Writing Something Every Day*, Xantalos Edition

That's a lot of stuff...potential for lots of commentary and discussion.

I know I would comment.
If I can manage to get all the research options written out at a good pace, that'll be basically half of the update, so I'd feel comfortable to start releasing them part by part as I write the remainder of the stuff. Speaking of which...

Jan. 23, 2020 - wrote 246 words (so far) for Respect Your Elders turn 9. EDIT: Wrote 180 more, bringing the total up to 426.
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Dunno, there's certain parts that'll undoubtedly stretch longer, so measuring by wordcount isn't a totally accurate way to judge it.
The basic enchantments (temple guard equipment, talismans, etc), glyph spheres, cubes of darkness, contemplation sanctums, Quango, all three major artifacts (solar engines/engines of the gods/revivification crystals). So 6.
That's...everything but the Skink Priests of Hysh and Sacred Sites for research...oh boy oh boy!

Edit: And studying the Great Plan.
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Yeah I'm alright. Got rather severely thrown off my rhythm by a combination of staying up far too late at a friend's house throwing off my sleep pattern, a mild head cold, and getting short-notice calls into work 4 days in a row kinda preventing me from mustering the energy to do much of anything. I haven't written anything in 4 days, from the monday all the way till yesterday. Needless to say, I am affronted at life, the universe, and everything for daring to impose these circumstances on me, but before I go dig up my old plans to end all of existence I'm going to try to write some stuff today.
Yeah I'm alright. Got rather severely thrown off my rhythm by a combination of staying up far too late at a friend's house throwing off my sleep pattern, a mild head cold, and getting short-notice calls into work 4 days in a row kinda preventing me from mustering the energy to do much of anything. I haven't written anything in 4 days, from the monday all the way till yesterday. Needless to say, I am affronted at life, the universe, and everything for daring to impose these circumstances on me, but before I go dig up my old plans to end all of existence I'm going to try to write some stuff today.

But seriously, hope you feel better.
Jan. 31, 2020 - Wrote 902 words for Respect Your Elders turn 9. Sacred Sites turned out a little shorter than I initially expected, but y'know what, I'm okay with that. Feels good to do writing stuff.

Also, collating all the finished work I've done this month, including the various random snippets and whatnot posted here, I managed a grand total of 9,037 words this month! Not including the idle speculation for a vampire-themed sitcom or my idle novel planning since there's nothing concrete there, but still, not bad, I'd say.
Jan. 31, 2020 - Wrote 902 words for Respect Your Elders turn 9. Sacred Sites turned out a little shorter than I initially expected, but y'know what, I'm okay with that. Feels good to do writing stuff.

Also, collating all the finished work I've done this month, including the various random snippets and whatnot posted here, I managed a grand total of 9,037 words this month! Not including the idle speculation for a vampire-themed sitcom or my idle novel planning since there's nothing concrete there, but still, not bad, I'd say.
Much as I DESPERATELY want to see that research, I am morally obligated as a person and friendly acquaintance to praise you but advise putting your health first.
Yeah I'm alright. Got rather severely thrown off my rhythm by a combination of staying up far too late at a friend's house throwing off my sleep pattern, a mild head cold, and getting short-notice calls into work 4 days in a row kinda preventing me from mustering the energy to do much of anything. I haven't written anything in 4 days, from the monday all the way till yesterday. Needless to say, I am affronted at life, the universe, and everything for daring to impose these circumstances on me, but before I go dig up my old plans to end all of existence I'm going to try to write some stuff today.
Yeah, not trying to write was a good call there. Habits are nice and all, but I can only voice agreement with what EVA said. Your own wellbeing is practically always the top priority.
Yeah, not trying to write was a good call there. Habits are nice and all, but I can only voice agreement with what EVA said. Your own wellbeing is practically always the top priority.
Oh, I still tried, just couldn't make my brain work! Which was probably for the best.

Can't say that about yesterday, but then again skiing for roughly 12 hours doesn't leave much room for doing anything writing-related, so I'm gonna give myself a pass for that one.

Feb. 3, 2020 - wrote 79 words for Respect Your Elders turn 9.
SHAME #6 but also progress
Feb. 5, 2020 - didn't write anything! Probably could've, I had a bit of time at the end of the day, I just didn't.

Feb. 6, 2020 - wrote 179 words for Respect Your Elders turn 9. Got a bit thrown off this week since I couldn't do my regular martial arts thing on Monday and not having that heavy workout killed my attention span - I swear I'm like a puppy sometimes, I need to exercise or I can't think right - but I'm making progress anyhow. Around 5,300 words in at the moment and I've got what looks to be 3 big sections remaining - all the anti-ork stuff, Plan analysis, and the Crystal Cavern stuff. So probably north of 10k for a wordcount total.