Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

Probably with either a new hole in the roof, or an hole instead of a door.

May also be on fire. Or have screaming students on fire. Or simple screaming stundents not on fire(How boring). It also may be on fire with the students screaming but not on fire, which would be an interesting variation!
the building is screaming and on fire and Principal Blackwell is crying
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Yes, all of this. Write more please. It's nice to see a monster hunter reference.

All hail Taylos, or is it Rathlor?
Part Two: How to ... Yeah, Not Going There

Part Two: How to … Yeah, Not Going There

"Hello, Dockworker's Association, Danny Hebert speaking."

"Mr Hebert, this is Carrie Blackwell, at Winslow High School."

Danny sat up at Blackwell's sharp tone. "Principal Blackwell. How can I help you?" He blinked, worry starting to spread through him. "Has something happened to Taylor?"

"Something has certainly happened. We're not sure what."

"I … can you explain that?"

"It appears that your daughter came to school today, didn't go to class, set off a bomb in her locker, and decamped."

Of all the things that Danny had expected her to say, this was not one of them. "A … bomb?"

"Yes. Some sort of explosive or incendiary device. It destroyed her locker as well as the lockers on either side, and it damaged two more, as well as the floor and the ceiling, and it embedded the locker door in the wall opposite. It also set that part of the corridor on fire. Were you aware that she was planning this?"

"I … no. No, I don't believe that Taylor did this. She … I don't even believe that she knows how to make a bomb, much less one that would destroy her locker. Are you sure someone else didn't do this to her?"

"Well, we have police and emergency services on site; the entire school has been evacuated and a complete roll call has been taken. Taylor is not here. The conclusion is inescapable."

"I … could she have been caught … in the explosion?"

"No, the emergency services have been combing through the wreckage. There are no human remains, although there is evidence that she was also storing large amounts of toxic waste in her locker. Can you explain this?"

Danny's head was spinning. "I can't … I don't … " A blinking light distracted him. "I have a call on another line. It's probably the police. I have to take this."

Without giving her a chance to demur, he pressed the button. "Dockworker's Association, Danny Hebert speaking."

"Mr Hebert, this is Sergeant Andrews, Brockton Bay PD. Do you know of your daughter's whereabouts at this moment?"

Danny put his head in his hands. This was going to be a very long day, and he had no idea what had happened to Taylor.


"Come on, it's just a little bit farther."

I let out a disapproving screech; flying was easy for her. She didn't have to actually claw at the air with wings that used to be her arms, for every foot of movement. For her, flying was a matter of saying fuck-you to physics and just coasting in whatever direction she wanted to go.

"Oh, don't be such a whiner." She was certainly picking up on my tones; I was pretty sure that she was joking with me in return. "Seriously, you're a dragon. How cool is that? Ames is gonna be so jealous that I brought you home."

That made me blink, with that weird double-blink that my nictitating membranes gave me. I'm a dragon? I thought I was a dinosaur. Some sort of pterodactyl velociraptor thing. How did I end up as a dragon?

Okay, well, yeah, breathing fire to blow my locker door off might have been a hint.

"Come on, pick those wings up. Don't slack off now. You're nearly there." She drifted past me again, waving her fingers at me teasingly. I flapped harder, swooped at her, snapped my jaws in her general direction without any real intent to actually get her. Laughing, she rolled out of the way. "Eek! Help! There's a dragon after me!"

The laser bolt smashed into my chest; I tumbled through the air, stunned. My thoughts were disorganised; I couldn't focus. Instinct took over, and I rolled; another blast ripped past my wingtip, the air crackling in its wake. All fatigue had left me, replaced by adrenaline; I pumped my wings, powered into a short dive, then flipped up and over in a hard loop. A sharp turn at the top of the loop, avoiding a third laser shot, then I was arrowing in on the flying form that had attacked me. Opening my jaws, I prepared to send an answering billow of flame -

"No! Don't! It's only Aunt Sarah!"

Glory Girl was in front of me, blocking my path. I angled hard, changing direction so that I didn't hit her, swallowing the flame back. Friend. Do not attack.

The other one wasn't a friend, though. Just for a moment, we both hung in midair, me beating my wings, her just hovering there. A glow built up around her hands; I gathered flame in my gullet.

And then Glory Girl was between us again. She flung out her hands in both directions, and I felt her aura, calming me. "No, don't! Don't fight! Aunt Sarah, why did you attack her?"

"I … it was attacking you, dear," the flying woman responded. "Wait … 'she'?"

"Yes, 'she'," Glory Girl stated flatly. "She's not an 'it'. She's a 'person'. She's had her trigger event and changed. I think she might be a case fifty-three. She can't talk, but she can understand English, and write it."

There was a long, somewhat embarrassed pause; I let the anger ease out of my posture. My chest still hurt, though. The woman – Glory Girl's Aunt Sarah; I seemed to recall a Lady Photon, real name Sarah Pelham – addressed me directly. "I'm sorry. I reacted badly. I apologise."

I nodded, let out an acknowledging chirp. She eyed me, then glanced at Glory Girl. "What did she say?"

"I have no idea. You think I speak dragon?" Glory Girl shrugged. "But it sounded like, 'eh, what the hell' to me."

I nodded again; for someone who didn't speak dragon, she was doing all right so far.

"All right, so where are you taking her?"

"I, uh, thought I'd bring her home."

"What? Honey, no. You shouldn't just bring home every strange cape that you meet."

"Aunt Sarah, look at her. She's a dragon. How cool is that? Also, she needs help. She asked me for help."

"So take her to the PRT or the Protectorate. Surely they're better set up for this sort of thing."

Glory Girl rolled her eyes. "They'd just poke her and prod her and make her join the Wards or something. Or put her in a Case Fifty-Three program. And she doesn't want that."

Which was true; when she had proposed the idea, I had made it quite clear that I was not in favour of it. I wasn't quite sure why; I just didn't want to go there. Besides, I didn't feel like being probed by anything, ever.

"So you're taking her home?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Okay; your mother will pitch a fit -"

"She'll get over it."

"And what about the rest of your family?"

Glory Girl shrugged. "Well, Dad might actually show some interest. And Ames will probably want to keep her forever. I mean, seriously, a dragon."

Lady Photon frowned. "And what about you? Why aren't you at school?"

"Heard about a weird thing flying over the city, went to investigate. Found Taylor here."

"Her name's Taylor? How do you know that?"

"Duh, she can write."

"Oh. Of course."

"Well, then. I'll see you two home. Then I'll call your mother. Because this is not a surprise that Carol needs to find out about by walking in through the front door."

Impulsively, Glory Girl hugged her aunt. "You're the best!"

A grimace. "Still not entirely sure that this is the right course of action, but … okay, Taylor. Let's get you there, then see what needs to be done."

I answered with a screech, then stretched my wings out; as Glory Girl led off and Lady Photon paralleled me, I flew on.


The house was modest; a two-storey structure in suburbia. We came in for a landing outside the front door; I flapped my wings hard to kill forward momentum, then folded them close to my body. Lady Photon watched the manoeuvre with interest, then observed how I leaned forward and used my tail as a balance.

"Where were you going to have her sleep?" she asked, as Glory Girl opened the front door.

"Floor of my room," was the reply. "We can put down a mattress." Glory Girl went inside. "Dad! Visitors!"

"What if she doesn't sleep that way?" Lady Photon stepped back, allowing me first entry. "What if she hangs upside down, like a bat?"

"Then we set up something to let her do that. Hey, Dad, check it out. Look what I found."

Grinning, Glory Girl gestured to me as I entered the front door, just as her father – Flashbang – came in from the kitchen, with a sandwich in his hand. He stared; I tensed. But he didn't attack. He just … looked at me.

"Okay," he ventured at last. "I give up. What is it?"

I blinked; that was the most apathetic reaction to my new appearance that I had encountered yet.

"For one thing, she's a she, not an it," Glory Girl explained patiently. "And for another thing, she's a person. Her name's Taylor. She needs help."

I chirped in agreement, nodding my head.

"As far as I can tell, Victoria is correct," Lady Photon noted, closing the door behind us and stepping past me. "Taylor doesn't appear to be hostile, and seems to understand what we say."

"So why not hand her over to the PRT -" he began. I shook my head.

"She doesn't want to go to the PRT or to the Protectorate," Glory Girl elaborated.

"Okay, fine," he sighed. "Taylor, is it?"

I nodded, and gave a chirp of agreement.

He blinked, seeming a little taken aback. "Well, uh, make yourself comfortable, I guess. Are you hungry?"

I snuffled at the air; if my nose didn't deceive me, he had a fish paste sandwich. I nodded, just a little. Hungry, but not starving. Of course, flying across the city had a way of sharpening the appetite.

"Okay, uh, get comfortable. Sarah, could you keep our guest company? Vicky, a word in the kitchen, please?"

Flashbang – Mark Dallon; Glory Girl's real name was Victoria Dallon – left the room. I felt a little sorry for her, as I figured she was about to get a parental interrogation. I'd had one or two of those in my time.

"So, uh, can you even sit on the sofa?" asked Lady Photon.

I eyed the piece of furniture, and tried to work out how to sit properly. With my new body, I wasn't at all sure I could manage it. But by curling my tail out of the way, I managed to ease my way down, tucking my folded wings in close to my body. But I found it hard to sit upright; it was easier to let my weight fall to one side, to lie down. To curl up, with my tail wrapped in close to my body, my wings partly wrapped around me.

My head rested on the arm rest at the end of the sofa. I sighed; this was actually comfortable. The nictitating membranes flickered once or twice across my eyes, and then I closed my actual eyelids. I had been going non-stop since the locker, since the change, and it felt so good to relax.

With my eyes closed, I felt myself drifting away …

"Oh my god!"

My eyes flew open at Sarah's exclamation. Everything was blurry; why was everything blurry? I tried to flick my nictitating membranes across my eyes to clear whatever the problem was, but they didn't respond. I could make out her form, though, standing and staring at me. A white and gold form dashed in from the other room, also stopped and stared.

What's the matter? What's happened? What have I changed into now?

Using my wings, I pushed myself into an upright position. Opening my jaws, I let out an inquiring chirp. "What? What's up?"

That was my voice! I slapped my hand over my mouth.

My hand. My mouth.

I was back to normal. I looked down at myself.

Oh yeah, back to normal, all right. My body was all there. I could see it plainly, within the limits of my short-sightedness. Arms, legs, no tail, lots and lots of pink skin.

Yes, I was back to normal. I was also very naked.

Grabbing a sofa cushion, I held it over myself.

"Uh, some clothes, please?"

End of Part Two

Part Three
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Darn it, Ack, why do you have to keep starting new stories instead of finishing old ones, and why do they have to keep being so interesting that I'm totally cool with it?
...How did she get out of the school without being seen if she exploded her locker to get out? I am a bit... Confused on that point, unless that is what Blackwell meant when she said Taylor damaged the ceiling.
...How did she get out of the school without being seen if she exploded her locker to get out? I am a bit... Confused on that point, unless that is what Blackwell meant when she said Taylor damaged the ceiling.
Everyone was in class. And by the time anyone got there, the place was on fire and she was gone.

Note that just before the explosion, no-one who would have cared enough to let her out was close enough to hear her screaming and struggling inside the locker.
It's a shame that Taylor isn't big enough to carry passengers 'cause then Amy would've had a awesome new ride.....just imagine the looks of jealously Missy would give her!:lol:D
I can see this going in either two directions. One, she joins New Wave when her identity is ultimately reviewed because of her trigger event.
Two she is forced into the awards and then the world was cast in dragonfire.
And once again Blackwell does whatever she can to cover her ass. "WE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! YOUR DAUGHTER IS OBVIOUSLY A CRIMINAL DELINQUENT WHO MADE A BOMB!"
I kind of wish Taylor would have been stuck as a Wyvern.

Then again, it would probably be a bit harder for her to be a good guy girl if no one but Lung can understand her.
I can see this going in either two directions. One, she joins New Wave when her identity is ultimately reviewed because of her trigger event.
Two she is forced into the awards and then the world was cast in dragonfire.

the local PRT might have issues but the big guys are smart enough to understand that you don't F some one over during a trigger event. Seriously this is mild compared to what could have happened.
Then again, it would probably be a bit harder for her to be a good guy girl if no one but Lung can understand her.
But it'd be hilarious the two of them had a conversation of warped words that their mouths can't produce, while everyone else in the vicinity thinks they're roaring/growling/insulting/challenging each other, when in reality they're just discussing how annoying it is to be in the middle of a fight and just not be able to tell someone something right then and there.

"And, I mean, I just want Oni Lee to go blow that guy up and he fetched me a bucket! What's up with that?"
"Did you know Aegis thought I wanted to eat him? I'd just finished lunch before we sparred, what the hell was he thinking?"
"Actually, he's got some very nice tasting arms."
"Oh ew!"
"Oh, don't tell me you haven't thought about it."
"Not like that!"
"Oh? Ooooh!"
"Not like that!"

A few minutes later and they look around only to realize everyone else managed to knock themselves out and call it a draw. Taylor and Lung develop one of the weirdest hero/villain relationship ever seen in the Bay.

Of course, we don't even know if Lung is a thing yet. Could be something of a power swap going on.
"What? Honey, no. You shouldn't just bring home every strange cape that you meet."
Well, this was a nice line to include. Rather off-the-wall.

Grabbing a sofa cushion, I held it over myself.

"Uh, some clothes, please?"
Ah, so Taylor's power includes a Changer aspect she doesn't have real control over just yet. Whoops.

This is a very interesting start to me, what with Victoria somewhat befriending her and intro-ing her to the rest of New Wave. Looking forward to more.
Well, this was a nice line to include. Rather off-the-wall.

Ah, so Taylor's power includes a Changer aspect she doesn't have real control over just yet. Whoops.

This is a very interesting start to me, what with Victoria somewhat befriending her and intro-ing her to the rest of New Wave. Looking forward to more.

She seems like she changes in response to danger and reverts when she's feeling safe and comfortable. So maybe her version of Lung's shard?

Though it doesn't seem like she gets bigger when she transforms. So it's weird.
She seems like she changes in response to danger and reverts when she's feeling safe and comfortable. So maybe her version of Lung's shard?

Though it doesn't seem like she gets bigger when she transforms. So it's weird.
She adds a little mass (mainly for the tail and the wings) but it's not a huge amount.

She doesn't Hulk out, that's for sure.
She adds a little mass (mainly for the tail and the wings) but it's not a huge amount.

She doesn't Hulk out, that's for sure.
Sounds like not the strongest Changer power, then. I mean sure, she's got minor Brute, Mover, Thinker, and Blaster ratings from it, but overall it seems unlikely that she'll be super tough.

But we'll see! Who knows what you're hiding from us!