With Great Power... [Zerg SI, Crossover, Eventual Multicross]

Should the Wraith do the Smart thing, or the Evil thing?

  • Smart thing that isn't evil.

    Votes: 131 53.3%
  • Evil thing that isn't smart.

    Votes: 26 10.6%
  • Do both.

    Votes: 89 36.2%

  • Total voters
i bet it would be great if you ended up in the lantea star system go to the planet near the lantean midway defense platform theres a downed intact wraith cruiser and wraith then theres a 2nd one and wraith queen on the lantean planet where Atlantis is lol
i bet it would be great if you ended up in the lantea star system go to the planet near the lantean midway defense platform theres a downed intact wraith cruiser and wraith then theres a 2nd one and wraith queen on the lantean planet where Atlantis is lol

That would be nice, except the overmind doesn't know where that is.
Zerg in Pegesus? Honestly I think you vastly overestimate the Wraith. Unless this is before they got nearly destroyed by the Asurans (shortly after they beat the Ancients) there are actually not that many hives around. Rough numbers are 60 at minimum, a few thousand hives at most. Those ships are spread across the entire galaxy. Sure, Hive ships are scary 11 km long battleships/carriers, but they have some massive weaknesses.

First, most Hive ships are essentially independent city states with their own queens, warriors, drones, and human ranches (i.e hunting grounds). That means that you will be able to fly under the radar, and even pick off a few hives before the wraith really get organized. In canon the Wraith reacted as though the expedition was a return of the Atlantians (something they feared). The Zerg will not engineer such an immediate and visceral reaction forcing the wraith to unify against you. Hives don't tend to work together unless they absolutely must, and even then not for long.

Second, the Wraith are a stagnant race. Since they survived the Asurans, they have essentially been coasting. At any given time most of them are hibernating, and not doing much else. They are not developing new tech, expanding their numbers, or much of anything really. That means you have a dynamic advantage. Yes the Wraith have plenty of tricks in their bag from the wars they fought against the Atlantians and Asurans, but since then their only opponents have been the occasional human world that has advanced too far. Their "military" forces essentially consist of groups of hunters armed with weapons meant to stun humanoids. They don't carry lethal weapons without a damn good reason. They don't have much armor, no ground based vehicles, and they have only light fighter craft which double as landing craft. In space they can be pretty scary, with various hives supporting a number of cruisers as escorts, but frankly they use orbital bombardment so rarely (only when they want to glass planets) that their dominance of space (which the zerg will be more than capable of contesting) is usually irrelevant in most cases. Essentially Wraith tactics boil down to 'hit it with a raiding party through the gate. If that fails, send a larger raiding party with fighter support. If that fails, show up in orbit, raid as much as possible, and then glass the place from orbit.' The zerg are perfectly capable of dealing with steps 1 and 2. Step three might be a challenge... until the zerg start boarding the wraith ships which have little to no internal defenses, and no serious military forces on board.

The Wraith rule the galaxy right now because they rule space and no one can contest them there. As soon as Zerg ships like Leviathans start showing up and boarding wraith hives, the wraith are in big trouble. Ship to ship, the Wraith stand a decent chance against the zerg. As soon as it comes down to an infantry battle (whether on a planet or on board a ship)? Its all over for the Wraith. They have nothing that can stand up to packs of zerglings, let alone things like roaches or ultralisks (unless Dart fighter based weapons count... maybe).

All this overmind really needs to do is find some small out of the way barely habitable rock without a stargate, cover the place in creep and unit producing structures, grow a large space fleet, and set off to conquer the galaxy. Hit the largest wraith fleets hard and fast, and conquer/protect/exterminate the human worlds (depending on your preference), and you can force the Wraith to either come to you and die to close range boarding actions, or starve in the depths of space.
All this overmind really needs to do is find some small out of the way barely habitable rock without a stargate, cover the place in creep and unit producing structures, grow a large space fleet, and set off to conquer the galaxy. Hit the largest wraith fleets hard and fast, and conquer/protect/exterminate the human worlds (depending on your preference), and you can force the Wraith to either come to you and die to close range boarding actions, or starve in the depths of space.

That is true, but it will take time. But, I think the Wraith are a lot smarter than you give them credit for.
They devised a near perfect plan to get the location of earth and other worlds without the atlantis team figuring it out till the last possible moment.
They may not innovate much, but they are still smart and can figure it out when someone is trying to annihilate them.
Indeed, mc only needs to find a hidden moon or large asteroid deep in an asteroid belt, cover it with structures and start mass producing and expanding in the hidden uninhabitable corners of solar systems. Also he might be able to pick off some wraith at range and steal their bodies. Even if he cannot do that he can send something like house flies to collect fallen skin or hair which should contain the Wraith genome.

Another thing mc might be able to do is go to the Goa'uld sector and try to nab a symbiote, they have such neat perks. If the zerg get access to genetic memory and body stealing it will be a huge boon. If the Sarcophagus healing device is based on biotech that might be useful too.

Either way mc should try to maintain stealth as his top priority as getting found will lead to his downfall. Right now mc is in a nice safe position, he can hide away and spend a few months to years developing/collecting new biologies and mass producing units. While he is hidden away he can send off a few spy zerg to tons of planets to collect dna of different wildlife and species. Well that is if things go to plan, who knows the author might spring a wraith ship on mc as he is leaving blowing his cover.

Anyways look forward to the next chapter.
mc could also design a stealth zerg starship to sneak up on a hiveship or cruiser and fire a landing sac filled with hev into the ship dart bay lol boom infested wraith ship and crew
mc could also design a stealth zerg starship to sneak up on a hiveship or cruiser and fire a landing sac filled with hev into the ship dart bay lol boom infested wraith ship and crew

Yes, we all know the possiblities with the ship.

With that said, don't say 'lol' again in your replies, if you reply again.

That what the funny rating is.
That is true, but it will take time. But, I think the Wraith are a lot smarter than you give them credit for.
They devised a near perfect plan to get the location of earth and other worlds without the atlantis team figuring it out till the last possible moment.
They may not innovate much, but they are still smart and can figure it out when someone is trying to annihilate them.

I mean sure, the wraith are technically smarter than humans, its just they rarely use said intelligence because of their social stagnation. individual wraith might be smart, but as a civilization they are stupid and unchanging. The zerg by contrast are all about adaptation. Grow immune to wraith stunners, and most wraith hives won't even be able to slow down a zerg boarding force. Oh, and zerg biowarfare is at least as dangerous as the wraith's, probably better.

As smart as the wraith may be, they are still limited by their society (feudal and divided) their food source (scarce and easy to cut off) and scale (the galaxy is a massive place, and the zerg can grow in places the wraith can't find). Even if all the wraith are awake right now, know the zerg exist, and are united in hunting for them, the zerg would probably be able to find a place to hide and thrive. Without that? The Zerg are going to do to the wraith exactly what the wraith did to the ancients. hide, build up, and then win a war of attrition. Time favors the zerg, they grow faster, can adapt faster, can utilize more resources and space across the galaxy, and have far better biotech. The wraith have better computer tech, energy weapons, teleportation, arguably better FTL, and maybe some minor telepathy advantage (iffy). Half of those things the zerg can either compete with, or steal from them. The others they can work around, compensate for, or adapt to.
I mean sure, the wraith are technically smarter than humans, its just they rarely use said intelligence because of their social stagnation. individual wraith might be smart, but as a civilization they are stupid and unchanging. The zerg by contrast are all about adaptation. Grow immune to wraith stunners, and most wraith hives won't even be able to slow down a zerg boarding force. Oh, and zerg biowarfare is at least as dangerous as the wraith's, probably better.

As smart as the wraith may be, they are still limited by their society (feudal and divided) their food source (scarce and easy to cut off) and scale (the galaxy is a massive place, and the zerg can grow in places the wraith can't find). Even if all the wraith are awake right now, know the zerg exist, and are united in hunting for them, the zerg would probably be able to find a place to hide and thrive. Without that? The Zerg are going to do to the wraith exactly what the wraith did to the ancients. hide, build up, and then win a war of attrition. Time favors the zerg, they grow faster, can adapt faster, can utilize more resources and space across the galaxy, and have far better biotech. The wraith have better computer tech, energy weapons, teleportation, arguably better FTL, and maybe some minor telepathy advantage (iffy). Half of those things the zerg can either compete with, or steal from them. The others they can work around, compensate for, or adapt to.

Alright, but i'm not editing the last chapter. We can call it Fear response and not understanding the full scale of what they are capable of.
Alright, but i'm not editing the last chapter. We can call it Fear response and not understanding the full scale of what they are capable of.
I mean even if you take that into account mcs actions still make sense. Even if zerg have the advantage its still not worth it to show everyone your cards so soon. Best build up in the dark and steal DNA until you are unbeatable. Mcs choice of leaving was a wise one as any world with sentient beings might lead to discovery.
I mean even if you take that into account mcs actions still make sense. Even if zerg have the advantage its still not worth it to show everyone your cards so soon. Best build up in the dark and steal DNA until you are unbeatable. Mcs choice of leaving was a wise one as any world with sentient beings might lead to discovery.
Oh I agree. The zerg may have the advantage overall, but at this exact moment they are still vulnerable to a wraith decapitation strike from orbit. The SI absolutely needs to be cautious and stealthy for now, until they build up a force capable of taking on the wraith directly. There is a reason it took the wraith a century to beat the atlantians. Likewise, beating the wraith will not be quick or easy. Simple? Yes. But not easy. It also makes sense for the SI to be scared and paranoid, because the wraith are the rulers of the galaxy right now, and if they catch him too early (before he has the ability to board their ships) he could be in serious trouble.
I think the MC's response is reasonable enough. He's still dealing with the "oh god im a zerg wtf" thing, cos you know, thats not the sort of thing you get over that quickly. Then to find out that no, its not just a random new planet hes stranded on but one in a galaxy with the Wraith in it. His first response being "Im out" and going to hide without much deeper thought makes sense to me. I'd freak out too, especially since the zerg response to threats is typically "cut them down with overwhelming numbers or bury them alive in our dead" and he doesn't exactly have an army right now.
Oh its Stargate, thats grate! So much potential, can't wait to see Zerg with Trinium Carpace or Boom Banelings with Naqudah cores that make Nukes look like fireworks. Also if he gets his hands on the Aurora hibernated crew he will have acces to all that juicy Lantean DNA. I'm curious how their near Ascended abilities could help/mix with Zerg Psionics. Combine that with the Wraith Bio-tech and their ability to create Hive-mind nad suck up Life Force and this Universe is perfect start for a new Zerg Overmind.
What is interesting about the Zerg, to me, is that they actually don't need to compete with other civilizations for living space. They can if they want to, but it's not even very efficient. The only reason to grab biospheres is for essence, and the zerg gets a lot more essence in total if they just use those biospheres as hunting and/or logging grounds, instead of just eating it all in one go.

The only groups they would naturally be competing with for space (airless planets, gas giants, moons etc etc) against would be purely synthethic races that don't need biospheres either.

Thus, "outside politics" is not a case of 'must eat everything', but more 'what does the zerg feel like', 'what can the zerg learn from' and 'what could be useful'. Mind you, the Zerg can act like a Tyranid swarm if they want to, but it most definitely does not have to. This opens quite a few possibilities.

One potentially explosive possibility down the road is if this settings Earth actually has a "Blizzard" and the Starcraft games, and 'first contact' involves a "Queen of Blades" diplomatic envoy with a few hydralisks and zerglings along. For extra bonus points, the first contact team has no idea about this, but at least one of the data analysts and/or officers receiving pictures, videos, debriefings etc do.
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One potentially explosive possibility down the road is if this settings Earth actually has a "Blizzard" and the Starcraft games, and 'first contact' involves a "Queen of Blades" diplomatic envoy with a few hydralisks and zerglings along. For extra bonus points, the first contact team has no idea about this, but at least one of the data analysts and/or officers receiving pictures, videos, debriefings etc do.

That would be both awesome and hilarious:). Especially the panic that would soon follow at finding fictional species in real life, also they would then start thinking "if Zerg are real then what about Protoss? Or the Domnion? If they to are real then we are screwed..." Or something like that.
That would be both awesome and hilarious:). Especially the panic that would soon follow at finding fictional species in real life, also they would then start thinking "if Zerg are real then what about Protoss? Or the Domnion? If they to are real then we are screwed..." Or something like that.

Stargate Command would probably react badly. Not to mention the IOA.
Stargate Command would probably react badly. Not to mention the IOA.

Well they certainly would, after all the Goa'uld are much easier opponets do deal with and the Zerg would make them scared like nothing they ever encountered. Also IOA like to think of Earth and themselfs as the biggest superpower in the Game, the Zerg would shatter that misconception and make them much more agrresive. And they would propably undertand that the Zerg don't even need to send their shps if they wanted to destory them, just one Zerg Drone in some non-habitated area like Amazonian Jungle and in few short months they would overrun the Continet, all of the Earth? Year at most, and that if they break up the Nukes really fast.
Well they certainly would, after all the Goa'uld are much easier opponets do deal with and the Zerg would make them scared like nothing they ever encountered. Also IOA like to think of Earth and themselfs as the biggest superpower in the Game, the Zerg would shatter that misconception and make them much more agrresive. And they would propably undertand that the Zerg don't even need to send their shps if they wanted to destory them, just one Zerg Drone in some non-habitated area like Amazonian Jungle and in few short months they would overrun the Continet, all of the Earth? Year at most, and that if they break up the Nukes really fast.

Yes, which is probably why the Zerg won't reveal themselves to earth anytime soon. The new Overmind is more interested domination through diplomacy than force of arms.
Nataila 1.1
Nataila, Wraith Queen, sat silently on her throne, her eyes closed. Her eyes seemed to flutter, for she was receiving a vision of the future.

Over the years, the Wraith Queens had carefully honed their genetics, their Code of Life, to enhance their psychic abilities. They had done this through genetic alteration tech, but this tech was still rather primitive compared to Zerg's mastery of genetic manipulation.

Many centuries ago, Nataila had happened upon a Code of Life that gave her the gift of foresight. This Gift had come in useful many times, often during conflicts with other Wraith Hives, as her gift allowed her to predict their movements and strategies.

Now her gift was helping her again, by showing her the future of an enemy so terrible, it could be the end of the Wraith.

As the vision came to its end, her body gave a violent shudder as she witness her own death at the hands of this mysterious enemy.

Her eye's opened to see her chief lieutenant standing in front of her, a slight frown gracing his face.

"What have you seen, my lady?" he asked.

"I require food," She stated in a low, demanding growl, ignoring his question.

"Of course, my lady," Chief replied, giving a slight bow, before turning to order food to be brought.

Later, as she feasted on the wailing food, her mind turned to the vision she had witness. It was a vision that was unlike any she had seen before. While most of her visions were clear and easy to interpret, this vision was full of long shadows and gaping maws. However, she had been able to glean some factual information from it.

This enemy was very similar to the Wraith themselves. Not quite the same, there were many differences, but still, very similar. The technology of this enemy was based on Biology, just like the Wraith. This enemy was weak now, but had the potential to become much, much stronger over time, and in the future would be able to over power in a war of attrition.

This enemy knew about the Wraith, and was already planning to engage the Wraith in war. This enemy had advantages that would make it very, very hard to stop once it got going.

Which meant that, if the Wraith were to survive, they had to deal with the enemy now, or it would be too late.

Nataila, Wraith Queen, began to consider a number of ways that this enemy could be dealt with. The first thing she would have to do, she realized, is find it, for the vision had not bequeathed to her that particular piece of information.

And that she knew she could not do alone. Right now, the majority of her hive was asleep, and her hive ship was being run by a skeleton crew. She could not wake them up and risk falling out of lockstep with every other wraith hive in the Galaxy, so she would need help, the help of other hives.

She knew of other Wraith Queens that would be interested in a truce, but only if any vision of hers was pertinent to their interests, which Nataila, Wraith Queen, knew was the case.

In her mind, she made a shortlist of candidates who would be most interested in a truce to their mutual benefit, then picked 5 of the most likely.

"Veraxsis," she said, calling her Chief Lieutenant. She removed her hand from the now dead food.

"Yes, my Queen?" Veraxsis said, stepping closer.

"Remove this from my sight," she said with clinched teeth, indicating the dead food.

"Yes, my Queen," Veraxsis said with a bow, before calling one of the Warriors to come and take the dead food away.

"Now," Nataila, Wraith Queen, stated. "I want you to get in contact with Furous, Delvlan, Caririen, Garra, and Talallai. Inform them that I wish to meet under truce, and that I have details of a great vision to share with them. Tell them that it is of great urgency that I meet with them, that their very lives depend upon it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my Queen," Veraxsis replied with a bow. "Do you have a world in mind for the meeting?"

"No," said Nataila, Wraith Queen, with a sharp hiss. "I expect you to handle that matter."