Writing Something Every Day*, Xantalos Edition

Feb. 5, 2020 - didn't write anything! Probably could've, I had a bit of time at the end of the day, I just didn't.

Feb. 6, 2020 - wrote 179 words for Respect Your Elders turn 9. Got a bit thrown off this week since I couldn't do my regular martial arts thing on Monday and not having that heavy workout killed my attention span - I swear I'm like a puppy sometimes, I need to exercise or I can't think right - but I'm making progress anyhow. Around 5,300 words in at the moment and I've got what looks to be 3 big sections remaining - all the anti-ork stuff, Plan analysis, and the Crystal Cavern stuff. So probably north of 10k for a wordcount total.
Nice job my dude
Wow, you got all the research bits done. I'm excited again. Good timing with the latest RF Archosaur update.
A fairly good showing for a bunch of nonexistent gits! My lizardmen will play out somewhat differently than those, though, as can already be seen by having equipment that isn't 'literal sticks and stones enchanted to power armor levels through bullshit.

Speaking of
Would my turtle drawing (from said thread) be viable in respect your elders?
It's a cool aesthetic, but the whole 'summon massive constellation beasts as a planetoid standin' isn't quite the aesthetic I'm going for, so outside of some maybes I don't think we'll be having Godbeasts appear in Respect Your Elders.
Feb. 8, 2020 - Spent a fair few hours planning out some D&D encounters for me players tomorrow, thus marking the very first time I haven't semi-improvised an entire session out of my ass in this campaign.
Feb. 9, 2020 - wrote 133 words for Respect Your Elders turn 9. Would've been more but I was busy designing what was basically a boss fight in DND terms.
How many more sections do you have left?
Or, approximately, what percent of the update have you finished?

However many I said last time, minus one 'cause I finished the dino wrangling. No idea on percentage, if I really wanted to I could stretch out the Ork sabotage bit to probably 15k words on its own. I don't wanna do this and it'll probably be way shorter, but it's still hard to predict.

However many I said last time, minus one 'cause I finished the dino wrangling. No idea on percentage, if I really wanted to I could stretch out the Ork sabotage bit to probably 15k words on its own. I don't wanna do this and it'll probably be way shorter, but it's still hard to predict.
when do you think you'll be able to start posting bits than?
when do you think you'll be able to start posting bits than?
SoonTM​! I've been kinda busy for the last few days and also have been overthinking how many segments I wanna split what I have into - don't wanna stretch it out too long or post a bunch of stuff all at once and then force y'all to wait a long while for anything new. I think I've got something decent worked out, though. Next few days tops.

Oh, right - Feb. 10, 2020 - wrote 7 words. Sat down to write for a whole hour and a half, but nothing wanted to move.
Didn't get any writing done on the 12th or 13th, but I was only home/had free time for about an hour total across those days so Imma give myself a pass there.

Feb. 14th I wrote, like 4 words in total or something. Wasn't feeling it that day for whatever reason.

Feb. 15, 2020 - wrote 106 words for Respect Your Elders turn 9. This part's fighting me a bit but I'm persevering.
Didn't write anything solid yesterday - combination of DnD planning and dissatisfaction with what I did do resulted in no progress. However, 154 words were done today (Feb. 17, 2020)!