Voting is now open and will remain so for at least the next 72 hours.
Tax Assessments (Pick 2 to get resolved this turn)
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Eaglecrest 3% Wealth Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Port Lest 4% Wealth Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Town Trade Revenue Phase 2 (Of 2)
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Eaglecrest Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Kadeck County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Port Lest Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] South Eyrist County Land Tax
[ ][TAX ASSESSMENTS] Write in Other Tax Source To Be Assessed (See Assets Post)
Keeper of Correspondence Tasks (Pick 1)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Personally Oversee Tax Assessments (Up to 2 more Tax Assessments Will be Finished This Turn) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship + 1/2 Learning)*
-[ ] Pick Priority (Weak or Strong Success Required)
-[ ] Pick Secondary (Strong Success Required)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Gather Reports On Banditry (Improves Base Chance of future Anti-Banditry Tasks) (Base Chance 65% + Stewardship)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Reorganize the Clerks (Improves Base Chance of [CORRESPONDENCE] Tasks by 4% or 8% for the next 5 turns) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Learning)*
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Lend Clerks to help another Keeper with their Task (+3/+6 to their Task on a Weak/Strong Success) (Base Chance 50% + Stewardship)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Investigate Merchantile Paperwork (Base Chance 43% + Stewardship + 1/2 Intrigue)* (Opens New Scene)
[ ][CORRESPONDENCE] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
Keeper of The Royal Vaults (Pick 1)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Bridge Loan of 100 Dureks To Help Pay Down Current Debts (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Must be Used To Pay Down Existing Debts)
-[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (10.5% or 8.5%) (Base Chance 54% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From The Caragio Bank (Varaday Republic) (12.25% or 10.25%) (Base Chance 65% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From the Veterger Bank (Selissa) (13.5% or 10.75%) (Base Chance 76% + Stewardship)*
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Negotiate Free-Standing Loan of 50 Dureks (Failure will mean no loan, Weak Success will mean the higher of the two offered interest rates, Strong Success will mean the lower of the two) (Can Be Used For Anything)
-[ ] From The Goldaxe Bank (Lortan Dwarves) (12.75% or 11.5%) (Base Chance 56% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From The Caragio Bank (Varaday Republic) (14% or 12.25%) (Base Chance 67% + Stewardship)*
-[ ] From the Veterger Bank (Selissa) (14.5% or 13.25%) (Base Chance 79% + Stewardship)*
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Acquire Raw Materials To Mint New Gold and Silver Coins (Progress towards resolving Currency Contraction, Advances Royal Propaganda) (No Roll Required)
-[ ] Spend 5 Dureks
-[ ] Spend 10 Dureks
-[ ] Spend 15 Dureks
-[ ] Spend 20 Dureks
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Sell Tax-Farming Rights (Tax Farmers offer large sum of money up front and get full right to collect all taxes from a given source for a specified length of time) (Success of roll results on more money gained) (No matter what, you will get less money up front than you could get over that length of time) (Base Chance 55% + Stewardship + Diplomacy)
-[ ] Write In Tax Source And A Number of Turns
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Invest (Miss will result in only getting X% of investment back, Weak success will result in regaining investment +1 Durek, Strong Success will result in Y% of investment being regained) (Cannot invest more than 10 Dureks at once at this time)
-[ ]In Land Speculation [Write In Amount] Base Chance 50% + Stewardship (X = 75% Y = 125%)
-[ ]In Mining [Write In Amount] Base Chance 45% + Stewardship (X = 60%, Y = 140%)
-[ ]In Shipping [Write In Amount] Base Chance 40% + Stewardship (X = 50% Y =150%)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Audit The Royal Desmene (Phase 1 of ?) (Could increase Revenues from Personal Holdings) (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][ROYAL VAULTS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
High Marshall of the Armies (Pick 1)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Have Rienne Personally Deal With Banditry (Will Result in Follow up Votes. All tasks there will be +Martial, with variable trait applicability) (If not picked, the option to assign other Generals to deal with bandits will be available in a followup vote)
-[ ] Banditry Plaguing the Lordships (Multiple Phases)
-[ ] Banditry Plaguing the Free Towns (Multiple Phases)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Recruit Additional Soldiers (Strong Success gets you all the soldiers you wanted. Weak Success or Failure gets you less soldiers) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)* (Costs Dureks Base on # of soldiers desired)
-[ ] Write in desired Types and Numbers of Soldiers
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Survey Border Defenses (Opens Options for Future Improvement of Border Defenses) (Base Chance: 75% + Martial)*
-[ ]Thornmarch
-[ ]Ashdan March
-[ ]Eaglecrest
-[ ] Write in (Suggest Other Border Area)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Stage War Games with the Mobile Reserve (Improves Army Readiness, increasing rolls for 3 Months) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)* (Costs 2 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Expand The Logistics Base (Improves Army Morale, Adds Logistical Strategic Depth in case of War) (Base Chance 57% + Martial +1/2 Stewardship)* (Costs 5 Dureks)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Liaise with the Knights of the Golden Throne (No Roll, Improves future coordination with the Knights if they need to be called up)
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Draw Up New Plans for Calling Up The Levies (Makes it easier to call up the levies if needed) (Base Chance 50% + Martial)*
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Work With The Officer Corps (Improves Officer Morale, Could increase officer skill, could bring new General into existing array of options) (Failure reduces Morale a little, Weak Success increases Morale a little, Strong Success increases morale a lot, and could offer the aforementioned bonuses) (Base Chance 40% + Diplomacy + Martial)*
[ ][HIGH MARSHALL] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
Keeper of Secrets (Pick 1)
[ ][SECRETS] Attempt to Claw Back some of the funds Syrokis and his cronies stashed away in foreign banks. (Better success means more money. More money available in the Varaday Banks all told))
-[ ] In the Varaday Banks (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
[ ][SECRETS] Rebuild Internal Spy Network (Phase 1 of ?) (No roll required. Each phase opens more [SECRETS] options down the line and improves chances of success of internal spy operations, as well as giving increased chance for intelligence to be 'passively' received)
-[ ]Provide Funds to Speed up/Improve Process. Write-in amount.
[ ][SECRETS] Rebuild an External Spy Network (Costs 5 Dureks) (Provides passive intelligence and improves chances of spy operations inside a given state)
-[ ] In Veldros (Base Chance: 65% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In Nerinthar (Base Chance 51% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In Selissa (Base Chance: 53% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In The Kingdom of the Necromancers (Base Chance: 40% + Intrigue)*
-[ ] In the Varaday Republic (Base Chance: 43% + Intrigue)
-[ ] Pick a Target (Base Chance and Trait applicability to be set by QM)
[ ][SECRETS]Assess Royal Security (Stage False Break In of The Palace, potentially improves Royal Security) (Base Chance 55% + Intrigue)
[ ][SECRETS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
Keeper of the Sheriffs and Reeves (Pick 1)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Repair War Damage (Strong Success means lower cost, Weak Success means higher cost) (Once done, it will take 5 Turns for the relevant modifier to be removed, but no additional costs) (Rebuilding the Roads will reduce this length and improve Base %)
-[ ]To the Coastal March (Costs 5 or 10 Dureks) (Base Chance: 50% + Stewardship)*
-[ ]To the Southmarch (Costs 3 or 7 Dureks) (Base Chance: 61% + Stewardship)*
-[ ]To the 3 Crown Reserves (Costs 1.5 or 3 Dureks) (Base Chance: 70% + Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Appoint trustworthy and capable people to fill leadership positions in the Reeves to manage royal properties (Base Chance: 53% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Stewardship)*
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES]Start Rebuilding the Roads in the Grand Duchy (Base Chance 56% + Stewardship)* (Costs 25 Dureks) (Cost will be less later if materials required) [Process will take Multiple Turns]
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Openly Start Buying Raw Materials For the Roads (No Roll)
-[ ]Write In Amount to Spend (35 Dureks total to get all the raw materials if you do it at once. Overall Cost will rise somewhat if you do it piecemeal. If the front companies are successfully set up(can't be during the same turn as this action), cost will decrease, as will the potential for the costs to rise if done piecemeal)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Call for settlers in the Crown Reserves (No Roll, Additional Scene. Could be expensive up front, but could increase value of Crown Reserves long term)
[ ][SHERIFFS AND REEVES] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
Keeper of Justice (Pick 1)
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former Syrokis loyalists (Base Chance 60% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate charges as yet unproven against former rebels (Base Chance 60% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
[ ][JUSTICE] Post Bounties on Leading Bandits (Permanently Improves chances of anti-bandit operations) (No roll)
-[ ]1 Durek Total (+2 to anti-bandit operations)
-[ ]2.25 Dureks Total (+3 to anti-bandit Operations
-[ ]Write in (Each point increase above +3 costs 1.5 more Dureks)
[ ][JUSTICE] Investigate claims of ex-rebels taking revenge on pardoned former Syrokis loyalists and exact justice as required. (Base Chance 50% + Intrigue + 1/2 Learning)*
[ ][JUSTICE] Reorganize Royal Inspectors (Improves Base Chance of some future [JUSTICE] Actions by 4 or 8%) (Base Chance 50% + Learning + 1/2 Stewardship)
[ ][JUSTICE] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
Keeper of Envoys (Pick 1)
[ ][ENVOYS] Open Trade Negotiations (Could Produce Additional Durek Income)
-[ ]With Zedarsh (Base Chance 68% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]With Kingdom of the Necromancers (Base Chance 74% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying the KoTN is more difficult)
-[ ]With Veldros (Base Chance 63% + Diplomacy)* (Scrying Veldros is more difficult)
-[ ]With Blerren (Base Chance 69% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]With Gyptar (Base Chance 69% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]Write-in (Suggest realm, Base Chance will be set by QM)
[ ][ENVOYS]Quietly Reach out to known Interested realms/parties about Marriage Prospects (No roll required)
-[ ] Which Realms (Can do all six, or just some) (Nerinthar, Selissa, Illegorst, Kingdom of the Necromancers, Morvak, South Zarsim)
[ ][ENVOYS] Announce to everyone that the Queen is looking for Suitors (No Roll Required)
[ ][ENVOYS] Quietly Investigate who else might be interested in Queen Vanessa's Hand (Gives more options for quietly reaching out in the future) (Base Chance 49% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Intrigue)
[ ][ENVOYS] Negotiate Non-Aggression Pact with Morvak (Weak Success means concessions may be required, followup vote will be taken to see if you approve said Concessions)
-[ ]For 3 Months (Base Chance 48% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]For 6 Months (Base Chance 42% + Diplomacy)*
-[ ]For 12 Months (Base Chance 32% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Reach out to the Kingdom of the Red Spear to gauge Intentions (Base Chance 56% + Diplomacy)*
[ ][ENVOYS] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)
Queen Actions (Pick 2)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry on a Neighboring power to gather information on them. (Provides information, may increase odds of future [SECRETS] actions involving the country) (Base Chance: 55% + Magic)*
-[ ]The Kingdom of the Red Spear
-[ ]Morvak
-[ ]Suggest Additional Target (Some realms may be harder to Scry)
[ ][QUEEN] Scry on the Status of the Border Defenses (Opens Options for Future Improvement of Border Defenses) (Base Chance: 51% + Magic + Martial)*
-[ ]Thornmarch
-[ ]Ashdan March
-[ ]Eaglecrest
-[ ] Write in (Suggest Other Border Area)
[ ][QUEEN] Try to get Cyril to be willing to provide direct assistance in some cases (Opens options in the future) (Base Chance 25% + Diplomacy)
[ ][QUEEN] Use divination to get an idea of what nearby realms might have potentially interested candidates for marriage (Base Chance: 60% + Magic)*
[ ][QUEEN] Begin looking for a suitable, secluded place inside the Palace to create a proper Sanctum (Sanctums are places of power for mages where their magics are most potent, they are hardest to kill, and where they can keep their greatest of secrets) (Base Chance: 50% + Stewardship OR Intrigue, whichever is Higher)
[ ][QUEEN] Meet with representatives of merchants active on Lake Raida to try to increase dock revenues) (Base Chance: 47% + Diplomacy + Stewardship)
[ ][QUEEN] Social Action (May use both Queen Actions on Social Action)
-[ ] Get To Know Your Staff Better
-[ ] Write-in Councilor you'd like to improve relations with.
-[ ] Catch Up With Cyril
-[ ] Reach out to Vanessa's noble mother/family in Veldros
-[ ] Write-in (Subject to QM Veto)
[ ][QUEEN] Recruit more mages to Royal Service (If successful, costs 10 Dureks. No expenditure if failure) (Base Chance: 70% + Diplomacy)†
[ ][QUEEN] Take a Royal Tour of the Grand Duchy and Nearby Lordships (Could improve popularity and loyalty in the region) (Base Chance 70% + Diplomacy + 1/2 Intrigue) (Costs 5 Dureks)†
[ ][QUEEN] Suggest additional task, subject to QM Veto (Base Chance Will be Set by QM If Approved)