With Great Power... [Zerg SI, Crossover, Eventual Multicross]

Should the Wraith do the Smart thing, or the Evil thing?

  • Smart thing that isn't evil.

    Votes: 131 53.3%
  • Evil thing that isn't smart.

    Votes: 26 10.6%
  • Do both.

    Votes: 89 36.2%

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What would be your first thought if you went to bed one night, perfectly normal in your home...
Starter Base 1.1


Stop reacting to old stuff i posted.
New Mexico
What would be your first thought if you went to bed one night, perfectly normal in your home, and the next morning you woke up, you found yourself in a strange place, with your perfectly normal human body replaced with a huge mass of quivering flesh?

At least, that's what it seems like at first, when I woke up. It's kind of like waking up like normal. Not all of your senses come back to you right away. It takes time, even if only a few seconds. But when they did, it felt like waking up with a hangover, as with my new body my senses were now much more acute, but my still humanish mind didn't know how to handle them yet. Not to mention that I now had a thousand eyes and ears where before I only had two of each, a thousand noses and mouths where before I only had one of each, and a whole lot of other sensory organs besides.

As it was, it took me a few hours before I got my bearings, and took stock of my surroundings.

I appeared to be in a tropical jungle, judging by the trees, the humidity, and the heat. My body appeared to be much taller than the trees surrounding me, and I guess I had to be at least 400 meters tall, with a wider base. I was taller than many skyscrapers.

From my base there appeared to be some sort of purplish stringy moss growing around me. The moss was apparently part of my body cause I could see from eyes down there, and also taste anything that touched it. Speaking of, there appeared to be several fat wriggling worms down there, hanging around my base. They were eating the purplish moss, and despite it being part of my body, it didn't hurt when they bit into it. The moss seemed to regrow just as quickly as they ate it.

I felt a stranger sense connecting me to the worms. It felt like I was feeling them with my mind. Curious, I probed this sense, licking at their souls to get a better sense of them. When I did this, they shuddered and stopped moving. Curious.

All of this felt very familiar, like I'd seen this before, somewhere…

Oh right, Zerg. Duh.

So I was a hatchery then? I looked around with my new eyes. No there were those huge bone spikes poking up from my base. I was a Hive. I was also either the Overmind, or a Cerebate. I probed the strange sense that had connected me to the Larva. Was there some greater entity out there controlling me? I didn't feel like I was being controlled. That probably meant I was either a rogue Cerebate, or actually the Overmind itself.

Either way, I didn't feel like being controlled was something I wanted, so if I was a rogue Cerebate, then I would plan to remain a rogue Cerebate.

With that out of the way, I probed another one of my new sense to see how much resources I had. Not a lot, apparently. Enough to make about a hundred units of zerg, but not much more than that. I probed another sense to see what gene sequences I had access to. Only three: Overlords, Drones, and… Prospectors?

Curious, I examined the sequence of the Prospectors. Oh, it seemed that Prospectors were used to find minerals when they weren't readily available as crystalline structures. Well, that explained why I hadn't heard of them before, they wouldn't have been useful in the Koprulu sector where there were a lot of those crystalline minerals. Speaking of which…

I glanced around me with my new eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of those crystal minerals. No such luck, there was none to be found. There weren't any Vespene gas geysers anywhere either.

Just my luck, the person who dumped me here wasn't kind enough to put me in a place were I had access to these things.

This was going to be a problem. Vespene gas was necessary for evolution, fuel, and awaking Psionic potential. The Zerg had originally evolved without it, but once they had found it, they had evolved to have a great affenity for it. Without it, I would have problems with controlling my brood, as without psionics they would have problems connecting to the zerg network, and would go feral.

I was suddenly thankful that who ever had left me here had given me some starter resources so that I could make some units without having to worry that they would go feral.

After thinking about it, I decided to make some overlords first, so they could scout the area and see if there were any Vespene gas geysers nearby.

Turning my attention back to the larva, I was startled to discover that while I was thinking, a large batch of them had appeared. There were about twenty larva on the ground right now, but only 6 six of them were ready to grow into new units.

I quickly ordered them to grow into Overlords, and they twisted around, biting their tails. After a few moments, creep grew up over them, forming cocoons.

I was fascinated by the whole process, as I had not known until now that they bit their tails first, or that creep was responsible for forming their cocoons. I still felt their minds as they turned into mush inside their cocoons, becoming raw essence. That was interesting. I wondered what was hosting their minds as surly their brains weren't intact anymore, right?

As I made that thought, I realized suddenly that I knew how it worked exactly. Apparently I had the memories of the old Overmind, but they were there in the background, only surfacing if I thought of them. The minds of the larva was held in the creep itself, which apparently had it's own nervous system.

You learn new things every day.

It took the larva two hours to fully form into Overlords, by which time I had ordered two thirds of the other larva to turn into Drones, while one third turned into Prospectors.

When the overlords were done, I sent four of them off in the cardinal directions, while one traveled upwards to get a better idea of what was in the distance, and one stayed to keep an eye on the drones and prospectors.

The Prospectors looked like gnarly flies that buzzed around and licked the ground with long tongues to taste it's mineral content. Their tongues were sharp and powerful, able to dive into hard stone like fish, and I got the feeling that they were at least six meters long.

It didn't take them long to find a few spots nearby with good mineral content, and I ordered the drones to start clearing out the trees to make a path to those areas.

The trees were brought back and placed in my mouths, which proceeded to crunch them up with powerful jaws and unbreakable molars. When the trees had been rendered to pulp, my mouths would swallow them. This was unconscious, as I didn't directly control my own mouths. The trees were rather bland, it's essence not very colorful, but I did take the time to store it's sequence in my memory for later use.

It didn't take very long before all of my mouths were working to crunch up trees, and a back line started to form. My drones were cutting down trees faster than I could process them. I ordered them to slow down, but it was galling that I couldn't process them fast enough. Something to think about later. At least my mineral count was going up.

I made drones until I had thirty of them, then I ordered one of them to form a spawning pool, away from the lanes bringing me wood, so that I could make zerglings. The spawning pool took up ten units worth of the vespene gas the ROB who dumped me here had so generously gifted me, so I had to be conservative with it from here on out until I could find some more.

The spawning pool took six hours to finish, after which I turned ten larva into twenty zerglings. By now the drones had encountered a few animals, which had fled at the sight of zerg. I ordered ten of my zerglings to set out to find these animals, while the other ten were ordered to protect my drones in case a predatory animal turned up to try and hunt them. It didn't seem likely, though, as the drones were rather enormous.

By now the Drones were mining for minerals, digging up rocks and returning them to the hive. If the trees had been bland, the rocks were tasteless, and their texture was rather grainy.

An hour later, the zerglings brought back animals they had hunted down, and they were a lot more tasty, their essence blooming in color. Like before, I stored their sequences in memory for later.

It was when I had a few of the drones clearing out the trees in a ring around me that I discovered an opening in my Hive. Curious, I ordered on my drones to enter the opening, and when they did, I discovered my real body. There was a large cave-like opening inside the hive, at the bottom of which my real body lay. I looked like a Cerebate.

I didn't know how large Cerebate's were normally, but I looked pretty big. I was wrapped around a pillar, atop which was a purple Khaydarin Crystal. It was glowing with a purple aura.

I wasn't quite sure what purpose the crystal had, but it could be useful in case I couldn't find any Vespene gas, which was looking to be likely.
Khaydarin Crystals were reservoirs of Psionic energy, and they absorbed any kind of energy that surrounded it, be it living energy, light, sound, psionics, or any other kind of energy besides.

By now the Overlords had traveled quite far, and had yet to find a single Vespene Geyser.

If I didn't think of something quick, I was going to run out of fuel and lose control of my brood.

And if that happened, I would die.
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So, just a question for sciancy guys, but how much energy would photosynthesis give the zerg per Kilowatt hour, with one square meter of photosynthesizing Creep?

Not entirely sure how that would work. I know it's how plants make glucose, but how would glucose work as a fuel?
So, just a question for sciancy guys, but how much energy would photosynthesis give the zerg per Kilowatt hour, with one square meter of photosynthesizing Creep?

Not entirely sure how that would work. I know it's how plants make glucose, but how would glucose work as a fuel?
Exact numbers for Terran plants vary in efficiency, so we don't really know what Creep's kilowatt output is. Glucose is a very effective fuel, but produces waste. Psychic power can probably replace any nutrition the Zerg bioforms need.

Does it really matter? The creep does pseudo-sciencey psychic things to provide bio-energy for the Zerg. Minerals form bodies, Vespine catalyzes reactions. We don't need to know how much energy, just assign an arbitrary unit value to a certain area of creep, and stick with it. Maybe 200 units for the area he starts with, however much that is.
What would be your first thought if you went to bed one night, perfectly normal in your home, and the next morning you woke up, you found yourself in a strange place, with your perfectly normal human body replaced with a huge mass of quivering flesh?

At least, that's what it seems like at first, when I woke up. It's kind of like waking up like normal. Not all of your senses come back to you right away. It takes time, even if only a few seconds. But when they did, it felt like waking up with a hangover, as with my new body my senses were now much more acute, but my still humanish mind didn't know how to handle them yet. Not to mention that I now had a thousand eyes and ears where before I only had two of each, a thousand noses and mouths where before I only had one of each, and a whole lot of other sensory organs besides.

As it was, it took me a few hours before I got my bearings, and took stock of my surroundings.

I appeared to be in a tropical jungle, judging by the trees, the humidity, and the heat. My body appeared to be much taller than the trees surrounding me, and I guess I had to be at least 400 meters tall, with a wider base. I was taller than many skyscrapers.

From my base there appeared to be some sort of purplish stringy moss growing around me. The moss was apparently part of my body cause I could see from eyes down there, and also taste anything that touched it. Speaking of, there appeared to be several fat wriggling worms down there, hanging around my base. They were eating the purplish moss, and despite it being part of my body, it didn't hurt when they bit into it. The moss seemed to regrow just as quickly as they ate it.

I felt a stranger sense connecting me to the worms. It felt like I was feeling them with my mind. Curious, I probed this sense, licking at their souls to get a better sense of them. When I did this, they shuddered and stopped moving. Curious.

All of this felt very familiar, like I'd seen this before, somewhere…

Oh right, Zerg. Duh.

So I was a hatchery then? I looked around with my new eyes. No there were those huge bone spikes poking up from my base. I was a Hive. I was also either the Overmind, or a Cerebate. I probed the strange sense that had connected me to the Larva. Was there some greater entity out there controlling me? I didn't feel like I was being controlled. That probably meant I was either a rogue Cerebate, or actually the Overmind itself.

Either way, I didn't feel like being controlled was something I wanted, so if I was a rogue Cerebate, then I would plan to remain a rogue Cerebate.

With that out of the way, I probed another one of my new sense to see how much resources I had. Not a lot, apparently. Enough to make about a hundred units of zerg, but not much more than that. I probed another sense to see what gene sequences I had access to. Only three: Overlords, Drones, and… Prospectors?

Curious, I examined the sequence of the Prospectors. Oh, it seemed that Prospectors were used to find minerals when they weren't readily available as crystalline structures. Well, that explained why I hadn't heard of them before, they wouldn't have been useful in the Koprulu sector where there were a lot of those crystalline minerals. Speaking of which…

I glanced around me with my new eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of those crystal minerals. No such luck, there was none to be found. There weren't any Vespene gas geysers anywhere either.

Just my luck, the person who dumped me here wasn't kind enough to put me in a place were I had access to these things.

This was going to be a problem. Vespene gas was necessary for evolution, fuel, and awaking Psionic potential. The Zerg had originally evolved without it, but once they had found it, they had evolved to have a great affenity for it. Without it, I would have problems with controlling my brood, as without psionics they would have problems connecting to the zerg network, and would go feral.

I was suddenly thankful that who ever had left me here had given me some starter resources so that I could make some units without having to worry that they would go feral.

After thinking about it, I decided to make some overlords first, so they could scout the area and see if there were any Vespene gas geysers nearby.

Turning my attention back to the larva, I was startled to discover that while I was thinking, a large batch of them had appeared. There were about twenty larva on the ground right now, but only 6 six of them were ready to grow into new units.

I quickly ordered them to grow into Overlords, and they twisted around, biting their tails. After a few moments, creep grew up over them, forming cocoons.

I was fascinated by the whole process, as I had not known until now that they bit their tails first, or that creep was responsible for forming their cocoons. I still felt their minds as they turned into mush inside their cocoons, becoming raw essence. That was interesting. I wondered what was hosting their minds as surly their brains weren't intact anymore, right?

As I made that thought, I realized suddenly that I knew how it worked exactly. Apparently I had the memories of the old Overmind, but they were there in the background, only surfacing if I thought of them. The minds of the larva was held in the creep itself, which apparently had it's own nervous system.

You learn new things every day.

It took the larva two hours to fully form into Overlords, by which time I had ordered two thirds of the other larva to turn into Drones, while one third turned into Prospectors.

When the overlords were done, I sent four of them off in the cardinal directions, while one traveled upwards to get a better idea of what was in the distance, and one stayed to keep an eye on the drones and prospectors.

The Prospectors looked like gnarly flies that buzzed around and licked the ground with long tongues to taste it's mineral content. Their tongues were sharp and powerful, able to dive into hard stone like fish, and I got the feeling that they were at least six two meters long.

It didn't take them long to find a few spots nearby with good mineral content, and I ordered the drones to start clearing out the trees to make a path to those areas.

The trees were brought back and placed in my mouths, which proceeded to crunch them up with powerful jaws and unbreakable molars. When the trees had been rendered to pulp, my mouths would swallow them. This was unconscious, as I didn't directly control my own mouths. The trees were rather bland, it's essence not very colorful, but I did take the time to store it's sequence in my memory for later use.

It didn't take very long before all of my mouths were working to crunch up trees, and a back line started to form. My drones were cutting down trees faster than I could process them. I ordered them to slow down, but it was galling that I couldn't process them fast enough. Something to think about later. At least my mineral count was going up.

I made drones until I had thirty of them, then I ordered one of them to form a spawning pool, away from the lanes bringing me wood, so that I could make zerglings. The spawning pool took up ten units worth of the vespene gas the ROB who dumped me here had so generously gifted me, so I had to be conservative with it from here on out until I could find some more.

The spawning pool six hours to finish, after which I turned ten larva into twenty zerglings. By now the drones had encountered a few animals, which had fled at the sight of zerg. I ordered ten of my zerglings to set out to find these animals, while the other ten were ordered to protect my drones in case a predatory animal turned up to try and hunt them. It didn't seem likely, though, as the drones were rather enormous.

By now the Drones were mining for minerals, digging up rocks and returning them to the hive. If the trees had been bland, the rocks were tasteless, and their texture was rather grainy.

An hour later, the zerglings brought back animals they had hunted down, and they were a lot more tasty, their essence blooming in color. Like before, I stored their sequences in memory for later.

It was when I had a few of the drones clearing out the trees in a ring around me that I discovered an opening in my Hive. Curious, I ordered on my drones to enter the opening, and when they did, I discovered my real body. There was a large cave-like opening inside the hive, at the bottom of which my real body lay. I looked like a Cerebate.

I didn't know how large Cerebate's were normally, but I looked pretty big. I was wrapped around a pillar, atop which was a purple Khaydarin Crystal. It was glowing with a purple aura.

I wasn't quite sure what purpose the crystal had, but it could be useful in case I couldn't find any Vespene gas, which was looking to be likely.
Khaydarin Crystals were reservoirs of Psionic energy, and they absorbed any kind of energy that surrounded it, be it living energy, light, sound, psionics, or any other kind of energy besides.

By now the Overlords had traveled quite far, and had yet to find a single Vespene Geyser.

If I didn't think of something quick, I was going to run out of fuel and lose control of my brood.

And if that happened, I would die.

Perfect! Finally we have a new zerg fic! I hope it would last longer than others, and even past 300k words!

So, just a question for sciancy guys, but how much energy would photosynthesis give the zerg per Kilowatt hour, with one square meter of photosynthesizing Creep?

Not entirely sure how that would work. I know it's how plants make glucose, but how would glucose work as a fuel?

The photosynthesis isn't giving a specific energy. It is up to how much light is reaching to creep and how effective creep is at converting light to glucose or energy.

The energy you will receive from creep will change between planets. Because every planet has a different distance to system star. And every systems star has a different light output.

Most of plants has low efficiency between 0.1% and 2%. Our solar panels have an efficiency between 15% to prototype 45.5%.

Of course in starcraft the technology is more advanced. In today we are expecting 70-80% efficiency solar panels in 10-15 years.

And zerg had thausands of years to develop the creep. I would fully expect 99% efficiency from creep. I also fully expect that Terran's have at least 98% efficiency in their solar panels. Because it is not possible to develop 100% solar panels without broking physic laws.

I'm not sure about glucose, but I know that our cells (all kind of cells, not just humans, with a few exceptions (read it below)) use glucose and convert lt to ATP. (In humans and animals at least. There is other types) It is a fuel. We convert this fuel to proteins, carbohydrates and adipose. For store long term. When we need energy, we convert it back to ATP and we broke the bonds between 3 phosphate and use the emerging energy.

Then there is other kinds of energy systems in nature.

The most impressive ones is some kind of bacteria recently found in deap ocean or something. It uses electricity for everything and nothing else. It uses electricity for enery. But that is not that impressive.

The impressive part is that, it only receives electricity and nothing else. Somehow that little bugger is managing to stay alive in electricity alone.
Look at links:



If you could crack and built Energy-to-Matter tech, I hope you would built zerg industrial size solar factories. (Not replicators. Because in ST, replicators aren't converting or creating elements. They are only arranging positions of atoms.)

A few months back, I calculated that if you built a dyson swarm and collect 100% of Sun's light and use 10% efficient (because of how large our swarm would be. The energy transfer would be a huge engineering problem) energy to matter devices, we could use this energy to create 100 million tonns of any kind element PER SECOND.

Or if we focused that energy to a point, we could create an artificial blackhole. With this kind of power, we could create a planet with mass of earth in 1.893.769 years. Or we could just buit giant labs every second. And habitats to house our population. In a year we would have millions of habitats and trillions of space labs.
And once our technology is advanced enough, we would just build star lifters and steal sun's matter directly, which is more efficient, is possible steal more and we don't need to create elements. We only convert it, which is more energy efficient.
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So, just a question for sciancy guys, but how much energy would photosynthesis give the zerg per Kilowatt hour, with one square meter of photosynthesizing Creep?

Not entirely sure how that would work. I know it's how plants make glucose, but how would glucose work as a fuel?

Okay, not exactly a sciency guy but I'll try a quick google search.

This post on stackexchange has someone asking a question on the efficiency of plants vs solar panels. One answer involves the figures of growing micanthus as biofuel.

They cite figures that we can grow about 14 tonnes of micanthus per hectare in a year, and people can get about 19 gigajoules of energy by converting a tonne into biofuel. That gives 266GJ per hectare per year or about 73,888.9 kilowatt hours per year. There are 10,000 square meters in a hectare, so that amounts to about 7.4 kilowatt hours per square meter.

Now, according to Wikipedia, conventional gasoline has an energy density of about 33.4 kilowatt hours per gallon. Meaning in a year, a square meter of micanthus would produce enough energy to make about one fifth of a gallon of gasoline (and that hectare I cited would produce about 2,212 gallons).

Which doesn't sound like the sort of thing that would make the zerg into the galaxy-consuming threat they are.

Modern solar panels can produce about ten times as much energy per area as micanthus and you don't have to wait a year for the harvest, but solar panels can't self-replicate and we need infrastructure in place to store the energy for off-peak hours.

So basically... if the zerg creep is photosynthetic, it would certainly have to be more efficient than our best biofuel crops and most likely better than our solar panels. Something like absorbing psychic energy from other dimensions or whatever would probably be the best excuse for how creep acts the way it does.

Still, if you plan on becoming a "benevolent zerg", I'm pretty damm sure you could engineer some kind of organ or bio-system that produces ethanol or other biofuels more efficiently than modern technology can. You could probably engineer some kind of zerg fusion crop that can cheaply produce an equivalent to rice, wheat, eggs, milk, etc to sell to people or other products like silk, wool, leather and other textiles or materials.

Oh, and if you somehow end up in a world like RWBY or some RPG world where mankind has to fight monsters on a daily basis, just engineer a whole line of zerg to be big and fuzzy and friendly towards humans while fighting the monsters.
Starter Base 1.2
Ok, first… solving the Psionics problem. I could find other sources of fuel, but Psionics was more important, as I needed my zerg to awaken their Psionics so that I could retain control of them.

According to the Overmind's memories, the only purpose of the Khaydarin Crystal inside the Hive was to assist with long distance communication. As far as I knew, I didn't have anyone to communicate with, so I could safely remove the crystal from the Hive if I wanted to.

I ordered the drone that was already inside the hive to remove the Khaydarin Crystal from the pillar and move it outside. Once outside, I ordered the Drone to break it apart into smaller bits, then spread them out so that they could absorb some sunlight. As they absorb energy, the crystals would grow, and I would be able to absorb the Psionic energy inside of it.

However, to do so I would need a specialized structure, one specifically designed to draw out the Psionic energy and funnel it to cocooned larva.

To design this structure, I would need an evolution chamber. Evolution chambers were basically laboratories were genetic sequences could be re-sequenced to create or improve units and structures.

By my count I had about thirty units of power left, so I orders a drone to turn into one now. When it was finished six hours later, I set about created a blueprint for the structure I needed. I only had twenty units of power left, so I had to get it right the first time around.

I cast about through the old Overmind's memories to see if he had ever created such a structure. He had, a few times, but the memories were faded. Still, it was better than nothing.

After a few hours of work, I finally had the the blueprint for a structure that I called the Lodestone. It was very similar to the Protoss pylon, but since it's energy output flowed through the creep, it wasn't as limited in area, and I would hopefully only need one per hive.

Mentally crossing my fingers in hope that it would work the first time around, I ordered a drone to turn into the structure. The drone picked up one of the larger fragments of the Khaydarin Crystal, then settled in to turn into the Lodestone. Thankfully it only took five units of energy to build, and a few hours later I was the proud owner of a brand spanking new Lodestone.

Unfortunately, the Lodestone did not draw Psionic energy out of the Crystal as efficiently as I had hoped it would, so unit production would be slower until I could work out the bugs, but it worked well enough for my purposes.

Now that that problem was solved, I turned my attention to other problems, mainly how to catalyze zerg evolution and how to get fuel.

When the zerg had found Vespene gas, they had used it to catalyze their own evolution. Vespene gas catalyzed Zerg essence, allowing it to adapt and change more quickly than it otherwise normally would have. This wasn't always the case, as the primal zerg had easily evolved without it, but the Swarm Zerg essence was dependent on it, like a drug, and I suspected that weening off this drug would be difficult.

Without Vespene Gas, the Swarm Zerg wouldn't readily adapt to new environments, and would require an infusion of local essence to survive. I may be able to partly catalyze our essence with Psionics energy, but it wouldn't be as good as raw Vespene gas.

Still, I would take what I could get.

Lacking any other solutions to this problem, I decided to focus on the fuel problem, and I think I already had a solution for it: Plant essence. Plants got their energy from the sun, so all I needed was some plant essence.

As the Drones had cleared out not just the trees, but also several shrubs and grass, I already had a lot of it to work with, so I went back to the evolution chamber to work out a plan. The idea was to change the creep itself so that it could photosynthesize to produce glucose. Glucose could be converted into ATP, which could then be converted into proteins, carbohydrates and adipose. The glucose itself would be created by the creep, while the other stuff happen inside the other zerg units.

For this to work would require changing the internal biology of the zerg, but if I catalyze our essence right, it shouldn't be a problem. I set about drawing up the plans for a new structure that would serve this purpose, and in the mean time I ordered all of my units to return to the hive.

The structure I came up with was more of a reservoir for glucose when it wasn't being used, and I created a different structure for waste processing.

Once I was finished with the blueprints, I ordered one of the drones to turn into the reservoir, and another to turn into the waste processing structure. Once they had turned into cocoons, I infused the new essence into the creep, and ordered the remaining units to take a small bite of it. Once they did, they turned into cocoons, and I infused the cocoons with Psionic energy to catalyze their essence.

I had used the animal essence to change their biology so that they could actually consume and process glucose, but made it more efficient than it otherwise would have been.

Slowly, the creep turned from a dark purple into a brilliant shade of green. What had been a short fuzz like moss turned into long blades of grass with moss under it. The creep grew roots that dug into the ground underneath it, and tubes meant to funnel glucose grew between them. The roots connected to the Hive, and I funneled out more minerals to help the creep grow.

It would take a while to build a store of glucose, but I was just glad that it had worked properly.
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Good so far, but with everything it's the execution that counts, the only thing I can suggest is try something beyond find new species, graph their essence, upgrade Zerg untill curbstomp, rinse and repeat

Having said that your past stories give me confidence

Realy like how your implementing the fact that there are no easy resources,
Mabey try cybernetics ect (just a random idea, because I don't think ive seen anyone do this yet, ignore if you don't think it will fit)
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Good so far, but with everything it's the execution that counts, the only thing I can suggest is try something beyond find new species, graph their essence, upgrade Zerg untill curbstomp, rinse and repeat

Oh I will.

Having said that your past stories give me confidence

Wow, thank you.

Realy like how your implementing the fact that there are no easy resources,

Yeah, he's in a different universe, natural laws arn't quite the same there.

Mabey try cybernetics ect (just a random idea, because I don't think ive seen anyone do this yet, ignore if you don't think it will fit)

maybe, at some point in the future.
soo what verse is he in? halo? get a few huragok to turn into techie version of aburther or is it stargate ? if ya had been on earth you would've noticed been noticed and so forth
The most impressive ones is some kind of bacteria recently found in deap ocean or something. It uses electricity for everything and nothing else. It uses electricity for enery. But that is not that impressive.

The impressive part is that, it only receives electricity and nothing else. Somehow that little bugger is converting electricity to elements it needs! A real biological Energy-to-Matter converter!

Ignoring the other batshit things in your post, this is really egregiously dumb. Do you get your science news from tabloids? You use a lot of numbers in your ramble and make projections, but you seem to gasp at this ludicrous (and impossible) claim as some great triumph of biology as if it actually exists. Which it doesn't.

Energy to matter conversion in bacteria. Jesus wept.
Mabey try cybernetics ect (just a random idea, because I don't think ive seen anyone do this yet, ignore if you don't think it will fit)

Hmm, some other ways to boost efficiency:

1. Nitrogen Fixing - Nitrogen makes up a big portion of our atmosphere, but is chemically useless to most organisms in that state. In nature, some microbes have a way to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, letting plants make use of it.

However, in nature this process is expensive and inefficient, putting a hard cap on how much plant life is possible in an area.

The Haber process meanwhile is far more efficient due to relying on relatively simple factors of chemistry. In fact, humans have pretty much taken over the nitrogen cycle and our industry produces far more nitrogen rich fertilizer than the rest of Earth's ecosystem.

So, if nitrogen/ammonia is a limiting factor for the zerg, they could whip up some kind of zerg structure that harvests nitrogen from the atmosphere to make fertilizer for the creep. This process might be one of those things you have to research on each world due to differing ratios of nitrogen in the atmosphere and different pressures.

2. Tool use - Instead of each zerg having to grow spines or claws, give them grasping appendages to use tools. Then, some specialized structures or zerg can make spines or blades to distribute as tools, possibly at higher durability or speed than individual zerg organisms can grow.

Or just limit it to growing armored covering or weaving vests and stuff out of silk. So you just need one "crafter" zerg to make armor and tools for many zerglings or drones. Or it could be a feature to add to the overlords since they already seem to increase the population limit via psychic controls and can carry zerg around, might as well have them knitting up armored sweaters or making tools for the minions under them.
Hmm, some other ways to boost efficiency:

1. Nitrogen Fixing - Nitrogen makes up a big portion of our atmosphere, but is chemically useless to most organisms in that state. In nature, some microbes have a way to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, letting plants make use of it.

However, in nature this process is expensive and inefficient, putting a hard cap on how much plant life is possible in an area.

The Haber process meanwhile is far more efficient due to relying on relatively simple factors of chemistry. In fact, humans have pretty much taken over the nitrogen cycle and our industry produces far more nitrogen rich fertilizer than the rest of Earth's ecosystem.

So, if nitrogen/ammonia is a limiting factor for the zerg, they could whip up some kind of zerg structure that harvests nitrogen from the atmosphere to make fertilizer for the creep. This process might be one of those things you have to research on each world due to differing ratios of nitrogen in the atmosphere and different pressures.

2. Tool use - Instead of each zerg having to grow spines or claws, give them grasping appendages to use tools. Then, some specialized structures or zerg can make spines or blades to distribute as tools, possibly at higher durability or speed than individual zerg organisms can grow.

Or just limit it to growing armored covering or weaving vests and stuff out of silk. So you just need one "crafter" zerg to make armor and tools for many zerglings or drones. Or it could be a feature to add to the overlords since they already seem to increase the population limit via psychic controls and can carry zerg around, might as well have them knitting up armored sweaters or making tools for the minions under them.

Some good insights.

1. He'll have to find out how to do that first, but once he does, he will probably impliment it.

2. i have plans for that.
I see 3 big problems with the Zerg. There is 3 reasons why Zerg couldn't defeat Terran's let alone protoss. (That I see)

1- No technology: While zerg is great at biological technology, and are using psionics, they are lacking at all other areas. Because of this, they couldn't use tactical options that Terran's and Protoss use. Which is a big problem.

2- No intelligent units: There is so few intelligent units in Zerg. There is Overmind, Celebrates, Terran hybrids. Maybe a few more. But In terms of Zerg population, there is very very few intelligent beings. Which is a disadvantage when all Terran's are Sapient, and thinking beings.
Now I don't know about how faster Terran's tech is developing compared to Zerg biology.
In short term Zerg is better at adopting to Terran tech. But zerg isn't evolving naturally.(I could be wrong) Zerg needs new essence for evolving.
And that is what limits Zerg.

While Terran tech is advancing faster and faster.

In middle and long term Terran's technology begins to counter Zerg's faster than Zerg could adapt.

If overmind created a new sapient unit, which only purpose is to create and use technologies, tactics etc, in long term Zerg's could counter Terran's and even maybe Protoss's tech advantage.

Remember in games (if I remember right) Zerg breeds faster and usually more numerous than others. But better tech generally negates this advantage.

3-No evolving: All life is evolving. That is nature of life. It is how nature adopts.
But somehow Zerg's aren't mutating. Because of this, there is no mutations and Zerg is relying on foreign essences. Which is a weakness.

The evolution is a brute forcing process. All life is evolving. And all life whose unable to live in new conditions are dying. The rest is living.

But evolution isn't a perfect system. Mutations are generally random. Meaning that while a creature recently died couldn't adapt to new conditions, that creature also could have a lot of beneficial mutations. But now that this creature is died, all these mutating is lost.

Also evolution only develops a species until that species is surviving. Than evolution slows down. Why? Because every member of this species lives and dies of natural causes, new mutations spread speed to species is slows down.

Because of this, human species after developing civilization, creating towns and cities slowed their advancement of human body. Only mental (neuron, brain etc development) is advancing rapidly. We are each generation became smarter and smarter. We even found people with eidetic people etc more and more.

But rest of our body? Of course evolution isn't stopped. But it is slowed down.

In future scientists planning to copy all unique and better genes and add them to human body.

I hope you add mutations back to Zerg.

Of course this is my opinion.

Also look at this LINK
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Just something to nitpick over, black absorbs more frequencies of light that just green. There were some carbontubes or something that were made into a sheet that's meant to absorb microwaves as well,[edit: basically 2-5x better solar panels] this was 5-15 years ago when I saw the short documentary. Like with most new tech things, it doesn't seem to have gotten anywhere.

Quick search for something like it:
It is possible to fully absorb electromagnetic radiation using an anisotropic crystal, report scientists. Electromagnetic energy harvesting in the visible spectrum is very important for photovoltaics -- the conversion of solar energy into direct current electricity. Absorbing materials in the microwave range of frequencies have an application that is equally as important, say scientists who are now able to reduce the radar visibility of an aircraft.

So, basically the Khardian crystal is that suped up to 11.
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I see 3 big problems with the Zerg. There is 3 reasons why Zerg couldn't defeat Terran's let alone protoss. (That I see)

1- No technology: While zerg is great at biological technology, and are using psionics, they are lacking at all other areas. Because of this, they couldn't use tactical options that Terran's and Protoss use. Which is a big problem.

2- No intelligent units: There is so few intelligent units in Zerg. There is Overmind, Celebrates, Terran hybrids. Maybe a few more. But In terms of Zerg population, there is very very few intelligent beings. Which is a disadvantage when all Terran's are Sapient, and thinking beings.
Now I don't know about how faster Terran's tech is developing compared to Zerg biology.
In short term Zerg is better at adopting to Terran tech. But zerg isn't evolving naturally.(I could be wrong) Zerg needs new essence for evolving.
And that is what limits Zerg.

While Terran tech is advancing faster and faster.

In middle and long term Terran's technology begins to counter Zerg's faster than Zerg could adapt.

If overmind created a new sapient unit, which only purpose is to create and use technologies, tactics etc, in long term Zerg's could counter Terran's and even maybe Protoss's tech advantage.

Remember in games (if I remember right) Zerg breeds faster and usually more numerous than others. But better tech generally negates this advantage.

3-No evolving: All life is evolving. That is nature of life. It is how nature adopts.
But somehow Zerg's aren't mutating. Because of this, there is no mutations and Zerg is relying on foreign essences. Which is a weakness.

The evolution is a brute forcing process. All life is evolving. And all life whose unable to live in new conditions are dying. The rest is living.

But evolution isn't a perfect system. Mutations are generally random. Meaning that while a creature recently died couldn't adapt to new conditions, that creature also could have a lot of beneficial mutations. But now that this creature is died, all these mutating is lost.

Also evolution only develops a species until that species is surviving. Than evolution slows down. Why? Because every member of this species lives and dies of natural causes, new mutations spread speed to species is slows down.

Because of this, human species after developing civilization, creating towns and cities slowed their advancement of human body. Only mental (neuron, brain etc development) is advancing rapidly. We are each generation became smarter and smarter. We even found people with eidetic people etc more and more.

But rest of our body? Of course evolution isn't stopped. But it is slowed down.

In future scientists planning to copy all unique and better genes and add them to human body.

I hope you add mutations back to Zerg.

Of course this is my opinion.

Also look at this LINK

Well obviously i plan to do more than just evolve and mutate.

Just something to nitpick over, black absorbs more frequencies of light that just green. There were some carbontubes or something that were made into a sheet that's meant to absorb microwaves as well,[edit: basically 2-5x better solar panels] this was 5-15 years ago when I saw the short documentary. Like with most new tech things, it doesn't seem to have gotten anywhere.

Quick search for something like it:
It is possible to fully absorb electromagnetic radiation using an anisotropic crystal, report scientists. Electromagnetic energy harvesting in the visible spectrum is very important for photovoltaics -- the conversion of solar energy into direct current electricity. Absorbing materials in the microwave range of frequencies have an application that is equally as important, say scientists who are now able to reduce the radar visibility of an aircraft.

So, basically the Khardian crystal is that suped up to 11.

Yes, the zerg will probaby be switching to pure Khaydarin Crystal energy at some point in the future.
3-No evolving: All life is evolving. That is nature of life. It is how nature adopts.
But somehow Zerg's aren't mutating. Because of this, there is no mutations and Zerg is relying on foreign essences. Which is a weakness.

The evolution is a brute forcing process. All life is evolving. And all life whose unable to live in new conditions are dying. The rest is living.
Zergs are constantly evolving, remember stentman logs back in wings of liberty? and it is done as a effectively parallel process by every single zerg alive. essence is only needed for specific mutations without doing the grunt work.

let me put it this way, normal zerg evolution is having a mountain of monkeys on typewriters, with beings like abathur and overmind being the ones who are human writers thinking about writing out a good story/mutation/evolution. Essences are essentially pages that outlined the story with snippets already written for them removing the need to think about most of the story content and just fill in the pieces to write the work they needed based on the pages.