Given Sophia and Collins have VERY different personalities I want to see how the two would interact with one another on a daily basis.
I don't think forcing Sophia into an apprenticeship she's unlikely to care much for is the best way of making that happen. Look at Zoro and Sanji. They have no professional connection beyond being part of the same crew, but there's no shortage of opportunities to see how those two interact with one another on a daily basis. The ship would need at least three or four dozen crew members before any two could casually avoid each other.
Emma is there beacuse she see this an opportunity to advance her modeling career and traveling the Grand Line would great help with that.
I feel Dean's personality makes him to be fit to be the ship doctor here.
No more than, say, Luffy or Nami. Or, arguably, Franky or Robin. But at the same time,
way more than Dr. Kureha.
Personality alone doesn't make you a doctor. You also need a certain amount of medical training, and ideally medical passion. Chopper wants to become a great doctor; I don't get the sense that Dean ever did.
"Certain" people are looking for him and so he feels he needs to dissappear for a while.
So, the same ship has both an up-and-coming model
and a criminal fugitive? What kind of crew is this?
To an extent, the Straw Hats were assembled from a bunch of random people Luffy encountered on his journey. However: A, we see this journey so it seems less random, and B. the Straw Hats are mostly outcasts from society in one respect or another. In order:
- Luffy technically has a famous grandpa, but he was raised by pirates and scoundrels and proudly aligns himself with those criminals.
- Zoro is a criminal (albeit on trumped-up charges) who is introduced to us on the day of his execution.
- Nami is another criminal—a thief, a con artist, a pirate collaborator.
- Usopp is the village liar, probably the least-respected person in his village. (It's a small village, but still.)
- Sanji is the most respectable member of the crew by far, but he's still a runaway pretending to be an orphan.
- Chopper is treated as a subhuman monster.
- Robin has been a wanted criminal since she was eight.
- Franky is the head of a half-criminal bunch of ruffians.
- Brook was half-dead and alone for longer than any other Straw Hat has been alive.
- Jinbei is a pirate who betrayed the World Government.
It makes a fair bit of sense that they'd come together. They have the same enemies (society in general and the World Government in specific), most have very few friends, and the rest have dreams that can only be accomplished by sailing with a group like the Straw Hats.
Who are these people? Why do they all follow a teenager? What do they hope to accomplish?
She gets married to Victoria and Dean.
Greg is kinda the Luffy of the group. what way?
And while I'm here, how much do these characters have in common with their Earth Bet namesakes? Is there anything beyond those names? Marquis and Victoria are there—is there an Amy, or a Dallon family, or a Dallon-Pelham Torment Nexus?
How do the cop-brained superheroes like Colin and Victoria get along with the villains? Are the just not cop-brained enough to refuse to work with a fugitive like Mr. Lavere? If you take away Victoria's family and her superhero obsession, what's left?
Why is Sophia a shipwright's apprentice?
And perhaps most importantly, why do
any of them follow Greg "XxVoid_CowboyxX" Veder, of all people??
He's just some guy!
In my opinion, you've given the absolute least interesting parts of a fusion fic—a list of names and job titles. I don't know how you're planning to integrate the two settings or how any of the characters have changed to fit their environment or how these changed characters might interact. Well, beyond guesses based on the source material, but those guesses must be wrong in this situation because
these characters would not work together in canon, and they
certainly wouldn't all decide to obey a dweeb like Greg. Not the adults with established careers, not the proud teenaged superheroes, and
certainly not his classmates.
You're asking which characters should get animal bits or Devil Fruits without telling us who those characters