Yet Another Stupid Death

The pole might not be of much use if we find ourselves in deep water. On the other hand, an oar might not help us if the stream starts getting faster.

[X] Attempt to remove the stake and pocket it, as well as the rope.
[X] Take the boat
- [X] With Doog (obviously).
- [X] Use your gladius to cut off a piece of the planks to use as an oar.
--[X] See what's on the other bank of the river, if anything, before following the current.

Let's see where this takes us.

A stake is a stake - both a weapon and something to tie a boat to should we decide to stop half-way. The usefulness of rope is not to be underestimated either.
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[X] Nevill

That's sensible enough. The oar won't help much/at all if the current is strong though. Recent RL experience show me that. Unless the current brings us to a kraken's fanged mouth?jaw? following it is the best option we have atm.
You very nearly, but do not, fall into the water: Doog pulls on your pant leg, and saves you.

No regrets for converting shirt to Doog dressing.

[X] Attempt to remove the stake and pocket it, as well as the rope.
[X] Take the boat
- [X] With Doog (obviously).
- [X] Use your gladius to cut off a piece of the planks to use as an oar.
--[X] See what's on the other bank of the river, if anything, before following the current.
The oar won't help much/at all if the current is strong though.
We have a rope, we have a gladius and a stake. We can try to construct an improvised anchor in a pinch. But I doubt the river stretches too far.

Would be funny if it took us back to the spider room, though. :D

Edit: actually, now that the centipede and a snake are out of the second room, we might be able to close the gate on them. But we probably aren't heading there.
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@pantherasapiens, why is the room filled with '???' marks? We have our torch lit again, do we? Shouldn't it appear as something else instead of terra incognita?

Just verifying.

We probably need to make some holder for a torch while we steer.
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@pantherasapiens, why is the room filled with '???' marks? We have our torch lit again, do we? Shouldn't it appear as something else instead of terra incognita?

Just verifying.

We probably need to make some holder for a torch wile we steer.
You haven't lit your torch again. There is light within the Room with Two Doors, but you yourself are not holding a lit torch. You do have a torch in your inventory.
[X] Continue retreating and get out. We are at 9 (?) HPs and dying.
-[X] Continue calling for Doog and wait until he is out as well.
--[X] Close the door behind you, barricade it if you have to.
---[X] Try applying first aid, bandage yourself with your shirt, anything.
----[X] Go back to the first room and lit the torch again.
-----[X] Go check what's behind door 'a' that we missed at first.
@Nevill, @Oh I am slain!, @AuraTwilight, @Terrabrand

Well... then let's go do it? Before we fall in the water again.
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[X] Attempt to remove the stake and pocket it, as well as the rope.
[X] Take the boat
- [X] With Doog (obviously).
- [X] Use your gladius to cut off a piece of the planks to use as an oar.
--[X] See what's on the other bank of the river, if anything, before following the current.

Makes sense to me. (Though how is there a boat on this end of the current, without oars? :p)
a view across a river
[X] Attempt to remove the stake and pocket it, as well as the rope.
[X] Take the boat
- [X] With Doog (obviously).
- [X] Use your gladius to cut off a piece of the planks to use as an oar.
--[X] See what's on the other bank of the river, if anything, before following the current.
@Nevill, @Marla, @veekie, @Terrabrand, @AuraTwilight, @Oh I am slain!


You realise you forgot something, and return to the first room to attempt to get more light.


The Woman and the Boy are gone, so there's nothing preventing you from taking the lit Torch from the wall.

There are no more lit Torches in the room previously occupied by the Woman and the Boy.

You examine the other room to find out how it is lit, but cannot find any Torches, lit or otherwise. It appears the Room with Two Doors has a different means of lighting, but you do not understand it.

You return to the boat and the stake. It looks like you'll have to go out in the dark.

You cut a piece of boat off with your gladius. It's crude and difficult to manoeuvre, but it'll serve as a crude oar.

+ wield Crude Oar (replaces Stick)

You pull the stake out from the ground, and immediately feel the tug of the boat on the rope and stake. You approach the boat, curling the rope around your arm as you go, and push Doog onto it. He does not like it.

+ wield Stake with Rope (replaces Gladius)

Peering out into the darkness, you see what you think might be a bank on the other side. It looks empty. Beyond that, there is also a door into another room.


?: approximate location of beginning of slope
?: approximate location of shallow water
?: approximate location of sheer drop into water
a: an open door

d: an unhappy Doog
b: a closed door
~: flowing water

You suppose you could try to row the boat across the width of the river instead of going with the flow.
[ ] Go with the flow.
[ ] Attempt to cross the river.
[ ] Write-in.
[X] Pet Doog.
-[X] 'Come on, big boy. That's no time to pout.'
--[X] Try to determine if he is unhappy because he doesn't like water, or because he senses something wrong.
[X] Hop in the boat and attempt to cross the river, rowing slightly against the current.
-[X] If successful, drive a stake into a bank and tie the boat to it.
--[X] Open the door and look what's inside. What could go wrong?
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[q] Caulk the wagon and float it.

[X] Pet Doog.
-[X] 'Come on, big boy. That's no time to pout.'
--[X] Try to determine if he is unhappy because he doesn't like water, or because he senses something wrong.
[X] Hop in the boat and attempt to cross the river, rowing slightly against the current.
-[X] If successful, drive a stake into a bank and tie the boat to it.
--[X] Open the door and look what's inside. What could go wrong?

D'aww, I like Nevill's write-ins 'cause he tends to include something for our lovely doog. :3
(Well, he includes other good details too, but those aren't anywhere near as important.)
[X] Pet Doog.
-[X] 'Come on, big boy. That's no time to pout.'
--[X] Try to determine if he is unhappy because he doesn't like water, or because he senses something wrong.
[X] Hop in the boat and attempt to cross the river, rowing slightly against the current.
-[X] If successful, drive a stake into a bank and tie the boat to it.
--[X] Open the door and look what's inside. What could go wrong?

Sorry, was sick for a bit, couldn't really muster the energy to vote.

I'm glad we're not dead though I was half-expecting it.
[X] Nevill

Whee more good plans. If we keep this up, maybe we can make the thread name a lie. A man can dream, right?
a trip across a river, encountering quicksand
[X] Pet Doog.
-[X] 'Come on, big boy. That's no time to pout.'
--[X] Try to determine if he is unhappy because he doesn't like water, or because he senses something wrong.
[X] Hop in the boat and attempt to cross the river, rowing slightly against the current.
-[X] If successful, drive a stake into a bank and tie the boat to it.
--[X] Open the door and look what's inside. What could go wrong?
@Nevill, @Oh I am slain!, @FixerUpper, @Terrabrand


You pet Doog, carefully avoiding his wound. "Come on, big boy!" you tease him. "This is no time to pout!"

Doog whines. You notice he is looking worriedly at the side of the boat you cut the Crude Oar from.

"It'll be okay. It's just water!" you say, encouraging him with more petting. Then you get on the boat too.

The boat shudders, dips slightly with your weight, and begins drifting from the shore. You drop the Stake with Rope to grasp the Crude Oar with both hands and begin paddling. Doog continues whining.

The current is weak enough that your paddling manages to turn the boat around to point at the shore on the opposite side. Encouraged, you keep paddling. The river flows fastest in the middle, but you're able to push across it anyway, and the boat bumps with a gentle shushing noise into the sandy banks opposite you.

You immediately throw the Stake overboard, and it sinks into the bank and keeps sinking until it is out of sight.

It is quicksand.


░: quicksand?
: last seen location of Stake

.: ground
.: uncertain if ground or quicksand

[ ] Get out of the boat.
[ ] Stay in the boat.


---an author's opinion of the Character Map---​

It is such a wonderful and underutilised resource.
Weeeell. If I've learned anything about quicksand it's that - actually, wait.


Nope, I'm not sure what to do here.

[x] Get out of the boat.
Doog whines. You notice he is looking worriedly at the side of the boat you cut the Crude Oar from.
Wait... we cut an oar from the BOAT!?

[X] Check if you can't break a plank off the door to use as an oar, but don't do it yet.
...I should not have assumed the doors are wooden, should I? Ah, since it didn't topple mid-stream, it's all good.

[X] The stake was a "Stake with Rope"
- [X] Pull the rope before it submerges! Get your stake back!
--[X] Use the stake to find solid ground along the shore... if there is solid ground.
---[X] Tie yourself to the boat so that if you misstep, you could pull out.
----[X] Use the stake as a pole to feel your way through.
[X] Tell Doog to sit tight. It's too dangerous here.
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[X] The stake was a "Stake with Rope"
- [X] Pull the rope before it submerges! Get your stake back!
--[X] Use the stake to find solid ground along the shore.
---[X] Tie yourself to the boat so that if you misstep, you could pull out.
----[X] Use the stake as a pole to feel your way through.
[X] Tell Doog to sit tight. It's too dangerous here.
Wait... we cut an oar from the BOAT!?

Uhh yeah.

You cut a piece of boat off with your gladius. It's crude and difficult to manoeuvre, but it'll serve as a crude oar.

Weeellll, let's try not to leave the boat right now. Test the waters first.

[X] The stake was a "Stake with Rope"
- [X] Pull the rope before it submerges! Get your stake back!
--[X] Use the stake to find solid ground along the shore.
---[X] Tie yourself to the boat so that if you misstep, you could pull out.
----[X] Use the stake as a pole to feel your way through.
[X] Tell Doog to sit tight. It's too dangerous here.
[X] The stake was a "Stake with Rope"
- [X] Pull the rope before it submerges! Get your stake back!
--[X] Use the stake to find solid ground along the shore... if there is solid ground.
---[X] Tie yourself to the boat so that if you misstep, you could pull out.
----[X] Use the stake as a pole to feel your way through.
[X] Tell Doog to sit tight. It's too dangerous here.

At some point, I may have to make a plan of my own. That day is not this day.
Don't worry guys, this is a low-stakes situation. ^_^

[X] The stake was a "Stake with Rope"
- [X] Pull the rope before it submerges! Get your stake back!
--[X] Use the stake to find solid ground along the shore... if there is solid ground.
---[X] Tie yourself to the boat so that if you misstep, you could pull out.
----[X] Use the stake as a pole to feel your way through.
[X] Tell Doog to sit tight. It's too dangerous here.