Yet Another Stupid Death

Hmmm... I have not voted, have I?

[X] Use the Crude Oar as a prybar to get your hand loose.
-[X] If that doesn't work, use the oar to hit whatever is holding your hand.

It should do for now. Knowing our luck, we'd be dropping backpack into the water. :D
a death by violent fungus
[X] Use the Crude Oar as a prybar to get your hand loose.
-[X] If that doesn't work, use the oar to hit whatever is holding your hand.
@boonerunner, @will408914, @Oh I am slain!, @Nevill


You grasp the Crude Oar and attempt to wedge it between your hand and whatever it is that is holding you.
It is holding onto your hand too tightly to drive the Crude Oar in.

you have lost 4 HP

Weakly, you try to bash at it with the Crude Oar. The Crude Oar strikes the stone of the door harmlessly.

you have lost 4 HP

you have been killed by a Violent Fungus

do you want your possessions identified
[ ] y
[ ] n

...survived 312 turns
...encountered 4 Beasts
...encountered 1 Plant
...killed 0 Beasts
...befriended 1 Dog
...nicknamed 1 Doog
...explored 3 rooms
...explored 1 river
...were poisoned 1 time


do you want to try again
[ ] y
[ ] n
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Well, we had it coming. No light source, out of safe doors to poke our nose through, and surrounded by darkness from all sides.

I'd like to have the map revealed. Tradition demands it! Unless the next attempt is done on the same map.


Clearly the lesson we have learned today is that we need a scalpel to be able to chop our limbs off in a pinch!
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New conditional rule: no touching anything new without poking it with sticks or makeshift gloves!

A little hesitant to do this again though, 'cause I'll miss doog. :(
Most interesting one was paralyzed while sick.

I think the only remarkably stupid death I ever had in nethack was accidentally putting something I shouldn't have in a bag of holding while deep in very hostile territory. I don't think I survived long enough to get back to my stash.

In any case...

[x] y
[x] y

As if there was any doubt.
Never played Nethack... but did a lot of ADoM back in the day.

...climbing a staircase while overburdened and dropping to death; eating a gorgon's corpse (instant petrification, should have seen that from a mile away - but I was hungry, okay?); crushed by the weight of my own gold (that Strength spell is not eternal, but greed is); choking on my own vomit (eww, don't get paralyzed when sick); blasted into oblivion by my deity for nagging them for every little thing; going too far with self-flagellating while trying to earn a God's forgiveness (apparently all it takes is one 'lucky' critical); breaking a leg while kicking a wall in search of secret doors; collapsing a dungeon on my head by kicking a staircase one time too many; writing scrolls without keeping track of my Mana score (the actual death message stated 'killed by trying too hard to be a great writer'); and dipping a Scroll of Chaos Resistance into a Potion of Raw Chaos (FOR SCIENCE!)...

That's not counting the mundane hazards, like being killed by exploding frogs, devoured alive by chaos pirahnas, or encountering a seemingly abandoned shop full of items in the middle on the dungeon with no shopkeeper in sight. Not to mention deaths by putting on mis-aligned armours, drinking lamp oil (identify those potions before you try them!), or being squeezed to death by a paladin girdle for breaking the code of honor. Even your equipment is out to kill you in roguelikes!
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Never played Nethack... but did a lot of ADoM back in the day.

Hahaha, I think about half of those are also possible in nethack. Maybe closer to two thirds?

In nethack I think the only issue with using stairs while overburdened is that you may trip and fall going down and take a bit of damage--except for the scenario I mentioned above, wherein you're wielding a "rubber chicken", i.e. a cockatrice corpse you slap monsters with to petrify them. In that case, even with gloves and armor you'll end up touching the corpse and thus insta-DYWYPI leaving behind what must be a really embarrassing statue. :V

Then there's also the "you will never do this accidentally" ways of committing esoteric suicide, like level-teleporting to floor 0 or self-genocide. ...oh, wait, I guess the latter could happen accidentally if you're a humanoid species and blessed-genocide h out of extreme paranoia about mind flayers. That's still kind of ridiculous though.
oh, wait, I guess the latter could happen accidentally if you're a humanoid species and blessed-genocide h out of extreme paranoia about mind flayers.
You can read a scroll of genocide (without IDing it) while confused, which leads to this scenario (the wipeout of one's own species). Never underestimate the number of ways in which RNG can screw you over. :D
You can read a scroll of genocide (without IDing it) while confused, which leads to this scenario. Never underestimate the number of ways in which RNG can screw you over. :D

Oh yeah! I forgot about that.

Okay, I guess that is a plausible means of YASD.

I don't think there's any way to accidentally levelport to floor 0, though... is there?
Never played Nethack... but did a lot of ADoM back in the day.

...climbing a staircase while overburdened and dropping to death; eating a gorgon's corpse (instant petrification, should have seen that from a mile away - but I was hungry, okay?); crushed by the weight of my own gold (that Strength spell is not eternal, but greed is); choking on my own vomit (eww, don't get paralyzed when sick); blasted into oblivion by my deity for nagging them for every little thing; going too far with self-flagellating while trying to earn a God's forgiveness (apparently all it takes is one 'lucky' critical); breaking a leg while kicking a wall in search of secret doors; collapsing a dungeon on my head by kicking a staircase one time too many; writing scrolls without keeping track of my Mana score (the actual death message stated 'killed by trying too hard to be a great writer'); and dipping a Scroll of Chaos Resistance into a Potion of Raw Chaos (FOR SCIENCE!)...

That's not counting the mundane hazards, like being killed by exploding frogs, devoured alive by chaos pirahnas, or encountering a seemingly abandoned shop full of items in the middle on the dungeon with no shopkeeper in sight. Not to mention deaths by putting on mis-aligned armours, drinking lamp oil (identify those potions before you try them!), or being squeezed to death by a paladin girdle for breaking the code of honor. Even your equipment is out to kill you in roguelikes!
Wishing for Sheep.

That's one way to die that you'd probably have to be trying.
* For those not in the know, there are no Sheep monster types in ADoM. But the word interpreter is one stubborn fellow, and it seeks a closest match. Which is 'Banshee'.

Her wail kills anything in the game that can hear it, instantly.

On the other hand, having a couple of earplugs and wishing for Sheep is a legitimate way of clearing out those pesky high-threat special levels...
* For those not in the know, there are no Sheep monster types in ADoM. But the word interpreter is one stubborn fellow, and it seeks a closest match. Which is 'Banshee'.

Her wail kills anything in the game that can hear it, instantly.

On the other hand, having a couple of earplugs and wishing for Sheep is a legitimate way of clearing out those pesky high-threat special levels...
Banshee remains hostile.
Banshee also gets XP from kills.
a new hope
@Nevill, @will408914, @Echo, @Terrabrand, @boonerunner
@Oh I am slain!, @FixerUpper


Your Possessions:
1x uncursed Crude Oar
2x uncursed Rags
1x uncursed Torch
1x uncursed Stick
1x uncursed Gladius


a spark in the dark. a torch flares.


b: backpack
W: Woman
n: sealed door
n: open door

You are in the Room with a Sealed Door. The door is still sealed.

You look at your hand. It twinges, but otherwise seems normal enough. The rest of you feels a little abused, but healthy enough.

The Woman stares disapprovingly at you. "You're back."

On the floor by your side is your torn backpack. In it are:

1x uncursed Torch
1x uncursed Stick
1x uncursed Gladius

[ ] What do?
- [ ] Talk
-- [ ] "Where'd you go? I missed you so."
-- [ ] "...can I have that tinderbox?"
-- [ ] "Where's the crying kid?"
-- [ ] "DOOOOOOOG!!"
-- [ ] Other (write-in)
- [ ] Inspect
- [ ] Fight
- [ ] Leave