Writing Something Every Day*, Xantalos Edition

...jeez, it's really been three and a half months since I've really written something. Welp, no better time to break that streak than the present.

Wrote 713 words for Respect Your Elders turn 10 tonight - July 19, 2020.
Well Done! It's hard to break streaks like that so congratulations! (Also, if there ever were a time where such a thing were understandable its this year)
July 26, 2020 - wrote 661 words for Respect Your Elders turn 10.

Certainly not being consistent day to day thus far, but I can feel the habit reinstating itself. Sorta. Feels good to be writing again.
Well, slow and steady wins the race, right? Better to take your time and find your mojo again rather than diving head first into it.
Well, slow and steady wins the race, right? Better to take your time and find your mojo again rather than diving head first into it.
This is how my writing always ends up happening - I start out really slowly and inconsistently and gradually speed up until I'm writing 1000+ words a day as I get closer to the end.
July 28, 2020 - 802 words for Respect Your Elders turn 10. Gonna try to do more, may or may not manage. Current total word count for turn is around 2700.
Out of curiosity, percentage wise, how much have you finished for turn 10?

I've got 4 segments of research done, with Waaagh Field and the elf spying action left to do in that sort of category. Then most of the rest of the actions taken will be combined into a big war intro post sorta thing where I give options on how the ork conflict will be handled. One war results post after that should finish the turn off, aside from maybe having a separate post for a Kroq-Gar/warboss duel if events line up that way. Tactics posts and such aren't my strong suit so I'll be keeping it relatively brief. So technically speaking I'm just shy of 1/3 done, but depending on how subsequent posts stretch out it may be longer or shorter.
July 30, 2020 - wrote 1,532 words for Respect Your Elders turn 10. Waxed a bit nerdy about the inner workings of the psychic field of the orks.
Heh, this particular instance is more due to my love of explaining things through a magical lens in a needlessly complicated fashion, but yeah it's good that I'm able to churn out that much over the course of a few hours.
August 2, 2020 - wrote 463 words for Respect Your Elders turn 10. Might've been more but I got blindsided by Kill Six Billion Demons' majestic update today and couldn't focus on writing for a little while.
August 6, 2020 - 327 words so far. Got busy for a few days there, but this is the last 'research' bit of the update, which means that I've only got this segment and a bit of tweaking one of the others to do before I post it. Can't give an accurate time estimate, but ... not too much longer.
August 6, 2020 - 327 words so far. Got busy for a few days there, but this is the last 'research' bit of the update, which means that I've only got this segment and a bit of tweaking one of the others to do before I post it. Can't give an accurate time estimate, but ... not too much longer.
By the end of the month.