Would You Look At The Time! (Worm/Ben 10)

sorry for the delay on the update, work has just been chaos this week...

And Tuesday is when Pumpkin Spice returns... I'll hopefully have some time without everyone needing me for everything sometime in the next few days, but worst case scenario I'm actually off on Tuesday, so I'll be able to write while my coworkers deal with crazy white girls.
Losing Power wrecks hell on my writing speed
You quickly look back and forth between the massive mechanical Bounty Hunter and the strange newcomer. The worst part is that the both of them obviously know each other, which given the fact that the mechanical one knows Vilgax means that they are probably both aliens.

Probably both Bounty Hunters out to get you as well. You have got to figure out some way to get out of this, and more importantly some way to get the Hostages out of here alive.

Your head snaps up and around, looking over everything around you with an intent that vastly surpasses even the speed that the world slows when you run.

So what can you do?

The Machine one says that he is fast enough to hurt the hostages if you try and save them.
The Big one is a complete mystery, you know nothing about him.
You don't know a lot about Glory Girl. She's relatively new, but you do know that she's a bit head strong, pushing her Team into being a lot more active than they have been being.

Across the foyer of the Library there are a number of tables and chairs, the three computers that the Librarians use, and... And you guess that there are books too.

What can you use to get the Bounty Hunters to stop focusing on you?

To focus on something else... Anything else.


That... That might be enough. "So... You two are here for the Omnitrix?" You say, a little surprised at how much your words hiss past your lips. "Vilgax isn't willing to get his tentacles dirty on his own?"

The massive machine laughs, "You think that Vilgax hired us to deal with you because he doesn't want to dirty himself?" He shakes his head. "No, the Conqueror of worlds has better things to do than deal with this mudball."

"So it is simply whoever gets the Omnitrix gets the payment then?" You ask, keeping your eyes as much on each as you can. "So are you planning on sharing the prize?"

It's the other one that scoffs here. "Cute. Trying to turn us against each other so that you can get the hostages and escape?"

"Ha! Unfortunately for you, brat, that won't work." The metal one butts in, "We're professionals."

"Well..." The Big guy says, bringing everyone up short. "At least under normal circumstances. "See, this is a bit of a funny story actually, mate." The alien smiles, and it doesn't make you feel any better at all. "I'm not actually here for the Omnitrix, at least not today." He turns to you, "Don't get me wrong, I will be coming for it, eventually. However... Kraab. It's nothing personal, but I'm actually here for you."

It's only because your senses are as sharp as they are that you can clearly see what happens next - the big guy's hand flicks forward, the knife in his hand spearing through the air and burrowing into the joint of Kraab's mechanical claw. "The High Council of Pyros has a bounty on you, and me on Payroll to get you."

Kraab takes a stumbling step back from the hostages, his smaller arm flinching up to bring the gun he carries around to face the green skinned alien. That was exactly what you needed to have happen. Almost as if it had been planned, both you and Glory Girl explode into motion, snapping forward and grabbing hold of the screaming civilians before pulling back.

...The hostages are safe. That is good.

However Kraab and the other figure are still looking like they are getting ready to fight it out here in the Library.

And... from the Look that Glory Girl is giving them, you have a feeling that she is going to get in there and try and take them on.

Last thing to think about it is the fact that it feels like it's been about 2 minutes for all that, so it feels like you have about another 6 minutes before the watch times out.

What are you going to do about that?
Actual time remaining is just under 10 minutes
[ ] Help Kraab? Okay, but why?
[ ] Help the Stranger, since he says that he isn't here to catch you
[ ] Try and take them both down
- [ ] Focus on one, then the other? (which one)
- [ ] Focus on them equally
[ ] Evacuate the Hostages
[ ] Just get out of here
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[X] Evacuate the Hostages
-[X] Ask Glory Girl to stay out of the fight until either you're done evacuating the hostages or the fight threatens one of them, in which case she can intervene to get the fight moving away from the hostages. Once you're done the two of you can work together to deal with the villains, but Priority 1 should be making sure people are safe and if they're going to distract each other, that's a perfect opportunity.

I think we should communicate with Glory Girl. As long as we promise that we will fight the bad guys eventually and play to her "I'm the good guy" issues, she should work along with us.
[X] Evacuate the Hostages
-[X] Then after evacuating the Hostages help the Stranger, since he says that he isn't here to catch you.
[X] Evacuate the Hostages
-[X] Ask Glory Girl to stay out of the fight until either you're done evacuating the hostages or the fight threatens one of them, in which case she can intervene to get the fight moving away from the hostages. Once you're done the two of you can work together to deal with the villains, but Priority 1 should be making sure people are safe and if they're going to distract each other, that's a perfect opportunity.
[X] Evacuate the Hostages

I might want to help Khyber, since Kraab is a wanted man, and Khyber collecting his bounty will keep him off our back for a while.

On the other hand, if Kraab was apprehended by Earth authorities, would Dragon be able to study his tech? Or would her power not work because it's not actually tinkertech he's using and she'd have to use the scientific method like a regular person- er, A.I.?
[X] Evacuate the Hostages
- [X] then let them fight it out and pretend to leave and hide somewhere nearby. If the Omnitrix appears to have left then hopefully surviving hunter has no reason to hang around

Is there anything stopping us from just leaving and letting the PRT/Protectorate deal with it?

If they're happy to keep fighting each other we should let them, we can use the time to make sure any hostages are safe and then just leave and hide somewhere nearby.

Hopefully, the Heroes can get there fast enough to catch them but if they don't then without Taylor there the surviving hunter would have no reason to stick around either. Depending on where we hide we could also be close enough to help if our bluff fails and things really do start to go bad
[X] Evacuate the Hostages
-[X] Tell Glory Girl: "I'll get the hostages out, wait for me before you do something."
-[X] Return after you get the hostages to safety

This first then we see what else

EDIT: Edited my vote
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[x] Evacuate the Hostages

It's the boring choice, admittedly, but if we want to be a True Hero, getting people out of the fight zone takes priority.
[X] Evacuate the Hostages
-[X] Ask Glory Girl to stay out of the fight until either you're done evacuating the hostages or the fight threatens one of them, in which case she can intervene to get the fight moving away from the hostages. Once you're done the two of you can work together to deal with the villains, but Priority 1 should be making sure people are safe and if they're going to distract each other, that's a perfect opportunity.
[X] Evacuate the Hostages
-[X] Ask Glory Girl to stay out of the fight until either you're done evacuating the hostages or the fight threatens one of them, in which case she can intervene to get the fight moving away from the hostages. Once you're done the two of you can work together to deal with the villains, but Priority 1 should be making sure people are safe and if they're going to distract each other, that's a perfect opportunity.
[X] Evacuate the Hostages
-[X] Ask Glory Girl to stay out of the fight until either you're done evacuating the hostages or the fight threatens one of them, in which case she can intervene to get the fight moving away from the hostages. Once you're done the two of you can work together to deal with the villains, but Priority 1 should be making sure people are safe and if they're going to distract each other, that's a perfect opportunity.
[X] Evacuate the Hostages
-[X] Ask Glory Girl to stay out of the fight until either you're done evacuating the hostages or the fight threatens one of them, in which case she can intervene to get the fight moving away from the hostages. Once you're done the two of you can work together to deal with the villains, but Priority 1 should be making sure people are safe and if they're going to distract each other, that's a perfect opportunity.