With Great Power... [Zerg SI, Crossover, Eventual Multicross]

Should the Wraith do the Smart thing, or the Evil thing?

  • Smart thing that isn't evil.

    Votes: 131 53.3%
  • Evil thing that isn't smart.

    Votes: 26 10.6%
  • Do both.

    Votes: 89 36.2%

  • Total voters
While the Wraith can be a pain in the ass on the Early stages of this conflict, when the Zerg reach appriopiate level of forces they will stop to be a problem. It will be just a question of how long it will take to destroy all the Wraith. And why is that? Because the Wraith lack sufficient numbers or economy, the Queens can't replentish their armies fast and rebuilding Hiveships takes years. Also to operate in full war mode the Wraith need to constantly consume humans, and since they hibarnate specificaly because Humans are not numbered enough to constantly support their population it meens that eighter the Wraith win quicly or they are screwd. Eighter they die from starvation, lose all their ships and can't rebuild them, lose all the soldiers which they have just few milions(there are only so much Hives and each one can transport no more the few hundred thousynds Wraith grunts, its canon) and they don't have ZPM to power their cloning facility. So eghter they win now when the Zerg just start or they don't win at all.
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My post a few minutes ago was more in response to the 'Bio-tech' thing. I'm assuming that since it is bio tech, the zerg would likely be able to consume it and figure out somewhat how to incorporate it into their own things...Though I expect there will be a lot of initial problems with this, like there were with the SI's delegation idea earlier.
lmao what a cheat lol. did she have that skill in canon or did you add it so they'd have a reason to be warned? wonder how the SGC circumvented that when they have no way to block physic visions if it was canon... DAMN this makes me want to watch the show to completion. would have to re-watch the whole thing :p might have forgotten some things
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question why not make night fury form bigger? large enough to be a kaiju and fit a whole crystal into the body? the psionic energy could help support the body to prevent collapse while all the extra space could be used for more abilities/organs such as armor, roach regen, etc. possibly also carry more troops or limited troop production ability
question why not make night fury form bigger? large enough to be a kaiju and fit a whole crystal into the body? the psionic energy could help support the body to prevent collapse while all the extra space could be used for more abilities/organs such as armor, roach regen, etc. possibly also carry more troops or limited troop production ability

He has to fit into the new spaceship, or else he cannot get anywhere in space.
lmao what a cheat lol. did she have that skill in canon or did you add it so they'd have a reason to be warned? wonder how the SGC circumvented that when they have no way to block physic visions if it was canon... DAMN this makes me want to watch the show to completion. would have to re-watch the whole thing :p might have forgotten some things

Funny thing, this queen was the first queen in the show, but it's not canon.

I decided to add this little thing to make the Wraith a bigger threat.

question why not make night fury form bigger? large enough to be a kaiju and fit a whole crystal into the body? the psionic energy could help support the body to prevent collapse while all the extra space could be used for more abilities/organs such as armor, roach regen, etc. possibly also carry more troops or limited troop production ability

The night fury body is a placeholder. He made it so that he wouldn't feel helpless anymore, but he is planning to create a Superior body later down the road.

He has to fit into the new spaceship, or else he cannot get anywhere in space.

Actually he can move in space on his own.
Well, when the queen said the zerg can win through attrition, she's not wrong. Them wraiths can only last long by feeding while the zerg can spawn as many cannon fodders as it likes.

Edit: Zergs can also be fed solely through creep which is a naturally spawned biome(Did I get it right?) of the zerg's area of control.
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Well, when the queen said the zerg can win through attrition, she's not wrong. Them wraiths can only last long by feeding while the zerg can spawn as many cannon fodders as it likes.
yep and every soldier spawned costs energy, which for them is a finite resource, while zerg can constantly just recycle their dead for biomass to respawn troops
I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure it was a thing that the Wraith didn't have have names or spoken personal identifiers. Hence why they got called things like Michael or Todd if they were a recurring issue to Atlantis personnel. It was part of the whole sort of psychic thing they had going.
Even a single army of enemies is enough for the Zerg to use their own weapons against them lol. Their numbers not only can demoralize armies but using their own weapons is enough to weaken their will.
Ah the pesky cheat that is known as precognition. Well, let's hope they do not find mc anytime soon. At any rate what is mcs control range? Light years? If its big enough he should split up his troops 4 times and head to different places to guarantee survival.
That Queen will be a very very tasty meal for the zerg for sure. Zerg with future sight, I can't wait. If you have upped the difficulty of the wraith than its good that the potential reward is also bigger. High risk, high reward.
I decided to add this little thing to make the Wraith a bigger threat.
Artificially boosting one faction is generally the hallmark of bad crossover stories.
It can be done well but few have the skill to pull it off.. unless its AU you will want to stick to canon power levels even if one side overpowers the other.
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Once the MC build up a decent amount of assist, go to the Asuran (replicator) planet and exchange Tec. It's the best hiding place to get away from the Wraith, i also recall there was an underground City Ship with a backwater king who won't miss really miss it.
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Artificially boosting one faction is generally the hallmark of bad crossover stories.
It can be done well but few have the skill to pull it off.. unless its AU you will want to stick to canon power levels even if it if one side overpowers the other.
Indeed this is correct, if you boost one faction it throws the canon power levels out of whack. Generally its not a good idea to artificially boost people. In this case, however, its just 1 queen that has it plus its uncontrollable so the author can keep it consistent if he puts lots of limitations on the power.
So, having a queen with precognition is actually not that big a deal, as long as it is imperfect precognition (which seems to be the case). Yes, precogs are one of the scariest types of enemies to fight, because they can act to counter your actions before you even know what you are going to do. That said, a single wraith queen a bit closer to ascension than the others with some minor precog abilities is not going to shift the balance too far. It may not be canon, but it also does not expressly violate canon.

The names on the other hand do violate canon, but they are also necessary to show the wraith's internal politics to a human audience via text so... Unless our author is going to try to translate telepathic impressions into English, names are unfortunately necessary. One suggestion would be to change the names to something less... human, and more something like 'queen of the 47th hive of the second hunt' or 'the queen of hive Nathus' or something of that nature. translating telepathy into text is hard, so if its too much trouble, names work fine.

I actually like the idea that each queen might have developed some different minor psychic and/or accession based abilities which they don't share. It makes each hive both a more tempting target, and a more unique challenge to the zerg. It also can be used to help differentiate the hives. Its also interesting to me that the wraith queen is not rousing the nearby hives to full readiness, but rather hoping that an alliance of skeleton crew hives can deal with the threat. It implies that the wraith are more aware of (and conservative of) their food supply than we saw in the early seasons of canon. Its possible that these wraith will act more intelligently than the ones in canon, and smart wraith could be a real threat.
Artificially boosting one faction is generally the hallmark of bad crossover stories.
It can be done well but few have the skill to pull it off.. unless its AU you will want to stick to canon power levels even if one side overpowers the other.


If the power levels are too different then keeping things as fully cannon as possible would quickly grow stale after the third curbstomp. A little boost (like the uncontrollable precog) is enough to spice things up while still not breaking SOD. As long as the boost doesn't shift to something ridiculous as the Wraith finding ZPM's for all their ships or getting a similar performance without them then it won't matter too much.

Keeping things fully cannon can get boring and changing too much will inevitably piss people off so I think the best that the author can do is take their pick and do what they feel is right.
Expansion 2.3
I floated in the dark of space, my little fleet of zerg surrounding me. Since I didn't need them to propel my self in space, I had decided to wrap my wings around myself like a bat. While most of my fleet were converged around me, I had decided to use my Overseers to check for X-ray Pulsars, so that I might have a means of navigating around this vast galaxy.

X-ray Pulsars were useful for navigation because every X-ray pulsar had it's own frequency signature. Once you had the location and frequency signature of at least three X-ray pulsars, you could triangulate your position accurately from anywhere in the galaxy, plus or minus 5 km.

To get the relative position of some X-ray Pulsars, my Overseers had arranged them selves into a circle around this system's star, 3 AU distant from the star, and equidistant from each other. They would then use Binocular vision (with each Overseer serving as an 'eye') to ascertain the distance of these pulsars.

They could then calculate it's relative position by comparing it with the distance of the galactic core, the distance of the most distant star on the other side of the galaxy that was still visible, and then the stars on the outer rim of this side of the galaxy. There was a lot of math involved.

Needless to say, this was a long and involved process, so I had decided to take my fleet out to the outer edges of the star system while my Overseers went to work.

And now, all I had was free time. Time to rest, time to think.

If the Wraith were to find me now, they could probably take me out quite easily. However, once I got my swarm up and running, it was unlikely that they could resist their own destruction. My swarm could grow, and grow quickly, while the Wraith's population was limited by their food stock. Sure, it would be difficult, but I would achieve victory in the end.

It was a reassuring feeling, the knowledge that I could defend myself from the wraith. I was the Overmind. I was the commander of the Swarm.

I had not always been the Overmind. During the first month or so that I had been here, I was preoccupied with setting up a hive cluster and scouting the area that I had found myself in. I hadn't had the time or inclination to think about my old life, as a human on earth.

I had had family there, in my old life, but strangely when I tried to summon up mental images of them, they were fuzzy and incomplete. They seemed so far away, and there were no emotions attached to those memories. Intellectually, I knew I should feel sad and angry that I couldn't remember them properly, but I didn't.

It was probably for the best. I was the Overmind, now. I couldn't afford to be distracted by memories of my old life. I put those memeories to the side, for now.


I woke up. While waiting for the Overseers to complete their task, I had gone to sleep, and was awakened by a mental ping. The Overseers were sending me the information I had set them to collect. It was a big wad of info that was all jumbled together and I didn't feel like sorting through it for now. I designated one of the Overseers to hold it while I figured out what to do.

What I wanted was a special unit to sort through the information and use it to navigate the cold of space. Unfortunately, I hadn't designed such a unit before I had left, and if I wanted to, I would need an Evolution Chamber.

I considered the possibilities, going through the memeories of the old Overmind. Hmm, the old Overmind had once edited the genetic sequence of a drone once without needing an evolution chamber, once. Or rather, a Cerebrate had. It had been situation where the Cerebrate's hive cluster had been stuck on a world that was poor in minerals.

The Cerebrate had edited the drone so that it turned into a worm like thing to burrow deep into the earth. It had taken all of the Cerebrate's mental energy, but it had managed it.

I could probably do the same.

I decided to perform the procedure on one of the Overseers, they already had a large brain, but most of that was for processing sensory input.

I got to work, ordering the Overseer to create a cocoon around itself, and had one of the bloat flies supply it with some extra nutrients. Then I started making the edits, removing the Overseer's sensory organs and increasing it's brain matter. The new Navigator would get it's sensory input from other Overseers. It would be able to process navigational data and turn it into a mental model of the Galaxy.

A few hours later, the Navigator's cocoon popped. It looked a bit like a jellyfish, with long tendrils floating from behind it's body. It accepted the data and started work on finding our relative position in the galaxy.

A hours later, it figured out where we were. We were about 1500c rimward from the galactic middle rim, where c was light years. As I hadn't decided where the galactic meridian was, there was no aftward or spinward coordinate yet.

Earlier when the Overseers had been checking for navigational data, I had also had them look for any nearby star systems that may be suitable for the zerg to inhabit. There was, a main sequence star about 19c away.

I ordered the Overseers to spin up a wormhole, and we were on our way.