With Great Power... [Zerg SI, Crossover, Eventual Multicross]

Should the Wraith do the Smart thing, or the Evil thing?

  • Smart thing that isn't evil.

    Votes: 131 53.3%
  • Evil thing that isn't smart.

    Votes: 26 10.6%
  • Do both.

    Votes: 89 36.2%

  • Total voters
Would it be too much to travel to a different galaxy? I'd think if that could be done in a reasonable time it would be safer. An alternative would be to build underground.
Also the zerg do not need to sleep so I'm not sure why your overmind was asleep, if zerg needed to sleep they would have removed that weakness ages ago.

Pretty cool to see the navigation unit. Now mc just needs one that can use the readings to see the types of planets in these solar systems. It should be pretty easy we can do this using telescopes on earth. Then once mc finds a barren solar system that couldn't support normal life he can go and set up there.
Also the zerg do not need to sleep so I'm not sure why your overmind was asleep, if zerg needed to sleep they would have removed that weakness ages ago.

Pretty cool to see the navigation unit. Now mc just needs one that can use the readings to see the types of planets in these solar systems. It should be pretty easy we can do this using telescopes on earth. Then once mc finds a barren solar system that couldn't support normal life he can go and set up there.

Just because they don't need to sleep doesn't mean they can't sleep.

I'm pretty sure that Zerg FTL is not that fast.

Right, that's what i'm planning on doing.
I'm pretty sure that Zerg FTL is not that fast
I did some research, I was wrong about the instant warp FTL.
Presumably, all the 3 races have about equal FTL capabilities otherwise they would dominate the war so from this example, we can guess zerg FTL speed.

The UED, upon discovering the existence of the Protoss and Zerg, spent a few months researching them and then just arrived there. This can be seen from the cutscenes.
The UED only dispatched its fleet after learning of the existence of the New Overmind.

This means that their fleet got to the Koprulu Sector in just a matter of weeks. At most, it'd be only a month.
Keep in mind that the Koprulu sector is 60,000 light years from Earth. The average size of galaxies is 100,000 light-years across in diameter and 3000 light years thick. So the zerg should be able to traverse to anywhere in the galaxy fairly fast.

But yes unless mc can improve his warp tech or get better tech he cannot go between galaxies using bio warp FTL alone as the average distance between galaxies is 13.1 billion light years. Well I guess mc better find a stargate or another better FTL method if he wants to travel between galaxies.

Damm space is big...
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Yeah... At this point if the Overmind sets up on a barren planet without a stargate, the only way he is being found is through precognition. Which, it just so happens the wraith have, goody. Now, the question is, if the wraith fleet of 5 hives and 5-20 cruisers show up in orbit, what can the zerg do to stop them. The only ground based anti-orbital weapon I know of that the zerg can build are These things. Of course, before building them, the zerg would need to know the enemy is coming, and have the resources to build defenses. The other option is to build a large air/space force of Mutalisks, Corruptors and Brood Lords. With the associated overlords and overseers of course. That makes more sense as such a force would be needed to escort the eventual leviathans anyway. Trouble is, such a force if caught out of position could get cut to pieces before reaching the hive ships (especially if outnumbered by darts). Mutalisks are not fast enough to compete with jet craft, and brood lords (at least in game) can't effectively target air/space units. Corruptors are just not as good as darts in space superiority fighting one on one. On the flip side, scourge nests are un-shielded, and thus targets for both dart strafing runs, and orbital bombardment.

So really, the zerg need to outnumber the wraith here, or they need to do something clever. Otherwise orbital bombardment will destroy the surface hives and force them underground. Now, that's not the worst option for the zerg, they can always burrow underground and wait until the wraith leave. On the other hand, if the wraith know the zerg are there and they can't win a ground engagement in the tunnels (which will be obvious after their first few groups of hunters enter the caverns and promptly get cut to pieces) the wraith are more than capable of figuring out a clever way to exterminate all life on the planet (even if it boils down to push an asteroid into the planet and destroy the planet entirely, not like the wraith need to keep it intact). So yeah... this first major battle is really going to determine the war here, and both sides know it. If the zerg survive the first wraith assault they will eventually rule the galaxy. If they fail, they will eventually be exterminated themselves. Not a lot of middle ground here.
Mutalisks are not fast enough to compete with jet craft,
Mutalisks are faster than most Terran aircraft and are as fast as Protoss Phoenixes they are absolutely hypersonic.
the only way he is being found is through precognition. Which, it just so happens the wraith have,
The precog didn't show the zerg location and its uncontrollable so its unlikely they will find mc anytime soon.
So really, the zerg need to outnumber the wraith here, or they need to do something clever. Otherwise orbital bombardment
Pretty much most of the zerg air units can survive space and can indeed fight in it. The Wraits also do not have omnipresent sensors, if the zerg set up under some frozen oceans or in deep caves of an asteroid in the middle of nowhere there is no way in hell the wraith are finding mc.

But you do have a point, at least compared to SGs spaceships zerg don't really have solid space combat capabilities compared to most of SG races. I guess mc will simply have to develop it.

Edit: There is also the fact that the wraith ships are biological so as soon as one zerg unit gets a sample zerg will get the essence and thus capabilities of those ships. If worst comes to worst the zerg can simply neural parasite them and tell them to self destruct.
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If you think about it one wraith ship contains around 10k wraith, keep in mind that not all are combatants or even awake. The zerg can within weeks because of exponential expansion overrun them with 100s of thousands of units. Even if 1 wraith unit kills 10 zerg units they will still be overrun by more than an order of magnitude.
If you think about it one wraith ship contains around 10k wraith, keep in mind that not all are combatants or even awake. The zerg can within weeks because of exponential expansion overrun them with 100s of thousands of units. Even if 1 wraith unit kills 10 zerg units they will still be overrun by more than an order of magnitude.
And if the wraith are stupid enough to try invading a zerg held world with ground troops armed merely with stunners, that is exactly what will happen. On the other hand, if the wraith hives stay in high orbit and fire plasma weapons at the planet to destroy every zerg hive cluster... well... all the wraith need to do is use darts to intercept the few air/space units those clusters can produce before they are destroyed, pick off any overlords carrying troops into orbit, and then proceed to glass the planet, and any place where there is any hint of zerg. In that case one wraith ship with a few tens of thousands of wraith could destroy millions of zerg on the ground.
And if the wraith are stupid enough to try invading a zerg held world with ground troops armed merely with stunners, that is exactly what will happen. On the other hand, if the wraith hives stay in high orbit and fire plasma weapons at the planet to destroy every zerg hive cluster... well... all the wraith need to do is use darts to intercept the few air/space units those clusters can produce before they are destroyed, pick off any overlords carrying troops into orbit, and then proceed to glass the planet, and any place where there is any hint of zerg. In that case one wraith ship with a few tens of thousands of wraith could destroy millions of zerg on the ground.
Fortunately, the zerg can open their warp portal even from planets so once the Wraith start bombing mc can simply escape. Zerg can also do short range FTL jumps so they could warp tons of units into space right next to the Wraith ships.

You know one of the strongest units in the zerg is the Infestor. Neural parasite is partly psionic as such it works on even purely mechanical units. You can literally Neural parasite a probe and warp in a nexus which the zerg control even after the Infestor dies or its ability timer runs out, using this they get the entire protoss tech line, similarly, if you do it to the SCVs you can get the entire Terran line. The SG races also conveniently store their entire civilizations tech, culture, history on singular databanks.... on which Neural parasite can be used. Just do that and have it transmit the entirety of its contest to the zerg hivemind. So convenient.
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So... one unit has all navigational data and logs, if it goes poof, then he's lost in space?
Fortunately, the zerg can open their warp portal even from planets so once the Wraith start bombing mc can simply escape. Zerg can also do short range FTL jumps so they could warp tons of units into space right next to the Wraith ships.

You know one of the strongest units in the zerg is the Infestor. Neural parasite is partly psionic as such it works on even purely mechanical units. You can literally Neural parasite a probe and warp in a nexus which the zerg control even after the Infestor dies or its ability timer runs out, using this they get the entire protoss tech line, similarly, if you do it to the SCVs you can get the entire Terran line. The SG races also conveniently store their entire civilizations tech, culture, history on singular databanks.... on which Neural parasite can be used. Just do that and have it transmit the entirety of its contest to the zerg hivemind. So convenient.

So, I just watched that video...

that is absolutely ridiculous, how is that still in the game?!
Undead in warcraft 3 could do something similiar, get a banshee to possess a different factions builder units and boom, you've got their everything, even hero units if you have the spots for them.
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Undead in warcraft 3 could do something similiar, get a banshee to possess a different factions builder units and boom, you've got their everything, even hero units if you have the spots for them.

The living that work for the undead. The Cult of the Damned. Who knew they were all mind controled?
Fortunately, the zerg can open their warp portal even from planets so once the Wraith start bombing mc can simply escape. Zerg can also do short range FTL jumps so they could warp tons of units into space right next to the Wraith ships.

You know one of the strongest units in the zerg is the Infestor. Neural parasite is partly psionic as such it works on even purely mechanical units. You can literally Neural parasite a probe and warp in a nexus which the zerg control even after the Infestor dies or its ability timer runs out, using this they get the entire protoss tech line, similarly, if you do it to the SCVs you can get the entire Terran line. The SG races also conveniently store their entire civilizations tech, culture, history on singular databanks.... on which Neural parasite can be used. Just do that and have it transmit the entirety of its contest to the zerg hivemind. So convenient.

So, I just watched that video...

that is absolutely ridiculous, how is that still in the game?!
I always wanted to use that exploit back when I played Starcraft, but it's a lot harder than it sounds. For one thing, if you don't separate the victim from other worker units first they can just gang up and beat your new collaborator to death.
I always wanted to use that exploit back when I played Starcraft, but it's a lot harder than it sounds. For one thing, if you don't separate the victim from other worker units first they can just gang up and beat your new collaborator to death.
Its extremely hard, you have to set up a congo line of infesters and hope a probe walks between bases. Your micro has to be perfect and even then most of the time the enemy scouts the base and kills it before it can do anything useful.
So, I just watched that video...

that is absolutely ridiculous, how is that still in the game?!
Its pretty amazing right? I was shocked too when I first saw it. I hope you don't nerf it, if it works for mc, its going to be amazing. Plus it's still pretty hard to pull off because of the timer and how physically weak Infesters are. I look forward to mc using it to pull off something epic like in the video.
Its pretty amazing right? I was shocked too when I first saw it. I hope you don't nerf it, if it works for mc, its going to be amazing. Plus it's still pretty hard to pull off because of the timer and how physically weak Infesters are. I look forward to mc using it to pull off something epic like in the video.

Here's the issue with using that in this the story. The Wraith don't work like that. I mean yeah, in theory if you Neural Parasite a Queen you might be able to infest her and get her to give birth to infested wraith... but that only gives you the Wraith, not their tech tree. To get that you need to take control of a hive, and access its computer systems which are a mix of digital and organic. I'm not saying the Zerg CAN'T do it, but they won't be able to capture a random wraith drone and suddenly have a fleet of wraith ships at their command. It will be a much longer process involving infesting an entire hive ship and all its inhabitants, preferably before the wraith on board initiate either computer security protocols, or worse a self destruct. Frankly it will be easier to just kill the ships and extract its essence. Not as profitable tech wise, but far less risky.
Here's the issue with using that in this the story. The Wraith don't work like that. I mean yeah, in theory if you Neural Parasite a Queen you might be able to infest her and get her to give birth to infested wraith... but that only gives you the Wraith, not their tech tree. To get that you need to take control of a hive, and access its computer systems which are a mix of digital and organic. I'm not saying the Zerg CAN'T do it, but they won't be able to capture a random wraith drone and suddenly have a fleet of wraith ships at their command. It will be a much longer process involving infesting an entire hive ship and all its inhabitants, preferably before the wraith on board initiate either computer security protocols, or worse a self destruct. Frankly it will be easier to just kill the ships and extract its essence. Not as profitable tech wise, but far less risky.
Oh I know, but if the zerg can neural parasite the nice full databases pretty much all the SG races seem to keep they can easily make it copy over all its info to the Overmind, but the overmind better have some organic computers ready for that info and a way to quickly copy it over. But your right its much less risk if mc simply takes the essence, but I would rather mc grab the complete tech instead of just essence.

For example, if mc can get an infester into the Atlantian core even without the ancient gene it can get the core to copy over all its data and tech.
Oh I know, but if the zerg can neural parasite the nice full databases pretty much all the SG races seem to keep they can easily make it copy over all its info to the Overmind, but the overmind better have some organic computers ready for that info and a way to quickly copy it over. But your right its much less risk if mc simply takes the essence, but I would rather mc grab the complete tech instead of just essence.

For example, if mc can get an infester into the Atlantian core even without the ancient gene it can get the core to copy over all its data and tech.
Ok, I get that the Zerg are a bit OP here, but Neural parasite really shouldn't be able to just magically hack any computer. Rather, I would say it is more likely that it hacks the pilots of machines rather than the machines themselves. Even if that were not the case, I seriously doubt a simple Neural parasite would be able to breach the computer security of Atlantis. The Wraith, maybe (though honestly I doubt that too) but Atlantis? Not a chance. Realistically the zerg may be able to get the wraith tech data by Neural parasiting a queen and the organic portions of a Hive's computer system (albeit with extreme difficulty). Atlantian tech does not have any biological interfaces though except a few neural interfaces which are gene locked (and the zerg don't have the gene, or have any way to get it). I doubt the zerg have any chance of getting Atlantian tech. Otherwise they would have already stolen tech from the Protoss, and that didn't happen in canon.
Ok, I get that the Zerg are a bit OP here, but Neural parasite really shouldn't be able to just magically hack any computer. Rather, I would say it is more likely that it hacks the pilots of machines rather than the machines themselves. Even if that were not the case, I seriously doubt a simple Neural parasite would be able to breach the computer security of Atlantis. The Wraith, maybe (though honestly I doubt that too) but Atlantis? Not a chance. Realistically the zerg may be able to get the wraith tech data by Neural parasiting a queen and the organic portions of a Hive's computer system (albeit with extreme difficulty). Atlantian tech does not have any biological interfaces though except a few neural interfaces which are gene locked (and the zerg don't have the gene, or have any way to get it). I doubt the zerg have any chance of getting Atlantian tech. Otherwise they would have already stolen tech from the Protoss, and that didn't happen in canon.
The ability can be used on purely mechanical units that have no biological component. If the neural parasite can take over a Protoss mothership, it can take over the databases.

Edit: The Zerg simply didn't have time or will to steal tech in the main story. They showed a great understanding of tech in many places, they just never used it for themselves because they were after purity of essence. The problem with stealing the Protoss tech line is that they are all summon based, they all warp in. So once the main Protoss know that zerg took over that probe line they would stop warping in people on request. So presumably even when the zerg got access they would only get a limited number before the Protoss realized whats up and stopped supplying.

Edit 2: But yes they shouldn't be able to magically hack any database, I would say the level it can breach should be depended on how much biological computation power the zerg have at the moment. For example, if they have planet sized superbrains they should be able to breach even Atlantian. Just the overmind + some extra brain units should be good enough to breach the wraith. I mean either way once mc gets the genes of some humans he can isolate the ancient gene and just make zerg with it to get access to the tech core.
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Guys we need to divorce game-play feats from real lore abilities, because lets be hones a Probe doesn't build anything it warps stuff in and in a real world scenario even if the one doing the warping is compromised the thing being warped in shouldn't be. With that being said, I see no reason why the Zerg couldn't Neural Parasite a Queen and then get her to unlock the Ships Database. Also the Hive ship is biological mostly, and the Zerg should be able to obtain its essence without any need for elaborate hacking abilities.
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Guys we need to divorce game-play feats from real lore abilities. With that being said, I see no reason why the Zerg couldn't Neural Parasite a Queen and then get her to unlock the Ships Database. Also the Hive ship is biological mostly, and the Zerg should be able to obtain its essence without any need for elaborate hacking abilities.
True but at least we can use it as a baseline and work off it. There is not much pure lore for starcraft units, only unit descriptions and small bits of data. If you go purely off lore and not game feats then there is basically no info on unit feats as such no baseline.