Would You Look At The Time! (Worm/Ben 10)

I think we are talking about different things here. I am not talking about anyone revealing Taylor's civilian identity. I am talking of attempting to pretend that we are 10 different heroes.

On the subject of Taylor's identity being revealed, I don't think we xan afford to worry about this. Aliens won't care about the unwritten rules, and we can't remove the watch.

When we strut around in our watch, we'll be forcibly linked to the ten heroes
When we strut around in our watch, we'll be forcibly linked to the ten heroes
When alien bounty hunters come for us in Taylor's civilian identity, we'll be forcibly linked to the ten heroes as well. Unlike Ben we're not actually moving around the country, so it'll make it way easier for people to figure out what's going on.

Just saying, no point worrying about it if we can't do anything to prevent it.
Exit Khyber

Take down Crab
- According to Khyber, you're faster the Kraab. And you know that Khybers knife was capable of piercing through Kraabs armour, at least in weak areas.
-- Make it seem like you're putting Khyber between the two/like your heading towards Glory Girl(heading towards the left), then rush back around the right. As Kraabs claw is on the right side of their body, grab it.
--- Once you have the knife, aim for the joints of the limbs, try and disable them. Get that gun away from Kraab.
---- If you can't get the knife out, try your claws. If that fails, move right onto the next step.
----- Success or failure, grab Glory Girl and get out. Focus on containing the situation and keeping bystanders out of harms way.
Seven seconds pass, before the girl's chest stops shuddering, and she looks up at you with big green eyes. "Who are you?"

A few names dance across your thoughts, Zero-One. Zero to five. Kinetic 5...

Actually, that last one isn't too bad, just needs a bit of a tweak.

"You can call me Kinetic." You hiss out, giving the girl a relatively slow nod.

"I'll... I'll never forget you, Kinetic." The Girl says, rubbing at her eyes with one hand as she steps back.

You take one last look between the three figures standing off in the center of the Library atrium, and with a level of deliberate slowness, you move around to the left, sliding closer to the young heroine.

A beat of silence. "Ah, is that you choice?" Khyber asks, a small grin stretching across his toothy maw. "A pity, I'd ra-" Both Glory girl and Crab, or whatever his name is have their attention on the green skinned hunter, so as the world slows back down, you skirt round the skirt of Glory Girl. accelerating faster, a rolling arch far and away from the hunter towards his mechanical prey.

Yet, it almost looks like the grin on his face is growing as you move.

"-ther avoid-" He barely gets a word out before Glory Girl rockets forward towards Khyber.

Your hand snaps out, clawed fingers curling around the handle of the knife buried in the mercenary's armor, but nearly flinch back at the way that the blade hums in your hand, but you grasp tight, pulling the still vibrating blade free, and slipping back away from Crab.

It seems that you do so just in time, as well. The moment that there is space between you and the mechanical warrior, a blur of white goes blurring through the space, as Glory girl slams into your opponent, knocking the both of them off your feet, before crashing to the ground.

"Girl," Khyber says with a short laugh, "you are a hundred years too young to be able to face me yet."

"Oh really?" Glory Girl yells, pushing herself up into the air where she floats, before rocketing back towards Khyber.

Glancing back, you watch as the girl comes within inches of the green skinned warrior, her fist swinging out towards him. Khyber takes the smallest of steps back, his own hand snapping up, grabbing hold of the girl's forearm as he pivots around, using the heroine's own momentum to flip her over, slamming her into the ground hard enough for the floor to shatter.

However, as much as you want to focus on the other girl's fight, you don't have the time - in more ways than one. Turning back to face Crab, you come face to muzzle with the mechanical warrior's gun, barely managing to drop down, a beam of some kind of energy filling the space your head had been in a moment before.

Quick as thought you move, bringing up the knife you grabbed, where it cuts through the pistol without the slightest of resistances. You don't know what it is exactly, but something about the way that the blade of this knife hums in your hand makes it cut like nothing else you have ever seen. Stepping up closer to the mechanical mercenary, you strike out quick as lightning, the buzzing blade biting into the gaps of your opponent's armor.

With an almost silent hum, the blade slides like water into the gaps of Crab's elbows, sparking wires fraying at it's passing before you stab down into the closest two of his legs. "DAMN YOU!" He roars out, trying to rush forward, but only stumbling over himself and down to the ground.

It is clear that he is now out of the fight, leaving you the opening you need to finally turn your attention to getting Glory Girl out of here.

What you see when you turn however, leaves you more than a little worried.

Namely, while Glory Girl is breathing hard, almost listing to one side where she floats, Khyber seems just as calm and collected as he has the entire time that he has been here.

In fact, the giant green man is smiling. "Girlie, I will admit that you've given me a better fight than I expected. However you are starting to try my patience." Khyber almost growls out, "Especially with such an obvious gap in your defenses."

"What are you talking about?" The girl says, sounding more than a little cocky. "I'm invincible."

"Come at me one more time, and I shall show you exactly how vulnerable you really are." Khyber responded, his balance shifting as he moves to keep the both of you in his line of sight. The face of the matter is that you have no idea what kind of tricks that Khyber has up his sleeves, and while it seems that Glory Girl is invulnerable, he's an alien, seen a whole lot more than you can yet imagine.

He might have something that can hurt the heroine, or worse, kill her. You need to get her out of here.

From opposing sides of the warrior, both you and Glory Girl shot forwards, almost as one. Well, you certainly started as one, however one of you is a lot slower than the other. You reach Khyber first, but it is clear that he was expecting that. You are so much faster than he is, this should be simplicity itself, strike him hard and fast and get him off balance so that you can grab Glory Girl and run... But instead, somehow he flows around your strikes like water, moving only the slightest bit to either dodge your attacks, or somehow block them.

Somehow, despite the way that you are focusing on the green figure in front of you, his fist comes out of nowhere, slamming into your chest with what feels like all the force of a freight train. You are blown back, off your feet and left gasping for breath. Moving with an almost rehearsed smoothness, Khyber pirouettes, again catching hold of Glory Girl's arms, and slamming her into the ground with a mighty CRACK of shattering tile.

"Took me a few hits to notice, but I've barely hit you through this whole fight." Khyber says, one foot coming to rest on the girl's back. "Every time I do, I'm being stopped just short of your body. Hitting something else." His other foot comes to rest on the girl's bicep. "Some kind of energy shielding, unlike anything I've seen before. Flawed though. Every time you're hit," Khyber stomps on the heroine's back. "There's a moment when the shield goes down. Could see it in the way the air around you moves."

Glory Girl starts to push up, off the ground as you finally start to get your breath back, then-

Another heavy stomp, and a sickening crack of bone makes the blonde haired girl scream. Stepping back off of the girl, Khyber looks down at her. "You've got guts girl, and you've impressed me. So this is my first lesson to you, Victoria Dallon." He says, turning away and starting to walk towards Crab. "You are not immortal. You are not invulnerable. Feel this pain, learn it, understand why I gave it to you."

Reaching down, the green man picks up the mechanical mercenary with one hand. "I'll be back, eventually, for lesson two."

And with that... Khyber walks right out the door of the library, leaving you here... tired and weak, and in pain. Next to the girl with a shattered arm, and nearing the end of the watch's time limit.

You think that you have about three and a half minutes left.

[ ] Now... what the hell do you do?
...Why did we attack Khyber? Why did we attack Khyber? WHY DID WE ATTACK KHYBER?!?

Okay, damage control. We should make sure Victoria's not moving, then check if anyone has first aid training and if there's any medical supplies. We should also alert the PRT and New Wave that Victoria's down, or at least ring emergency services if we don't know how to contact them directly.

Galvanic Mechamorphs can regenerate, so once we're done, we're out of here, find some place we can detransform, then once the Omnitrix is recharged turn into a Mechamorph, it'll hopefully fix up any damage Taylor gained. If not, we might want to consider biting the bullet and heading to the PRT.
[X] Plan first aid, call, recharge
-[X] check on Glory Girl, try to help her if possible.
-[X] Call emergency services, tell them an abbreviated version of what happened.
-[X] Tell Glory Girl you will be back, leave the library, go and recharge the omnitrix
-[X] Turn back into Kinecceleran, return to the library.

I think we should try to have a good relationship with the PRT, and not avoiding the PRT should help that
...Why did we attack Khyber? Why did we attack Khyber? WHY DID WE ATTACK KHYBER?!?

Okay, damage control. We should make sure Victoria's not moving, then check if anyone has first aid training and if there's any medical supplies. We should also alert the PRT and New Wave that Victoria's down, or at least ring emergency services if we don't know how to contact them directly.

Galvanic Mechamorphs can regenerate, so once we're done, we're out of here, find some place we can detransform, then once the Omnitrix is recharged turn into a Mechamorph, it'll hopefully fix up any damage Taylor gained. If not, we might want to consider biting the bullet and heading to the PRT.
One part a slight amount of overconfidence after rolling over Kraab, one part Khyber being in between you and Victoria, and one part Taylor absolutely not wanting to show her back to Khyber, due to how big a threat she still considered him even with the overconfidence.

1. has Panacea triggered yet?
2. Does Taylor know any first aid

@Gore17 i don't think damage transfers over, at least not relatively light damage.
Uhh let's see... Oh hey, Ward gives an official time for her to have triggered finally.

huh. She seems to have triggered before Vicky. Interesting.

Yes, Pancea has triggered.

And Taylor has completed essentially the scouting first aid course, it was one of the prerequisites to becoming a CIT for the camp.
[X] Plan Bandage and Bolt
-[X] check on Glory Girl, try to help her if possible.
-[X] Call emergency services, tell them an abbreviated version of what happened.
-[X] Get out of dodge before you hit your time limit.
--[X] Grab the knife

I'm not sure if anyone's going to be waiting around for our time limit to recharge so we can come back.

huh. She seems to have triggered before Vicky. Interesting.
That... outright contradicts Guts and Glory I believe, which was stated to be still mostly cannon regarding Amy's trigger event back in Worm.
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[X] Plan Bandage and Bolt

Right now nobody is so hurt that constant vigilance would be required and we are in a time limit so yeah this seems like a good plan if anything we could ask Glory Girl who we should call if anyone but i feel that check on her and try to help her covers that.
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So this is my first lesson to you, Victoria Dallon." He says, turning away and starting to walk towards Crab. "You are not immortal. You are not invulnerable. Feel this pain, learn it, understand why I gave it to you."
Damn, Kaiba Khyber-boy. This is some Bane levels of villainous monologue right there. Worm needed more of this, good old-fashioned villainous monologues.
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I wonder if the PRT could hire him to take on some of the S-class threats on earth. I kind of want to see him take down the SH9
[X] Plan Bandage and Bolt

also did Khyber just leave the vibra-knife? because if so then Taylor should grab it as she leaves because it might be useful later and could also learn lots from it as Greymatter.
Ok, good.
Also, did Kyber pick up his knife?
No, though after that punch to the chest I doubt Taylor managed to hold on to it, So it's probably lying around near Taylor.
The knife is sitting next to you, about two feet up in the wall, where it just cut right into the wall.
Can we perform first aid in Kinecceleran form?
Yes you can.
Damn, Kaiba Khyber-boy. This is some Bane levels of villainous monologue right there. Worm needed more of this, good old-fashioned villainous monologues.
Worm was so busy trying to be all super realistic, it failed to remember that villainous monologues happen in the real world, because we as humans are super fucking theatrical as a species.