Wormverse ideas, recs, and fic discussion thread 1

I remember the fic where Taylor had Coil's power, and after a big moment the story on SB had her make one decision and the one of SV had her make the other, and then they diverged and she became very different people in each one. The Taylor who made the callous decision became far more villainous even as she joined the heroes, while the more heroic Taylor helped villains.
You do realize they're competing with a series that has hundreds of thousands of people dying every month?
Which one is which? Endbringer attacks aren't every month, nor do I consider Endbringer attacks to be "atrocities" as they are more like natural disasters that no sane person has the power to cause or prevent.

One Piece has the government raze and exterminate multiple inhabited islands in backstory and on-screen, plus slavery: the Worm government might put in Containment Areas for problem zones, but stuff like the Buster Call of Ohara would be the equivalent of the Triumvirate taking a team to raise Brockton Bay to the ground with all inhabitants killed in order to silence all the people that Echidna's Eidolon Clone told about various Cauldron secrets, and then putting a multimillion bounty on the capture of one surviving kid who might or might not have known something.

Alexandria doesn't kidnap people off the streets into slavery the way World Nobles do with legal backing and Marine support, and for all their immoral actions the authorities in Worm are genuinely trying to prevent total human extinction (albeit with really shady and stupid methods) while One Piece government authorities are the selfish and hedonistic World Nobles.
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Which one is which? Endbringer attacks aren't every month, nor do I consider Endbringer attacks to be "atrocities" as they are more like natural disasters that no sane person has the power to cause or prevent.

One Piece has the government raze and exterminate multiple inhabited islands in backstory and on-screen, plus slavery: the Worm government might put in Containment Areas for problem zones, but stuff like the Buster Call of Ohara would be the equivalent of the Triumvirate taking a team to raise Brockton Bay to the ground with all inhabitants killed in order to silence all the people that Echidna's Eidolon Clone told about various Cauldron secrets, and then putting a multimillion bounty on the capture of one surviving kid who might or might not have known something.

Alexandria doesn't kidnap people off the streets into slavery the way World Nobles do with legal backing and Marine support, and for all their immoral actions the authorities in Worm are genuinely trying to prevent total human extinction (albeit with really shady and stupid methods) while One Piece government authorities are the selfish and hedonistic World Nobles.

Well damn, apparently I need to read more One Piece.

Speaking of One Piece. I had an idea that I might post snippets of here

It has two directions, one of the directions Taylor, Deku, Ruby, and my own character Ultimate end up in One Piece. Ultimate makes a ship and they sail to find their way back home.

The other directions is I could make it a Fusion Fic. Where Captain Izuku works with His first mate, Taylor, his sniper, Ruby, and traitorous shipwright, Joey.
If you did the Fusion Fic it would basically be In Name Only characters with a few referential traits to the inspirational material, so you might as well swap them with OCs since you'd presumably be introducing other OCs anyway to pad out the crew.

Well damn, apparently I need to read more One Piece.
For such a happy and goofy show, it never hesitates to show off how bad abuse of governmental authority and military power is, and it gives plenty of reasons for how and why the criminal pirates can end up being the good guys.
If you did the Fusion Fic it would basically be In Name Only characters with a few referential traits to the inspirational material, so you might as well swap them with OCs since you'd presumably be introducing other OCs anyway to pad out the crew.
Not necessarily, I have manages to make fusion fics before while staying as faithful to the original characters as possible.

But I see your point in that Izuku wouldn't want to be a pirate. Maybe I'll have him be an admiral.

That would actually probably fit better. All of these characters want to be heroes. So it makes sense to make them admirals. And have them conflict with pirates, (maybe even the Straw Hats crew with a few new but familiar faces?) introduce them to the grey morality, the good pirates…

And possibly even have an arc where Taylor joins the other side. Probably the Straw Pirates. And she has to decide whether to stay with them or not.

Also, I was planning on expanding the crew (if you can still call it that) but with characters from the series featured in this fic. Maybe unconventional ones, For unique character interactions, but still from the series featured.
For such a happy and goofy show, it never hesitates to show off how bad abuse of governmental authority and military power is, and it gives plenty of reasons for how and why the criminal pirates can end up being the good guys.
That's what I've been hearing. And that One Piece's worldbuilding is as great as Lords of the Rings. (Maybe even greater in terms of creativity.) Which considering what we're talking about, is quite the feat.

Edit: spelling.
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Well damn, apparently I need to read more One Piece.

Speaking of One Piece. I had an idea that I might post snippets of here

It has two directions, one of the directions Taylor, Deku, Ruby, and my own character Ultimate end up in One Piece. Ultimate makes a ship and they sail to find their way back home.

The other directions is I could make it a Fusion Fic. Where Captain Izuku works with His first mate, Taylor, his sniper, Ruby, and traitorous shipwright, Joey.
I'm going to give the inverse of Obloquy's advice and say that you should start by figuring out why each character ends up as a pirate. It's easier in the non-fusion-fic, because they have a clear goal that could clash with the World Government, and in any case each of them has morals that clash with the Government's justice. The hard part might be figuring out how to justify a de-iseka-inator that the quarter could track down existing on the Grand Line.

With the fusion fic, you'd need to reverse engineer their backstories in a way that gives them sufficient conflict with the World Government that they end up pirating together. I don't know much about Ultimate, and what little I do know makes it seem like he'd end up in conflict with the WG anyhow, so I'll focus on the other three.

Taylor is honestly pretty easy, because her backstory can easily be transposed into pretty much any universe with functional institutions and comes with a free reason to dislike the Government. The biggest risk would be One-Piece-ifying it in ways that make her story worse, like making Emma and Sophia World Nobles who Taylor somehow escaped from, or copying 90% of Robin's backstory.
She's a borderline outsider of some kind, who ends up getting pushed definitively into the "okay to mistreat" zone by people with a bit more respectability than her. Eventually, she happens to find the Swarm-Swarm Fruit and gets the hell out of Dodge Island. Easy.​
Ruby and Izuku are a bit trickier, because their backstories align them strongly with the Powers That Be.

Ruby wants to be a Huntress, both because of the variety of great heroes who have been Huntsmen and Huntresses in the past, and because her parents and their social circle were all also Huntsmen. For all that Huntsmen help people, they also protect the status quo, inequities and all.
The easiest way to square this circle would be to find-replace "Huntress" with "Revolutionary". They're also a community of badasses who mostly know others from that community. But that leaves you with the problem of why she would end up on some random pirate ship.​
Maybe Ruby's family could be from some local warrior order that comes into conflict with the World Government? Something that the World Government could disrupt or scatter without completely fucking over some other aspect of the setting. I'm imagining something like the Kuja Pirates, but with less plot relevance.

And then there's Izuku. Sweet summer child Izuku. His backstory is built around two conceits: He is an ordinary human in a world of superhumans, and he idolizes the man who represents the world's most important rotten institution.
I don't know if you can imitate Izuku's Quirkless baggage in One Piece's setting. But I have a pretty good idea of how you could wrangle the other.

First off, Izuku's idol is Monkey D. Garp, Hero of the Marines. Second, he's a young seaman in the Marines who is recognized as having potential. Maybe Garp trained him personally when he was a mere chore boy, since that's the closest he can come to passing on the Quirk he doesn't have.
Second, Izuku's ship ends up on the Marine ship that gets sent after the other three characters once they've attained a drop of notoriety. He's given chances to capture or kill them at some cost his personal sense of justice is unwilling to pay, and his "weakness of character" sees him punished by his superiors. Optionally, rinse and repeat for a couple confrontations.
Eventually, the Marines call him a traitor and throw him overboard. Luckily, the pirates are willing and able to fish him out of the sea before he drowns.

Splendid stuff, Wyrm. I wish I could give it two insightfuls. I actually decided that it made more sense for them to be Admirals instead of pirates. In the isekai fic, they could be pirates. sure, but not in the Fusion fic, which I'm starting to favor.

The stuff you wrote on Taylor, Ruby, and Izuku was top-notch. As for Ultimate, I changed him a lot from the last story you saw him in. He's no longer a narcissist. At least not clinically. I see him as Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes if he was a teenager. A kid trying to be Tony Stark. Gumball Watterson, if he tried to be Deku.

Just a stupid, selfish, unlucky teen.

I wrote more in this very thread, if you want me to dig it up.

Edit: I realized I used admirals in place of Marines. whoops.😅
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I have interesting idea involving Greg:

The premise is that Greg has a power (not a parahuman power) that allows him with the ability to "tune" other people by either firing beams that decrease the abilities, bodily functions, and powers of people at random but the effects wear off after an hour.

An example of this is he hits Miss Militia with the power and she can only create toy guns and plastic knives or if he hits Vista with the power she would have only 1/10 eyesight.

The other aspect of his power that is by touching someone Veder can make finer and accurate adjustments and unlike the beam power it's permanent. (though the process takes an hour or two)

An example of this is Greg is able to give Ashley 100% control of her power and decrease the side effects of it such as the recoil. (but can't get rid of them all together)

With this power Greg has decided he's going to help the d-list heroes and villains (save for villain tinkers) with the "striker" ability because he feels it's unfair that they are bullied and mocked because they don't have control of their powers and the first person he goes to with the offer is Ashley Stillons AKA Damsel of Distress.

Now at first Ashley is paranoid believeing it may be a trick but Greg (by a miracle) convinces her he's telling the truth and she gives her consent and once he's finished and he gives her complete control over her ability Ashley however realizes what this can mean for her she tries to convince him to stay.

At first Greg says no because he has other plans...then Ashley sits on Greg lap and starts caressing his face and at that point he was pudding in her hands... and now Greg is part of a Supervillain duo with a villain who is VERY unstable, emotionally abusive towards him, and who may kill him on a whim and he wants to leave but can't because he's afraid she'll track him down and kill him and... Greg has fallen "in love" with her and wants to help her even if that means he won't make it out of it alive.
The premise is that Greg has a power (not a parahuman power)

I'm assuming you mean he doesn't have a shard? Cause parahumans are just people with powers in Worm. I mean, even the term parahumans means 'more than humans' so it isn't necessarily about shards.

With this power Greg has decided he's going to help the d-list heroes and villains

Why villains? Even with the explanation that 'he doesn't think it's fair that they are bullied' doesn't make sense. It just reminds me of Garou, who motives I didn't like. Cause like with Garou and monsters, villains are typically bad people. Who cares if they are bullied? In all honesty, it'd be interesting if you did something with Greg and his crush on Taylor, and her being a villain. Maybe he even tried to help her instead. Which brings me too…

At first Greg says no because he has other plans...then Ashley sits on Greg lap and starts caressing his face and at that point he was pudding in her hands... and now Greg is part of a Supervillain duo with a villain who is VERY unstable, emotionally abusive towards him, and who may kill him on a whim and he wants to leave but can't because he's afraid she'll track him down and kill him and... Greg has fallen "in love" with her and wants to help her even if that means he won't make it out of it alive.

Ashley is a teenager right. I haven't read Ward yet so I wouldn't know. Then again, you do appear to be deconstructing the relationship by making abusive so it might not matter.

Why Ashley though? For unique interaction, you can get that by having Greg help Taylor and also talk to the Undersiders. I'd love to see what Regent and Tattletale say to him.
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Why villains? Even with the explanation that 'he doesn't think it's fair that they are bullied' doesn't make sense.
Slight change to the idea:

Greg was originally planning on being a hero and encounters Shadow Stalker on his first night out. Sophia immediately recognizes him as Greg because his costume was so poor that she easily recognize him and doesn't take it well that a "weakling" like him has such a good power so she lies to her superiors saying he's a secret master and the PRT labels Greg as a villain forcing him to flee the city because she also outed him. Greg decides to empower all of the loser villains on his travels in exchange for both place to stay for bit while he's on the run and the other is he wants losers like him to come out on top for once.

For unique interaction, you can get that by having Greg help Taylor and also talk to the Undersiders. I'd love to see what Regent and Tattletale say to him.
There's another fic with a similar premise that I highly recommend.

Crouching Tiger Goes to Prison [Worm][Au-of-an-AU]

Ok, I promised people I'd make a new thread when I made this a thing. so here's the new Thread...
Slight change to the idea:

Greg was originally planning on being a hero and encounters Shadow Stalker on his first night out. Sophia immediately recognizes him as Greg because his costume was so poor that she easily recognize him and doesn't take it well that a "weakling" like him has such a good power so she lies to her superiors saying he's a secret master and the PRT labels Greg as a villain forcing him to flee the city because she also outed him. Greg decides to empower all of the loser villains on his travels in exchange for both place to stay for bit while he's on the run and the other is he wants losers like him to come out on top for once.

Having characters have multiple motivations does make them more interesting.

Would Shadow Stalker lie to her superiors though? I suppose considering half the shit she does when they aren't looking it isn't out of character. But do you have any idea on the villains he will help? Or are you still going for Ashley?

Because if Shadow Stalker recognizes him, Greg might put two and two together and learn that it's one of his classmates. (He did figure out that Skitter was Taylor) and that'll mean he'd probably go to Taylor.

Don't feel pressured to do it right away though. After all, he could stay with other villains, like Skidmark, or Coil. (Because I'd find it funny. Don't know about you though.)

There's another fic with a similar premise that I highly recommend.

Thanks, will check out.
do you have any idea on the villains he will help?
Here's an example of a cape that Greg wants to help.

Hubbub is a F-class cape who has a power side effect that makes people hear voices the more they're with him, to the point of losing their minds. He's something of a free agent, a decent brute that's looking for a team, a mission, and success, but the power drawback is a hefty one and nobody's really gone to the effort to figure out a workaround (except sort of the PRT but he doesn't believe in the PRT). A lonely, wary cape who's been around for 15 years and may be in the running for capes who've gone the longest looking for a team.

Hubbub's primary power is that he creates a sphere of energy that is always stuck to his left hand. It is more effective against smaller projectiles but if he can plant his feet and position right, it'll take the force of bigger attacks and just push him back. Small projectiles and ambient hazards, though, will get sucked in and absorbed- even bullets passing within 5' of him will get pulled in and only bullets fired from a 90 degree cone behind him can hit him. Ambient effects (fire, kaiser spikes, rubble) can be cleared away by holding out the sphere and walking forward.

The more Hubbub pulls in, the more he charges up the sphere with latent energy. He can then release that energy as a hadouken-style sonic beam that gains in scale and intensity, depending on how charged up the shield was. After fending off a hail of bullets, it could be as much as a 15' diameter beam that could wipe out one floor of a building. It comes out fast, is hard to dodge, can (depending on intensity) push back those who can ward it off, and even those who are invincible or tough enough to take the beam and live will suffer from a cacophony psychic effect (the more people around them, the more overlapping mental 'shouting' they hear) and transmit their thoughts and vulnerabilities to others near them as a residual effect. This effect can last for a round or last for six hours.

Use of the beam disables the sphere and keeps it off for 1d3+3 rounds.

Hubbub has some minor, secondary brute defenses he doesn't fully understand; he can't take more than a moderate wound of damage in a round and recovers faster in his downtime phases if he's more hurt, with the ability to heal all damage (even wounds that would be considered permanent) given enough time.
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Here's an example of a cape that Greg wants to help.

Hubbub is a F-class cape who has a power side effect that makes people hear voices the more they're with him, to the point of losing their minds. He's something of a free agent, a decent brute that's looking for a team, a mission, and success, but the power drawback is a hefty one and nobody's really gone to the effort to figure out a workaround (except sort of the PRT but he doesn't believe in the PRT). A lonely, wary cape who's been around for 15 years and may be in the running for capes who've gone the longest looking for a team.

Hubbub's primary power is that he creates a sphere of energy that is always stuck to his left hand. It is more effective against smaller projectiles but if he can plant his feet and position right, it'll take the force of bigger attacks and just push him back. Small projectiles and ambient hazards, though, will get sucked in and absorbed- even bullets passing within 5' of him will get pulled in and only bullets fired from a 90 degree cone behind him can hit him. Ambient effects (fire, kaiser spikes, rubble) can be cleared away by holding out the sphere and walking forward.

The more Hubbub pulls in, the more he charges up the sphere with latent energy. He can then release that energy as a hadouken-style sonic beam that gains in scale and intensity, depending on how charged up the shield was. After fending off a hail of bullets, it could be as much as a 15' diameter beam that could wipe out one floor of a building. It comes out fast, is hard to dodge, can (depending on intensity) push back those who can ward it off, and even those who are invincible or tough enough to take the beam and live will suffer from a cacophony psychic effect (the more people around them, the more overlapping mental 'shouting' they hear) and transmit their thoughts and vulnerabilities to others near them as a residual effect. This effect can last for a round or last for six hours.

Use of the beam disables the sphere and keeps it off for 1d3+3 rounds.

Hubbub has some minor, secondary brute defenses he doesn't fully understand; he can't take more than a moderate wound of damage in a round and recovers faster in his downtime phases if he's more hurt, with the ability to heal all damage (even wounds that would be considered permanent) given enough time.

I like this idea for a cape, capes are more than their powers, though. You got some basic characterization, with him wanting a team, a mission, and success. But it's too general. One piece of writing advice I nearly always had is always ask 'why?' and 'how?'.

So we should ask 'why?' the cape got this power. So we can leave into the ironic wish idea for shards and makes him a twig that was bullied. (Which is a good idea cause it both leans into the idea that Greg is helping victims and makes it so he could hate institutions, maybe this guy even reminds Greg of Taylor) and he could wish to defend himself and heal and get a power that does just that. Only under specific circumstances though. (Not perfect but good enough)

But that leaves the 'why' behind his side effect. So I think he should be schizophrenic. And he could wish that other could understand how he feels. Maybe his parents didn't have insurance and didn't see his illness as a problem, but as an excuse he was using, his teacher punished him for silently crying in class over it, and he became depressed, maybe lashed out, fell into the wrong crowd and became weird, leading into the bullying. And leading into him wishing others would get him.

I would do away with this weakness though, a weakness to me should be logical, and make sense with the power. (like in MHA) So how about if charges too much, he burns his hand. Or even just attacking him from behind like you said. That in all honesty is a better weakness.

But if you want a weakness that makes it so he is an outcast. I would have so he used to be a scumbag, in middle school, because of abuse from a poverty stricken home. (Not bullying though, just screwing people over, think more Bojack and less Bakugo) which not only explains the need for purpose and success, but makes it so that he wishes he could always use people, so now the energy comes from other people bodies or even shards, Which does three things:

  1. Makes it so that we could make him a so called 'non-parahumans' with powers. And could relate to Greg.
  2. Makes it so that he could also relate to Greg over being a Trump and an outcast
  3. Makes it so that he could carry that guilt of using people but is too desperate to stop.
It also makes so the no one would want to work with him. Except for the one guy who could help him.
This is Wildbow WOG for a cape not mine.
Ahh, I thought this was your OC. Funny enough, I thought it might have been Wildbow's idea, but I ultimately decided it wasn't true. Should've known from all the details.

Guess we can't change his powers and weakness then. But we can still do more with characterization. Especially considering this fan fiction might focus on him. Even if only for a arc.

Editing: spelling.
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I'm assuming you mean he doesn't have a shard? Cause parahumans are just people with powers in Worm. I mean, even the term parahumans means 'more than humans' so it isn't necessarily about shards.
Point 1: "Para" means "beside" or "similar to," not "more than". The prefix you're thinking of is "super" or "supra".

Point 2: We are not living in Earth Bet. Someone from One Piece would call Spitfire a Devil Fruit user (citation: OP chapter 336), but we would still call her a parahuman. And it makes sense to discuss them that way, because even if people in-universe can't tell the difference between Lung and Kaidou's powers, we can.

I'm not sure it makes sense to specify that Greg's ability isn't a parahuman ability, but that's a whole separate conversation.
Point 1: "Para" means "beside" or "similar to," not "more than". The prefix you're thinking of is "super" or "supra".
Huh, I could've sworn Taylor said para means 'more than' when she gave Dinah to her parents.

Point 2: We are not living in Earth Bet. Someone from One Piece would call Spitfire a Devil Fruit user (citation: OP chapter 336), but we would still call her a parahuman
Technically, they might call her a haki user, if they told her she never ate Devil Fruit, but I'll take your point.
Huh, I could've sworn Taylor said para means 'more than' when she gave Dinah to her parents.
"You're definitely human, Dinah."

"Then why do they call us parahumans? Doesn't the 'para' part mean half? Paraplegic, only half your body works. Parahuman, half human."

"Not exactly. It means beside, which is how it's used with paraplegic, or paragraph. It can also mean extra or beyond, like paranormal. We're next to human, or more than human, depending on how you look at it. I think it's pretty apt."

And of course, "para-" is a real-world prefix with real-world use.
"Beyond" can be interpreted as "more than," but I don't think that's an accurate definition of the prefix. It's close, but it's still distinct from what "para" means. Para-accurate, perhaps?

Technically, they might call her a haki user, if they told her she never ate Devil Fruit, but I'll take your point.
Haki's a much more limited power system; as far as I know, breath weapons are off the table. Also, hardly anyone knows haki even exists. One way or another, when people see someone breathing fire, they assume it's a Devil Fruit power. (Citation: Chapter 336)
Technically, they might call her a haki user, if they told her she never ate Devil Fruit, but I'll take your point.
Haki's a much more limited power system; as far as I know, breath weapons are off the table. Also, hardly anyone knows haki even exists. One way or another, when people see someone breathing fire, they assume it's a Devil Fruit power. (Citation: Chapter 336)
There's a bunch of nameless and/or crazy abilities that don't fit into the known limits of either category, too.

We've seen several cyborgs who could easily have implanted flamethrowers, the Lunarian tribe has a racial feat allowing for Fire manipulation, Sanji can super-heat his legs to light people on fire with his Diable Jambe kick, and the guy in Don Kris's crew Pearl can light himself on fire and throw fireballs around.

In fact, the One Piece Wiki has a whole category of flamethrower users, so any assumptions made about Spitfire are going to depend much more on where she is and what people making those assumptions are pre-disposed to expect of her.

The premise is that Greg has a power (not a parahuman power) that allows him with the ability to "tune" other people by either firing beams that decrease the abilities, bodily functions, and powers of people at random but the effects wear off after an hour.
I assume you mean that Greg isn't going to have a Corona & Gemma, no Shard providing his powers, etc.?

In universe, even people who give Greg a medical test are going to assume he's a Trump Parahuman with a secondary power that can fudge the results of those types of medical tests, like maybe his Corona & Gemma are located elsewhere in his body.

So people in-universe are going to treat him like a parahuman either way, unless someone like Chevalier, thinker-specialized Eidolon, etc., gets involved to notice and assert definitively that he isn't. And even then they'd probably still get him classified that way since he has powers and he is using them. Worst comes to worst, they'd assume he's the recipient of long-lasting powers from someone else, the way Othala and Galvanate can grant powers to people.

EDIT: My main interest in this detail is whether someone like Tattletale is going to see him and her Shard goes "Not a Host, not using system-provided abilities. EVERYONE ALL CALL FOR A LEAD ON SOMETHING NEW THAT MIGHT HELP FIX ENTROPY!"
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