I see a number of Atlantas in the operations now.

Submarines... I like concept, but not the game style for them...

CVs, since I played Chkalov and liked it. I have Serov, Ranger and Ryujo currently along with Bearn. Regret selling Kaga some months ago, oh well...

And some people dont get that playing cv is more busy than bb or surface because youre not only aiming the planes, but also needing to keep track of your ship too...
Let's be real, the biggest issue of CVs is when you first see them. You see them at T3 and T4 first. These are tiers where your AA is lucky to reach 10. This means the vast majority of people get to first encounter carriers when they have literally zero worthwile tools to actually deal with being attacked by aircraft. So what new players learn about carriers is that they are that thing that does a shit-ton of damage you get no choice but to try and dodge. That wouldnt be so bad...if trying to dodge didnt just get you blasted by half the enemy team because you dared to show a broadside. Or be a Destroyer who dared to be spotted by the planes who can zoom around the map.

For a new player who's playing them, it can be fun. For the person having to dodge them, it is very much not fun. Carriers probably need to be the sort of thing you only see T5 and above where AA starts to well...exist on ships. Otherwise they end up being a class that exists to make life more miserable for 4/5ths of new players.

As for subs...the issue with them is its basically a ship that kills yet another job that once belonged to DDs while not even actually giving DD's that much ability to hunt subs. Because if you dare to go hunt a sub as a DD, you have to spend time trying to go around finding them so you can go directly over them to depth charge them while hoping no one decides to blast the fool who is going around in circles looking for subs...or you can fucking just be a BB and throw a depth charge air strike in that general area and hit the sub from a decent distance.

I wonder what they will do next to make daring to play Destroyer an exercise in misery.
I actually prefer CVs for operations now, to a point, but at least I have extremely few complaints about my own handling of the cv in a map for operations.

And I decided to skip the T4 cvs for the most part on advice from a comment a streamer made... So, I mightve had a steeper learning curve, but the Russian line has an easier style... I first played Serov before the chkalov dropped in my port... The only issue between the cv lines for me is the tendency to return to ship by habit while playing Ranger or Bearn...

Which is the slowest of all the T6 cvs by the way, but somehow, I like the form of the French cv, it looks rugged... And yet, I don't play it often because of the lack of speed. Makes it good for the DoN, but getting that is quite random these days...

Addition [granted, is it preferable to edit one's post rather than a whole new post if possible I would think so right?]:

What about economic bonuses now? They changed stuff significantly there...

T10s now come with 50% credit bonus that I can see. A few of the campaigns/collections also reward with bonus packages for certain ships.

And Battle pass is now a thing too; having a few nice advantages, particularly the supposed "season" upgrade. Giving one modest gains in equipment and resources. More Pay to Progress sorts of things really. I object to the traditional wording of "pay to win" because with this sort of game, while one expects to win, often it isnt a win outright. Rather, one progresses toward being better or more skillful through mediums for probable success... Pay to progress is very true when looking at ship xp versus free xp. Has to be converted using gold. Again, pay to progress.
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