What's wrong with people choosing to have fun in a video game? And of course Flambass would do ridiculous stuff: he's a streamer and is there to entertain his viewers. Much like watching a Hearts of Iron 4 streamer conquer the world as Luxembourg. It's not meta, easy, simple, or optimal, but it can be really fun to watch the streamer pull it off or go down in flames.And at this point everyone should be aware that someone saying don't try this at home is literally just a legal statement to prevent someone from being blamed for something.
The bottom line is that every time Flambass rushes mid and gets a 100K damage in a game he's encouraging others to try it. Not matter how many times anyone tells them to not do this it's never going to work.
WOWS is a competitive game, and it's annoying when you lose a match because someone on your team tries to imitate a pro player performing a dumb strategy.
That is in fact toxic behavior because the entire team suffers because of it.
Seriously, WoWs is NOT a competitive video game, or at least not like many other ones that I am familiar with. Pretty much otherwise what Darth says here:
People have been inting into Two Brothers mid since the map launched. Two Brothers Epicenter became such a big meme that WG thought we actually, unironically wanted it. Streamers have never been the reason for people trying it. It's not like it's the only bad route in the game, either - things like the 10 line push on North can hurt the team just as much.
From what I remember, Flambass is indeed pretty toxic, but that's an entirely separate matter.
Also, like it or not, random battles aren't actually the competitive mode. Some of your teammates will be trying to win, some of them will be messing around, some will just be so bad they don't know the difference. It's always frustrating to lose that way when you did your best, for sure. But that's just how it works in a team game with this many players, without skill-based MM. (And sadly, skill-based MM would actually be less fun - I've seen 12v12's full of competitive players, and they were painfully slow and boring.)