you'll get, not Bruce."
[X]"No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but we're going to do this my way. If you're asking for my help then it's me that you'll get, not Bruce."

Baby steps first. We'll first see if this Damien will even entertain the idea of becoming Batman cause since Bruce is dead, it's not that he has anyone he wants to make proud(other than Talia who well...I don't think I need to say anything rly...assassin, League of Shadows and all...)
[X] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but we're going to do this my way. If you're asking for my help then it's me that you'll get, not Bruce."
Consequences: Gain SL with Damien, Damien is raised and trained as Dick would do so for his own future children and/or Robins

While the other answer was tempting, the core truth of the matter is that while Dick is Batman, he isn't Bruce. Nor should he be. If we are going to train Damien we should do it as we would do so, not as how Bruce would have.
While the other answer was tempting, the core truth of the matter is that while Dick is Batman, he isn't Bruce. Nor should he be. If we are going to train Damien we should do it as we would do so, not as how Bruce would have.
Arguably, we can split the difference--train Damien as Bruce would have and then train Jason (if we choose) as Dick would a successor Robin.
[X] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but we're going to do this my way. If you're asking for my help then it's me that you'll get, not Bruce."
Votes closed and Inserted tally.

Edit: Looks like I need 1 more vote to break the tie.
Adhoc vote count started by torrmercury on Jun 2, 2020 at 7:33 PM, finished with 25 posts and 15 votes.
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[x] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but we're going to do this my way. If you're asking for my help then it's me that you'll get, not Bruce."
@torrmercury , Interesting quest so far. I just binged 17 pages in the last few hours. Must say I'm hooked...

One question has been nagging me since I read the opening informational pages. The old batman/robin suits comes with full utility belt whereas the Beyond suit is limited to 5 utility latches that need chosen ahead of time.

Did I miss an informational post listing the utility belt/latch equipment available to both the old suit and the beyond suit? A rather daunting task detailing batman/robins equivalent of a Macgyver swiss army knife (IE. just the gadget needed) or is this more of an abstraction that you'll provide - The difference being made to show Beyond is functionally more limited to reduced ass-pulls of "just the perfect tool".

[x] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but we're going to do this my way. If you're asking for my help then it's me that you'll get, not Bruce."

Edit: And I support construction of a second "DemonBane Beyond" armor once we have solid intel on Demon frailties.
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[X] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but he's the son of the Bat, and he's going to inherit that legacy one day."
Did I miss an informational post listing the utility belt/latch equipment available to both the old suit and the beyond suit?
There has been no such list.
[x] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but we're going to do this my way. If you're asking for my help then it's me that you'll get, not Bruce."
[X] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but he's the son of the Bat, and he's going to inherit that legacy one day."
Sorry, but the votes are already closed:
Votes closed and Inserted tally.
One question has been nagging me since I read the opening informational pages. The old batman/robin suits comes with full utility belt whereas the Beyond suit is limited to 5 utility latches that need chosen ahead of time.

Did I miss an informational post listing the utility belt/latch equipment available to both the old suit and the beyond suit? A rather daunting task detailing batman/robins equivalent of a Macgyver swiss army knife (IE. just the gadget needed) or is this more of an abstraction that you'll provide - The difference being made to show Beyond is functionally more limited to reduced ass-pulls of "just the perfect tool".
It would be daunting to make a list of everything. :D

Also when the time comes and a big fights is coming, you'll have plenty of time to prep. ;)

Also welcome! Glad you're enjoying the ride!

[x] "No, I won't help train a killer. I'll help raise and train Damien, but we're going to do this my way. If you're asking for my help then it's me that you'll get, not Bruce."

12:55 PM, Sunday May 14th, 2018
Master Bedroom, Wayne Manor

Ah sleep. Almost thirteen hours of wonderful, glorious sleep.

It's not every day that you indulge yourself like this, but after rescuing Talia and traveling halfway around the world? Needed. Plus, no pressing issues to answer for to work today since you're most of the way caught up and can get back to it tomorrow.

You grab your phone from the nightstand and text Barbara that you're home as of midnight, just woke up, and ask for the last scoop in Gotham.

While you wait for her to respond, you get up and grab your laptop to check the news and start planning out your next week.

Top headlines from the last few weeks:
  • Lex Luthor imprisoned for possession of cocaine and other drugs - by Eric Sherman
    • Yikes. While you didn't think that the man was an addict, especially back when you first met him, things may have changed. You should call and maybe dig into it a bit as it seems out of character for Lex.
  • Bruce Wayne, the greatest philanthropist of our time - by Clark Kent
    • A heart warming story of all the massive amounts of good that Bruce did with his fortune. Also heaps of praise for the relative financial transparency that Bruce maintained, as well as praise towards yourself at maintaining the same relative transparency as Bruce and for continuing the philanthropy that Bruce was so well known for.
  • A call for financial accountability of the ultra-rich - by Clark Kent
    • And here's the other half of Clark's whammy. Using Bruce and yourself as the prime examples of accountability and doing societal good as a lens for how to structure a company and personal finances to do the most good in the world. Lots of interesting ideas here, but definitely all longer term projects to look into when there isn't a demon lord's coming hanging over the Earth. But if you do want to look into this further, you should talk with Clark more.
  • Strange weather patterns hit Bermuda, hurricane suddenly disappears, and torrential downpour to hit Gotham next week - by Maria Lopez
    • This reeks of magic, and combined with the next headline, you're concerned that there are dark forces at play that are starting to escalate their affects on Earth.
  • Demon sightings across America's east coast linked with a slew of hundreds of missing persons reports and brutal murders. Hoax, mass hallucination, or something more sinister? - Vicki Vale
    • Vicki is a first rate reporter and journalist, and is not one to exaggerate or report on inane things. This is concerning and definitely means that you should step up your game in regards to demon research, especially as it sounds like the demons are centralizing around Gotham and neighboring states. You wonder if this has anything to do with Raven arriving on Earth and Trigon's immanent arrival? You should probably think about going out demon hunting. It'd help protect a whole lot of unprepared people, not to mention give you some practice fighting against them.

(Current violent crime rate in Gotham: 20 per thousand residents, downward trend)
(NOTE: Violent crime includes domestic abuse, theft/burglary/robbery, assault, murder, etc.)
(Current corruption rate in Gotham: 13.5 per thousand residents, downward trend)
(NOTE: Corruption includes white collar crimes, bribery, blackmail, etc.)
(Violent crime rate in Gotham 1 month before Batman's debut: 38 per thousand residents, upward trend)
(Violent crime rate USA average (including rural areas): 3.8 per thousand residents, upward trend)
(Current violent crime rate in Metropolis: 18 per thousand residents, downward trend)
(Current violent crime rate in New Essex (Bludhaven): 44 per thousand residents, upward trend)
(Corruption rate in Gotham 1 month before Batman's debut: 77 per thousand residents, upward trend)
(Corruption rate USA average (including rural areas): 9 per thousand residents, downward trend)
(Current corruption rate in Metropolis: 29 per thousand residents, upward trend)
(Current corruption rate in New Essex (Bludhaven): 92 per thousand residents, downward trend)

(Raven plans on continuing magical research on Earth's magical traditions, research on anti-demonic measures, and casting auguries to try and find other champions to help fight against Trigon this week, in addition to continuing to check up on Talia and provide her medical attention.)

(Talia is recovering from her ordeal this week.)

(Damien is spending most of his time with Alfred, who is beset with infinite amount of nostalgia of raising Bruce. Alfred is taking him to museums, parks, and other enriching places.)

(You have 14 AP to spend over the next 7 days)
(4 AP must be spent on Go to work)
(You have 10 effective AP to spend)

[x] Go to work
-[] Work extra
You are a board member of Wayne Enterprises, the Thomas and Martha Wayne Foundation, and the Gotham Philanthropic Society, as well as the chairman of the Greyson Fund. You are also an angel investor in other promising companies and you need to put some time in to help grow those businesses. You must go to work every week unless you take vacation. You can choose to work extra in order to take time off from work the week after.
Costs: 4 AP, 7 AP if you work extra
Chance of Success: 100%
Consequences: Make money (not that you have any sort of short term need for more). Maintain dual life as Dick and Batman. Potential to reduce Corruption rate in Gotham. If you choose to work extra, you do not have to work the week after.

[] Damien
-[] Have Barbara meet Damien
Work with Alfred and Talia to help raise Damien. He's precocious kid and is already displaying signs that he'll develop the brilliant mind that Bruce possessed. Damien also utterly adores his "big brother Dick" and loves to spend time with you. While sometimes it can't be helped, you should try to spend time with Damien every week.
Costs: 3 AP
Chance of Success: 100%
Consequences: Spend time with Damien, start laying the foundations for Damien's eventual training to become Robin, makes sure that Damien has a healthy and stable home

[] Sort out Damien's paper trail
-[] Release to the public that Damien exists
Since Damien was born in a League of Shadows base in the middle of the mountains of Tibet, he does not have a paper trail. Do the same thing you did for Raven and sort out getting him US citizenship, a social security number, a birth certificate, a passport, and a bank account. You are also thinking of releasing information to the media that Damien exists. While there certainly are risks to doing so, namely from the League of Shadows knowing where Damien and Talia ran off to, there are also benefits down the line, where Damien can effect social change and be acknowledged as a Wayne. Not to mention the fact that if anything happens to Damien, a lot of attention will be drawn to the League of Shadows.
Costs 1 AP
Chance of Success: 100%
Consequences: Set up Damien's identity, set up trust fund for Damien
Consequences if release to public: League of Shadows learns of Damien and Talia's whereabouts, creates massive deterrent against overt or large scale LOS actions, ???, ???

[] Train Raven in martial arts
Raven hates this idea but is willing to go along with it because you're right in that she has an exploitable weakness in her physical abilities. While she's not excited for this, she is grateful that such a dedicated master of the martial arts is willing to teach her.
Costs: 3 AP
Chance of Success: 1%
Consequences: On failure: gain +15% to Chance of Success for the next time you take this action. On success: Raven gains Martial Arts Proficiency trait. You become spoiled by Raven's ability to heal wounds, aches, and pains. How are you ever going to train normally ever again? Gain +1 SL with Raven.

[] Research Earth's magical community
Work with Raven to research Earth's magical communities, starting with that of the American northeast. You have plans to expand your database of practitioner and this is a great opportunity to do so.
Costs: 3 AP
Chance of Success: 70%
Consequences: Expands Magical Practitioner Database. Search for possible champions to help against Trigon. Gain +1 SL with Raven. ???

[] Research demons
Work with Raven to research demons and countermeasures. While you already have some in place, you most definitely don't have enough to battle any higher end demons like Raven described, nor do you have plans in place for the inevitable army at her father's disposal.
Costs: 3 AP
Chance of Success: 50%
Consequences: Expands demonic countermeasures at your disposal. Expands knowledge of higher level demons and possible weaknesses. Gain +1 SL with Raven

[] Prep for demon hunting in Gotham
-[] Get GCPD involved
-[] Public acknowledgement of demons as Batman
Vicki's article was extremely concerning, and if demons are starting to breach the veil and invade, then you need to get out there and help protect people and also get some practice in fighting these things. So, you should prepare for demon hunting in Gotham. Maybe you can also get the GCPD involved and coordinate with them, not to mention prep them for if they encounter any demons during the course of their duties. Raven, Barbara, and Talia all expressed interest in helping with this as well, so you'll have plenty of help if you need it. There's also the thought of a public acknowledgement of demons... But that has far reaching consequences that world may or may not be ready to deal with...
Costs: 1 AP, 4 AP if you get GCPD involved, 10 AP if publicly acknowledge demons
Chase of Success: 100%, ???% if GCPD involved
Consequences: Prepare demon hunting tactics for you to use while on patrol
Consequences if GCPD involved: GCPD is prepared for demon encounters and faces far fewer casualties, small possibility of information leak leading to public acknowledgement
Consequences of public acknowledgement: Maybe instigate widespread panic and uproar, maybe instigate surge in religiousness across the world, magic practitioners from around the world may reach out to you to help against the demons and investigate what's happening, ???

[] Investigate who made the Smilex
-[] Dr. Pamela Isley
-[] Dr. Jonathan Crane
-[] Dr. Victor Fries
-[] Call in Oracle Squad for help
You can't get it out of your head that the Joker might have had help in creating his new Smilex formula. It's a chilling thought that someone with so much expertise and knowledge lent a hand to such a vile person, though you suppose it could also have been blackmail or bribery. Regardless, this is definitely something you should look into.
Costs: 3 AP
Chance of Success: ??%, ??% with Oracle Squad help
Consequences: Figure out who helped the Joker, help whoever the Joker called on get out of the clown's sphere of influence, ???

[] Go on patrol
-[] Have Raven come with you Raven is not interested in going on patrol at this time
-[] Have Talia come with you Talia is still recovering from her ordeal
Go on patrol in Gotham. While you don't have to go on patrol every week, especially now that the police have been mostly purged of corruption and the city is on a rebound, it's always good to instill the fear of the bat into the criminal and underground elements of your fair city. And of course, there's always writing the report afterwards...
Costs: 3 AP
Chance of Success: ?%
Consequences: Reduce Crime Rate in Gotham. Respond to emergencies in Gotham. Random encounters and events.

[] Improve the Batsuit
-[] Figure out how to add more utilities to the suit
Chance of Success: 75%
Suit operational immediately
You are currently limited to 6 utilities you can take with you per excursion (including escrima sticks!!!) since the suit doesn't have a full utility belt. Let's solve that.

-[] Figure out how to improve the active operational time
Chance of Success: 1%
Suit operational in 1 week
Current operational time is 3-5 hours depending on how much you strain the suit, and you'd like to improve that. The only catch is... current battery technology is nowhere near advanced enough to achieve many more gains.

-[] Figure out how to add a cape or glide system
Chance of Success: 1%
Suit operational in 2 weeks
You really felt the lack of a cape, much more than your most recent Robin suits, due to the weight of the new Batsuit. Unfortunately there aren't many ways to physically allow the suit to glide, again due to the sheer weight of it, unless you add some propulsion. But that'll spiral into a whole different set of problems... Including active operational time and fuel for the propulsion.

-[] Figure out how to improve the HUD
Chance of Success: 35%
Suit operational immediately
Either by improving on the Hololens modules you're already using or by helping Lucius with testing the new WayneTech competitor when it's ready.

-[] Add basic anti-demon capabilities to the suit
Chance of Success: 100%
Suit operational immediately
While you're able to add basic anti-demon capabilities due to the fact that you've previously faced off against a few of them, they're definitely just that. Basic. You might want to wait until you have more knowledge and options before doing this.

-[] Write-in?
Please @torrmercury so I can review and approve of any write-ins. I will attach a chance of success and Suit operational time
Work with Lucius Fox to improve the Batsuit. There are numerous flaws and imperfections that you need to address, as well as many improvements to be made.
Costs: 1 AP
Chance of Success: Varies
Consequences: Improves the Batsuit. May require up to a month to make improvements, and the Batsuit will not be operational during that time.

[] Create another Batsuit
Work with Lucius Fox to create a copy of your current Batsuit so you have a secondary in case your primary one get damaged or becomes non-operational.
Costs 1AP
Chance of Success: 100%
Consequences: Creates a copy of your current Batsuit. You are able to upgrade it, but must do so separately from the primary one. You can upgrade the second suit with different functionality than your primary suit.

[] Write-in?
Please @torrmercury so I can review and approve of any write-ins. I will attach a Cost, Chance of Success, and Consequence to the write in and add it to the list.
Costs: Varies
Chance of Success: Varies
Consequences: Varies

[] Socialize as Dick
-[] Choose who to socialize with based on the this post: Inheritance (DC Dick Grayson Quest) - Superhero
You can choose to socialize with anyone on the roster or any of the imprisoned rogues. You can choose an active or inactive rogue, but it will be a roll for getting in contact with them.
Costs: 1 AP per person to socialize with
Chance of Success: 100% for roster or imprisoned rogue. ?% for active or inactive rogues.
Consequences: Spend time with someone. Chance to increase SL with them. Chance to decrease SL with them. Chance to gain special investigations when interacting with SL10s.

[] Socialize as Batman
-[] Choose who to socialize with based on the this post: Inheritance (DC Dick Grayson Quest) - Superhero
You can choose to socialize with anyone on the roster or any of the imprisoned rogues. You can choose an active or inactive rogue, but it will be a roll for getting in contact with them.
Costs: 1 AP per person to socialize with
Chance of Success: 100% for roster or imprisoned rogue. ?% for active or inactive rogues.
Consequences: Spend time with someone. Chance to increase SL with them. Chance to decrease SL with them. Chance to gain special investigations when interacting with SL10s.

Moratorium for about 5 hours. Will be lifted at 7PM Central time tonight. Also you MUST vote by plan.

Please ask me any questions, and @ me with any write-ins. I'm around all day.

Have fun!
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I made a few small edits to formatting and relinked some stuff so any early readers should refresh.
I'm a fan of Extra work, both Research options, and Prepare for Demons (1 AP).

Extra work is just AP efficient, it nets us 1 AP total if we are willing to wait a week. The Research options I assume are going to open up a lot of options, having more AP should help us make use of them.
I think Crane is the one who made Smilex with Ivy being a close 2nd since Crane is the only other Rogue that uses Gas. Damien's papertrail could wait for a turn. Having Barbara meet Damien would help in making sure he doesn't grow up to be a prick. Getting in touch with the Earth Magical community who are much more experienced in magic would be Really helpful in the long run and could serve as backup. And by not doing Damien's paper trail yet, we have enough to prep for demon hunting.

So here is my preliminary plan
[] Plan Prep Time
[] Investigate who made the Smilex
-[] Dr. Jonathan Crane
[] Damien
-[] Have Barbara meet Damien
[] Research Earth's magical community
[] Prep for demon hunting in Gotham
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[] Plan Prepare for Trigon
[] Go to work
-[] Work extra
[] Research Earth's magical community
[] Research demons
[] Prep for demon hunting in Gotham

I want to lay some groundwork for dealing with demons. Researching and reaching out to the magical community has to be done, putting it off only hurts us.