Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

Well, subatomic means a whole lot of free neutrons flying about. That is a set of circumstances that have consequences, the kind that give designers of nuclear doo-dads either headaches or Big Explosion Boners.

Free protons and electrons hazing up the vicinity are also apt to have energetic interactions, assuming they're not all high-velocity and causing trouble that way.

I think what your commenter is getting at is that there would, briefly, be a great deal of exciting physics and chemistry going on provided Taylor's Shard doesn't intervene to damp things down, probably exploiting the situation to collect a bunch of energy to bank against the next outing of Wyvern. Which last is what I assumed was going on, based on some remarks Hero made during the power-testing bit of the story.
Indeed, personally I had assumed that her shard would have shifted the subatomic particles to an alternate dimension for mass storage.
Something kept bothering me about the first half of the chapter, but it wasn't until I re-read some of the earlier chapters that I realized what it was. Shouldn't someone have given Taylor the "killing leaves a mark on you" speech by now? Oni Lee and the Nine were all krumped by Wyvern, after all.
Something kept bothering me about the first half of the chapter, but it wasn't until I re-read some of the earlier chapters that I realized what it was. Shouldn't someone have given Taylor the "killing leaves a mark on you" speech by now? Oni Lee and the Nine were all krumped by Wyvern, after all.
Taylor killed Oni Lee, but it wasn't something she planned ahead of time, and she wasn't really aware of it until well after.

The Nine came to her. She was basically taking out the trash.

With Nilbog, it was "I am going to go there and kill someone just for being a threat."
Something kept bothering me about the first half of the chapter, but it wasn't until I re-read some of the earlier chapters that I realized what it was. Shouldn't someone have given Taylor the "killing leaves a mark on you" speech by now? Oni Lee and the Nine were all krumped by Wyvern, after all.
Iirc, the Nine were directly and actively threatening people she loved. This was "hey, can you go kill this guy for me?". Which is very different circumstances.
Could you shoot someone actively breaking into your house?

Would you kick down someone else's door and shoot them if the police asked you to?
An update! And exciting things happened in it. Well done, Taylor (and Vicky, Photon Lady, 'n assorted PRT peoples). Thanks for sharing, Ack.

Vicky wasn't sure she could make that call.

Not only could Taylor make it, but she also acted on it. And, in typical Taylor fashion, she took the third option.
When destiny plays with dice, just cut the die in half, and it'll come up 7.

The fire reached far back along her path, no doubt destroying the offending spores in their millions and billions. "Don't use fire, my ass," muttered Taylor, no doubt forgetting for the moment that her slightest utterances at that size were audible to all and sundry.
She knows. That's just how friggin' done she is with it. Those analysts might be some smartypants, but they don't know dragonfire.

And I know she's a wyvern, but wyvernfire doesn't sound as cool/isn't already a term.

Now, her scales were an unhealthy green fading into a dirty yellow. "No," she rasped, almost in a continuation of the prior coughing fit. "I've got this."
Pestilence? She's already shown War (Fire) and Death (Annihilation)... figure out a famine-flameTM and she'll complete the set. Vicky should get her a punch card.
When Piggot is confronted about her 'request' to Taylor, is she going to be at least slightly apologetic or is she just going to go 'F it, it needed to be done, and no one else has the stones to ask'?

Because if Piggot is unapologetic, I see a medical retirement soon in her future. She asked a Ward aged cape to deliberately kill a S rank hostile cape (with no Kill Order!) and it almost got Taylor and the PRT troopers nearby killed (by the spores).
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When Piggot is confronted about her 'request' to Taylor, is she going to be at least slightly apologetic or is she just going to go 'F it, it needed to be done, and no one else has the stones to ask'?

Because if Piggot is unapologetic, I see a medical retirement soon in her future. She asked a Ward aged cape to deliberately kill a S rank hostile cape (with no Kill Order!) and it almost got Taylor and the nearby PRT troopers nearby killed (by the spores).
Well ... it's not that she's wrong.

On the other hand, ethics left town awhile ago, with no forwarding address.
She asked a Ward aged cape to deliberately kill a S rank hostile cape (with no Kill Order!) and it almost got Taylor and the nearby PRT troopers nearby killed (by the spores).
Well, in fairness, they only didn't kill Nilbog earlier because of the deadman switches.

And don't underestimate the fact that it worked. Nilbog is off the board. A Damoclean sword has been taken down. Millions of dollars of PRT budget, all sorts of assets, can now go elsewhere. I suspect that will push things more toward a slap on the wrist, "Good job and don't push your luck by trying it again."
Because if Piggot is unapologetic, I see a medical retirement soon in her future. She asked a Ward aged cape to deliberately kill a S rank hostile cape (with no Kill Order!) and it almost got Taylor and the PRT troopers nearby killed (by the spores).
Oh she's definitely going to get a quite reprimand. But unless some dumbass politician decides THIS will be the platform they use to launch their reelection campaign, nothing would come of it. Success covers up a LOT of blemishes. And even if a politician does try something, they'd basically be throwing out their career. The public would LOVE the story of a "Firebrand Director, making the hard choices to save the people", the reporters would eat them alive.

I suspect that will push things more toward a slap on the wrist, "Good job and don't push your luck by trying it again."
Yeah, this is pretty much all I'd expect to happen as well.
The public would LOVE the story of a "Firebrand Director, making the hard choices to save the people", the reporters would eat them alive.
I mean, presented with two leaders, one who arranged the annihilation of a clear and present danger to the existence of the human race, and the other a politician trying to score campaign points...
Oh she's definitely going to get a quite reprimand. But unless some dumbass politician decides THIS will be the platform they use to launch their reelection campaign, nothing would come of it. Success covers up a LOT of blemishes. And even if a politician does try something, they'd basically be throwing out their career. The public would LOVE the story of a "Firebrand Director, making the hard choices to save the people", the reporters would eat them alive.

Did ending Nilbog save a single person, though? Ultimately, the fact is, he was already contained. All his victims died a long time ago and this didn't bring a single person back. The only positive effect it had was to allow Ellisburg to be rebuilt, and there's plenty of other land around.

Fortunately for Piggot, most Americans believe in retributive justice.
Did ending Nilbog save a single person, though? Ultimately, the fact is, he was already contained. All his victims died a long time ago and this didn't bring a single person back. The only positive effect it had was to allow Ellisburg to be rebuilt, and there's plenty of other land around.

Fortunately for Piggot, most Americans believe in retributive justice.

I mean, canonically Nilbog was more contained via "tip-toeing around him so he doesn't want to breach containment" than the containment actually stopping him if he tried. Which means that he is still an insane nutcase that violently took over an American town and is employing MAD to prevent getting taken out.

Funny thing about MAD? When it fails, it tends to really fail, as people don't tend to be in a particularly forgiving mood.

Or, to put it another way, the positive effect is that there's no longer an unstable nutcase threatening to destroy parts of the US if he wakes up cranky in the morning for whatever reason.
incidentally, i may be an idiot, because for some reason I thought I was in the A Different Path thread. Even though Nilbog was dealt with ages ago there.
Did ending Nilbog save a single person, though? Ultimately, the fact is, he was already contained.
Since the ring of troopers was the only thing dissuading him from going full Genesis Wave on the entire world, and since he clearly had the capability to break out if he really wanted to, I wouldn't consider his threat to be neutralised.
Since the ring of troopers was the only thing dissuading him from going full Genesis Wave on the entire world, and since he clearly had the capability to break out if he really wanted to, I wouldn't consider his threat to be neutralised.
True. He was at best being given the time and energy to formulate more MAD protocols for a later date. Which made him a bigger problem every day that he was not take care of.