Writing Something Every Day*, Xantalos Edition

Almost as if my subconscious mind wants to spite my expectations, I just farted out 515 words. More may yet be generated today, we'll see.
For respect your elders or your other project?
(Also you are doing great thanks for your hard work 😊)
Respect Your Elders - my other project I've pretty much done all I can for, barring coming up with way more NPCs and prearranged plot lines than I can probably handle. If I weren't committed to RYE and hamstrung by my slow update rate, I'd probably have started it already. As it is, it'll have to wait until I can reach an update average of at least once a month.
Another 281 for Respect Your Elders today before I go to sleep. Partway through rambling about the thaumaturgic distinctiveness of geomancy as opposed to various arcane and divine-flavored forms of geokinesis.
Unfortunately, what seems pretty solidly to be executive dysfunction has had me pretty solidly in its clutches all day and yesterday (judging by how my thought process has been a constant stream of 'I want to write, I should be writing, why am I not writing' as I spent almost 8 hours watching gameplay of a defunct MOBA game I played one time almost ten years ago instead of anything actually productive). I'll see if I can't squeeze some words in tonight, though - expect edits to this post if that happens.
Unfortunately yesterday was another nil one - I'll have some semblance of free time today, so I'll see about doing something.
An Inexplicable Diss Track - April 27, 2021
I, uh.

I don't know where this came from. I just saw the name somewhere and the next thing I know, this is popping out of my head. I couldn't stop myself.

Jackson, you whack, son
Why you out here talking smack, son
Looking like you smoking crack, son
I'm out here making fat stacks, son
You making pennies putting wax on
My very own brand-new Nissan
You're a fool for attacking me, son
Call me rapping Liam Neeson
'Cause I've got a very particular set of rhymes for making you bleed, son
Make your hair red, looking like Weasley's (Ron)
So shut your yabbering yap, son
Before I blast you with my gat, son
Pull out my knife and cut you up to the sound of a clock
Tick, tack, snickety snack, break you in half and eat you like a Kit Kat
Neck pinch you like I'm Spock and pump you full with a load from my long hard Glock
Gonna beat you blue and black, son
Think I won't? I've got that knack, son
I'll cut the slack and whip a belt upon your ass, son
So you best not gimme back-sass, son
Cuz yo mama looking like a snack, hun
Might pull up to your house while no one's around
Have both of you calling me dad, son
So sit down at the kitchen table and acknowledge that I'm the winner
Before I go ahead and send you to bed with no tasty chicken dinner, son
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I, uh.

I don't know where this came from. I just saw the name somewhere and the next thing I know, this is popping out of my head. I couldn't stop myself.

Jackson, you whack, son
Why you out here talking smack, son
Looking like you smoking crack, son
I'm out here making fat stacks, son
You making pennies putting wax on
My very own brand-new Nissan
You're a fool for trying to attack me, son
Just call me rapping Liam Neeson
'Cause I've got a very particular set of rhymes for making you bleed, son
Make your hair red, looking like Weasley's (Ron)
So shut your yabbering yap, son
Before I blast you with my gat, son
Pull out my knife and cut you up to the sound of a clock
Tick, tack, snickety snack, break you in half and eat you like a Kit Kat
Neck pinch you like I'm Spock and pump you full with a load from my big throbbing Glock
Gonna beat you blue and black, son
Think I won't? I've got that knack, son
I'll cut the slack and whip a belt upon your ass, son
So you best not be gimme back-sass, son
Cuz yo mama looking like a snack, hun
Might pull up to your house while no one's around
Have both of you calling me dad, son
So sit down at the kitchen table and acknowledge that I'm the winner
Before I go ahead and send you to bed with no tasty chicken dinner, son
Damn, was Jackson the one who stole your motivation? :V

Also, this gives me mid 90's white rapper vibes...I dig it.
I have legitimately no idea, I listen to some rap occasionally but I've never written any before, and I scribbled all that down inside of five minutes. I couldn't tell you where that came from.
I, uh.

I don't know where this came from. I just saw the name somewhere and the next thing I know, this is popping out of my head. I couldn't stop myself.

Jackson, you whack, son
Why you out here talking smack, son
Looking like you smoking crack, son
I'm out here making fat stacks, son
You making pennies putting wax on
My very own brand-new Nissan
You're a fool for attacking me, son
Call me rapping Liam Neeson
'Cause I've got a very particular set of rhymes for making you bleed, son
Make your hair red, looking like Weasley's (Ron)
So shut your yabbering yap, son
Before I blast you with my gat, son
Pull out my knife and cut you up to the sound of a clock
Tick, tack, snickety snack, break you in half and eat you like a Kit Kat
Neck pinch you like I'm Spock and pump you full with a load from my long hard Glock
Gonna beat you blue and black, son
Think I won't? I've got that knack, son
I'll cut the slack and whip a belt upon your ass, son
So you best not gimme back-sass, son
Cuz yo mama looking like a snack, hun
Might pull up to your house while no one's around
Have both of you calling me dad, son
So sit down at the kitchen table and acknowledge that I'm the winner
Before I go ahead and send you to bed with no tasty chicken dinner, son
Thread, send this to whoever you know is named Jackson.
Apologies, coming to grips with some personal stuff. Odd how life always seems to resurface on these 2-3 month intervals, but eh. Regardless, might be a bit. Need to contemplate.
For some reason I think Xan would like Worm, or at least what is behind the powers and wider lore. As they are quite interesting and I do ponder how his experience with the inhuman lizardmen would translate to it.
For some reason I think Xan would like Worm, or at least what is behind the powers and wider lore. As they are quite interesting and I do ponder how his experience with the inhuman lizardmen would translate to it.
I read Worm back when Wildbow was still writing it, actually - blitzed through the majority of it in about 3 days and played catch-up while he finished it. Never read Ward or anything else he wrote though.

I liked it, for what it was - at least in terms of worldbuilding it was a cool concept what with the shards and whatnot. In terms of actual enjoyment of the plot and characters ... to be honest, I could never really connect all that well with Taylor. Even during her most desperate and heroic moments like Leviathan, the way her viewpoint was written made everything she did seem really robotic and automated, almost as though she'd been suffering from extreme emotional detachment as a coping mechanism for all her trauma. If that's what Wildbow was going for, then he did that well, but it doesn't exactly make for an engaging read. I can honestly say that I enjoyed the parts with Jack Slash the most out of everything else, because even if he was a profoundly horrible person, he also had the most engaging personality out of anyone else in the series.

Also, brain surgery doesn't work like that, Contessa.