Wormverse ideas, recs, and fic discussion thread 1

Instead of having it be a multimedia crossover I recommend you just limited to Worm and My Hero Academia.
That probably would've been more...I guess concise is the word? I still thought doing it this way would force me to handle all characters with equal time and care. I mean, nearly every character has an arc or helps with an arc.

I don't if I'll continue it. Cause I wanted Skitter's first interaction with newly characterized Ultimate to be the Worm/MHA/Ultimate/RWBY crossover I have in the works. (I had Ultimate meet Skitter before, though there, he was a narcissist and not just some shitty teen. It's way closer to his characterization after his original development)
I'm been thinking about the idea of having the Straw Hats pirates (post timeskip but pre-Wano) getting isekai into Brockton Bay during the S9 Arc... how much would Luffy and his crew change the events of the story?
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Post-timeskip Straw Hat pirates could very plausibly take on the Slaughterhouse Nine and win, so that's really a big deal.

Like, Luffy has Conqueror's Haki to knock out Manton/Siberian (and others), we already saw Chopper able to mix up medicine for Queen's manga-plagues on the fly in and he didn't gain any power-up that required that after the time-skip so they could mostly handle Bonesaw, and post-Timeskip Luffy can level a whole city in one hit via Gear Four.

Even Nami and Usopp are tough enough from being in a Shounen world that they probably qualify for brute ratings, we saw Usopp be so negative on Thriller Bark that Perona's Negative Hollows didn't work on him, so it's not like Cherie would be reliable either, and none of the Straw Hats have Corona Pollentia or Gemma for Jack Slash to get hints from.

If the Slaughterhouse Nine didn't get wiped out quickly, it would result in them very quickly running away.
I'm been thinking about the idea of having the Straw Hats pirates (post timeskip but pre-Wano) getting isekai into Brockton Bay during the S9 Arc... how much would Luffy and his crew change the events of the story?
Reading One Piece lately? This is the second One Piece prompt from you. Lol.

On that note. I feel something more interesting than having the Straw Hats Pirates fights the Slaughterhouse Nine, is what happens afterwards. Dealing with the totalitarian effect on media, a conspiracy that threaten lives of hundreds, if not more, and with heroes that are as immoral as the villains.

It won't be new for them, but they won't stand for it.
I thought a fanfic idea where Taylor, Lisa, Brian, Rachel, Alec, and Aisha get trapped in the digital circus. Taylor is the Pomni, Lisa is the Ragatha, Brian is the Kinger, Rachel is the Zooble, Alec is the Jax, and Aisha is the Gangle. (Doesn't really fit, but it's all that's left)

I also had the same idea but as a crossover between capepunk stories, but that in itself is a story for another day.
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Someone elsewhere asked a question of if anyone knew a fic where Taylor has a split personality and completely disassociates her civillian life with her cape persona?

And that reminded me of a similar idea I had but it was with Vicky. The plot was that due to Amy messing up with her head and not knowing what she was doing she accidentally created three alter egos in Victoria.

The first her old persona Glory Girl

The second is the Warrior Monk

The last is The Scholar

The story would be Victoria having to learn to live with her unique condition and while it is manageable as the personas only assert themselves every two weeks Victoria is worried what her other selves made get up to when she's not in control as they are kinda quirky and a bit unpredictable.
The Power of Positive Thinking
---=- 😉 - 🫂 - 🤣 -=---​


Sophia's eyes snapped open as she activated her power and sprang upright... or tried to. Instead she lurched just enough to drift through her blankets, and turned solid again before the weak effect gravity could exert on her Breaker form would leave her with them embedded in her back. Her limbs felt numb and refused to respond, and her thoughts moved just as slowly.


Without being able to turn her head, she could only make out a vague human figure across the room, outlined by her closet door. She tried to tell herself the surge of emotion tingling through her body was rage at this fucker coming into her home and using some Master shit on her, not terror.


Sophia tried to cuss at the fucker, but her mouth and voice were just as paralyzed. All that emerged was a faint mumble.


What? That didn't even make sense, it sounded like she was free to terrorize the scum as much as she liked, and anyone who couldn't fucking suck it up wasn't worth helping in the first place. Baby Vista and the rest of the Wards were pains in her ass but she worked with them anyway, didn't she? Not that she wouldn't and didn't bounce any time she could, but she at least kept Piggy happy enough not to be chewing her ass more than once a week or so.


Sophia struggled harder against the numbness binding her limbs; she was gonna punch that smug notherfucker right in the--

Her eyes snapped open, and Sophia sprang upright, phasing through the blankets wrapped around her to land in a ready crouch at the foot of her bed. The outfit she'd picked out for the next day hung where she'd left them from the hook on her closet door, complete with the beret Emma had insisted was both badass and cute when she'd dragged Sophia along on a Boardwalk "bargain hunt."

"What the fuck brought that on?" she muttered to herself. For a moment she considered calling it in anyway, but to hell with dealing with M/S bullshit over a stupid, fucked up dream. Stepping around her bed with a measured pace, she walked over and picked the beret up off the hook, then draped the clothes over the back of the chair at her desk before tossing it in the seat and going back to bed. She had school in the morning, there was no time to waste sitting up and whining about stupid dreams.

The still annoyingly clear memory flashed back to the front of her mind when she almost seemed to skip along at a jog from normal walking steps after Emma's face lit up at the sight of her when they met that morning, nowhere near as light as when she used her power but definitely too much to be imagining it, let alone the stressed creak when she grabbed the dooir handle. Winslow was a shithole, but they did at least keep the latches on the main doors in functional condition, even if the locks relied more on no one wanting to be there if they didn't have to be.

When that lightness vanished as she made eye contact to cow that spineless suck-up Madison, doubts began to niggle. With the wieght in her steps and worst track time ever after giving Hebert a shove back onto the bench in the locker room before phys ed, she was left with seething frustration over the fact that yes, she probably was going to have to put up with a bunch of M/S bullshit over something that should have just been a shitty dream. She had no leads of who might be fucking with her if it was real, and it was starting to look too fucking real when that feeling of weakness weighing her down that had started fading from earlier suddenly doubled as she helped Emma corner Hebert at lunch, despite not giving her more than a glare and a scoff.

It couldn't be Hebert herself, right? The voice had been nothing like her, and that spineless nobody could never have the strength to have gained powers. She tested it by tripping Veder in last period, when Emma had confirmed Hebert was in class with her on the other side of the school with a quick text. There was no way Hebert could somehow be watching to apply some shitty "penalties" and yet she could barely stay stable on her feet and her arms trembled from just shrugging on her book bag afterward.

This fucking sucked.

---=- * -=---​

Not a new idea, probably not something that would make a major change in the overall outcome of Worm as long as it's already after Taylor's trigger, but bestowing the power of positive thinking on Sophia amuses me just for how much she'd loathe having to play nice (by her standards) just to keep from being under a crippling debuff, and how even slightly leaning into it and accepting the prosthetic moral compass could let her turn into a top-tier Brute on top of her existing powers just by stacking the buff from being a good teammate and building positive rep with the public.

And it couldn't happen to a more deserving little bitch of a "hero" either

edit: Note, that's a triple debuff stack to put her at "very weak for a teenage girl" having trouble with her book bag, while just one made for a personal worst time for gym class warm-up laps, and a single buff before getting used to it gave her walk the pace of a marathon runner and grip strength like a strong adult male. Physical endurance and toughness would scale likewise and she should also be smarter and have better recall, but the latter two are hard to show in a short bit of text.
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Okay so I have an idea for a fusion fic where characters from Worm live in the One Piece world and story is about sixteen year old Greg Veder who wishes to set out to the Grand Line as an adventurer (the official job he and his crew has is finding Devil Fruits and selling them) and gathers a crew from Brockton island (and beyond) to join him.

Greg Veder-Captain/Sniper
Emma Barnes-Lookout (Night Shift)
Madison Clements-Musician
Victoria Dallon-Navigator
Dean Stansfield-Doctor
Ashley Stillons- Lookout (Day Shift)
Mr. Lavere-Cook
Colin Wallis-Shipwright
Sophia Hess-Colin's apprentice

Now three of the characters are going to have devil fruits (filler) and I already have chose them and who will get them but I also want to make some of the characters into Minks and Fishmen, so any advice which ones I should pick? (Save Greg and Emma)
So I decided to change my Worm/One Piece fusion fic idea where now story centers around the idea that an island from the Grand Line teleported to Earth-Bet just outside Brockton Bay (after the Bombing arc but before Leviathan arrives) now on the island is a Marine ship (which is badly damaged) and a Pirate ship. (which escapes into the city)

The PRT sends people to the island and they find some sixty odd marines including the Vice Admiral Kenta, Captain Barnes Emma, and Lieutenant Commander Stillons Ashley and they request PRT help in capturing the Antares pirates led by their Captain Dallon D. Victoria on behalf of the World Government.

The story would be about a culture clash between the people of Earth-Bet and the Marines and Pirates of the One Piece world such as the PRT with them having modern day justice vs some of the Marines having (especially Emma) Absolute Justice and meanwhile the pirates don't understand why the (supervillian) gangs listen to (certain parts) of the Unwritten Rules:
  • Respect the secret identities of fellow parahumans.
  • No attacking the civilian family members of parahumans.
  • Try not to use lethal force.
  • No widespread attacks against civilians.
  • Enslaving others with mind control is not permitted.
  • Don't use guns. If you absolutely have to carry a gun be careful using them.
  • Stick to less "lethal" archaic weaponry, swords crossbows shields, things that work with powers.

The idea of pirates not using guns, (even if they have powers) not trying to kill, or not trying screw over your competitors by any means possible sounds insane and stupid to them.
So I decided to change my Worm/One Piece fusion fic idea where now story centers around the idea that an island from the Grand Line teleported to Earth-Bet just outside Brockton Bay (after the Bombing arc but before Leviathan arrives) now on the island is a Marine ship (which is badly damaged) and a Pirate ship. (which escapes into the city)

The PRT sends people to the island and they find some sixty odd marines including the Vice Admiral Kenta, Captain Barnes Emma, and Lieutenant Commander Stillons Ashley and they request PRT help in capturing the Antares pirates led by their Captain Dallon D. Victoria on behalf of the World Government.

I feel like "holy shit, we're in another world" revelation would take priority over capturing a bunch of criminals. It's not even like Earth Bet lacks the knowledge of parallel universes, they have the tech to exchange information, so it may not even be a situation where the marines are definitely tapped in the new world for good.

Like, they'd warn the PRT about a group of dangerous scoundrels on their territory and may offer to assist them in capture, sure, but getting back home would probably be more important to them overall.

The idea of pirates not using guns, (even if they have powers) not trying to kill, or not trying screw over your competitors by any means possible sounds insane and stupid to them.

So, the thing about the unwritten rules is that they're far more fragile than the fandom often assumes and also possibly half-bullshit. People follow them, mostly, because they're locked in a precarious power balance, with major gangs being unable to strike at each other decisively enough to avoid retaliation, which would weaken them against whoever they didn't hit first (Kaiser strikes at Lung's gang with lethal force, Lung goes after Kaiser's subordinates, then Coil sweeps them both). And also make them the first priority for the Protectorate.

When they think they can get away with it, however, everyone's perfectly fine with breaking the rules left and right. The whole story started with Lung deciding to kill the Undersiders because he's strong enough to finish them off in one strike, and nobody would really care. It's also established that independent heroes don't live long because they tend to be ganked precisely because they don't have support network capable of providing an implicit threat against their killers.

Marines may find it weird for villains to deliberately limit themselves out of moral concerns or the like, but they probably understand power plays and the concept of Mexican standoff well enough.

(Also, the treatment of guns in Worm is... rather inconsistent. Coil's forces at least use them openly.)
I feel like "holy shit, we're in another world" revelation would take priority over capturing a bunch of criminals.
(Also, the treatment of guns in Worm is... rather inconsistent. Coil's forces at least use them openly.)
These are the Marines, led by what sounds like one of Akainu's fanatics.

Probably given a pass at least partially because they are otherwise normal human mercenaries that use Tinkertech.
These are the Marines, led by what sounds like one of Akainu's fanatics.
Emma herself and most of the rank and file are fanatics and while Lung is not he does have to follow orders and they are to capture the Antares Pirates no matter what.

Like, they'd warn the PRT about a group of dangerous scoundrels on their territory and may offer to assist them in capture, sure, but getting back home would probably be more important to them overall.
About that, the island actually does this once every fifty years according to legend but it will go back to grand line in three months so they will go back home eventually.

So, the thing about the unwritten rules is that they're far more fragile than the fandom often assumes and also possibly half-bullshit.
Oh, I'm aware of that, the pirates are just shocked that those specific rules I mention are even a thing at all.
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Oh, I'm aware of that, the pirates are just shocked that those specific rules I mention are even a thing at all.
I'm curious as to why though?
Especially since-
  • Don't use guns. If you absolutely have to carry a gun be careful using them.
  • Stick to less "lethal" archaic weaponry, swords crossbows shields, things that work with powers.
-describes most of the shenanigans of Doflamingo's crew, with about a handful of exceptions.
In fact, most pirates that have powers of some sort tend to ignore guns more often than not.
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Ah speaking about Victoria so here are the members of the Antares pirates:

Captain: Dallon D. Victoria AKA The Scholar who has a bounty of 455 million and has eaten the Candy-Candy Fruit.

Doctor: Stansfield Dean who has a bounty of 300 million who has no devil fruit but is expert of Six Powers.

Navigator: Biron Missy who has a bounty of 250 million and has eaten an unknown devil fruit.

(I may change it to someone else)Shipweight: Wallis Colin AKA The Great Builder who has a bounty of 100 million and has eaten the Mini-Mini Fruit.

Sniper: Hannah who has a bounty of 90 million who has no devil fruit.

Cook: Dennis who has a bounty of 80 million and who has eaten the Hard-Hard Fruit.

Helsman: Hess Sophia AKA Condoriano who has a bounty of 14 million and who has eaten the Magic-Magic Fruit.

Some details about this fanfic in case I continue it.

  • Ultimate forms a rivalry with Bakugo.
  • Midoriya and Taylor become friends.
  • Genos is revealed to be a teacher.
  • Bakugo feels insecure because of the power of Invincible, Jenny, Chat Noir, and Todoroki.
  • Ultimate becomes the new punching bag in the school for being an ass. Seriously, he's a bad person.
  • Spider-Man self-esteem issues are explored.
  • As are Ruby's.
  • Ladybug is made the leader of the class at one point.
  • Marinette and Adrien's relationship is explored.
  • As is Static protesting nature.
  • One of the villains from my works arrives at the school to attack it.

This isn't even tenth of all the plot points, character beats, worldbuilding and the like I have planned.
How horrified would the Undersiders feel about the concept of Devil Fruit Reincarnation?
You mean someone dies and their super-power goes up for grabs? The fruit potentially reincarnates elsewhere out of anyone's control?

Lisa would definitely think "we don't need all sorts of chaos from those wild cards getting into the wild" but I think horrified is far too strong a word since even in canon One Piece getting dark we don't see anyone other than Blackbeard specifically targeting and killing people to free up their Fruit powers, and One Piece has way more casual atrocities than Worm does.
Have there been any decent fics where someone other than Coil gets Coil's powers? I was trying to think of how a hero would use his ability. It was definitely handy for his villainy, but it could be used to protect people and deal with surprise attacks, etc.
Have there been any decent fics where someone other than Coil gets Coil's powers? I was trying to think of how a hero would use his ability. It was definitely handy for his villainy, but it could be used to protect people and deal with surprise attacks, etc.

The core issue with Coil's power is that it's background character powerset. It's very hard to write a protagonist consistently using it because it essentially amounts to "that impactful scene you just read and wept over? Psyche, didn't happen." Which is a cool trick you can pull off once, in an interlude, but not every other chapter.
The core issue with Coil's power is that it's background character powerset. It's very hard to write a protagonist consistently using it because it essentially amounts to "that impactful scene you just read and wept over? Psyche, didn't happen." Which is a cool trick you can pull off once, in an interlude, but not every other chapter.

Yeah good point.