Writing Something Every Day*, Xantalos Edition

I read Worm back when Wildbow was still writing it, actually - blitzed through the majority of it in about 3 days and played catch-up while he finished it. Never read Ward or anything else he wrote though.

I liked it, for what it was - at least in terms of worldbuilding it was a cool concept what with the shards and whatnot. In terms of actual enjoyment of the plot and characters ... to be honest, I could never really connect all that well with Taylor. Even during her most desperate and heroic moments like Leviathan, the way her viewpoint was written made everything she did seem really robotic and automated, almost as though she'd been suffering from extreme emotional detachment as a coping mechanism for all her trauma. If that's what Wildbow was going for, then he did that well, but it doesn't exactly make for an engaging read. I can honestly say that I enjoyed the parts with Jack Slash the most out of everything else, because even if he was a profoundly horrible person, he also had the most engaging personality out of anyone else in the series.

Also, brain surgery doesn't work like that, Contessa.
From what I recall the detachment mainly came from the fact that she basically vented her emotions and feelings to her the Swarm of Bugs she had. And Capes do tend to cope with lot either with pre-established flaws or incorporate the power itself into that coping mechanism. Which doesn't necessarily get rid of the stress, just displaces it temporarily.

Recently I've been getting into the fan-made audio books of Worm, because I've mainly been used to second hand sources and readings of WoG statements. Like how the Endbringers have an 'effective' mass that's like trying to dig into a galaxy.
From what I recall the detachment mainly came from the fact that she basically vented her emotions and feelings to her the Swarm of Bugs she had. And Capes do tend to cope with lot either with pre-established flaws or incorporate the power itself into that coping mechanism. Which doesn't necessarily get rid of the stress, just displaces it temporarily.

Recently I've been getting into the fan-made audio books of Worm, because I've mainly been used to second hand sources and readings of WoG statements. Like how the Endbringers have an 'effective' mass that's like trying to dig into a galaxy.
Aye, and while that's both sound logic and reminiscent of some actual forms of trauma response coping mechanisms, it didn't...

It's easy to invent reasons for things. If there's one thing writing for as long as I have has taught me, it's that the universe (at least the one interpreted through the lens of the human mind) longs for completion. There's always gotta be a completion to the pattern, something to fill the holes in the chain of cause and effect. So long as you don't break one of the rules you've laid out for your creation before, it's simple to invent reasons for things that would otherwise be nonsensical happenings.

Not that the 'trauma causes powers causes more trauma' thing doesn't make sense in-story, and by the end it even manages to wrap into a resolution that makes sense for the sort of theme it pushes, but there's something missing in it. I don't have enough energy to articulate what it is right now, but it's there. The closest I can get to it is ... Worm to me feels like a work that set out to explore the psychological consequences of superpowers and the ways it'd affect those who use them, but got too caught up in the simulationist aspect of what should logically happen in-setting instead of what the story needed to keep on-theme. It's why there's so much goddamn fanfiction of it, Wildbow invested a lot of effort in exploring the background of the setting, painting the details necessary to generate a wide variety of stories in it. But at the same time there's a reason why 90% of the Worm fanfic I've seen is 'taylor gets another power, what happen' and the other 10% tends to focus around one of the characters from the pre-Leviathan arc - the setting is expansive and accommodating, but the actual defining themes and whatnot of it are confined pretty much to that.

It's a thing trying to do multiple forms of narrative conveyance at once and almost, but not quite, succeeding. It gets pretty close, Wildbow's a good writer (and a damn sight more productive than I've ever been, so I've no space to complain) but the thing's still both trying to be an expansive pseudo-comic setting storyline and a gripping, personal character drama exaggerated through the use of superpowers, and the two don't really fit together.

Course I haven't read Worm in years and I'm running a quest that's in the process of trying to do the exact same thing I'm railing against - I've got a definite plot and themes lined out for Respect Your Elders but I also freely acknowledge that the greater part of its appeal (even for me) is watching me ramble about ancient aliens magitek bullshit. So I've got no room to complain or anything.

Huh, that was a lot of words. Wonder where that came from.
As might be surmised by the lengthy delay to responding, not what most would call great. The average state of my mood has begun to improve compared to a few weeks back, and I've noticed my thoughts turning towards writing-related ideas with increasing frequency in the last week or so. Still haven't looked at a google doc in almost a month, though. I'll get there, and I'm gonna see about arranging counselling or something for myself in the meantime, because it's pretty evident to me that this pattern of mood and motivation degradation happening on a predictable basis probably isn't a normal psychological feature for most people. With luck I'll be able to mitigate or fix it and can stop being irritated at my own cognitive processes.
@Xantalos understandable it's ok if you wanna take your time dealing with this psychological issues are important and honestly I am fine with waiting knowing that you are working to improve your mental health have a nice day and know that I believe in you
@Xantalos understandable it's ok if you wanna take your time dealing with this psychological issues are important and honestly I am fine with waiting knowing that you are working to improve your mental health have a nice day and know that I believe in you
Eh, just me griping about it is a sign that I'm regaining enough mental energy to start being annoyed at it again. I'm sure it won't be too long before I'm writing again either way.
1037 words done for Respect Your Elders! Not quite sure what spurred me to start writing again, but I'm glad I still retain the ability.
"What is dead may never die."
-Obama or something
The guy certainly seems to appear in enough people's dreams speaking momentous quotes that it doesn't seem out of the ordinary for him to have said it.

Anyhow, 325 words down so far today. Last section before I can post the lizardmen research update, and as always the intro to the scene tends to be the hardest part to actually set up. Reckon I'm over that hill, though, everything should flow more smoothly tomorrow.
Roughly 400 words done today. Still haven't gotten to the actual meat of the scene yet, but this could be described as the crust, I suppose.
@Xantalos So how goes the lizard wizard stuff?
Having a lot of fun writing this current section. Relic Priest spookiness is hella cool to try to convey (plus I found some cthulhu mythos ambient soundtracks online that really get me in the vibe)

Probably around ... 320ish words done so far today? Kinda hard to count since there was a fair bit of backtracking involved in what I did today.