Would You Look At The Time! (Worm/Ben 10)

So, bad news is that half of those rolls (especially the Taylor roll) are likely bad. Good news is, the food roll was good, so at least our meal isn't terrible.
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man, with her luck with these rolls I wonder who's going to try and force recruitment her when she go to get something to eat. E88, Murchents, or flartline, thou the last one wouldn't be forced recruitment and would probably be more of checking in to see if shes ok since they'll probably see her in that form as a C53
man, with her luck with these rolls I wonder who's going to try and force recruitment her when she go to get something to eat. E88, Murchents, or flartline, thou the last one wouldn't be forced recruitment and would probably be more of checking in to see if shes ok since they'll probably see her in that form as a C53
Well, with the General roll being a 72, I don't think we have to worry too much about that. Instead I think Taylor will be having a major meltdown during her meal.
I... am not sure I understand what you are asking.

The voters decided to go to Emma's house because a phone call with her dropped earlier in the summer, and now that she's back from the Summer Camp she wanted to check on her friend and find out what happened?

Really the part of your post that really confuses me is the part talking about doing the same thing twice? This was the first time that they met after the summer camp?

Also - unrelated

Vote Tally : Would You Look At The Time! (Worm/Ben 10) | Page 12 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 284-318]
##### NetTally 2.0.0

[x] This other you has a point, but you don't want to go back home to that empty house yet... Actually now that you think about it you are kind of hungry.
No. of Votes: 13

[x] YOU KNOW WHAT. FUCK IT. Today has been a total wash. You slept like shit, your best friend turned against you, you nearly died, you are hungry. Go home. Get something to eat. Hope tomorrow won't be as fucking crazy as today.
No. of Votes: 10

No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 24

Looks like you have decided to get something to eat.

Can I get a d100 for General
a d20 for Taylor
a d20 for Food
and a d50 for Reasons

It does make sense in character. But honestly? This seems like the best place for the butterfly effect to take place in. Because we went to Emma's house in the same time with the same (or similar) mindset as canon, I would have expected it to turn out a similar way.
It does make sense in character. But honestly? This seems like the best place for the butterfly effect to take place in. Because we went to Emma's house in the same time with the same (or similar) mindset as canon, I would have expected it to turn out a similar way.
It did turn out an almost identical way to the way it happened in canon... exactly because Taylor is still so similar to her canon self at this point.

The problem is that there hasn't been enough time yet for the butterflies to have grown enough to create a massive change in how things go down.
It did turn out an almost identical way to the way it happened in canon... exactly because Taylor is still so similar to her canon self at this point.

The problem is that there hasn't been enough time yet for the butterflies to have grown enough to create a massive change in how things go down.

What, though, would have happened if we never went to Emma's house?

Like, if we had met Emma alone without Sophia she would have either kept the friendship going a little longer and therefore got used to us again after the incident and the urge to be less like us would lessen because we're not depressed anymore. Or, she would have ditched us anyway, but without having to keep up appearances she probably wouldn't do such a big bullying campaign.
What, though, would have happened if we never went to Emma's house?

Like, if we had met Emma alone without Sophia she would have either kept the friendship going a little longer and therefore got used to us again after the incident and the urge to be less like us would lessen because we're not depressed anymore. Or, she would have ditched us anyway, but without having to keep up appearances she probably wouldn't do such a big bullying campaign.
Meeting Emma alone would be somewhat difficult, as she's been doing her best to avoid you.

Avoiding Sophia being there would have probably helped, but Emma has some real Dependency issues, and the best potential option would have had you stand up more to Sophia (which wasn't an option due to the Flaw against fighting), and even that would have simply not had her drop her friendship with you.

It wouldn't you know, change how Sophia acts or how Emma is influenced to act by her. (Then again, there is something mentioned in Canon by... Glory Girl, I think, where she recognizes Emma as a bitchy girl who bullied other girls at her modeling stuff)
In which you talk to yourself a lot
"Just... if we die. Then... Dad..."

The words that your other self mutters out quietly hits you hard. Your head snaps to the other girl, a growl rumbling at the back of your throat, "That's a low blow." You hiss out, and the other version of you doesn't meet your gaze, staring at the ground. For a moment you want to lash out, you want to snap and snarl and yell at the girl...

Only... she isn't wrong.

As much as you want to deny it, the fact is that Dad... he fell apart when Mom died. Over the last few weeks before you went to summer camp, he started to pull himself back together, but... if he lost you too... You don't think he would be able to handle it. Gritting your teeth, you turn away from the fallen machinery and your doppleganger, throwing a short glare over your shoulder as you stomp away.

The most frustrating part of all of this is the fact that you know that you don't disagree with your other self. All she is doing is saying things that you have been trying to ignore... Even worse, you can follow her logic, if she had been the one to lash out first, then your positions would be switched.

"So... now what?" You hear your other self ask, as she follows behind you, "I don't really want to go home..."
No... You are upset and confused over what just happened when you went to your best- to your former best friend's house, and all of those emotions are swirling around in your mind. Without any idea of what you can do about Emma, or about your dad, or about that terrifying figure that is trying to hunt you down... What you do know is that you don't want to go home. You don't want to be home alone.​

"I..." You start, "I don't know."

"I know that you don't know," complained your double, "I mean, if you knew, then I would know... right?"
And then there is this whole mess that you have just been trying to accept and not think about too hard, because there are a whole lot of questions that this whole duplicating thing has brought up that you don't know how to answer, nor do you even know if you want the answers too. I mean, the biggest and scariest question is...

Which of you is the real Taylor... which of you is the Projection? You certainly think that you are, but you would more than hazard a guess to think that your doppleganger also thinks that she is the real Taylor, and you have no idea how you would test this, or how you would react if the test proves that you aren't the real Taylor.

"I..." You start to say, before you are interrupted by the sounds of rumbling from both your and your doppleganger's stomachs. "You know what, yeah, sure, whatever. That conversation leads into things that kind of terrify me, so let's hold off on that until we get something to eat." The other you laughs, but you can see that she is just as nervous about the topic as you are. You quickly turn, taking a sharp step forward, directly into a lamp post.


The both of you cry out in unison, and as you stumble back, rubbing at your face, you can see that your doppleganger is doing almost the exact same thing.​
"Why did I feel that?" She complains, rubbing at her face.
"I don't know," You grouse back, trying to keep the bit of laughter out of your voice. Apparently, you fail to do so.
"S'not funny." Your other self complains, even as she chuckles herself.
The two of you shake off the worst of your pain, and continue down the road, more taking comfort from the fact that you are not alone, than anything else. All things come to end however, and it's only a couple of minutes before you start to hear the familiar warning beeps of the Omnitrix. The two of you barely get off the street and into an alleyway, before you feel something akin to a sharp tug at the back of your neck, and then a weight as you slap into your doppleganger. There is a moment of pressure, your body being drawn tighter and tighter against your clone, before a feeling of what you could almost describe as violent Deja vu.

For the briefest of moments, it feels almost like you can see out of your other self's eyes, the world sprawling out like some kind of panoramic photo, and there is something waiting at the edge of your thoughts. In a blaze of crimson light, the pressure vanishes, and suddenly your mind feels almost bloated.​

There is then only one Taylor, instead of two, even as you can feel the two separate sets of memories of what happened in your mind. Even stranger, it is only now that you have lost the sense that you notice it by it's absence. While there was a second one of you, you had been able to... know that it was. That you were not alone.

It's hard to explain... impossible to explain in words, because English doesn't have the very ideas set in words to explain the sensation and situation that you had experienced.

Continuing towards the boardwalk, you try and figure out what you plan to eat, along with your plans for the rest of the day. As you start to walk along side of one the small parks throughout Brockton Bay, you see a long baby blue truck come round the corner and stop next to the park. The truck starts to open up as a rather catchy little jingle starts to play. A handful of kids and families start to move over towards the truck as a mechanized voice plays over the truck's loud speakers, "It's Gyro Time!"

You have heard of the Gyro Time Truck, but you've never actually seen it yourself before. The truck was owned by a rogue called 'The Wandering Gyro', no one knew much about him. One day his truck had just shown up in Brockton Bay, rolling through the streets in search of hungering people to feed. Whenever and wherever his truck came to a stop, he would feed everyone in the area. It didn't matter to him who you were, man or woman, adult or child, hero or villain... It didn't matter. So long as you hungered, he was willing to fill your belly with piping hot food and the occasional story.

He doesn't even charge for food, saying that a smile on a happy customer is all the pay that he needs. Instead, he gets by on donations alone. In the seven or so months that he had been in Brockton Bay, he was already seen as something of a tourist attraction in and of himself, a beacon of light and hope in a city that at times seemed to have lost it's own.

The Wandering Gyro was a tall man, broad of shoulders dressed in a sharp black chef's jacket. His skin was a healthy olive, which made his startlingly blue eyes pop, and with shiny slick looking black hair pulled into a short pony tail. He had a hint of an accent when he spoke, and he was always moving. Even while he was cooking he would commonly be taking the next group's orders, and his sheer liveliness brought a smile to almost anyone he ends up speaking with.

After some deliberation, you end up just shrugging your shoulder and asking him to surprise you. He serves you a paper plate with some mouth watering lamb skewers that seem to almost melt in your mouth, and a set of a honey covered pastries, also served on skewers. You have no idea what they were, the foreign names practically sliding right out of your head. The name of the pastries was something like Lookmaeggs?

You have a feeling that you are butchering both the spelling and the pronunciations, but there really isn't much you can do about it. Now with a full belly and having gotten some time to move about town, you think you might finally be ready to spend more time in that empty house of yours. You wait at the park for the next bus, which admittedly means that you'll have to go a bit out of the way to the bus depot, and then onto a different bus to get back around to your part of town, but it was the closest bus to where you are.

Once you get back home, you've got about an hour and a half before Dad gets home from work...
What do you spend your time doing?
Choose 3, you may choose the same one more than once , also please put votes in a plan format so that it reads the multiple choosing of the same option correctly:
[ ][Eve] Test out an alien form
- [ ] Choose a number between 2-10 discounting 5 and 7
[ ][Eve] Try and figure out more about one of your unlocked aliens
- [ ] Wing Guy
- [ ] The Mechamorph guy
- [ ] Black and White swimmer guy
[ ][Eve] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
- [ ] Is there anything specific you want to see if you can figure out?
[ ][Eve] Make Dinner
[ ][Eve] Clean up around the house, it looks like Dad hasn't been the cleanest while you've been gone
[ ][Eve] Check out the news

Blllluugggh, this update did not want to come out, it just spent all it's time fighting me.

Whatever, things can start picking up from here since I have better laid out plans...
EDIT: Whoops, forgot to erase the rolls at the top, lol. And forgot to Italicize other you, and change the font for the Gyro Time Truck.
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As you start to walk along one side of the small park a few blocks from the Boardwalk, you see a long baby blue truck come round the corner and stop along the next side of the park. The truck starts to open up, and a rather catchy little jingle starts to play.

As you start to walk along side of one the small parks throughout Brockton Bay, you see a little blue truck come round the corner and stop next to the park. The truck starts to ope up as a rather catchy little jingle starts to play.

This part repeats itself.
As you start to walk along one side of the small park a few blocks from the Boardwalk, you see a long baby blue truck come round the corner and stop along the next side of the park. The truck starts to open up, and a rather catchy little jingle starts to play.

As you start to walk along side of one the small parks throughout Brockton Bay, you see a little blue truck come round the corner and stop next to the park. The truck starts to ope up as a rather catchy little jingle starts to play.
repeated text with minor difference and a typo in the second 'copy'
It didn't matter. So long as you hungered, he was filling to fill your belly with piping hot food and the occasional story.

He doesn't even charge for food, saying that a smile on a happy costumer is all the pay that he needs.
was willing to fill? customer?
[X]Plan Home Sweet Home.
[X][Eve] Test out an alien form
- [X] 4
- [X] 7
[X][Eve] Clean up around the house, it looks like Dad hasn't been the cleanest while you've been gone
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[X][Eve] Test out an alien form
- [X] 6
[X][Eve] Try and figure out more about one of your unlocked aliens
- [X] Wing Guy
[X][Eve] Clean up around the house, it looks like Dad hasn't been the cleanest while you've been gone

A bit of discovery, a bit of practice, and a bit of something I can't describe with a word starting with 'p'.
Look, crazy idea here bit lets test out ghostfreak now, in this safe controlled environment. I think he's number 10. What got him to comeback is the number of times Ben used him, so using him sparingly should be fine.

[X][Eve] Test out an alien form
- [X] 10
[X]Plan Home Sweet Home.
[X][Eve] Test out an alien form
- [X] 4
- [X] 7
[X][Eve] Clean up around the house, it looks like Dad hasn't been the cleanest while you've been gone
[X][Eve] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
-[X] see if the Omnitrix can tell you about the aliens
[X] Clean the House
[X] make dinner
[X][Eve] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
-[X] see if the Omnitrix can tell you about the aliens
[X] Clean the House
[X] make dinner
[X][Eve] Test out an alien form
- [X] 6
[X][Eve] Try and figure out more about one of your unlocked aliens
- [X] Wing Guy
[X][Eve] Clean up around the house, it looks like Dad hasn't been the cleanest while you've been gone

Apparently animal control had reports of a possible escaped dolphin in this area. I didn't notice any large animals thrashing about or making loud squealing noises though... Just an odd bit of local news before I get on with things. ;)

Anyway, making dinner is a definite yes, good food may not always cheer people up but it sure helps, and crappy food or just "ugh, gotta cook now..." is sure a wet blanket to me. Cleaning up around the place also sounds like a good idea - at least some studies have suggested a messy environment is as bad as being a bystander to a loud argument for causing stress (with wide variations from person to person of course) and any bit of that that can be removed will only help with Danny and Taylor recovering from/not falling back into depression. I have no strong feelings on the alien stuff aside from it being a good idea to keep sciencing it so Tay can eventually figure out how it will twitch when she pokes it with a stick, so I'll just go with the plan that already has the housekeeping included.

[X][Eve] Experiment to see if you can figure anything out about the Omnitrix
-[X] see if the Omnitrix can tell you about the aliens
[X] Clean the House
[X] make dinner
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