Yet Another Stupid Death

At 19 HP and dying already!

I can't think of a way to cure scorpion poison, it's not like we can suck it out of our ankle. And it looks like snakes might be coming for us.

[X] Run
-[X] Backwards (there is a hastily-shut gate in the way)
--[X] In a straight line, swinging Gladius like a man possessed. Can't afford to fall in the water.
---[X] Let the spider hear your war cry! Make him think you only went to this room because you needed room to accelerate for your Carnage Run.
----[X] Call Doog to follow you
-----[X] Once you hit the wall, head north/upwards and get OUT.
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Anyone got other ideas for removing the poison?

On separate note, I'm strangely entertained by the idea of instigating a dungeon-spanning war between all the creatures we meet, all while we continue fleeing. :oops:
[X] Run
-[X] Backwards (there is a hastily-shut gate in the way)
--[X] In a straight line, swinging Gladius like a man possessed. Can't afford to fall in the water.
---[X] Let the spider hear your war cry! Make him think you only went to this room because you needed room to accelerate for your Carnage Run.
----[X] Call Doog to follow you
-----[X] Once you hit the wall, head north/upwards and get OUT.
Scorpion stings are acidic. We need an alkali substance to neutralize it, one which is safe to rub into the wound, which we will have to open a little further to get access. Charcoal is one such substance. We need to scrape off the leavings of our torch (which will be sterile because it was just on fire), open our wound just slightly (too much and we risk bleeding and infection), grind the charcoal in as much as possible, and keep it elevated to reduce blood flow to the affected part and prevent the spread of the poison.

Assuming of course that physics and biology hold true, which they might not since we are taking quantized amounts of integer damage.
Scorpion stings are acidic. We need an alkali substance to neutralize it, one which is safe to rub into the wound, which we will have to open a little further to get access. Charcoal is one such substance. We need to scrape off the leavings of our torch (which will be sterile because it was just on fire), open our wound just slightly (too much and we risk bleeding and infection), grind the charcoal in as much as possible, and keep it elevated to reduce blood flow to the affected part and prevent the spread of the poison.

Assuming of course that physics and biology hold true, which they might not since we are taking quantized amounts of integer damage.

The way you are saying it is as if you didn't take quantized amounts of integer damage in real life
Well, we could amputate. But I suspect we are in a position where that would be even worse than letting the poison run it's course.
a screaming retreat
[X] Call Doog back
-[X] Wait until you hear him get close to you and attack behind him
[X] Run
-[X] Backwards (there is a hastily-shut gate in the way)
--[X] In a straight line, swinging Gladius like a man possessed. Can't afford to fall in the water.
---[X] Let the spider hear your war cry! Make him think you only went to this room because you needed room to accelerate for your Carnage Run.
----[X] Call Doog to follow you
-----[X] Once you hit the wall, head north/upwards and get OUT.
@Nevill, @AuraTwilight


You fumble the gate open. The moment you feel it give way, you turn around and charge through it, a battle cry leaving your lips.

you take 1 damage

The battle cry sounds like this: "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG!!!"

you take 1 damage

You charge, spittle flying. You hear doog running after you, barking loudly. Grass falls around you, lopped off by your gladius.

you take 1 damage

you take 1 damage

you take 1 damage

you take 1 damage

you take 1 damage

you take 1 damage

you take 1 damage

you take 1 damage

you take 1 damage

you are cured of poison

You reach the other end of the wall, and start heading north. You eventually find the entrance to the passage you came in by.


n: an open door
d: your best guess at doog's position?

[ ] Face the foes.
[ ] Continue retreating. The other end of the tunnel should lead you to the room with two doors and writing on the wall.
[ ] Write-in.


---a little note about poisons and other damage-over-time effects---​

They do wear off, eventually.

---an author's comment about the rolls this round---​

Everybody flubbed their to-hit rolls! Everybody! Even your3enemies!
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[X] Continue retreating and get out. We are at 9 (?) HPs and dying.
-[X] Continue calling for Doog and wait until he is out as well.
--[X] Close the door behind you, barricade it if you have to.
---[X] Try applying first aid, bandage yourself with your shirt, anything.
----[X] Go back to the first room and lit the torch again.
-----[X] Go check what's behind door 'a' that we missed at first.
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There was a nasty bug in ADOM involving broken legs and low STR characters, making HP go billions in the negatives.
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[X] Continue retreating and get out. We are at 9 (?) HPs and dying.
-[X] Continue calling for Doog and wait until he is out as well.
--[X] Close the door behind you, barricade it if you have to.
---[X] Try applying first aid, bandage yourself with your shirt, anything.
----[X] Go back to the first room and lit the torch again.
-----[X] Go check what's behind door 'a' that we missed at first.
[X] Continue retreating and get out. We are at 9 (?) HPs and dying.
-[X] Continue calling for Doog and wait until he is out as well.
--[X] Close the door behind you, barricade it if you have to.
---[X] Try applying first aid, bandage yourself with your shirt, anything.
----[X] Go back to the first room and lit the torch again.
-----[X] Go check what's behind door 'a' that we missed at first.

Seems like a solid plan to me.
a return to the room with two doors, attempting door a
[X] Continue retreating and get out. We are at 9 (?) HPs and dying.
-[X] Continue calling for Doog and wait until he is out as well.
--[X] Close the door behind you, barricade it if you have to.
---[X] Try applying first aid, bandage yourself with your shirt, anything.
----[X] Go back to the first room and lit the torch again.
-----[X] Go check what's behind door 'a' that we missed at first.
@Nevill, @Oh I am slain!, @AuraTwilight, @Terrabrand
[X] Kick the wall, maybe something good will happen.


Your screams of "DOOG!" and "HERE, DOOG!" echo through the tunnel as you run. The abrupt change from the uneven grass and ground to the flat, even stone is welcome.

Not least because Doog's excited barks echo after you, letting you know he's close behind. The light at the end of the short tunnel beckons to you, and the moment you reach the opened door, you dash behind it.

Doog rushes out, and you slam the door shut on the centipede and snake you see hot on his heels. Without thumbs, you feel confident that they cannot open the door to continue pursuing you, and they're too large to fit between the door and the floor. You'd feel safer if you could barricade the door, but you don't have anything to do that with.

In the meantime, though, you're wounded, though at least not poisoned. Either through luck or providence, the wounds are mostly in the forms of dried scabs or bruises, and don't actually hinder your movement in any way. You pull off your shirt and rip off a strip of it to bandage your ankle.

You feel that the dressing would be more effective if you had crushed herbs or medicines to apply to the torn cloth. You also feel that bandages would be a more effective dressing. Still, this is all you have for now.

Rubbing Doog, you notice he's also bleeding slightly, from a bite in his leg. You'd dress him, too, but then you wouldn't have a shirt so much as a collection of strips.

You decide to go down to the other door and open it. It swings open.


!: a stake in the ground
BBB: a boat. It can carry up to three passengers.
~: flowing water. It seems slow and peaceful.

It's dark, but the light from the room illuminates a boat, tied to a stake in the ground. You don't see any oars or poles with which to steer.

[ ] Walk along the bank.
[ ] Get into the boat.
[ ] Get into the water. (It is flowing right-to-left.)
[ ] Go back to door b.
[ ] Write-in.
[q] Take the steak!

[x] Walk along the bank.

Sounds like the boat is a one-way trip into the unknown. Which means that I totally want to take it, after looking around the surroundings a little bit more. :)
Can we measure how deep the water is? With the gladius or something?

[X] Check if you can't break a plank off the door to use as an oar, but don't do it yet.

[X] Dress Doog's wounds with your remaining shirt.
-[X] Mourn your clothing.
[X] Walk along the bank.
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Can we measure how deep the water is? With the gladius or something?

"Oops! You drop the sword by accident. You flail around for a moment trying to grab it before it sinks out of sight, in the process attracting the attention of a monstrous kraken that immediately grabs you with a tentacle and pulls you down into a watery grave. You die...

Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq]"

Hey, it's the death that is stupid, I'm not! I will untie the boat and tie the rope to a gladius first, of course (and watch the boat slowly drift away).

Actually, that is not such a bad idea... well, if we hold the boat in place or move it to the ground, first.
[X] Dress Doog's wounds with your remaining shirt.
-[X] Mourn your clothing.
[X] Walk along the bank.
-[X] Take the boat with you.

We can pull the boat along in case we later need it. Already got the rope, after all. And free stake.
a walk along the bank
[2] Check if you can't break a plank off the door to use as an oar, but don't do it yet.
[4] Dress Doog's wounds with your remaining shirt.
-[4] Mourn your clothing.
[5] Walk along the bank.
-[1] Take the boat with you.
@veekie, @Oh I am slain!, @Nevill, @Terrabrand, @Cornix Argentus


You examine your shirt. Regretfully, you come to the conclusion that it wouldn't serve you much for protection anyway. You rip the rest of it up and tie a strip tightly around Doog's foot where the bite is.

The air is chill on your skin.

- shirt
+ 2 rags

You stuff them into your backpack for later use. You regret the sacrifice, but the shirt is more useful to you this way.

Then you heft the backpack again, the straps rough on your bruised and battered-feeling back, and start walking upstream to explore the bank. Doog trots beside you, keeping close. You take a few steps before the ground falls away sharply beneath you. You very nearly, but do not, fall into the water: Doog pulls on your pant leg, and saves you.

You return to and pass by the boat, gingerly exploring the other side of the bank. There isn't anything there, either, but the slope there is gentler, and you take a few steps out. It feels shallow enough.

You return to the boat.


?: approximate location of beginning of slope
?: approximate location of shallow water
?: approximate location of sheer drop into water

[ ] Take the boat
- [ ] Use your gladius to cut off a piece of the planks to use as an oar.
- [ ] Attempt to remove the stake to use as a pole.
- [ ] Attempt to use your stick as a pole.
- [ ] Let the boat freely follow the flow.
[ ] Wade out across the shallow parts.
[ ] Go elsewhere. (Where?)
[ ] Write-in.