Had a funny battle in Vermont today. Parked by an island and took potshots at various ships. Sometime towards the middle of the match, a red submarine attacks... His torps ground out on the island.

Then he surfaces at about 2k away or so and proceeds to ram me.

Yes, you read right, the guy rammed my full hp[ish] Vermont with a submarine.

Hardly dented Vermont's hp at all. Considering I was also using ramming flags, most people in the match chat had a good laugh over that...

Still wish I'd screenshot that tho. So funny for a sub to tickle a BB like that...

Also, apparently T7 Maya returns tomorrow. Will be interesting to see ARP Maya vs the T7 Maya... Should happen sometime.
Actually, I got the die hard medal for that...

Hood is quite the ship for ranked... It just takes luck and finesse and situational awareness...

Went and got started on the higher end of the french cruiser line... Tried Charles Martel; NOPE. I like having repairs handy.

Saint-Louis.. Hehehe.... Fast, that speedboost rivals many destroyers, 41.3 knots... for around 3 minutes. One of the few I can note that has a consumables tray out out to 5.

Prinz Eugen, like the previously mentioned, both cruisers are challenging. I'm still getting used to Eugen's slower speed compared to Saint-Louis or any of the other cruisers I've had so far.

Finally completed the science of victory campaign mission thing. Still looking at Yamamoto's campaign and grumbling about certain tasks with certain cvs...

Generally wondering if I simply play too aggressively in terms of positioning at times...

Have you seen the latest waterline? I find it interesting that they use Boggzy and Askhance. I knew Boggzy was new for WGNA, but didnt know of the other.

Its interesting how the game seems to be pushing forward despite the world situation and WG's exit from Russia. While it hasnt really been mentioned much lately, there seem to be some delays in some of the development, and others are moving ahead.

They seem to be doing very well thus far in communication of game details and containers and the like from my view at least.


So, what are your thoughts on the AL voice overs that they have?

Prinz Eugen is available on Steam, where at least they have description of her temperment. "...Calm under pressure..."

Also got Hood thru mission, kind of annoyed that there's no translation of lines that I've seen...

Picked up Sov. Soyuz, Nelson, Formidable, Azuma and Saint-Louis through crates.

I like Saint-Louis voiceover alot, followed by Sov. Soyuz and then Eugen...

Would like it if they had scenario missions available on more of the combat missions. really annoyed I have to spend so much time in random battles or coop...
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So, at the risk of a warning, after seeing no life in this thread since my last question....

I shall ask another question...

Are there any regrets you have with Warships, other than having gotten into the game in the first place?

Are there ships you've sold that you wish you hadn't?

Things like that...

I managed to get the Chkalov B last month and really enjoy it; been playing cvs more lately as a result..

WG still needs to let operations be used for more of the combat missions... And speaking of operations, how are people liking the ops that are in use?

Apologies for the doublepost....
I regret listening to all the people saying how fun Atlanta is and buying it.

Turns out fun is relative and if you don't enjoy the janky playstyle, all you got is a garbage boat :V
I heard the same said about Carriers and they bang.
I actually really like carriers. This is probably a heretical opinion but I prefer the modern FPS carriers to the old RTS carriers - but I wish they'd make the fighters FPS too instead of a deployable. I think if they made the fighters and ASW aircraft also FPS that would really improve the carrier situation.
I actually really like carriers. This is probably a heretical opinion but I prefer the modern FPS carriers to the old RTS carriers - but I wish they'd make the fighters FPS too instead of a deployable. I think if they made the fighters and ASW aircraft also FPS that would really improve the carrier situation.
Legitimately same - I think having to balance strike vs. self defence when operating a carrier would be really interesting.
And yeah, the RTS carrier might have been 'realistic' but I can play Rule the Waves for that. FPS carriers is much more in keeping with WoW's style imo.

For you, maybe. Many people hate playing against a CV.
It's a shame the game isn't set in 1920.
For them.
WG still needs to let operations be used for more of the combat missions... And speaking of operations, how are people liking the ops that are in use?
Boring, got old in 2019, poor economy (unless you're doing optimal Narai or whatever).

I have something like a year of prem going unused, but w/e. I also have way too much gold, but it's moot: uninstalled a bit ago.
This exploded once again...

On CVs, the chkalov b dropped and I enjoyed it.. I think the russian cv line sort of a trainer for the other cv lines. The fact that the style is one flight per squadron gets one used to flight quickly.

On other CVs I'm actually liking to use bombers more...


As for operations, yes Alpha, they may be similar to how they were before, but thanks to the complete and utter randomness of the playerbase nowadays, each match is up in the air in general...

For myself, when operations returned in November, for at least a week or two, some operations tended to fail far more than others...

Aegis for instance was adjusted to where if people didn't time stuff right, certain aspects of the mission would cause people to get sunk. Keep in mind this is my own phraseology; but there were a number of times where the rest of the team would sink to a number of the convoy escorts and leave me [when I was the cv] holding the bag. Over the past few weeks, people have gotten relatively better to the point where I have found it possible to succeed with only 8-9 minutes left on the clock. Anything less than 8 minutes will result in a fail.

Ultimate Frontier is one of the more forgiving missions and I have only seen it fail once or twice in the dozens of times I've played it.

Hermes is one of the fun ones, quite possible to fail, and it has failed more than a few times that I've seen... But people are getting better at it. I also tend to immediately put up a fighter squad at the start if I'm playing cv here, since a lot of others who play cvs DONT yet.

Cherry Blossom is the one where people are still having issues with, sometimes it fails in the first half, most times the second half due to people focusing on the dds instead of the airstrips... In my experience, playing a cv, I near immediately aim to plop a fighter squad down on those initial dds at the start... And recently, I've started using bombers to bomb the airstrips if possible...

Killer Whale is still a harder one; not for me, not for the main part of the mission, but where so many people fail is the escape from the area. Earlier today for example, I was in the T8 Hawke RN BC, and someone thought I should go back north... My thought as I did this was "Ok, sure, I'll go north, but can you actually get to the exit point in time?" I called it mentally as NONE of the others ever got close to the exit area that game before dying. I also died too in that one. For this reason, KW does tend to fail more than it used to in previous years.

Narai is quite fun, it has still been adjusted to have some more difficulty to it. Sometimes the AI comes out of the bay after the Missouri sinks, and now, the cv does actually leave the map where it used to just sit behind that rocky island in the corner. Once I used an Anhalt, so far the only 15 gun BB in the game, and did quite well, only for it come undone to timing at the end... over 340k damage that game, and just couldnt get the last ship before it had shot torps at me.. Saved a picture of that end of battle...

Newport Defense still fails from time to time, but for the most part, works well.


As for regrets... If my desktop hadn't died 2 years back and I hadnt gotten into Warships, I might have been better off...

But since I did get into Warships.... Money has been spent...

Hmm, the reason I specifically asked about selling of ships.... I basically rage-sold a few of the rarer, more precious ships I got... Well, it was something to do with not really having a bunch of success with them at the time. Some speak of having fun, yeah, I have more fun now than I was having at the time and would love to have some of those ships back if I could. No use wondering about water thats out to sea by now though.

I actually have lots of fun with the German ships. Recently got Z-23, not bad with my 20 point captain... Both my main German line captains have secondary range for the BBs even tho Eugen's only at 17 or 18 points now.

Looking to maybe get one or two of the captains in other lines into secondary range skill too.

And I also regret dismissing Roon last summer, could've used her. But I really wanted a voice line translation, and I was annoyed at the time.... Moving also places also did not help either...
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Not played much in the last year. Partly in protest for the war. But also so that I can get back to playing other games. Spent a lot of time on Stellaris again, and got back into World of Warcraft as it transitioned into Dragonflight.
I've been too busy playing FFXIV to play this game much, honestly.
I actually really like carriers. This is probably a heretical opinion but I prefer the modern FPS carriers to the old RTS carriers - but I wish they'd make the fighters FPS too instead of a deployable. I think if they made the fighters and ASW aircraft also FPS that would really improve the carrier situation.
the auto ASW deployables by carriers are unironically more reliable than player dropped ones.
Boring, got old in 2019, poor economy (unless you're doing optimal Narai or whatever).
Ops have been updated; they now allow T6-T8 games, they've added back certain operations and the economy has been improved.

Other than that, I've slowed down a bit for the past few months; schoolwork and other stuff taking precedence. I've finally gotten Stalingrad and Malta, that said. Nevsky is now my most played cruiser.
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Been grinding ranked myself.

800 g per sprint for gold is no joke.

I dread the slog to reach gold again in the new season tho :*
Yeah... T6 to T8 ships for operations now....

And some ships are better for certain ops then others.

Anhalt, useful and good for UF, CB, Hermes, Aegis and KW. Ok for DoN and Narai

Ise tends to be ok for Narai, KW, DoN and Aegis. Yes, merely ok.

Having gone and read this entire thread back from the start, I'm amazed that over half of it was from the first year alone. Course, from that observation, I could effectively surmise that SB counterpart is just as crazy with well over 1000 pages... Which I havent yet read thru entirely...

But, I see a lot of good advice throughout the pages...

Dont go in a straight line, angle, etc... If I'm playing T8 or above random, rare currently, I tend to change my course just about after every time I fire.

The T9 cruiser brawls last month; I only had two options, a Saint-Louis or the Alaska. I decided to switch out concealment for steering on Alaska and it did help improve the steering. Considering I've mostly used Alaska for potential damage missions, it seems to work well.. I find it hilarious that Alaskas still draw so much fire for just being on the map... Although it seems to be less so if specced for AA, but not by much.

Saint-Louis was the main cruiser I used then, added the Brisk skill on top of the steering and speed mods. 44 knot max speed on boost. I used this and seemed to have gotten about a 50-60% win rate out of that brawl event, which pleases me very much as I only have an overall rate of 44% in general.

Recently, I started really enjoying the German line... Anhalt, Tirpitz, Mainz B, Eugen to name a few. Especially with the secondary skill on my top two commanders. Had Bismark for a while before I decided I needed the credits more and filed the ship under "to rebuy later". I will comment that I find the German BC line a bit annoying with limited use DCP, reminding me of the Russian BBs. Zeitan looks very close to just being an upscaled Nurnburg without the rear turret 360 rotation.

Next patch seems to hint that following the Japanese cruiser line expansion will be something completely different.

The paper ship series of hybrid battle carrier designs... As far as I recall, the T8 being Nebraska and the T10 being Louisiana. Nebraska I might consider in the future, but overall, the concept is pretty interesting even if the reality of it is flawed.

Anyway, I know some of you are quite busy these days and thats ok, but the new operations rotation and range makes for some very interesting experiences. Not sure how EU and SEA compare to NA though... Be interesting to get some of the regional thoughts on the scenario style since its been out a few months now. Whenever possible at least.
I regret listening to all the people saying how fun Atlanta is and buying it.

Turns out fun is relative and if you don't enjoy the janky playstyle, all you got is a garbage boat :V

Thats because they nerfed everything about Atlanta that made her fun. Her visibility got a nerf, fire chance got a nerf, they changed the way IFHE works which also indirectly nerfed Atlanta, signals got fucked, ect.

The same nerfs that killed Atlanta are why basically no one plays USN light cruisers anymore.
Thats because they nerfed everything about Atlanta that made her fun. Her visibility got a nerf, fire chance got a nerf, they changed the way IFHE works which also indirectly nerfed Atlanta, signals got fucked, ect.

The same nerfs that killed Atlanta are why basically no one plays USN light cruisers anymore.
Still getting lots of Atlantas in Silver Ranked but Belfasts have become the new favs. Radar AND smoke AND hydro AND torps AND HE Whats not to like
I see a number of Atlantas in the operations now.

Submarines... I like concept, but not the game style for them...

CVs, since I played Chkalov and liked it. I have Serov, Ranger and Ryujo currently along with Bearn. Regret selling Kaga some months ago, oh well...

And some people dont get that playing cv is more busy than bb or surface because youre not only aiming the planes, but also needing to keep track of your ship too...