Yet Another Stupid Death


Hmm, I see those question marks near the lower body of water near Gate C. And I guess we don't know what's behind Gate C either.

[X] Attack with....
- [X] Gladius
[X] Try to instruct doog to...
- [X] Defend
[X] Escape to...
- [X] Gate C
-- [X] Nearest upper body of water
[x] Attack with...
- [x] Torch.
[x] Try to instruct doog to...
- [x] Defend.
[x] Escape to...
- [x] Gate c,
-- [x] nearer upper body of water
[x] Attack with...
- [x] Torch.
[x] Try to instruct doog to...
- [x] Defend.
[x] Escape to...
- [x] Gate c,
-- [x] nearer upper body of water

[x] Nickname dog "Doog"
in the dark on the cusp between regions
[6] Attack with...
- [6] Torch.
- [2] Gladius
[6] Try to instruct doog to...
- [3] Attack.
- [5] Defend.
[5] Escape to...
- [5] Gate c,
-- [5] nearer upper body of water
[1] Nickname dog "Doog"
@Broken25, @veekie, @Cornix Argentus, @FixerUpper, @Nevill, @anailater, @Zoosmell, @Oh I am slain!


Raising the torch threateningly, you watch the spider advance towards you and doog. The firelight glints off its eyes, and you decide to try to dazzle it so that you can run for the gate on dry ground. Thinking that, you wave the torch at the spider, and doog comes up beside you with a soft growl and hackles raised.

The spider leaps, doog intercepts, and you look for a chance amidst their tussle to jab the spider with your torch. Finally you manage it, and the spider falls back with a loud hiss.

You immediately whistle doog and hurry to the gate, keeping closer to the larger body of water as you go; the spider attempts to follow, but it seems to have lost the use of a leg and cannot keep up. As you pass, you realise the larger body of water is placid, but filled with vague signs of movement deep beneath; the smaller body of water is fast-flowing, but seems empty.

You decide your choice was a good one.

But your self-congratulations comes too soon.

a last gasp at light, the darkness closes in

You fumble at the gate, and swing it open just as doog barks again.


[ ] Instruct doog to...
- [ ] Hurry through the gate.
- [ ] Attack.
- [ ] Defend.
[ ] The gate must be...
- [ ] left open, for easy escape in future.
- [ ] shut, to prevent the spider following you.
[ ] Move...
- [ ] Upwards.
- [ ] Forwards.
- [ ] Downwards.


---an author's comment on the map this round---​

Probably one of the easiest map updates ever.

---an author's plea for feedback---​

Let me know how you're finding the quest! Too easy? Too hard? Not enough information to know either way?
I have no clue what I'm doing and am resorting to mashing buttons. And I'm ok with that. :)
(Some players seem to know OOC details about the general mechanics/setting?)

[x] Instruct doog to...
- [x] Hurry through the gate.
[x] The gate must be...
- [x] shut, to prevent the spider following you.
[x] Move...
- [x] Forwards.
[x] Instruct doog to...
- [x] Hurry through the gate.
[x] The gate must be...
- [x] shut, to prevent the spider following you.
[x] Move...
- [x] Forwards.

I'm in the same boat, I'm not sure what's going on. If I did know what was going on I might have not suggested the use of the torch because clearly it's that vote that got the light put out which was obvious in retrospect, but. :V
And nobody is trying to ride a glorious spider steed to victory. Tsk. No worries, I'm here now sweet summerchildren.

[X] Immortal Plan Pan
[ ] Instruct doog to...
- [ ] Defend.
[ ] The gate must be...
- [ ] shut, to prevent anything from following
[ ] Move...
- [ ] Back towards the spider, with intent to tame it!
You forgot to form a lasso out of the rope.

I'll settle for this. We need to find a light source.

[x] Instruct doog to...
- [x] Hurry through the gate.
[x] The gate must be...
- [x] shut, to prevent the spider following you.
[x] Move...
- [x] Forwards.

Let me know how you're finding the quest! Too easy? Too hard? Not enough information to know either way?
I would like to understand why the torch got extinguished. It never did that before! :V

I have no idea what it is about, and what we are trying to do, but it's roguelike, so it's awesome by default. Eagerly awaiting our death as we stumble through the dark with no food or light, and a scary room right above us. I am almost tempted to go upwards.
an encounter in the dark
[3] Instruct doog to...
- [3] Hurry through the gate.
[3] The gate must be...
- [3] shut, to prevent the spider following you.
[3] Move...
- [3] Forwards.
@Oh I am slain!, @FixerUpper, @Nevill
[1] Instruct doog to...
- [1] Defend.
[1] The gate must be...
- [1] shut, to prevent anything from following
[1] Move...
- [1] Back towards the spider, with intent to tame it!
@Pandemonious Ivy


Stepping to the side, you whistle again, and feel something small and furry brush against your legs. Doog pants beside you, and you quickly move to shut the gate.
You feel more secure now that the spider cannot pursue you.
You take a step forwards into the dark, and sink up to your ankle in a depression you didn't see, stepping on... something. It's hard and flat, and then it moves. As you pull your foot free of the hollow, you feel a sharp stinging pain in your ankle.

you take 3 damage
you have been poisoned


N: a hurriedly closed gate
?: something dangerous

[ ] Run
-- [ ] Upwards
-- [ ] Forwards (there is a ? in the way)
-- [ ] Downwards
[ ] Attack
-- [ ] Gladius
-- [ ] Stick
[ ] Write-in


---a note on surprises---​

The surprising party can get free attacks against the surprised party.

---a note on poison---​

Some attacks can cause poisoning, which deals damage over time and may inflict other effects.
Well, this was a foreseeable problem.

Hmmm. Not sure what to do in this situation. IRL I'd probably flail around, panic and then die, but let's not do that here. So we're up against a poisonous something that is hard and flat. Scorpion? Hard-and-flat suggests insectoid.

Well, I'm stumped.
[X] Attack
-[X] Gladius
-[X] While backing up

Fuck, we should've interacted with the Woman and Boy more. Atleast have gotten that Tinderbox.
[X] Run
-- [X] Downwards
-- [X] Order Doog to defend you in case the strange thing follows.

Scary things everywhere! :o
waiting in the dark
[X] Have Doog suck the poison out, of course!
@Pandemonious Ivy
[X] Attack
-[X] Gladius
-[X] While backing up
@will408914, @FixerUpper, @AuraTwilight
[X[ Run
-- [X] Downwards
-- [X] Order Doog to defend you in case the strange thing follows.
@Nevill, @Oh I am slain!


You stab quickly downwards with the gladius, but it sinks into the dirt unresisted. You jerk it out, the motion carrying you backwards so your back is pressed against the shut gate.

You're glad you shut it. The wound on your ankle throbs.

you take 1 damage

You hear doog fighting whatever it is. You hope doog makes it.

you take 1 damage

There is a crunching noise, but soon after doog yelps in pain.

you take 1 damage

a hissing noise, disturbance in the grass

The fighting must have disturbed something. You grip your gladius tightly, looking about.

you take 1 damage

d: last known position of doog

?: last known position of ?

[ ] Run
-[ ] Forwards
-[ ] Upwards
-[ ] Downwards
-[ ] Backwards (there is a hastily-shut gate in the way)
[ ] Attack
- [ ] Stick
- [ ] Gladius
[ ] Call doog back
[ ] Let doog keep attacking

---another note about poisons---​

There are many ways to get rid of poison, but waiting it out is one of the riskiest.
[X] Call Doog back
-[X] Wait until you hear him get close to you and attack behind him