Wormverse ideas, recs, and fic discussion thread 1

What's your guys' opinion on Lockers All The Way Down? The Worm let's read by Wizard of Woah.

Personally, I think it's the only unbiased piece of Worm and superhero media criticism and analysis out there. At least until Rhodeswork got on board.
So in the reboot The Fairly OddParents! A New Wish episode Fearless the main character Hazel's wished to make her new friend Jasmine fearless by literally removing them from Jasmine's thoughts, didn't consider where to put them, which leads to the creation of the fear clones.

"Jasmine fear clones are as they each represent one of Jasmine's fears and won't disappear until she learns to overcome them.

Heights: A clone with legs long enough to reach the top of the school's flagpole. She disappears after Jasmine climbs the flagpole and stands on it.

Clowns: A clone wearing a clown costume. She disappears after Jasmine reacts violently to a Jack-in-the-Box.

Spiders: A clone with four eyes, fangs, and the lower half of a giant spider. She disappears when Jasmine is brought to tears by Charlotte's Web.

Swiss cheese: A clone with a wheel of Swiss cheese for a head. She disappears when Hazel gives Jasmine a good look of some Swiss cheese.

Getting tickled: A clone with freakishly long fingers.

The dark: A clone that's just a black silhouette of Jasmine."

Now this would make for an interesting master power for Taylor to have but played more seriously.
Another Wormverse of mine idea is well Wormverse/MCU fanfic involving version or variant of Earth 838 Iron Man coming accidentally to Wormverse by dimensional hole on time of leviathan fight. I plan more to play that variant of Tony Stark being more as Superior Iron Man there with help of copy on Earth 838 Ultron AI in his armor as later also would add Ultron Sentries to help too. I write this currently myself but well would that being slightly Op scenario of someone coming outside Wormverse?
Okay so I have an idea for a fusion fic where characters from Worm live in the One Piece world and story is about sixteen year old Greg Veder who wishes to set out to the Grand Line as an adventurer (the official job he and his crew has is finding Devil Fruits and selling them) and gathers a crew from Brockton island (and beyond) to join him.

Greg Veder-Captain/Sniper
Emma Barnes-Lookout (Night Shift)
Madison Clements-Musician
Victoria Dallon-Navigator
Dean Stansfield-Doctor
Ashley Stillons- Lookout (Day Shift)
Mr. Lavere-Cook
Colin Wallis-Shipwright
Sophia Hess-Colin's apprentice

Now three of the characters are going to have devil fruits (filler) and I already have chose them and who will get them but I also want to make some of the characters into Minks and Fishmen, so any advice which ones I should pick? (Save Greg and Emma)
Why did you pick those characters and their roles? In particular:
  • Why is Sophia Colin's apprentice when Chris (Kid Win) is right there?
  • Why are Emma and Madison there? Why is Madison the musician?
  • Why is Dean the doctor?
  • Why is "Mr. Lavere" there? And why is he the cook? Lots of bone broth, I'm guessing?
  • Why are Mr. Lavere and Victoria there, but no one else caught up in the Dallon-Pelham Torment Nexus?
  • Why is Victoria the navigator?
  • Why is Ashley Stillons there?
  • Why is Greg Veder the captain? Or the sniper? Or there?
I guess I've asked about every character at least once. So, yeah, why this crew? Why would they work together? What kind of story do you think would be well-told with this group of characters?

I'm not trying to say that I think this is a bad crew. I just cannot imagine what story you have in mind that would make you want to put those characters together.
Why is Sophia Colin's apprentice when Chris (Kid Win) is right there?
Given Sophia and Collins have VERY different personalities I want to see how the two would interact with one another on a daily basis.
Emma is there beacuse she see this an opportunity to advance her modeling career and traveling the Grand Line would great help with that.
Why is Dean the doctor?
I feel Dean's personality makes him to be fit to be the ship doctor here.
Why is "Mr. Lavere" there?
"Certain" people are looking for him and so he feels he needs to dissappear for a while.
And why is he the cook?
Oh no particular reason I just felt that was amusing. (same with Madison)
Why is Victoria the navigator?
Vicky is an extremely talented person and I felt she will work well for the role.
Why is Ashley Stillons there?
She gets married to Victoria and Dean.
Why is Greg Veder the captain?
Greg is kinda the Luffy of the group.
Fits well with the power I've given him.
Given Sophia and Collins have VERY different personalities I want to see how the two would interact with one another on a daily basis.
I don't think forcing Sophia into an apprenticeship she's unlikely to care much for is the best way of making that happen. Look at Zoro and Sanji. They have no professional connection beyond being part of the same crew, but there's no shortage of opportunities to see how those two interact with one another on a daily basis. The ship would need at least three or four dozen crew members before any two could casually avoid each other.

Emma is there beacuse she see this an opportunity to advance her modeling career and traveling the Grand Line would great help with that.

I feel Dean's personality makes him to be fit to be the ship doctor here.
No more than, say, Luffy or Nami. Or, arguably, Franky or Robin. But at the same time, way more than Dr. Kureha.
Personality alone doesn't make you a doctor. You also need a certain amount of medical training, and ideally medical passion. Chopper wants to become a great doctor; I don't get the sense that Dean ever did.

"Certain" people are looking for him and so he feels he needs to dissappear for a while.
So, the same ship has both an up-and-coming model and a criminal fugitive? What kind of crew is this?

To an extent, the Straw Hats were assembled from a bunch of random people Luffy encountered on his journey. However: A, we see this journey so it seems less random, and B. the Straw Hats are mostly outcasts from society in one respect or another. In order:
  • Luffy technically has a famous grandpa, but he was raised by pirates and scoundrels and proudly aligns himself with those criminals.
  • Zoro is a criminal (albeit on trumped-up charges) who is introduced to us on the day of his execution.
  • Nami is another criminal—a thief, a con artist, a pirate collaborator.
  • Usopp is the village liar, probably the least-respected person in his village. (It's a small village, but still.)
  • Sanji is the most respectable member of the crew by far, but he's still a runaway pretending to be an orphan.
  • Chopper is treated as a subhuman monster.
  • Robin has been a wanted criminal since she was eight.
  • Franky is the head of a half-criminal bunch of ruffians.
  • Brook was half-dead and alone for longer than any other Straw Hat has been alive.
  • Jinbei is a pirate who betrayed the World Government.
It makes a fair bit of sense that they'd come together. They have the same enemies (society in general and the World Government in specific), most have very few friends, and the rest have dreams that can only be accomplished by sailing with a group like the Straw Hats.

Who are these people? Why do they all follow a teenager? What do they hope to accomplish?

She gets married to Victoria and Dean.

Greg is kinda the Luffy of the group.
...in what way?

And while I'm here, how much do these characters have in common with their Earth Bet namesakes? Is there anything beyond those names? Marquis and Victoria are there—is there an Amy, or a Dallon family, or a Dallon-Pelham Torment Nexus?
How do the cop-brained superheroes like Colin and Victoria get along with the villains? Are the just not cop-brained enough to refuse to work with a fugitive like Mr. Lavere? If you take away Victoria's family and her superhero obsession, what's left? Why is Sophia a shipwright's apprentice?
And perhaps most importantly, why do any of them follow Greg "XxVoid_CowboyxX" Veder, of all people?? He's just some guy!

In my opinion, you've given the absolute least interesting parts of a fusion fic—a list of names and job titles. I don't know how you're planning to integrate the two settings or how any of the characters have changed to fit their environment or how these changed characters might interact. Well, beyond guesses based on the source material, but those guesses must be wrong in this situation because these characters would not work together in canon, and they certainly wouldn't all decide to obey a dweeb like Greg. Not the adults with established careers, not the proud teenaged superheroes, and certainly not his classmates.

You're asking which characters should get animal bits or Devil Fruits without telling us who those characters are!
I feel like for a One Piece fusion the path of least resistance is to just say, "The Undersiders are pirates now" and then write the Undersiders doing pirate stuff. Their conflicts are fairly easy to adapt to a wide variety of settings without losing the emotional core even without powers, and we already know their team dynamic from Worm itself. Both factors make writing them in new circumstances easier as they help to anchor both you and the readers in the familiar.

In contrast, the proposed group is very eclectic, requiring figuring out character dynamics from scratch, you appear to change the circumstances of certain characters above and beyond what the change of setting requires, which farther increases the challenge of character writing and risks alienating potential readers, and also it's a pretty large group. It's almost inevitable that some characters would be left by the wayside, only occasionally mentioned as "and this guy was there too", which is not desirable for a story presumably centered around exploration of those characters, judging by comments.

At the very least I'd suggest starting with a smaller core group and slowly expanding the crew over the course of several arcs, so new characters could join organically as a consequence of the plot happening to them.

Also lol at Greg being the captain. Like, even in the most charitable sympathetic reading he's a socially awkward nerd who specifically has troubles making other people like him. You can write a story about him being pulled along on an adventure and, after various trials and tribulations, maturing into someone worthy of following, but starting with him as a social center of... any group, really, is not the best idea unless the second chapter of your fic is titled "Mutiny".
Also lol at Greg being the captain.
Having dolld about it I definitely agree and so I feel Greg should now take the place for Sophia in my One Piece fusion fic would be a better idea.

Having Collins directing Greg's intensity towards something productive like shipbuilding would be good for the character and have Victoria be the captain.
Having dolld about it I definitely agree and so I feel Greg should now take the place for Sophia in my One Piece fusion fic would be a better idea.

Having Collins directing Greg's intensity towards something productive like shipbuilding would be good for the character and have Victoria be the captain.
Why not have Greg just do his own thing? Greg being a adventure traveling the world of one piece. Greg meeting people from different walks of life as he tries to find his place in the world. Pirates Marines Bounty Hunters. Greg learns that not everything is black and white. There are good Pirates bad Marines and just people trying to earn a living.
Okay so I have an idea for a fusion fic where characters from Worm live in the One Piece world and story is about sixteen year old Greg Veder who wishes to set out to the Grand Line as an adventurer (the official job he and his crew has is finding Devil Fruits and selling them) and gathers a crew from Brockton island (and beyond) to join him.

Greg Veder-Captain/Sniper
Emma Barnes-Lookout (Night Shift)
Madison Clements-Musician
Victoria Dallon-Navigator
Dean Stansfield-Doctor
Ashley Stillons- Lookout (Day Shift)
Mr. Lavere-Cook
Colin Wallis-Shipwright
Sophia Hess-Colin's apprentice

Now three of the characters are going to have devil fruits (filler) and I already have chose them and who will get them but I also want to make some of the characters into Minks and Fishmen, so any advice which ones I should pick? (Save Greg and Emma)

I thought of doing One Piece fusion fics myself, I entertained the idea again after getting into it some more.

That being said, I absolutely agree with illhousen that you should just have the Undersiders as pirates. And have them get in various conflict with Worm characters made to fit the setting, (Like Armmaster and Lung for two easy ones) or One Piece antagonists themselves.

Or, hell, have them meet the Straw Hat crew and let the interactions unfold if it tickles your fancies.
I'm liking the idea of making Greg into a Mink, specifically a flying squirrel.

Yeah I know, I could have make him a dog mink but this seems a little bit more fun play with.

Meanwhile Ashley can be a (half or full) Fishmen.

Specifically a goliath tigerfish.
Taking this hear because the source is NOT the Recs thread. People rarely recommend fics on this thread, so if it's not the appropriate place, please point me in the right direction. It does say "Wormverse Ideas, recs and fic discussion thread".
This made me realize, I've never seen a fic with proper Looney Tunes powers, I don't think I've even seen omakes or crack snippets.
Here's a fanfic with an OC that does not feature Taylor Hebert as a main character. The OC is a case 53 that looks like Wile E. Coyote and has similar abilities.
SaveThe Hunt is On

By: Farmerbob1

Several years before canon Worm, a thief with bad luck buys powers from Cauldron and gets more than he bargained for. He meets Mouse Protector, and they hit it off. Eventually, the two uncover the secret of Simurgh's nature, and all hell breaks loose.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Adventure - Wile E. Coyote - Chapters: 18 - Words: 51,711 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 257 - Follows: 141 - Published: Mar 10, 2017 - Status: Complete - id:

I know there is another with a tinker that can make things like portable holes, but I can't remember it.
Chapter 9 of When Might and Magic is up.

I'm so glad I'm finally getting back to the Worm side.

In hindsight it was a big mistake taking this long, but eh, this is my first attempt and writing practice, so live and learn.


When Might and Magic Work As One... (Worm/Yin Yang Yo! Crossover)

Alone and cornered by Coil's mercenaries, Dinah Alcott was certain her fate was sealed down to the nearest decimal point, until, defying all odds, she was rescued by a strange and mysterious woman who whisked her off to a strange and mysterious land. Now a stranger in a place she does not...
Chapter 9 of When Might and Magic is up.

I'm so glad I'm finally getting back to the Worm side.

In hindsight it was a big mistake taking this long, but eh, this is my first attempt and writing practice, so live and learn.


When Might and Magic Work As One... (Worm/Yin Yang Yo! Crossover)

Alone and cornered by Coil's mercenaries, Dinah Alcott was certain her fate was sealed down to the nearest decimal point, until, defying all odds, she was rescued by a strange and mysterious woman who whisked her off to a strange and mysterious land. Now a stranger in a place she does not...

Why don't you ever link to specific chapter instead of just of just the first one? I admit I was confused when the shown beginning of this chapter in the link was the same as the last one, oh, and it was also the same as the last one, and the last…
You know I thought about doing an idea where a newly trigger Cape that goes to Winslow ens up saving Emma and Alan lives from a car crash and with the news reporters come to give a live interview we this exchange:

Emma: "Thank you for saving my life."

Cape: "Please do not thank me Barnes I only save your life because I had to as a hero If I didn't have powers if I would just kept on walking."

Emma has a flabbergasted look and is at a loss for words.

Alan: "How can you said such slander about my daughter?"

Cape: "Sir I go to the same school as your daughter and I can say with absolute certainty that she is a bully and a cunt given that she once stole her former best friend's mom flute and covered it with shit."

Alan: "That is a lie she would never do that."

Cape: "Okay then I see your one of those parents, all well there's no point talking to you given that you clearly have no idea of the crap that your daughter gets up to... quite literally sometimes."

Emma: "Do you know who my daddy, A LAWYER!"

Cape: "He's a divorce lawyer, not the real thing."

Alan: "How dar-"

Cape: "I'm done here. I've got lives to save preferably they'll be the lives of people who aren't bullies or delusional parents. I'll see you tomorrow in school Barnes, Hopefully enough after today you will start to think about your life and the type of person you are and change for the better."

Obviously, this causes major ripple effects because now everyone knows there's a Cape in Winslow and Emma (and in extension the Trio) are screwed now.