With Great Power... [Zerg SI, Crossover, Eventual Multicross]

Should the Wraith do the Smart thing, or the Evil thing?

  • Smart thing that isn't evil.

    Votes: 131 53.3%
  • Evil thing that isn't smart.

    Votes: 26 10.6%
  • Do both.

    Votes: 89 36.2%

  • Total voters
Starter Base 1.5
Through the eyes of my Overlord, I examined the base that I had spent several weeks constructing. The creep was still green and grassy looking, as I had kept the color and texture to disguise my camp from above. To that end, I had created some tree like structures, for purely to help the disguise. My hive now looked like a grassy hill with trees all over it.

The Drones were very busy with the mines, with several new mines having been started in the last few days, as the old mines had been mined out. I was now using the old mines as storage for stuff that wouldn't melt in acid.

The Zerglings continued to patrol the area, but no new animals had come nearby the camp in a while, I guess they had learned to steer clear of my base.

I now had 20 queens up and running, one of which was spraying growth hormone onto my Hive, while the others were planting creep tumors that grew into trees.

I eyed the other structures in the base. The Gizzards, Digestion Pools, and Lodestones were all operating at peak efficiency. Then my eyes came to a rest on the Spawning Pool that that I had made so I could create Zerglings.

Spawning Pool, now there was an idea.

The reason why Zerglings required a Spawning Pool to be made was because Zerglings were created from a primordial soup that Spawning Pool was specifically made to create. However, the ancient Primal Zerg of Zerus were actually created from Spawning Pools. Ancient Primal Zerglings had first emerged from the spawning pools, their primal essence reacting to the harsh environment surrounding them, fueling their evolution.

If the Primal Zerg had done it that way, there was no reason why I couldn't.

I carefully considered my options, wanting to make sure that I didn't make a mistake like my first attempt.

The biggest problem that I could see was, if I took away the spawning larva and resource processing functions of the hatchery, the only function that would be left is spawning creep. The hatchery was one of two structures that could spawn without creep, making it critical for any expansion attempt. I wasn't willing to get rid of creep altogether, as it made resource distribution much easier.

Which meant I was going to have to design a new structure that could fill the critical role of initial creep generation.

Now that I thought about it, this was actually an opportunity: I could reconfigure the way that creep spread, and the way that resources were distributed.

I dove into the mind of the evolution chamber and started drawing up plans for my new creep spawner.


Two hours later I emerged from the Evolution Chamber, tired but satisfied. I had designed the new creep spawning structure, and the new unit spawning structure, as well as a smaller home for my body to be placed in, since I would be replaying the Hive with the new structure.

With that in mind, I ordered my body's new home to be grown. My new home was mainly just a divot in the creep that my body could be placed in. once that was done, a layer of creep would be grown over me, with a lodestone in the middle so that none of my zerg would accidentally trample over me.

When the new structure was ready, I ordered some drones to come into the hive to extract me. I couldn't even feel it as they lifted my body from its old home, and transferred it to the new one. Once I was settled in, I ordered the Hive to reconstitute itself into the new structure.

The new structure, which I called the Worm's Nest, looked very similar to a hatchery, but it was shorter and wider. The Worm's Nest had two phases. Phase One was meant for Broods that had just arrived on a new world and didn't have the resources to make a Spawning Pool right away. Phase One still had the ability produce units. It also produced Creep, and a new unit I called Wormlings.

Wormlings were derived from Nydus Worms, but were much smaller and were meant to connect different structures together (such as connecting a Digestion Pool to a Nutrient Slime Storage Tank) and carry resources between them much faster than the creep could alone.

When a Brood was ready to create a Spawning Pool, the Worm's Nest would produce a special larva that was designed to hold a lot of resources. When the larva was ready, a drone would carry it to it's new location, where it would transform into the initial building sac.

The Worm's Nest would then hook up to it, and funnel a few specialized units called Drill-lings, which would drill into the earth under the building sac to make a deep enough area for the cocoons to spawn in. The earth that was removed would be funneled to a Digestion Pool. When Drill-lings were finished, they activate a special sac inside of them, which would cause them to dissolve into the liquid of the building sac.

The building sac would then grow the inner lining of the Spawning Pool, from which 5 meter long tentacles would spawn, as well as cocoons sacs, from which Cocoons would spawn naturally. When that was done, the building sac would pop and the Spawning Pool would be open for business. When a Cocoon was finished growing, the tentacles would pop it out of it's sac, then ferry it up to the surface, where the cocoon itself would pop upon contact with air, and from the remains of the cocoon the newly born Zerg unit would emerge.

Once the Spawning Pool was finished, the Worm's Nest could move into Phase Two, where it would lose the ability to spawn units, but would gain the ability to spawn Tumor Worms, which would burrow to the edge of the creep and plant themselves there, allowing the creep to grow much more quickly than before, no Queens needed. Now the only things I need Queens for was Growth Hormone.

With all these problems fixed, I finally felt secure in my base, and was ready to turn my attention to more important matters, namely, that civilization on the other side of the planet.
hmmm, thought he would have just done what kerrigan did, create spawning caverns where eggs were stored to be hatched when needed, with their growth stopped right before they were about to hatch. attach a few nydus worms down there and armies could be instantly created and sent anywhere on the planet
hmmm, thought he would have just done what kerrigan did, create spawning caverns where eggs were stored to be hatched when needed, with their growth stopped right before they were about to hatch. attach a few nydus worms down there and armies could be instantly created and sent anywhere on the planet

I don't know, I think my method is better. spawn rates would be controled by the availability of resources.
Plus, you can have more than one spawning pool, and I think you'd want to be spawning things at a constant rate.
I think you should probably adapt in deep waters first IMO because why not take a few underwater specimens that might help you in spaceflight

That would be nice, but there is no reason to focus on adapting to water. Besides, the Zerg already have all the space adaptations that they need.
I don't know, I think my method is better. spawn rates would be controled by the availability of resources.
Plus, you can have more than one spawning pool, and I think you'd want to be spawning things at a constant rate.
no more like you increase force as needed, keep constnatly spawning eggs of units as resource permits which are moved into the cave unless you deny them resources which would just pause their growth.
no more like you increase force as needed, keep constnatly spawning eggs of units as resource permits which are moved into the cave unless you deny them resources which would just pause their growth.

Well, both methods are very similar, and I don't think I'm really all that interested in changing the structure now, perhaps in the future.
That would be nice, but there is no reason to focus on adapting to water. Besides, the Zerg already have all the space adaptations that they need.
Hey, you might never know, I know a type of an aquatic micro-animal called Tardigrades nicknamed "Water Bears". These animals may be microscopic, but they can survive deep underwater as well as survive in SPACE! Without needing oxygen!
Hey, you might never know, I know a type of an aquatic micro-animal called Tardigrades nicknamed "Water Bears". These animals may be microscopic, but they can survive deep underwater as well as survive in SPACE! Without needing oxygen!

As i've said before, The Zerg already have everything they need to survive in space. Besides, they are probably in a place that doesn't even have Tardigrades.
With all these problems fixed, I finally felt secure in my base, and was ready to turn my attention to more important matters, namely, that civilization on the other side of the planet.
Wait, he's known about the civilization this whole time and just didn't want to engage with it until he had his hive cluster set up?

...sounds like something I'd do.
So what morality will your zerg have? A goodie two shoes or a ruthless hivemind?
I also don't see how you will do crossovers with your main body being what it is, unless mc can distribute his mind through all zerg or get a better body he will have a glaring weakness in that he is a weak sack of flesh that has no defense at all. Unlike the other Zerg fics your zerg don't seem to have an innate hivemind connection with mc so either mc should work towards inducing that or perhaps find another way to maintain control over all the zerg. Frankly, Versene gas based psionic control is pretty trash, maybe use quantum entangled particles or some other magic?

Especially when you do crossover how in the world is mc going to maintain control across universes?
Wait, he's known about the civilization this whole time and just didn't want to engage with it until he had his hive cluster set up?

...sounds like something I'd do.
*Gasp* I have been finally graced by the Simurgh's presence!

And yeah, who's stupid enough to antagonize a civilization whilst building your base? It's like doing construction then send out your main force while doing so.
So what morality will your zerg have? A goodie two shoes or a ruthless hivemind?

A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B.

I also don't see how you will do crossovers with your main body being what it is, unless mc can distribute his mind through all zerg or get a better body he will have a glaring weakness in that he is a weak sack of flesh that has no defense at all.

He will get a better body. Don't worry.

Unlike the other Zerg fics your zerg don't seem to have an innate hivemind connection with mc so either mc should work towards inducing that or perhaps find another way to maintain control over all the zerg.

in canon, the Overmind did not have direct control over his units, instead he had to rely on Cerebrates and Overlords to maintain control over the swarm. I don't know what fics you are referring to, but this fic is starting from a Canonical place first.

Frankly, Versene gas based psionic control is pretty trash, maybe use quantum entangled particles or some other magic?

The Overmind will use technology he aquires during his travels. I don't know where he is going to get "quantum entangled particles".
Also, If you think Vespene gas based Psionics is trash, try to remember that Protoss technology is based on it.

Especially when you do crossover how in the world is mc going to maintain control across universes?

He has already crossovered, He is in a different universe from the Starcraft Universe. He will evetually go back, then find a way to travel to other universes.

And yeah, who's stupid enough to antagonize a civilization whilst building your base? It's like doing construction then send out your main force while doing so.

Not this Zerg Overmind.
If you think Vespene gas based Psionics is trash, try to remember that Protoss technology is based on it.
Its a limited resource which does not exist in other universes, the current one does not have it too. No matter how good it makes your local units it instantly makes all your progress go down the drain when you move to another universe which does not have vespene.
in canon, the Overmind did not have direct control over his units, instead he had to rely on Cerebrates and Overlords to maintain control over the swarm. I don't know what fics you are referring to, but this fic is starting from a Canonical place first.
A lot of Zerg fics do not use the canon control method. Well, I do see why they do it, its a pain if you have to do extra stuff to keep control of your units.

For example, mc struggled with micromanaging his units at the start and the mess with all his stuff dying because over resource drain and overproduction could have been mitigated if mcs mind was configured to be able to manage units with little effort or if he was a true hivemind. But I can sort of see why you did it this way, it does seem to allow for some conflict and tension if mc does not have full control over zerg.

I don't know where he is going to get "quantum entangled particles".

Using tech or psionics would be your best bet to get entangled particles. The reason I recommended them is because they would allow for instant FTL communication across any distance, not sure if it would work across dimentions though. Though I'm sure some other si-fi or Psionics network will work just as well.

He has already crossovered, He is in a different universe from the Starcraft Universe. He will evetually go back, then find a way to travel to other universes.
I am more concerned about maintaining control over the units he will leave behind not the ones he will take with him. Otherwise when he eventually leaves who knows how many galaxies will get covered in wild zerg.

Out of curiosity, does mc have the primal zerg essence(blueprint) in his memory? He might have it or he might not, depends on when in the timeline the overminds memories were copied/ripped from. Also does he have the overminds body's essence? It would be pretty useful to maintain better control and micromanage if mc can shift his mind into such a structure.
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I am more concerned about maintaining control over the units he will leave behind not the ones he will take with him. Otherwise when he eventually leaves who knows how many galaxies will get covered in wild zerg.

That is going to be a problem that he will face in the future. I do plan to write about it.

Out of curiosity, does mc have the primal zerg essence(blueprint) in his memory? He might have it or he might not, depends on when in the timeline the overminds memories were copied/ripped from.

No, the memeory of how primal essence works was ripped from the Overmind's mind by Amon.

Also does he have the overminds body's essence? It would be pretty useful to maintain better control and micromanage if mc can shift his mind into such a structure.

I will write about that, but the Overmind's mind will be placed in a special Unit. I won't say what that Unit will be.

Its a limited resource which does not exist in other universes, the current one does not have it too. No matter how good it makes your local units it instantly makes all your progress go down the drain when you move to another universe which does not have vespene.

That is also a problem that he will have to face in the future. And the Problem isn't limited to Vespene gas, there is a resource in the current universe that he is in that is unique to that universe, he is going to have to figure out how he is going to conduct resource distribution between universes.

Using tech or psionics would be your best bet to get entangled particles. The reason I recommended them is because they would allow for instant FTL communication across any distance, not sure if it would work across dimentions though. Though I'm sure some other si-fi or Psionics network will work just as well.

I'm not going to magic up a solution to long distance communication out of nowhere.
Expansion 2.1
The world that I had woken up on had three major continents. There was the continent that my base was on: it was about the size of Greenland and was on the equator.

There was continent on one of the poles, about the size of Africa.

And then there was the largest continent, the size of Asia. This continent had one end on the other pole, and the other end on the equator, on the other side of the planet from mine. The civilization that I had discovered sat on this largest continent, in the more temperate regions.

Ever since I had discovered it, I had had my Overlords keeping a close eye on it from orbit. I was reluctant to actually get too close to the civilization with my Overlords because I didn't want them to know that there was an alien intelligence living on the planet with them. Not that it was likely they could infer that.

I had, however, ordered my Overlords to capture some winged vertebrates from the region that the civilization was located in for their essence. These winged vertebrates looked suspiciously like birds, but that shouldn't be possible if I was on an alien planet, right? Hmm.

Never the less, once I had their essence, I set about creating a spy Zerg template that looked exactly like these winged vertebrates on the outside. On the inside, I gave them the ability to process essence so that I could gather the alien's essence without having to bring it back to base. All they would have to do is lick the aliens to process their essence.

When that was done, I ordered a thousand of these birds to be made, and had them loaded up into Overlords that would ferry them to the alien civilization's doorstep.


I watched curiously as the Overlord angled it's orbit to land on the west side of what appeared to be the civilization's main city. This city was next to a bay that opened to the ocean. The Overlord would land just outside of this bay, out of the view of anyone who happened to be in the city.

When it was hovering just a few meters above the waves, the Overlord opened the flaps on it's side, releasing the new spy zerg that I called Birdlings. I know, I know. It's not original, but I wasn't sure what else to call them.

The Birdlings spread out, so that they wouldn't enter the city all at once. That was to make sure they weren't spotted as something unusual.

I flitted into the mind of the Birdling that would enter the city first. I wanted to get a good look at these new aliens. The Birdling fluttered around the hill south of the bay, coming around to get a good view of the city's port, and I saw the aliens for the first time.

They were humans.

I mentally blinked at the sight. Humans? What were humans doing on an alien planet?

I turned my attention back away from the humans, and noticed that the port was rather small, and so were the ships, the biggest one being a small sailboat that was sailing out of the bay. Most of the ships were small wooden dinghies that people were fishing out of, with a few sailboats dock in the port.

The people walking along the paved road next to the port were wearing what looked like renaissance era clothing, and the buildings looked like they had been built in the medieval era, with a few newer buildings looked much closer to renaissance era.

If this was a civilization that had renaissance era technology, then where was the merchant ships? Where were the warships? In fact, the bay was conspicuously missing a military base to defend it.

In fact, now that I thought about it, the area close to this city seemed to be the only parts of the continent that was occupied. There were no night lights elsewhere on the continent than this small region. Why was there only one city-state instead of many? Even in the most ancient civilizations on Earth, there had been more than one city-state. There had been many, all of which had facilitated trade and war between each other.

I had to be missing something.

Well, I decided to let the Birdlings get on with their business and ordered the Overlords compile updates to be sent back every three hours, or to report back immediately if they saw anything interesting. There were ten Overlords in the area, all on different sides of the region.

I decided to check back on my base, to see how the Spawning Pool was coming along. I came back to myself to see that my newly designed Queen had emerged from her cocoon. The new Queen looked like a giant spider, with very long legs and a slightly bloated abdomen. I had designed her mind to easily handle spawn rates, and she had the ability to hover in the air like an Overlord.

Her job was to manage spawn rates, make sure that the Spawning Pool stayed clean, and continuously dump butt-loads of growth hormone into the pool.

I set about giving her spawn rate orders and started planning the creation of a new spawning pool

The new Spawning Pool and Queen were well underway when I got my first update from my Overlords.

The Birdlings were now distributed evenly through out the human realm, and keeping an eye on the humans. They hadn't gotten any essence yet as I wanted to wait until night to do that. I found something interesting in the data: one of the Birdlings had seen a caravan of traders heading towards the city down a road that lead nowhere.

I was intrigued.

One of the Birdlings had noticed the road and reported it to it's Overlord handler, which had cross referenced the road with our orbital map of the human realm, before it realized that it led nowhere. Overlord dismissed the information, until half an hour later, when that same Birdling had seen the caravan.

I moved into the mind of the Overlord that handled that particular Birdling, before ordering the Birdling to fly down that road. It didn't take long for the Birdling to arrive at the road's destination, and what I saw there shocked me to my very core.

It was a Stargate.
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